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which Kingdom shall we dwell, In
all the lies which they sell? Jahshuah
is not the voice of clamoring religion He
is the Truth and reigns above all such confusion The
Savior died to give us the Kingdom By His blood to obtain our freedom |
Here-in is the Glory that is coming, and for that which we all long whether we realize what it is we are longing for or not. This is what "Reverses The Contradiction" and turns our mourning into dancing, bringing forth a joy we have not yet comprehended, let alone experienced. Peter
tells us in Acts 3:20-21 . . . “And
He shall send Jahshuah our Messiah, which before was preached unto you: Whom the heaven MUST
receive (must retain, keep) UNTIL the RESTITUTION (restoration)
of ALL THINGS, which Jah
SPOKEN by the mouth of ALL His Holy Prophets since the world began!!!” |
What is meant by this verse? Since Jahshuah must remain in heaven, and therefore cannot return until this "restitution" takes place, shouldn’t we know what it means? How important an event is this “restoration (restitution) of ALL things”??? It must be important, or why else would Jah Himself be speaking about it through ALL of His Holy Prophets since the world began??? If Jah was speaking about it from the BEGINNING, then is He not speaking about it throughout the Bible from that beginning???
I hear many saying they are a prophet of Jah. Are any of them prophesying
concerning this "restitution"???
Are our “ministers” of today telling us about this subject that
evidently MUST
run through the entire Word of Jah???
If ALL of the Holy Prophets thought it was such a key issue they ALL spoke about it,
then why aren’t ALL of the "prophets" and “ministers” of today speaking about it???
Are we being victimized by any delusion concerning this matter???
If so, where did it come from, AND
is it???
We are told by most of the “ministers” the Kingdom of
Jah will NOT
manifest on this earth until AFTER the return of Jahshuah.
Is this the Truth, or a damnable heresy?
If it is Truth, then we all can just STAY
RELAXED in the self centered
building of our own kingdom, our own comfort zone on this earth.
If it is a lie, then we had better WAKE UP, and wake up FAST
by the renting of our veil!!! Isn’t it
Jah’s purpose to establish His Kingdom on this earth at
the destruction of Satan’s Kingdom of Darkness???
If so, then wouldn’t this ALSO
be a key subject in the Bible??? Does the manifesting of the Kingdom of Jah on this earth have any correlation to the “Restoration of ALL THINGS”??? If they both run through the whole Word of Jah, then wouldn’t they somehow be tied together??? If they do tie together, then WHY haven’t we known it??? Does Jahshuah's sacrifice have anything to do with these matters??? The
“restitution” in the above scripture is speaking of the restoration of
something LOST!!! If nothing was lost, then no restitution would be required.
This scripture does not speak of some small matter.
It says, “Restitution (which means
restoration) OF ALL THINGS”!!!
Did you hear the “ALL” in
the “ALL THINGS”???
Peter is telling us there is to be a restoration of something lost, and
that something lost was EVERYTHING!!! And, that
Jahshuah cannot return UNTIL
restoration has taken place!!! When was EVERYTHING LOST??? In
the beginning!!! And, this
restoring was such a key issue that Jah spoke through ALL
of His Holy Prophets about the getting back of this “EVERYTHING LOST”. If
spoke about it from the beginning, then is not this at least a part of HIS
PURPOSE on this earth??? By the Law of
Jah, a “restitution” MUST BE PAID
in restoring something lost.
If Jahshuah paid the restitution price through His sacrifice to give us
this “restoration”, then His sacrifice CERTAINLY
DOES have something to do with the restoration of all things!!!
Are you hearing me??? If He paid a price to restore something to us, shouldn’t we be told what it is that He has restored??? And, would this not in the purpose of Jah be the very reason why He went to the cross to pay the necessary price for restitution??? Maybe the blind guides of today don’t think it is of any importance, but Jah, and ALL of His Holy Prophets thought so!!! And, so did Jahshuah, for this was the very reason why He went to the cross for us in our place! He died to redeem us from the fall of Adam, and Eve, and in that death through the cross unto resurrection, to restore unto us EVERYTHING THEY LOST in their falling!!! And, He cannot return until His sacrifice HAS MANIFESTED THAT RESTORATION!!! Are you getting it???
have spoken and written much in the past about our being held in a captivity to the Kingdom of Darkness.
A Kingdom of Contradiction. I have shown how Truth delivers us from this
captivity, as it is Truth which exposes the Lies and by that exposure, SETS US
Now we are going to get into some eye opening Truth which will expose
some atrociously damaging heresies. We
are being held in a captivity to what is scripturally known as
“Babylon”. “Babylon” has
two sides. One is Religious, and
the other Political / Economics. It
is the Religious side that we must be delivered from FIRST, before we can come
out of the Political Economics, which is the coming out of the “Mark of the
Beast”. Religious Babylon has held us through lies, illusions, traditions, and
superstitions, we have believed as being the Truth.
This has kept us from obtaining a fulfilled life, for the fulfilled life CANNOT
be found in the realm of “EVERYTHING
LOST”. Fulfillment can only
be found by being restored to the position where fulfillment was planned for us
from the beginning. The being
unfulfilled PROVES our captivity to a
I will not in this writing go into what all is represented by the lies
involved with the traditions of men, and superstitions.
Just know we are LOADED with
them. I will deal with a few in
this chapter, and especially one that is “MONSTROUS”! Lies are OPPOSITE of the Truth.
They are diametrically opposed to the Truth, and therefore preached in
direct contradiction to the Truth. It
is carnal minded theology that sees things BACKWARDS,
and then sets itself to proving the position with an ILLUSION.
That is how the “Serpent” worked, and so does the "Spirit of
Jezebel," the COUNTERFEIT
Holy Spirit that inspires carnal minded theology
through her "Serpent Ministries."
These backward theologies CALL
A LIAR, and make the cross of Jahshuah
of no effect.
I do not ask you to believe me, but what Jah has said through His Holy
Prophets in the scripture from the beginning.
If we believe the scripture is the Word of Jah, then it is what HE SAYS to which we should listen!
It is our choice to believe HIM,
or men whose veils have
been rent
by the Truth! What follows in this writing is going to be a mind boggler, believe me.
Our mind’s are so programmed with errors in our presuppositions, it is very
difficult to believe what we are reading. If
we have been programmed by a professor of mathematics to believe two plus two
equals five, we are going to have a very hard time believing it is four.
If we have believed the world is flat, how long will it take us to accept
that it is round??? When we receive the “Love for the Truth”, we will still have a
difficult time coming into Truth, but our real personage in our contaminated genetic
structure will eventually overcome the lies of men, and BELIEVE
Jah who spoke through His Holy Prophets from the beginning!!!
The time has come for us to take our ego’s to the cross, and give up
its adolescent “know it all” pride by the renting of our veil. Most of us know the famous scripture in Romans 8:28, which reads . . .
we know all things work together for good to them that LOVE
Jah, to them who are THE called according to HIS PURPOSE.” We
hear much about the FIRST part of
this verse, as we all want everything to turn out for our good.
However, there are two conditions involved
One is to LOVE Jah. We are not
loving Him when in favor of men we shut our ears to what He says.
The second condition is the “according
to HIS purpose” Somehow we read this backwards. We
fool ourselves into thinking that Jah is in Heaven to help us in OUR
purpose on this earth. We have been
helped to think so by the flavoring in EVERYTHING that
has been taught to us! He
is NOT standing ready to help us in OUR
purpose, but to help us in HIS
PURPOSE. Has anyone taught you from out of the cover to cover Word what that
purpose is??? If not, then you are
listening to someone WHO DOES NOT KNOW!!! Is
that who you want leading you, teaching you??? How can we know ANYTHING, have a proper goal in our life, a correct conceptual
understanding of the Bible, or know what we are doing here on this planet, if we
more, how can we know what Jahshuah Himself is all about if we don’t know?
I would say it is IMPOSSIBLE! In our self centered contamination, we mostly want
Jah to fulfill OUR
contrived purpose for our life. To serve us in our created purpose in
life, instead of our serving His. We,
in our backward self justifying sociopathic mind somehow think He is in heaven
to be used for OUR pleasure.
I bring shocking news to us all. We
are on this earth to be used for HIS
PLEASURE, not vice versa. We
will NEVER find fulfillment until we
come to this position. One position
is the going our own way in the Kingdom of Darkness, and the other is going
Jah's way in the Kingdom of Light.
The Kingdom of Darkness is the “Land of everything lost”,
the Kingdom of Light where everything is found, restored!!!
Restored by the sacrifice of Jahshuah.
To get to the Kingdom of Light where we DO find our fulfillment, we MUST
take up our cross with Jahshuah. This
IS the losing of one life, to find another. We are born with
an ego that is filled with the “being our own God” nature, and that nature
wants everything to revolve around itself.
It wants everyone to bow to its rule and becomes quite irritated when this is
violated. When things don’t revolve as we want them to, we get upset.
It becomes the poor, poor “me” syndrome. I hate to inform you of this upsetting knowledge, but we were NOT
created to have everything revolve around us. No one wants to revolve around
another, so the “me” that wants to be revolved around never gets satisfied.
Those that do get stuck revolving around someone’s self created world
wishes they hadn’t. No, all of creation belongs to
Jah, and if there is any revolving to be
done, it is to be done AROUND HIM, or go fish!!!
One of our greatest problems in not understanding our life, or knowing
why we are here, is NOT KNOWING the purpose
of Jah
on this earth. Without
that understanding, we do not get an adequate picture of Jahshuah's sacrifice.
Men have taught us “traditions of men” instead of the Truth, and
those traditional thought patterns have trapped us into believing lies that
totally blind us to what is indisputably happening on this earth.
As we shall see, we are living in a war zone. It is where a war between Jah and Satan; between Jahshuah and Anti-Christ; between the Kingdom of Light and the Kingdom of Darkness, is
being waged. Once your eyes are opened to this, you will see it thoroughly in the life
of Jahshuah. He did nothing but the
Will of the Father and Creator of us all. Everything
He did, whether teaching, healing, or matters such as physically clearing out
the Temple with a whip, He was coming against and destroying the works of Satan,
and HIS chosen people, and believe me, Satan DOES HAVE a chosen
people, a seed line of the Serpent.. (See
"Jacob I Loved, Esau I Hated")
is what GOT HIM KILLED!!! The ones
that crucified Him thought they were winning a crucial battle, only to find out
they had received their greatest defeat. If there is a war going on, shouldn’t we know our position in this
war??? If it is something that is
important to Jah, shouldn’t it be important to us?
Which throne are we more concerned with, HIS,
or ours??? To say it even
better, HIS OR SATAN’S??? In seeing this, we should get a fresh understanding of why all of
Jahshuah's preaching was so concerned with the Kingdom of Jah, and why He told us to PRAY
FIRST for the Kingdom (Mat.
6:10), and to SEEK FIRST the
Kingdom (Mat. 6:33). He knew the Will of Jah.
In that Will, as we shall see, the
Kingdom had to manifest on this earth THROUGH HIS PEOPLE in order for Satan, and his whole Kingdom of
Darkness to be put down, as so stipulated by Jah Himself from the very
beginning. To find out what was lost, and
Jahshuah restored unto us, we must go back
to the beginning, and find out what was, before whatever what was, was lost.
With all of the chaos we are engulfed in every day, we ought to at least have
some understanding of why we have to be here.
With that understanding, then maybe we can come to some peace about it,
and maybe even get a laugh or two from all of the craziness instead of
being driven off into the gorge of insanity ourselves. The “Bible” is a book of mysteries, with threads throughout between
its covers that unravels those mysteries. The
first three chapters of Genesis that deal with creation were written very
cryptically, so only those that were really after the Truth would come into its
knowledge. There IS much written throughout the Word that does refer to
creation, and lends to us further Light concerning it.
The 31st chapter of Ezekiel is ONE
OF THOSE CHAPTERS that does just that, and Ezekiel himself is one of those
“Holy Prophets” that Peter was speaking about.
If Ezekiel went into ANY of our “churches” today, and tried to preach what he has
said in these verses by the INSPIRATION
OF Jah, he would be DRIVEN OUT by
those who hold TRUTH in
contempt. Why would this
happen??? Because he is saying that
Adam was NOT the first person on this earth!!! Yep, you read me right. He describes the conditions on this planet when Adam was in the Garden of
Eden, and what he says by the inspiration of Jah, contradicts everything we have
been taught to believe. We, in our
blindness, and in the nature which rejects Truth, are believing something that
totally contradicts what Ezekiel says. Who
are we to believe??? Jah, who is speaking through one of His Holy Prophets, or the
lies of today??? If we do not
understand what it was like in the beginning, WE WILL
NEVER understand what we are doing here, or what our purpose in Jah’s purpose is for our life.
To give poor Ezekiel some advantage in our minds, let me first give you
some things to think about in Genesis. In
verses 10-14 of chapter 2, we are told about four rivers that flowed out from
Eden. The second river was called
“Gihon” which encompassed “THE
third river was named Hiddekel, and this one flowed out “TOWARD
THE EAST OF ASSYRIA”! How could there be TWO COUNTRIES mentioned in conjunction with these two
rivers, if there were no other people besides Adam and Eve???
You cannot have a country without there being people who created that
country. Here it is clearly said
that the countries of Ethiopia, and Assyria existed at the time Adam and Eve
were in the Garden of Eden!!! Then in Genesis 4:13 - 14, we read a statement made by Cain to
Jah concerning his judgment. . .
is obviously confused, right? Who is going to “find him” if no one is out there to find
him??? Jah should have straightened
this nut out by telling him there wasn’t anyone out there that could kill him,
right? It’s like, come on Cain,
get real. Your paranoia is without
foundation. To our mixed up thinking, that is what
Jah should have said, but no, it
wasn’t what He said. There WERE other people that would kill Cain if they did find
him. Cain was right, and Jah condescended to Cain.
Jah said
in answer to Cain in verse 15:
were other people where Cain had been cast out to, and in order to keep them
from killing Cain, Jah gave Cain some sort of “mark” that would prevent such
an occurrence. If there were not
any people other than Adam and Eve, no mark would have been necessary. Then in the next verse it says . . .
Cain has a wife and a son, and BUILDS
A CITY??? What for???
Who is kidding who here??? If
you only had a wife and a son, and there wasn’t anyone else around, would you
build a city??? You have to have
people to even require a city, let alone build one. With this in mind, let us now read what Ezekiel has to say in chapter
31:2 - 9. In allegorical fashion,
Ezekiel sets forth what it was like in the Garden of Eden, and the envy for the ASSYRIAN
who was the ruler of the world at that
First, you MUST identify in which time this discourse is related. Remember, we have been programmed with presuppositions that have blinded us to what the scriptures are actually saying. When we come to such a scripture as this one, we can easily see what it is saying, but the presuppositions in our mind say something like, "Oh it can't mean that."
Forget what Babylon has programmed you to believe. It is the "Spirit of Jezebel" that does NOT want you to see this one. Just READ IT for what it says.
What does it say???
Of what time is it speaking???
This is really not a mystery, as it is very clear. It is speaking about the time of the Garden of Jah, the GARDEN OF EDEN!!! In these verses, a story concerning the days of Eden is given to us
allegorically, using symbols of trees, water, rivers, etc., to draw us a picture
of what it was like in the beginning. These
verses ARE referring to the time
Before the fall, Adam and Eve “ENVIED” this world ruler, The great
Cedar in Lebanon, and in that envy wanted what he had.
The “Serpent” came to take advantage of that envy, and through it,
seduced Eve, who in turn seduced Adam. We
have had hell on earth ever since, and until
this marital relationship is RESTORED
into its original intention in the Garden of Eden Kingdom of Jah, we
will ALWAYS have hell on earth! This
is why I have spent so much time dwelling on the marital relationship in other
writings. Until this relationship
is RESTORED, we will NOT find our place in life in fulfillment. Ezekiel speaks of Eden, the Garden of the Lord, which is very plain for
us to see. Remember now, there was
IN the Garden of Eden AFTER the fall.
The Garden of Eden still existed, but it had been cleared out through Jah’s Judgment upon Adam.
These verses indicate dialogue between people who WERE
in Eden, so Ezekiel is definitely talking about “the days of Eden”!!!! If you say no, then pray tell me, what time IS he talking
about??? I bring this up now, or you will not understand the calling upon Adam
when he was created, and placed in the Garden of Eden.
If you do NOT realize what the world was like at his creation, it would make
his calling (which we will cover in a bit)
seem rather superfluous. By these
verses, we see that Adam WAS NOT the
first “living soul” on this earth.
He was the FIRST of the Adamic seed line that was created and chosen by Jah to
fulfill His purpose on this earth, but sure was not the first person, or family
tree, that walked on this planet. Not
only does the Word of Jah say this, in spite of all the traditional thinking
that “Serpent Ministries” would have you believe, but science CONFIRMS IT!
By Bible chronology, we know that Adam was created about 6000 years ago.
Science thoroughly proves
that people have been on this earth far longer than that by thousands of years.
We see in these verses there was a World Ruling anti-Christ Empire called Assyria,
and a World Ruler, an "anti-Christ" or substitute King, called the “Assyrian” at the time of Adam’s creation,
and placement in the Garden of Eden. ALL
of the “Trees of Eden” were very envious, including Adam himself.
The “trees” represent family seed lines, just as it can today.
It is more than likely where the term “family tree” came from.
Therefore, not only was Adam NOT
the first “living soul” to walk about on the face of the earth, he wasn’t even the ONLY family tree in the Garden of Eden.
There was a whole lot more happening on this earth at the time Adam was
created than what we have been led to believe.
The “Assyrian”, refers to a Satanic ruler.
Most of the time this name is used in the Bible, it IS
referring to such an individual, for the first “anti-Christ” on this earth
was this “Assyrian”. In chapter 14 of Isaiah, we are told of Lucifer’s (Satan)
declaration of war against Jah, and his pride filled boasting of how he would
defeat him. In answer to him, Jah
says in verses 24- 27:
Here we have it folks. This IS
the purpose of Jah, and the PURPOSE
for which we are CALLED! Until
we find our purpose in this purpose, we will NEVER FIND FULFILLMENT!!! It
is the Truth that will bring us into this fulfillment, and that Truth is found IN
THE KINGDOM through the cross with Jahshuah!!! Are you getting the picture, or is your mind spinning too much to get
into a clear focus??? Assyria was Satan’s world ruling empire during the days of
Eden, and the "Assyrian" the world ruler. The earth was created, Satan
took it over, and had already started building his anti-Christ kingdom on this
earth to overthrow Jah, long before Adam came along. Jah always gives Satan a head start, and has done so again in
this day we are living in. Today, the world wide anti-Christ conspiracy is well on its way to being
formed. Few people have any idea of
what is planned for the new “One World Order” in its take over of the
world’s nations. When I tried to tell people about it twenty
years ago, I was treated like some confused clown that just got off of
the banana boat. Today we hear
about the “New World Order” wherever we look.
Still, people will NOT LISTEN to what this means to each of us.
If people understood, it would literally scare the HELL
Adam was an invader, with a commission from Jah Himself. Crush Satan and everything that resides in his kingdom. This IS the purpose of Almighty Jah on this earth!!! Why do I say Adam had this “Kingdom Mandate” to take the earth away from Satan??? Lets
read Gen. 1:28,
Now that you have read the above scripture in Ezekiel, what all would you list in the "over EVERY living thing that moveth upon the earth"??? And, what was it that Adam AND Eve were to SUBDUE??? I will give you a couple of definitions, for without a clear
understanding of words that are used here, we will not get the full
comprehension of what is being said. SUBDUE:
Whether in Hebrew, or in our own
English, this word is a MILITANT one, and means to
take by force. To conquer,
subjugate, to bring into subjection. DOMINION:
To have rulership, to reign over
with absolute authority, not letting anything or anyone undermine that
authority. Not only
were Adam AND Eve given the power, authority, and right to crush all
opposition, but with the word “dominion”,
was given absolute authority over every
living thing! We are coming
to some key scriptures in Daniel. It
is there you will see where this “Right to take DOMINION” over the earth
shows up once again. And once again
you will see that is given to WE THE
PEOPLE to enforce. I want to make something very clear.
I am NOT talking about a CARNAL warfare with weapons of war like guns,
cannons, or some natural realm army. That
thinking comes from ABSURD STUPIDITY. I
am talking about a spiritual warfare at the direction of Almighty Jah, and
believe me, “LOVE”, and “FORGIVING LOVE” are Jahshuah's
MAIN WEAPONS in this last and final war to overcome!!!
So do not get into your mind of what I am talking about.
I am way down the road trying to get you to see what I am seeing.
Wait until I get the whole picture drawn for you before presupposing what
I am drawing. Do not miss what is
being said here through the sociopathic denial mode which points the finger to
keep from hearing. In this Kingdom Mandate given to Adam was the headship over the entire
earth under Jah. By reason of the fall, Adam
lost it, but the headship was still intact, waiting for the day that The
Sons of Jah would be restored into it through the redemptive work of Jahshuah. This is the “Kingdom Mandate” that
was given unto Adam, and with
through his descendants it will stay. If Jahshuah picked it up Himself to do, it would be saying that
Jah made a mistake when He gave it to Adam, for He was unable to accomplish His
intentions to do it through His chosen "Warrior Seed."
Nothing could be
further from the truth. Almighty Jah
is MORE than able to accomplish that which He has purposed.
He purposed to do it through man, and through man He will do it.
Count on it! He does NOT change
His mind.
Today, we are seeing
the world as it was in the beginning. When
Jah created the earth, He called it all GOOD!
He did so because He knew what His plan was, and that what He had created
was perfection for the fulfilling of that plan.
He knew the whole history of earth from beginning to end.
He was never surprised by what we think were failures, or discrepancies
in that plan. The more clearly that
we understand His plan from the beginning, the more we will see how perfect this
earth is in its creation for that plan to
be utterly fulfilled. Those that
are called to Jah’s side of this war will one day rejoice greatly over His
creation, let alone over their privileged involvement.
The earth was created for a contest between
Jah, and Satan.
Satan claimed that his kingdom on this earth would defeat Jah’s.
Satan is saying that more people would choose his way of life, and that
his people would defeat Jah’s, and rule the world.
We have ALL HAD a real good look at the life in the Kingdom of
Darkness”. Anyone that chooses
this “going our own way” instead of the Kingdom of Light, DESERVES
IT, are more than welcome to it,
and certainly to its coming self destruction. Satan does not waste any time in starting his Kingdom, and is well on his way when Adam is created. When Adam does come on the scene, Satan has long before begun his Anti-Christ Empire, and Adam, (as well as Eve), was given a MILITANT Kingdom Mandate to take the earth over for Jah, by destroying that dominion of Satan over the earth. He does NOT change His mind. He has not decided that He made a mistake in giving it to Adam, and now plans to do this thing Himself. Jah does not fail, nor does He make mistakes. He knows what He is doing, and is way ahead of everyone else in His thinking. He declared that He would win this war through man, or Adam kind, and that He will do, as even testified to throughout the Bible by ALL of the HOLY PROPHETS!!! When I say that this right and authority were given to Adam in which to function, I am NOT talking about of himself at his own choosing. That is the "being as god" nature, and this he did not yet have. No, he was to be used by Jah, and by Jah in what Jah had given to him. Even as Jahshuah, the second and last Adam, he was to do ONLY in the Will of Jah, and after His leading. This is a KEY to understanding the rest of the Word of Jah. As we shall see, this is why Jahshuah MUST remain in heaven until His enemies are made His footstool. He cannot come and do it Himself, as it would be acting against the Will of Jah, and what He has stated. It was prophesied that it would be done through the “manifested Sons of Jah”, whom are the FIRST fruits of Jahshuah and of His salvation afforded unto us. (See the article “The Manifestation of the Sons of Jah” for further light on this matter.)
This earth is NOT an amusement park created solely for our adolescent
pleasure, as so many would like to think. It IS a war zone!!! Satan
is out to overthrow Jah, and is dead serious about it.
Yes, it was not a very smart endeavor to take on, and in Truth, a suicide
mission. Still, he is very
serious about it. In this, Satan knows that if he loses (which he already has even before he started),
his destiny is the Lake of Fire. Of this he happens to be very much aware whether we realize its existence or not. That
knowledge would make ANYONE sober up, and believe me, Satan and his henchmen
know all about it, and in their blind self centered pride are a very determined
bunch to win and escape such a fate. This war is being played out on this earth, and done so according to the “rules of war” as so stipulated by Jah. He created the earth as a theater of contest for this struggle, and then gave Satan a head start. He then creates Adam, puts him in a safety zone which we know as the Garden of Eden, so that he could grow in numbers by multiplying for the sole purpose of filling the earth and taking it over by FORCE. He was Jah’s War Lord if you will, and a King in this Kingdom of Jah, with an irrefutable Kingdom Mandate given to him by the Almighty. It was his commission to wipe out Satan, and all of his kingdom of darkness on this earth, and bring it all into subjection to Jah. This
mandate can be traced down through history, and was given to Israel. It was under that mandate that Israel went into the Promised
Land to set up the Kingdom of Jah, conquering, subduing, and killing everything
in sight that was an enemy to Jah, and on the side of Satan. There is much about Genesis chapters 1 & 2 concerning creation of
which we are suffering a great deal of ignorance, misconception, wrongful
presuppositions, and deception. All
of the Light of these two chapters is quite necessary to thoroughly open our
understanding. However, that content is very lengthy, and actually we have
seen enough already for the particular purpose at hand. Jah created the earth for the purpose of destroying Satan,
his rebellion, followers of such, and his Anti-Christ Kingdom of Darkness.
Satan begins his conspiracy to overthrow Jah with an Anti-Christ
Assyrian Empire, and from that Empire, comes an individual titled “The
Serpent”, to the Garden of Eden to seduce Eve.
Adam was created as
Jah’s invader of this world, to bring defeat to
Satan. The war soon began as Satan
realized that it was imperative to knock Adam down and separate him from Jah.
Thus we have the seducing “Serpent” coming to do the work.
A work that ONLY played into the hands of Jah, as He had planned for
the sacrifice of Jahshuah FROM THE BEGINNING!
(Rev. 13:8) So, here we have a man living in a Paradise; a very beautiful woman of
perfection as his wife; living this life forever through the Tree of Life; walking with Jah
Himself everyday; and the absolute power and authority to take the whole earth
over through that Kingdom Mandate by crushing Satan, and his dominion over the
earth. It was the Kingdom Life of Righteousness, Peace, and Joy, with total
fulfillment!!! A realm that was
totally free of all the chaos, sickness, pain, agony, and suffering of the
Kingdom of Darkness realm we are presently living in today.
This is what Adam HAD, and LOST;
and through the sacrifice of
is to be RESTORED!!!
This IS the destiny that will fall upon those who are called to manifest as Sons of Jah, as so prophesied, even by the Apostle Paul in Romans chapter 8. Manifesting at the time when Satan’s final Anti-Christ conspiracy is ruling the world through great cunning craftiness, and deception. The stage is set in perfection for the invasion of the Sons of Jah, even as it was in the beginning. This restoration of all things has ALREADY BEGUN, and there are FEW that even realize it. Their “Gardens of Eden” are
called “dwelling places of Zion” by the prophet Isaiah, and is where the
Bride of Jahshuah will escape to for protection during the days of the “Great
Tribulation”, and prepare herself to meet her Husband Jahshuah. This reality is recorded by ALL of the Prophets throughout the Bible, and
is especially clear in Daniel. In
chapter 2, speaking of the “day” we are now in, he tells of how Jah
will manifest His Kingdom, and give it to the “saints”. Then, in the Kingdom Mandate will destroy Satan’s Kingdom
of Darkness. In
verse 44 it says . . .
Jah’s plan is clearly to set up His Kingdom in this end day.
His Kingdom is destined to destroy all Kingdoms that oppose Him, and will
stand forever. How does He plan to
do this? Through the Kingdom
Mandate given to Adam. A Mandate
that came upon Israel, and now down to us who are in, and with the True Savior. In verses 18, 26, and 27 of chapter 7, Daniel is given more revelation by
Jah to write on this subject.
Here we see the first dominion given to Adam is now being restored, and
given back to us. With that “right to rule the earth” with and through Jahshuah, we are to bring the rest of the world into subjection to Him.
It is at this point that ALL of Jahshuah's enemies are made His
footstool. As we shall see,
Jahshuah cannot return until THIS TAKES PLACE! Be very sure to see these matters are to be accomplished THROUGH
THE SAINTS, given to the PEOPLE
by Jah Almighty, and NOT by Jahshuah at His return. He
in fact CANNOT return until
this IS accomplished,
for this IS what was promised by the Prophetic Word of Jah to the Serpent. Daniel is given great understanding that it is through the “Saints”
that Satan’s whole anti-Christ conspiracy will be destroyed.
That the “DOMINION” of Satan that presently presides over the earth,
is to be taken away by the “Saints” through the victory of Jahshuah in His
death for us on the cross, and His resurrection, which has restored the Kingdom
Mandate unto us. Why else would He bestow the authority of HIS NAME upon us???
To build our own pain filled ludicrous Kingdoms???
Show me THAT purpose in the Word of Jah spoken by all of the Holy
Prophets!!! Jahshuah's
episode through the cross unto resurrection brought forth the
total defeat of Satan into reality, and the “Saints” are to apply through
SPIRITUAL WARFARE, that victory in this day. In doing so, not only will
what Daniel had to say be fulfilled, but what all the other prophets had to say
on this subject as well. The book
of Revelation tells how it will be done, and it is NOT a pretty picture for the
rebellious Kingdom of Darkness, and all of those who remain loyal to it.
Now we can begin to see why Jahshuah commanded that we pray FIRST, and seek FIRST for this Kingdom. It is the WHOLE purpose of Jah on this earth. Anyone who preaches the Kingdom comes AFTER Jahshuah's return has not gone through the renting of their veil to come into the Truth. They are in the carnal mind that contradicts these commands of Jahshuah; that capitulates unto and agrees with the devil; then through their lying illusions are leading the people into committing high treason; and in being deceived themselves, they are ignorantly working to try and bring Satan closer to his winning this war. We have
been victimized by the despicable “Judas Syndrome” of those who embrace the
Savior while BETRAYING HIM!
is NOT going to come and
do it Himself. It is going to be
done THROUGH THE “SAINTS”!!! Anyone who believes that it is up to
Jahshuah to do it at His return, has
already been “killed” in the battle, and rendered totally useless!
This is why Satan created such a theology in the first place. It is a major part
Hear me well!!! Who will you believe? Men of today, or the WORD OF Jah, which IS Jahshuah, written by the Holy Prophets from the beginning Go back and read it again. How does Jah say it will be accomplished??? First of all, He
declared to do it through Adam, and Jah cannot fail. He told the
Serpent that the "Fallen Situation" would be redeemed,
RESTORED!!! We can follow this move to "RESTORE" all through the
Word of Jah, from beginning to end, culminating in its final manifestation in
the Book of Revelation. Here again, Jah has plainly
declared to do it through His saints,
His people. We must get it through
our head this is what
DANIEL SAID! Anyone who
contradicts him is CONTRADICTING
HIMSELF!!! This is why
Jahshuah said, “Behold, I give you power over all the power of the enemy”.
He did not give us the authority of His Name, and this Kingdom Mandate to
do our own thing, to establish our own "comfort zones" on this
earth, but to ESTABLISH
HIS KINGDOM, and to destroy
Satan’s. Yes,
Jahshuah DOES return in the wrath of
Jah, destroying every thing
and everyone that stood in opposition to Him and His, but NOT until His enemies
have ALREADY been put down through His body acting in the Kingdom Mandate unto
which they were redeemed. Jah declared in Gen.3:15 that this war would be waged between two
seed lines on this earth, and every prophecy concerning this war
confirms it. Now let us continue
and see the confirmation that it will be through the Saints.
We have seen that
Jahshuah has been ordered by His Father to remain in
heaven until the “Restoration of all Things” takes place.
Has Jah issued any other orders to Jahshuah that line up with that
order??? Oh yes He has, and we read about those orders in Hebrews
1:13, and in 10:12-13.
Are we being one with Jahshuah??? Are we one with Him in MIND, HEART, AND PURPOSE?? To be ONE WITH HIM, then we will have to have the same expectation, the SAME BELIEF, FAITH that He does. What is it that HE is BELIEVING FOR??? Now we see that Jahshuah has been ordered by Jah, to remain in heaven “until His enemies are MADE HIS FOOTSTOOL”! This means that He CANNOT RETURN until these matters are fulfilled. Just as Daniel has told us, He MUST remain there until Jah manifests His Kingdom, gives it to the saints, and then they destroy Satan’s Kingdom of Darkness, and all that oppose Jahshuah, Then, AND ONLY THEN, are His enemies made His footstool. Then and ONLY THEN can He return, for only THEN will the “Restoration of ALL THINGS” have been accomplished!!! Now listen to me, and listen closely. The "Fall of Adam and Eve" in the Garden of Eden was a momentous event in the war between Jah and Satan. Jah lost His conquering invader with what took place, and had no choice but to close down the beginning of His Kingdom manifesting on this earth. This
was all the "Plan of Jah," but it appeared to Satan that he had won a major victory.
Jah immediately prophesies to the "Serpent" of the sacrifice of Jahshuah, and therefore
the redemption, the restoration of that which had just taken place. The "Serpent" IS AN ENEMY that MUST BE MADE A FOOTSTOOL of Jahshuah, and made that footstool by being overcome, and that by overcoming the fall of Adam and Eve.. The overcoming OF THE SERPENT is displayed in Revelation Twelve, and is why the term "Serpent" is listed there as a title for Satan.. When he has been overcome, verse ten tells us that it is THEN, finally, NOW is come salvation (redemption from the fall), the authority of Jahshuah, His victory manifesting on this earth, AND the Kingdom of Jah!!! If what happened in the Garden of Eden was NOT RECTIFIED, not restored, then there would still be an enemy left standing in a victory, and the overcoming of the Serpent in Revelation Twelve left UNFINISHED!!! Without this being accomplished, Jahshuah could NEVER RETURN, and He cannot return until it has been accomplished!!! If we are in the “time” of His return, then we must be in the day, age, or space of time that these matters WILL be accomplished. If your insides are not jumping up and down by now, YOU ARE DEAD!!! When we come to this understanding, and what it all means, our mental patterns change for all time. What we are seeing here is a LIFE CHANGING revelation!!! A Truth that rents our confining veil of contamination, and delivers us from being victimized by ALL THE LIES of the Priests of Baal who betray Jahshuah, and into the Kingdom of Jah which is the ONLY PLACE we CAN find fulfillment!!! Now, for the "Million Dollar Question," right? If we are ALL in captivity to the anti-Christ fallen world, a "Captivity to the Contradiction," and we must come out to receive the reversal of the Contradiction to receive protection from the horror that lies just ahead, and unto the "Restoration of ALL Things," how and where does this all happen??? Read on.
In Rev. 18:4, Jah commands His people to “COME OUT OF HER (Babylon) MY PEOPLE”. This is an all inclusive message, and means ALL OF US!!! We presently ARE ALL IN HER! Therefore we all need to COME OUT. We come out by the receiving of the Truth. But, where do we come out to???
To HIS KINGDOM which Jah will manifest on this earth.
ALL of the Holy Prophets referred to this as “Zion”.
Isaiah tells us in chapter four they are “Dwelling places of Zion”.
This is where the authority of Jahshuah
will reside. The first one’s will
manifest in this nation, and then they will multiply around the earth. To quickly verify this by what the Holy Prophet’s said, I offer a few
confirming scriptures. In Jer.
50:28 . . .
These are the ones who answer the call to "come out of her, MY PEOPLE." Where do they escape from, and in the escaping, where do they go???
When do they do this??? Before or after Babylon is destroyed??? Would they declare the vengeance of Jah upon a place that has already been destroyed???
Does Jahshuah return BEFORE Babylon is destroyed to do it Himself???
Who destroys Babylon??? Is it not the anti-Christ and the Ten Kings???
Has Jahshuah returned before this happens??? Hardly!!!
These people escape, flee out of Babylon long before it is destroyed, which is long before the return of Jahshuah, and in their escaping out of Babylon, go to ZION, THE KINGDOM OF Jah, the RESTORED "Gardens of Eden"!!! The
“Kingdom Saints” will go to Zion to declare the matters which we have read
in Daniel. Everything is GOING
TO BE DESTROYED that opposed Jahshuah,
the King. In
Micah 4:1-2, & 8 . . . .
Here we are told that we will receive “even
the first dominion”. There
is only ONE first dominion, and that first one was the one given in the
beginning to Adam. Here we see it restored to the Zion (kingdom) people. It is
unto them the Kingdom will be given. Isaiah
tells us in 51:3 . . .
The sons of
Jah will overcome with “forgiving love”, and will learn
to walk as The Savior, the “Loving, Forgiving, Redeemer”.
However, those that will rebelliously oppose The Savior are in for a big
surprise. These redeemed sons will transform as The Savior has from being
the “Loving, Forgiving, Redeemer”, into the “LION
of the Tribe of Judah”!!! They
will be like Him at His appearing, and He appears with blazing eyes, His coat
dipped in the blood of the wicked, full of the wrath of Almighty Jah.
When meeting defiant opposition to
Jahshuah the Living Truth, they will be
like Elijah, and NOT as wimps, acting like sweetie pie’s to get your
money; glitter toothed illusions walking in sloppy agape. This is the REAL Army that will go forth in the REAL
Authority of Jahshuah, smashing EVERYTHING
in their path!!! WOE unto those that stand
in their way!!!
In 1970, during an intense praise with two other men, I was given an
alarming vision. It was so
startling to me, that it has kept me going through hell and high water all of
these years to see it come to pass. This is what I saw:
This WAS the True Army of
Jah, and I knew they would have to COME
OUT of going THE WRONG WAY, the prophesied “Great falling away” produced by
the Serpent’s Illusion from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil that
was to come to pass in this day. And,
in coming out, would have to be turned completely around by the entrance of
Truth to go the right way.!! This
was the “coming out”, and they would be greatly condemned by the one’s
rebellious to the Truth who in their sociopathic denial mode, would not turn
It has been thoroughly proven to me this was a VISION
Jah, for oh how we have been led astray into the serpent’s illusion
of Babylon. All of
the lies have taken us the WRONG
WAY, while the Truth turns us
around to go the RIGHT WAY!!! Because we have been victimized with lies, we have been going the wrong
way! We work to build our own
little paradise on this earth. Our own little supposed Garden of Eden, our own Kingdom from
out of our fallen Knowledge of Good and Evil, while ignoring the purpose of Jah on this earth, and that to our own detriments. When
such building doesn’t satisfy, or corrupts on us, we wonder why.
It is because we have created from out of the carnal tree that creates
illusions. A mirage that
dissipates, corrupts unto its death. Our
own Kingdom becomes a BONDAGE unto us, and does NOT bring forth the Liberty for
which we search and long. All the
while we are DECEIVED into thinking we are going the RIGHT WAY, when we are in
TOTAL ERROR!!! Our life is to be fitted into the purpose of
If we have not as yet found our purpose in Life, this is why.
The purpose for our life must be found in HIS
purpose, NOT OUR OWN. It was
Jah’s plan, and purpose, FROM THE BEGINNING to conquer Satan,
and his Kingdom of Darkness through His people!
Jahshuah came, and was sacrificed to pay the price for this restoration.
Then He was ordered to stay at the right hand of Jah until it was all
accomplished, and accomplished as it was purposed from the beginning! Jahshuah cannot return until not only this restoration takes place, but
until the Kingdom Mandate causes the destruction of all dominions that oppose
Him. Then, His enemies are made His
footstool, and He can return. This
IS Jah’s plan AND PURPOSE on this WHOLE EARTH. So, when does Jah do this??? Ah, the big question WHEN, right? That
is simple enough. Lets go back and
read the first line in Daniel 2:44. It
says “in the DAYS OF THESE KINGS”! In
the days of what kings??? In the
days of the famous TEN KINGS which
represent the ten toes of
Daniel’s description of Nebuchadnezzar’s image. Are they mentioned anywhere else? Oh
yes they are. We find them again in Rev. 17:12. Here we are told they are kings BEFORE they receive any
kingdom, nation, or outwardly recognized throne.
Even though they are not recognized on the world scene, they are still
ruling. You cannot be a King,
unless you have something over which to be King.
It is THEY, who are right now orchestrating
the entire creation of the “New One World Order”.
The fact we can see this New World Order manifesting on the scene proves
their existence. I could
give you an abundance of proof they are ruling right now, but that will have to
wait for another time. They ARE
ruling RIGHT NOW, have been for
sometime, and are feverishly working to prepare the world for the One World
Ruler whom we know as the anti-Christ. These “Kings” are NOT ignorant of
what they are doing. They are
“seed’s of the Serpent”, and therefore WORSHIPPERS
of their father which is SATAN, and get
their instructions from him, just as we are to do with Jah! Since
it IS in the days of these Kings Jah will set up His Kingdom, it then ALSO
means BEFORE the return of Jahshuah.
These Kings will be LONG GONE after
His return, believe me. So
how could Jah establish His Kingdom, and give it to the saints during the
days of these Kings, AFTER He has returned???
Because it would be out of order for Him to do it in ANY
OTHER WAY! Remember, if there MUST BE a restoration of
all things, then the pattern that existed in the beginning MUST
then be followed for the END! What was it at the beginning??? I’ve
said it enough you should know it by heart, but lets go over it one more time.
Then you will clearly understand why it must be in the days of these
Kings that Jah sets up his Kingdom on this earth. During the days of the “ant-Christ Assyrian”,
Jah set up His Kingdom,
known to us as the “Garden of Eden”. He
then placed Adam and Eve in His Kingdom with the Kingdom Mandate to take the
earth over by smashing Satan’s Kingdom. He
told them to multiply so they would grow strong enough in numbers to do just
that. To restore that which was “Lost”, He will now follow the same pattern
and set up His Kingdom once again. Doing
so during the days of the anti-Christ “Ten Kings” just like He did in the
days of the Assyrian. These
“Gardens of Eden” will be known as “Dwelling Places of Zion”
(Isa. 4). Jah will place His Redeeming Adam’s who have walked with Jahshuah
through the cross, along with their redeeming Eve’s, in these places.
They will be multiplied, and in that, the “Last Day Army” will be
formed that WILL perform
the Kingdom Mandate! They
will walk in the True Authority that resides in the name of Jahshuah, the King of
the Kingdom, having power over ALL the power of the enemy (Rev 12).
You see, we are getting ready to do through Jahshuah what should have been
done the FIRST time. Once again the seducing Serpent
has been getting us to eat of the WRONG Tree
through the envy, or lust, for the anti-Christ world, to get us to go the WRONG
way, to separate us FROM Jah.
Those who will go to the cross of
Jahshuah to obtain the “RIGHT to the
Tree of Life”, which is the receiving the “Love for the Truth”, will STOP
EATING OF THE WRONG TREE!!! As the Garden of Eden was, the “Dwelling places of Zion” are safety
zones on this earth for the “woman” to flee to during the Great
Tribulation. Only those that come
to Zion, the manifested Kingdom of Jah, given to the saints through the Truth,
will receive protection from the hell that is about to break loose on this
earth. Only those who will
willingly walk INTO THE TRUTH will be so protected!!! The last anti-Christ conspiracy is well on its way to being formed just as in the beginning. The stage is NOW SET for Jah, in the “restoration of all things”, to bring forth HIS Kingdom, the restored Gardens of Eden, and Kingdom Adam’s and Eve’s, from which will manifest the “redeemed Sons of Jah”. We are NOW in the day when it
WILL be accomplished, as Jah
said it would through ALL of His Holy Prophets!!!
Take heed! This is the VERY REASON that I have been moved to publish this web site. Only those that come into the understanding of these matters WILL ESCAPE! Through this Tree of Death, the mind’s of people have been captured
by mesmerizing sociopathic men of illusion who in Truth are vicious wolves
disguised as “ministers of righteousness”.
They have so brainwashed the people with their propaganda, that lies are
believed as Truth, and Truth is believed to be lies.
They call good evil, and evil good, for they are trapped in the deceptive
confines of the fallen mind which sees things backwards, and in that,
love the lies instead of the Truth. We are being prepared for crossing over into The Restoration of All Things. The enemy HATES the ones so called, and with great fervor, works to devour them before they can birth forth. If you have wanted to know why your life has gone like it has, and why people have hated you for no reason, THIS IS WHY!!!
The next lesson is "The Restored Kingdom Mandate." This is an overlay to this article, and brings more perspective to what is said in this writing. You will find much confirmation in it to what is said in this one.
There is far more in the restoring of what was lost in the fall of Adam & Eve than what is described in these articles. We cannot continue living in contradiction to the ways of Jah, and expect to receive the blessings of the Kingdom Promises found in The Word of Jah.
Isaiah tells us in Chapter 2: And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
We are presently residing in Babylon, waiting for the move when Jah sets us free into His Kingdom, Zion. By this verse it is easy to see that this IS where we will walk in His ways. Not until we are walking in His Ways can we receive the reversal of the contradiction.
is also much in relation to these "Featured Articles" found
in the
You will find much needed messages on "Faith," for it is FAITH that brings all of this to pass. You will also see one titled, "Created to Create," and deals with how we are to create the Kingdom and Kingdom life by our SPOKEN WORD which is the "Word of our testimony."
The Kingdom of Jah is within our genetic code, but contaminated by the
fall of Adam and Eve. When
our genetic structures are free of the fallen contamination through the Blood of
our Savior, we will then be ALL we were created to be.
When we become all we were created to be, we will just naturally create
what we were created to create. That
is THE KINGDOM of Jah!!! The fallen
self just naturally creates BABYLON,
and LOVES its creation with
much self exalting PRIDE, boasting of how successful it is in the
building of the “monsters” construction.!!!
We were created with the same creative ability that
Jah has. Then placed on this earth
to use that ability to create HIS Kingdom, NOT OURS.
It says in Isa. 51:16, “And
I have put MY WORDS in thy mouth . . . . . that I may plant the (new)
heavens, and lay the foundations of the (new)
earth, and say unto ZION, Thou art my people!!!”
Again, we have read it backwards. We think He has put His Words in our mouth to build our OWN kingdom.
We have been creating in the WRONG KINGDOM, and have reaped what we have
sown. Now we have the way out of
this confusion unto His Glory.
Truth rents our veil of fallen contamination and
sets the real us free. Only those
who come into the knowledge of the “monster within” will submit to the
renting of their veil. All
other’s rest in the false assurance of self righteousness.
We were created for the Kingdom, NOT BABYLON!!!
We can never find fulfillment of our entire being in Babylon.
Whatever we were created to be, and
do, can only be fulfilled in the Kingdom Life.
What we have experienced in life thus far, has prepared and developed us
FOR THAT ENTRANCE, if we will submit
ourselves unto the cross by walking into the Light that exposes our
wretchedness within!!!
As of revision 4-2-02 716