End Time Tribulation Overcoming Sons of
The End Time Faith of the Overcomers of
Rev. 12
The Highest Calling that has
EVER been afforded unto mankind upon this earth is coming upon those who are CALLED
TO BE OVERCOMERS!!! Once a people comprehend, have their
understanding opened to what is set forth in these articles, SATAN, Jezebel, and
the ENTIRE Kingdom of Darkness HAVE HAD IT!!!
There will be a great difference between
what the Overcomers teach, and what most teach. Most teach from what they
feel has been revealed to them. Some of this "revealing" is from
the wrong realm, and therefore doing nothing more than adding to the already
burdensome mass of confusion of which we are suffering.
This will not be so for the Overcomers.
They will preach from EXPERIENCE, and from experience in that which has been
revealed to them. It is one thing to preach from what has been revealed
and quite another to preach from experience in that revelation.
For one, the Apostle Paul, except in the
role of a Prophet, only taught from what he had himself experienced. It
was what he was privileged to live through that gave him his RIGHT to teach what
he taught, and boy, did he ever teach it. This is why he knew what he was
talking about. No where in his teaching do we see the "materialistic
teachings" of today. Not only do we learn by his teaching, but BY HIS
LIFE! His life shows us perfectly the "walk of the cross" that
an Overcomer must obtain to come into their calling. I see this work being
done in very few, and certainly NOT in those that preach a popular message in an
entertainment center. These are NOT Overcomers, but have been
Revelation 21:7, says it all for those
that desire to manifest as Sons of Jah:
He that overcometh shall
inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he
shall be my son.
Is there any more to be received than ALL
What did the person do to inherit ALL
THINGS, and to become a Son of Jah??? They OVERCAME!!! So what is
this overcoming??? What do they overcome???
My first subjects will deal with
FAITH. Only by the exercising of True Faith will anyone overcome.
Then I will be dealing with mostly the Book of
Revelation, and namely, the First Three Chapters. There is no way to give
an all inclusive study in so few pages. Not only is the Book of Revelation
vast, but the first three chapters are infinite. I would in reality label
this presentation rather shallow in comparison to what could be said. It
is not my intent to get totally involved, but to give that which lets The Spirit
of Jah take you into deeper areas of these subjects, Himself.
Therefore, I do believe that what I present
here is more than adequate for the purpose at hand. Many reading these
pages will finally understand what has been happening to them, and why.
We would all like to lay claim to our
advancement in Messiah, as if we in ourselves could do ANYTHING of value. This is foolishness, as the "Calling",
and the "Work" to get us to that "Calling", belongs to He
who is more than able to accomplish that which He has purposed. Half of
the time, if not more, we do not even know what is happening to us in our development, let alone be
the ones responsible. The only thing we can know for sure, is that the
death to the "Old Nature" that resides in us all, is NOT FUN, nor is
it entertaining. How much will be revealed in this regard as you read through
this study.
As you read,
remember, we must have a general overview of Jah's plan in our minds when we
study. If we do not do so, we will end up with dislocated interpretations
that serve only to lead us astray, rather than bring us into the True Light of
that which we are reading. This is what breeds confusion, and is the
foundation of BABYLON. People will believe anything the man they worship
says, because they do NOT KNOW THE WORD from cover to cover, and that Word is Jahshuah
The second thing to remember, and be very
cognizant, is that these letters are NOT written to the "unsaved fallen
world", but to the EKKLESIA, the ones called out into the assembly of
believers, whom we today would call "professing Christians", or
"The Churches".
People that preach and believe in a "No Obligation Salvation" have
The plan and purpose on this earth is the
defeat of the The Serpent. To do that, the results of the fall must be REVERSED,
and that comes by the overcoming. We are going through the redemptive
process to cleanse our genetic structure of the contamination of the fallen
nature, and THIS IS what the Overcoming is about. I will not re-teach on that subject here. You should already
have this well in your mind by now, if you have done any studying of what is
written on this site.
Its Purpose
No one
can author faith in you. Yes, faith cometh by
hearing, but it is still Jah that authors and
finishes our Faith. It is up to you to take the
precepts taught here to Him to develop in you.
Just reading will be of no value. These precepts
must be applied through much exercised effort in relationship
with Him, to gain any benefit from them. Even then
you will suffer trial and error applications.
For whatsoever is born of the one and
only Elohim overcometh the world: and this
is the victory that overcometh the world, even our
"He that overcometh shall
things; and I will be his Supreme Magistrate, and
shall be my son."
really should read this one first.
Every doctrine of Truth is necessary to
learn in the overcoming of the "Devourer" who is the deceiver of the
whole earth. To "come out of her", we MUST come out of all the
lies and into the Truth. This is fact! So, I do not mean to
minimize the importance of ANY Truth that is being revealed to us in this
day. However, when the dark times come, I have found that doctrine is of
little value in my mind. What is of value? FAITH, and the
correcting of the errors being wrongfully practiced in
that realm!!! Nothing
else during the difficult times has ANY MEANING, for I have recognized that it
is FAITH that brings and keeps us heading towards the oneness with Jah that Jahshuah
Unbelief makes us ONE with SATAN!!!
Faith reverses the contradiction by causing what is not so, that
should be so, into being so, and does so by believing it IS so before it has
become so. If we do not believe our desire IS so, before it becomes so,
will NEVER become so!!!
Authority of Jahshuah Has been Given Unto US WHO WILL
Most of you should already KNOW the Authority of our King, and that THIS
AUTHORITY has been given TO US to bring down the Kingdom of Darkness. I
insert this particular page for those who may NOT know that Authority, to open
your eyes to it, and especially for what purpose it has been given.
Anyone called to be an
"Overcomer" will be launched upon by the "Devourer".
Why? Because if they succeed in the overcoming, he has had it!!!
So, have you experienced
trouble in this life? Do you have the desire to be an Overcomer?
If your answers are yes, then you should read this one, and in reading, find
out that you are NOT the only one who has felt as you.
Earth as IT IS In Heaven
If I were to give this lesson in one simple
sentence, it would be that our King, the Master of Faith, taught that we should
believe that IT IS IN
EARTH, meaning in this natural
dimension, just AS IT
The more this sinks in, the more powerfully loaded the statement becomes!
If everyone fully understood this one, 90% of this web
site could be deleted.
all of the confusion, all of the clamoring "Thus saith the Lord"
bombarding us from every turn, our greatest problem today with our faith, is
KNOWING what Jah has REALLY said. Having faith in what a false
teacher / prophet says IS ERROR, and the worshipping of a FALSE
"GOD". As prophecy clearly states, this is our plight
today. This is why we MUST receive the "Love For The Truth",
and then seek Him in this with everything we have. Our faith MUST line
up with what HE SAYS in Truth, and then exercise it with vigor according to
HIS instructions to accomplish HIS purpose on this earth.
This is one
subject we MUST get through our thick spiritual skulls. Everyone is
believing things that are diametrically opposed to Jah, and His purpose on
this earth. Most think it is just the other guy that is being
deceived. Sorry, but it is ALL of us. This is so because of the
programming of Jezebel's Babylon, and therefore have not the slightest idea of
how much we are believing against Jah, instead of STANDING WITH HIM through Jahshuah
with whom we are to be one.
Overcomers Good Fight of Faith
Lesson 5
Ovecoming is accomplished by TRUE FAITH, and certainly
NOT by our works.
fight of faith is fought in the mind. It is who
shall rule our mind; flesh or spirit. Messiah, or
anti-Messiah. Jahshuah is our
New Man. When we are NOT standing in faith
properly, we are not being one with Him by submitting
unto His Rightful Headship over us. Faith after Jah's Spirit is believing for that which HE wants us to
believe. Not our OWN contriving. We must
discern the difference between the two, and fight to
remain in HIM.
Read The Word
The previous articles concerning the Mechanics of Faith have
prepared you for what is to be said here.
We are to please Jah by our FAITH, but faith in WHAT???
Faith in HIS Word, and the Word IS Jahshuah. This IS His WILL. His
Will IS His Purpose on this earth. We ARE
to become one with that Will.
We confess with our mouth from out of the abundance of our
heart. It is for us to "cross over" from the Kingdom of Lies
into the Kingdom of Truth, purging us from the lies by "The Blood of The
Lamb", until only the Truth is the
abundance of our heart.
The following is a revelation of a mystery that MUST BE learned
by the Sons of Jah to manifest the Kingdom of Jah. To
come into its perfection, they will have to overcome the "Devourer"
who will try to DESTROY them before they can be caught over into the absolute
Authority of Jahshuah. This is a WAR ZONE that few have any inkling regarding
its severity, or the seriousness of Satan.
Isaiah writes for Jah in 51:16 . . .
I have put MY WORDS in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the
shadow of mine hand, that I may plant (establish) the (new) heavens,
and lay the foundations of the (new) earth, and SAY UNTO ZION, thou
art my people."
Without the understanding of the following, this COULD NOT BE DONE! In its
understanding, IT WILL BE DONE!!!
We Overcome |
you ever sat down and studied what it is that we must
overcome to become an Overcomer??? That is what
you will get here. Fasten your seat belt, and read
on. |
Larry G.
Meguiar's Home Page
As of revision 4-2-02
2nd revision 9-23-02