From the desk of:
AN INTRODUCTION TO "The Coming Destruction of The United States"
This is a hard hitting article written to shake us awake, and sit us up straight. I say things even more bluntly in this article than all of the others. So, be warned. A vital matter that affects us all is where our nation is going, and what that means to each and everyone of us. I was told for a very long time that "God" had left the United States out of His Prophetic Word, and therefore we were not, as a nation, anywhere mentioned in His Plan. It is still to my bewilderment, being said even to this day. Here we are, the greatest nation in the history of mankind, and Jah doesn't even mention us??? I have since learned that such teaching is one of the most absurd stupidities in our arsenal of idiotologies. It is one of the Serpent's major cover ups to blind us to what is really going on in the world today. We have created idols, graven images of Jah, and of Jahshuah, from our false doctrines. It is most assuredly so concerning the Prophetic Word. We are depending on Counterfeit Savior's that have NO INTENTION of performing that in which they have "promised" through the Deceivers of our day. We must come out of all of our idolatry if we are to escape the horror that is coming upon the earth. Hear me well. Those that worship, follow, depend and trust in the god (author) of the "Pre-trib rapture", the god that discarded the Holy Law, the god of a cheap, no obligation salvation, or a thousand other counterfeits, have a rude awakening coming. The Bible tells us that Jah knew "the end from the beginning"! Therefore, anyone who does not unfold his teachings pertaining to prophecy FROM the beginning, has no idea what he is talking about concerning "The End" of this present age, and in wisdom should really keep their mouth shut! They are only displaying their ignorance through the wisdom of their own conceits. Then in compounding the error, they blindly act in the "root of all evil", and sell the deceits to unsuspecting people. One day, such people will be exposed, and in the exposing, be red faced with humiliating shame. It is the blind leading the blind into a very deep ditch. |
In the BEGINNING, a very specific purpose was given to "Adam and Eve", and they were prophesied to in its regard. What was given, and prophesied unto them, came down unto Noah. From Noah, it was passed onto Abraham, and from Abraham, it went to Isaac. If we do not understand what was contained in this purpose, and prophesying, we will never understand what is happening in this day, and certainly think that Jah was too ignorant to include the United States in Prophecy. From Abraham, it continued on in the "chosen seed line" to Isaac, and he prophesied unto his twin sons, Jacob and Esau, and what he prophesied unto them is taking place in our day. Do you know why Jah loved Jacob and hated Esau??? In one Truth, the Bible is a story of these two sons, and the war that was to ensue between them, resulting from the war between their respective "God's." This can be traced right through the day Jahshuah walked this earth, and into the Book of Revelation. If you want to see a specific, but hidden mystery concerning the descendants of Esau, then read Rev. 2:9 and 3:9, and then you will know who the member's of Satan's "Church" are, and therefore running the World Government. What a story it is. Jacob prophesied unto his twelve sons what would happen to them in "The Last Days." If it was prophesied, you can believe it is happening, and if it is happening, then maybe we should know how those prophecies are coming to pass. Especially if we are wanting to know prophecy in truth, and how our own nation fits in the Prophetical Word. I can tell you this, you will NEVER see the United States in prophecy without this understanding of what Jacob prophesied unto his son Joseph, and Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. Anyone who is teaching on prophecy without this understanding IS DECEIVED, and anyone listening to such individuals is BEING DECEIVED BY THEM!!! The United States is by forceful coercion, ushering EVERYONE on this planet into the "New World Order", and "Global Economic System." Almost all of the technology for a cashless computerized monetary system which would require an "I.D." method for everyone to participate in for buying and selling, is being developed IN THIS NATION!!! It is time to wake up folks to what is not already happening, but to what REALLY IS happening. We have been blinded by the messengers of Satan, The present day Priests of Baal, who are camouflaging it all by their false teachings concerning the Prophetic Word of Jah!!! Are we really to believe that all knowing Jah, who knew the end from the beginning, is some scatter brain nit wit who forgot to tell us about the United States in this day???! This, the greatest nation of all time, that reigns over the kings of the earth, that is corrupting the WHOLE EARTH with its harlotry, and forcing the WHOLE WORLD into the "End Day" "anti-Christ" Beast System is not in the Prophetic Word of Jah??? Yeah, Right. If you can believe that, I have some ocean front property in Arizona that I would like to sell you real cheap. I will even throw in the Golden Gate Bridge as an extra incentive, FOR FREE!
As of revision 4-2-02 3847
Sons of God, sonsofgod, sonship, Sonship, endtimes, End Times, Prophecy, overcomers, chat, meguiar, meguiars, Meguiar, Meguiars, Jezebel, Babylon, Restoration, Zion, Red Beast, Holy Law, law, Jahshuwah, Yahweh, Kingdom of God, kingdom, Last Days, lastdays, End of World, endofworld
Sons of God, sonsofgod, sonship, Sonship, endtimes, End Times, Prophecy, overcomers, chat, meguiar, meguiars, Meguiar, Meguiars, Jezebel, Babylon, Restoration, Zion, Red Beast, Holy Law, law, Jahshuwah, Yahweh, Kingdom of God, kingdom, Last Days, lastdays, End of World, endofworld