NOTE: If you have not yet read "The Fall From Perfection", or "The Restoration of ALL Things", you might do so before reading this article. These will better prepare you for what you are about to read here. |
Book of Revelation PAST, PRESENT, OR FUTURE? |
Most say that the Prophecies in the Book of Revelation cover matters past, present, and future. Is this so? Does it make a difference? Oh boy, does it ever. Read and Learn. There is a great deception concerning this very subject. A deception produced by Satan to blind Jah's people to their ULTIMATE COMMISSION!
There are those, myself included,
that believe both by world circumstances fitted together and compared
with Bible prophecy, and by direct or personal revelation from Yahweh,
that we are fast approaching the end of the age and the return of Jahshuah. The Bible clearly teaches us through
prophetic scripture,
as we shall see, that at this time in history there will be two
"Super Powers" in existence on the earth. One of those super
powers is to destroy the other super power by "FIRE", in
"ONE HOUR"! A very sudden destruction, and a destruction so
devastating, that it will leave much of the land desolate.
By these prophetic scriptures I
will show you in future articles that it is no accident that at
present, there are two such super powers, even
though one appears to be "dead". Neither is it
just a coincidence one can destroy the other with a sudden desolating
fire, and not only can . . . BUT WILL!!!
Because of so many commonly held
beliefs concerning this day, and the Book of Revelation in relation to
it's events, I feel it necessary to adequately preface this future
treatise with some facts of which the general believer is not aware.
There are those that believe and
preach the whole Book of Revelation covers matters that are past,
present, and future from the day of John, the Apostle who wrote the
Book. This is not so.
In Rev 1:1, we see the purpose of
this book is to lay out for us what the future holds. The point from
which the future is seen is from the day the Apostle John received
this revelation. This was around 95 A.D., and therefore the events
shown, were events that were to transpire AFTER that date. (Throughout
this writing, I will add emphasis to words and clauses of which I am
quoting for clarifying and identifying the thought of the context that
I want you to see.)
"The revelation of Jahshuah, which
Jah gave unto
him, to shew unto his servants things which MUST SHORTLY COME TO
PASS." This scripture clearly defines the purpose of the visions John was about to be given. By these visions, Yahweh's servants are to learn of things to happen in John's future, "which must shortly come to pass". |
1:4 . . .
"John to the seven churches which ARE in Asia: Grace be
unto you, and peace, from
him which is, and which was, and which is to come; and from
the seven spirits which are before his throne." Rev
1:8 . . .
"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith
Jah, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the
Some want to use the statements in
the above passages, "Which is, and which was, and which is to
come", as a basis for saying the Book of Revelation covers things
past, present, and future. This statement in each verse is NOT
referring to the visions, or to anything else that may be said in this
book. It is referring to Jahshuah Himself, and ONLY to Him. Read these
two verses again for yourself, and you too will wonder why there are
those that insist otherwise. Rev
1:19 . . .
"Write the things which thou hast seen, and the things
which are, and the things which shall be hereafter."
Here again, men use this verse to back their theory that the
entire Book of Revelation covers the past, present, and future. This
conclusion is entirely out of context. The phrase, "and the
things which shall be hereafter", stands for itself. It is the
original purpose of the book. That leaves us with the other two
phrases, "things which thou HAST SEEN", and "things
WHICH ARE". This is before he has seen the visions in the rest of
the book. He has NOT as yet SEEN THEM. Therefore, the "hast
seen" cannot be referring to them.
To find the context in which these
statements, "things thou hast seen", and "the things
which are", are made, let us go back and begin with verse 10, of
Rev 1.
"I was in the spirit on Jah's day, and heard behind
me a great voice, as of a trumpet, saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the
first and the last; and what thou SEEST (present
tense), write in a
book and send it unto the seven churches which ARE in Asia . ." John
is told by Jahshuah, to write what he sees. What does John now see??? Rev
1:12 . . .
"And I turned to SEE the voice that spake with me. And
being turned, I SAW seven golden candlesticks; and in the midst
of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a
garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden
girdle." Verses
14 and 15 continue to describe Jahshuah as he, John, was SEEING
Him. Then, in verse 16
John writes . .
"And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his
mouth went a sharp two edged sword: and his
countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength."
John, at this moment of his
experience, is presently seeing something. Jahshuah tells John to write
in a book what he is seeing, and send it to the seven churches
which "ARE" in Asia.
He is seeing Jahshuah, which he
thoroughly describes. He sees Him standing in the midst of seven
golden candlesticks, seven stars in His right hand, and a sharp two
edged sword proceeding from his mouth.
This is what John is presently
SEEING, and ALL that he is seeing, and is the present subject matter.
The OTHER visions that are to come have NOT YET been in this
experience of John's receiving revelation from Jahshuah. He knows
nothing of them as yet. Nothing is being referred to at this point,
but what is now taking place, what he is seeing right now. Verse
20 explains the mystery, the hidden truth of what John has
just seen:
mystery, of the seven stars which thou SAWEST in my right hand, and
the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars ARE the angels
of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou SAWEST
ARE the seven churches."
Jahshuah is getting ready to show
John what is to be "hereafter", but BEFORE He does that, He
is taking care of the first items of business. Messages to the
seven churches, WHICH ARE, about the mysteries he has JUST SEEN.
Chapters 2 and 3, then give us a
discourse of those messages to be delivered to those seven churches,
which are actually matters that still pertain to us today. This takes
care of the first item of business. Jahshuah is the boss, John the
secretary. Jahshuah is telling John the secretary, "I am going to
show you what is to come to pass in the future so that you can tell my
servants about it. But first, I want to get some letters dictated that
you are to send to each of the seven churches in Asia". AFTER
THIS, after they have gotten this order of business taken care of,
they then get into the primary purpose of this book, "the
things HEREAFTER". This primary
purpose of the Book begins with chapter four. It starts out
identifying this to us by saying ... Rev
"AFTER THIS, I looked, and,
behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard
was, as it were, of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up
hither, and I will show thee things which MUST BE HEREAFTER.
And IMMEDIATELY I was in the spirit . . ." From here and on, John is into the primary purpose of this book, and not until now COULD he have been, for ONLY NOW had he been caught up into the spirit to be ABLE to see them. Only NOW has he come to the place that he can see the things which MUST BE HEREAFTER, so that he can write it and give it to Yahweh's servants, which were a whole lot more people than just seven churches in Asia. He has already written concerning the things that he had seen and which are. He now begins writing about the things which must be hereafter. |
A "door" is opened up
to him so that he can pass from this earthly realm into the
heavenly, spirit, or supernatural realm. This door is allowing
John to pass from one dimension into another to receive his heavenly
visions that describe what shall come to pass "hereafter".
As soon as he passes through this door at the command of the trumpet
like voice, he is immediately in the spirit, and he
remains there throughout the rest of the book. For what reason? I
reduntantly repeat, to see the things which must be hereafter, meaning
AFTER the day of John.
Preaching anything from beyond this point as being something
past or present to John and his day, is NOT in line with what Jahshuah
said, but against it!!! That kind of preaching comes from out
of the carnal mind, which is hostile, or opposed to and opposite of
what the Word says, and in fact calls Jahshuah A LIAR! Jahshuah says
quite plainly that what He is now going to show John what MUST BE
Because Jahshuah said it, we should believe it. Who are we
going to listen to and follow, man, or the one who died for us??? We
should not care if a million ministers, or a thousand thousand
angels say otherwise, we should NOT BELIEVE THEM. Jahshuah should be
our only Master and King, and it is to Him we should listen to and
follow, NOT MAN! "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well
pleased. HEAR YE HIM."
We should have a reject program in our computer brain. In
that program should be a phase that immediately rejects that which
is opposed to Jah's Word. The problem is, we haven't enough of Jah's
Word in our computer, to even know what IS opposite of the truth. This should no longer be the case concerning the Book of Revelation, and whether or not it is covering past, present, or future events to John and his day. From the fourth chapter and ON, it is ALL FUTURE to John. Trying to see his revealing visions in any other manner will confuse your mind; will contradict and confuse the Word; will rob you of seeing what is happening NOW; and will keep you from seeing what YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IS BEFORE Jah!
12:7-9 . . .
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels
fought against the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels, And
prevailed not; neither was THEIR PLACE found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was CAST OUT, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: HE WAS CAST
OUT INTO THE EARTH, and his angels with him."
For the most part,
"preachers" are preaching, and "believers" are
believing this event took place in the beginning at the time Satan
first rebelled against Jah. If you did not have a general knowledge
of the Word; the context and setting in which these very scriptures
appear; or what Jahshuah said at the beginning of this Book of
Revelation, it might sound like a credible claim. To back up this position that Satan was cast out of heaven in the beginning and is now supposedly no longer in heaven, but on the earth, they use scriptures such as 2nd Peter 2:4, Luke 10:18, Isa 14 and Ezekiel 28. Isa
14 is not telling us of something that has already transpired. Verse
12 tells us that his fall, his being cast from heaven, comes after
he weakens the nations. There weren't any nations when Satan first
rebelled. We see other statements such as...
"I WILL ascend"... "Yet
thou SHALT BE brought down"... "They that see thee SHALL
narrowly look upon thee"... "Thou shalt not BE joined with
them in burial".
These are all statements that put these verses into a future
context. Read them for yourself.
It is the same for Ez 28. In
particular, verses 16 and 17 say things such as, "
. . . I WILL cast thee out of the MOUNTAIN OF Jah [the
heavenly realm] . . .
I WILL destroy thee . . . I WILL cast
thee to the ground
[the earth]".
All of this is again presented to us in future
tense. It does not contain what Jah HAS DONE, but what He WILL DO to
Satan, and WILL DO long after he first rebelled.
Read Luke 10:17-18. Jahshuah at this time is not illogically
throwing in a statement about some past event. He was seeing a
vision concerning a future one, stirred by what was taking place
among His disciples. Jahshuah, a prophet, does not prophesy in
hindsight. He saw people beginning to overcome the devil, and He
knew that it was the overcoming that would cause the casting of Satan
out of heaven, just as Rev 12 that we are considering says.
Second Peter 2:4 is not talking of the beginning either, but
of the time of the flood. Read verse 5 with verse 4, and then
compare to some other scriptures such as Gen 6:2 and Jude 6.
We have just seen there ARE NOT ANY scriptures to collaborate
with the premise this war between Michael and Satan, and the
resulting casting down to earth took place at the beginning. So now
let us read these events in their total context. Rev
12:7-12 . . .
there was war in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the
dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, and prevailed not; . And the
great dragon was CAST OUT, that old serpent, called the DEVIL, and Satan,
which DECEIVETH the whole world: he was cast out into THE
EARTH, and his angels were cast out with him. And I heard a loud
voice saying in heaven, NOW
is come salvation, and strength, and THE KINGDOM of our Elohim, and
the POWER of His Messiah: for
the accuser of our brethren is CAST DOWN,
which accused them before our Elohim day and night. And
they overcame
him by the blood of the lamb, and by the Word of their testimony,
and they loved not their lives unto the death. Therefore REJOICE, ye
heavens, and ye that dwell in them. WOE to the inhabiters of the
earth and of the sea! for the devil IS come down unto you,
having GREAT WRATH, because he knoweth that he hath but a SHORT
about three and one half years.)
First of all, allow me to point out to you a pertinent
fact. From the time of this war, and the casting down to earth
of Satan and his angels and ON, they will NEVER AGAIN be seen in
heaven. There will never again be ANY PLACE for them in that
realm "neither was their place FOUND ANY MORE IN
If this had happened at the beginning, then NO
WHERE in the Bible could we find Satan or his angels in heaven
before the throne of Jah. Yet here in verse 10, we see they are
there right now, and are there DAY AND NIGHT, "which
accused them before our Elohim day and night".
Obviously, Satan is there every day RIGHT NOW and will be until he
is OVERCOME and overcome by people ON THIS EARTH, that have
overcome him by establishing the KINGDOM OF Jah through the
authority and power of Jahshuah the King. If you did not
catch that when you read through this scripture the first time, go
back and read it again.
Can we identify what time period this overcoming takes place?
We certainly can, and quite easily too. First of all it happens when
the KINGDOM of Jah finally manifests on this earth, and
manifests through the Overcomers who are anointed with the POWER OF
HIS messiah, and His
authority as He is the Name above ALL names unto which every knee
shall have to bow.
Secondly, we can identify it as the "great
tribulation" time period. Verse 12 warns WOE to the inhabiters
of the earth, for now Satan is coming with great wrath to destroy
everything that opposes him and his "anti-Christ" son's rule. From
here unto the end there will be a reign of terror on the earth worse
than anyone's nightmare. All those that will not submit to the
"anti-Christ's" dominion will be slaughtered, including whole entire
nations. Truly it will be the time of the "great
tribulation", the worst time this earth has ever seen. This all
by itself conclusively proves to us that the Kingdom of Jah is
established BEFORE the great tribulation. Go back and read the
sequence of events once again. There is an overcoming of Satan
which brings forth the Kingdom of Jah, which causes the casting
of Satan out of heaven, which then brings his wrath upon this
earth. We already know the "anti-Christ" kingdom will be in full
swing during this time, for this is what is bringing such
destruction to the earth.
The casting of Satan and his angels out of heaven and to the
earth takes place just before the great tribulation starts. This is
caused by overcomers establishing the Kingdom of Jah.
(See the "Restoration of All Things"
Listen up folks. Satan cannot be cast out of heaven until he
has been overcome. Prove to me otherwise. In that
overcoming is the reversal of the "fall", and in that
reversal comes the manifestation of the Kingdom of Jah as He
prophecies in Daniel. (ie "and the Kingdom shall be given
unto the saints of the Most High.) After this "overcoming
" has transpired, THEN, and I might say, NOT UNTIL THEN, does the
great tribulation start, and then it is when "anti-Christ" sets up his
rule on Mt. Zion in Jerusalem, which immediately proceeds from Satan's
being cast out of heaven.
Daniel tells us in 11:45 and 12:1-2 of his writings, that the
standing up of Michael to fight this war to cast out Satan will take
place when the "anti-Christ" sets up his world rule from Mount Zion in
Jerusalem. This is the beginning of the period when there
shall be trouble on this earth as there never has been before,
and is a clear identification for not only the "great
tribulation" time period, but for Satan coming in wrath.
Therefore, the Overcomers establishing the Kingdom which causes Satan's
"casting out and down" not only takes place BEFORE the
tribulation, but WAY BEFORE THE TIME WHEN Jahshuah RETURNS. This will
disappoint a number of readers who are planning on going to heaven
before all of this takes place. I guess they do not want to take
part in the greatest move of Jah this earth has ever seen or
experienced. Does not total scripture clarify itself, and so easily
define and pin point time periods???
Saying that Satan was cast out of heaven in the beginning is
a carnal minded doctrine that is totally opposite of the
truth. The more you read the articles on this site,
the more you will understand the backward thinking of the
"carnal mind". A mind with which we are all plagued,
and is what is used by the Satanic spirits to try and hold us
captive to their "Strong Delusion". It
did not happen in the beginning as most people say, BUT exactly
the opposite, AT THE
END!!! Imagine that, Jahshuah really knew what He was talking
about back in Rev 4:1, when He told John He was going to show him
things which MUST BE hereafter.
is the DECEIVER of the whole earth. The Satanic doctrine that
says this casting out of heaven and to the earth took place at the
beginning, blinds a person to the war that is going on, and going on
RIGHT NOW!!! This eliminates a soldier from the battle field. It is
not just a little bit of error, it is a damning one. Do you see it? The victory in heaven cannot, and WILL NOT be attained, until a people on earth overcome the devil who is a DECEIVER and an ACCUSER. Those who overcome, are DIRECTLY TIED TO, and are participating in, this victory. If no one overcame and established the Kingdom of Yahweh on earth, then the war between Michael and Satan could never take place. "NOW is come. . . THE KINGDOM of our God, and the POWER of His Messiah: for the accuser of our brethren is CAST DOWN . . . And they overcame him by . . .". If you were Satan, wouldn't you want to deceive people so they would not know these things? And, does not the doctrine that says this war and casting down took place at the beginning do just that; and blind us to our responsibility of establishing Yahweh's Kingdom???
Maybe we have not known these things, but you can believe Satan
he CANNOT be thrown out of heaven UNTIL he is OVERCOME.
By the WORD OF Jah, that overcoming is NOT COMPLETE until the
Kingdom IS established. If Satan could keep us blind to this
fact, he could win. If you were Satan, would you not work overtime to ACCOMPLISH
THIS??? Would you not do your very best to DELUDE PEOPLE so they
would not know about it??? And how would you go about doing
that??? Would you not have to send liars and deceivers into the
Church to DECEIVE THEM??? Do you see why Jah is calling us out
of Babylon's confusion??? By the time you finish reading the pages
on this site, you will understand just how strong the "Strong
Delusion" is, the damage to us that it is doing, why I mention
it so much, and WHY those that preach and believe it WILL BE
DAMNED! (2nd Thes 2:11)
People, there is a war going on, and we are suppose to be
prime soldiers on the battle field. One of the main areas of war
that we are to overcome is that of DECEPTION. We must become aware
of it. Jah has commanded Jahshuah to sit at His right hand
until His enemies are defeated (made His footstool). This is done by
the Overcomers who overcome the devil, and his strong delusion
deceptions to ESTABLISH THE KINGDOM OF Jah, just as it is
prophesied in the Book of Daniel!!! Do you really think that those who lazily succumb to Satan's deceptions are going to rule and reign with Jahshuah in His Kingdom for eternity??? Hardly! Who would want a person to rule with Him that is a defeated blind coward, that never fought or worked for even a day to defeat the very enemy of His throne? He sure isn't going to have anyone ruling with Him who PREACHED THE DEVIL'S LIES AND DECEPTIONS, is He??? It is time for the dry dead bones to come to life, and to awaken to what not only is going on in this earth, but in heaven as well. We are in a war over which Kingdom will rule the earth whether we realize it, or like it; and our very soul's position for eternity is at stake.
The destruction of Babylon by the Red Beast and its rulers is to take place after John's day of 95 A.D., but can we clearly identify WHICH DAY? Absolutely! In Mat 24:21-22, Jahshuah tells us the great tribulation time period will be the worst time this earth has ever experienced, and, unless those days were shortened no flesh would be left alive because its destructive force will be so great. (NOTE:
The "Great Tribulation" is the time of "Jacob's
Trouble". Jacob's name was changed to Israel. Because
of this, everyone should find out WHO the True descendants of Israel
ARE, as this should scare the Babylon out of every Israelite on this
earth. For starters, read "So
Who Is The House of Israel".)
In verse 29 of this chapter, Jahshuah gives us some marks of
identification for this time period. With those we can then find other
scriptures that have to do with this great tribulation. These marks
" ... shall the sun be darkened, and the
moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven,
and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken". Isa
13 also deals with the destruction of the end day Babylon. Verse 1
identifies Babylon as the subject of the chapter
. . .
"The burden of BABYLON,
which Isaiah the son of Amos did see." Then
it continues by saying what this burden is in verses 6-13, of which I
will quote not all, but a few excerpts . . .
"Howl ye; for the DAY of
Jah is at hand; it
shall come as a DESTRUCTION from the Almighty . . . Behold, the day of
DESOLATE: and He shall destroy the sinners thereof OUT OF IT. For the
STARS of heaven and the constellations thereof shall NOT give their
light: the SUN SHALL BE DARKENED in his going forth, and the MOON
shall NOT cause her light to shine . . . Therefore I will SHAKE
THE HEAVENS, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath
of Jah and in the day of His fierce anger."
Here we see the destruction of Babylon by Jah is done in His fierce anger. At what time does this take
place??? When the stars, sun, and moon are darkened and the heavens
and earth are shaken. The VERY TIME Jahshuah identifies for us as the
end of the great tribulation time period. Therefore, it is vividly
clear. The described Babylonian Empire of Rev 17 and 18 that is to be
destroyed by a Red Beast and its rulers, will receive that destruction
during, or at the end of the great tribulation.
We just read this day is the
"DAY OF JAH" . . . "a
destruction from the Almighty".
How will he accomplish this? By putting into the
hearts of the "anti-Christ" and his ten kings to fulfill His will. What
is His will??? Rev 17:16 tells us that it will be the WILL OF Jah for
. . .
"these shall HATE the whore, and
shall make her desolate, and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and BURN
A devastating destruction that occurs during the
worst time this earth has ever experienced! And . . . it is to happen
IN OUR DAY! If Babylon is the United States, and the Red Beast is Red
Communism in Russia, wouldn't you want to know it so that you
could escape such a destruction?! These are the reasons why I am sounding the ALARM!!! The United States of America, was suppose to become a NATIONAL ZION, but became The GREAT WHORE instead!!! Oh, how we exclaim our glory, and how great a "Christian Nation" we are, when the fact is, we are the WORST NATION this earth has ever seen!!! Take the blinders off and take a good look around. Show me a nation in history that has had more wickedness in it than what this nation does. Our nation's leaders are bringing forth the New World Order, and the "Mark of the Beast" system of buying and selling. We are in fact, instead of establishing Jah's Kingdom, are establishing the KINGDOM OF "ANTI-CHRIST"!!! Every deception being preached from the pulpits is designed to blind us to this reality. That which concerns whether the Book of Revelation is Past, Present, or Future is a major part of that deception. Especially so when it comes to when the casting of Satan out of heaven takes place, and what it is that causes his being cast out. |
Let him who will understand,