Contamination Within
We are learning that it is the contamination of our genetic structure that
holds us back in life. That holds us in
the "REALM of CONTRADICTION" of everything promised to us. In being
relieved of this contamination by the receiving of the Truth, we become all we
were created to be, and will then just naturally do what we were created to do.
In this coming out of the Tree of Lies, and into the Tree of Truth, we become totally
fulfilled. It is now time to see the Truth of where this falling from perfection into corruption began. The evidence of this fall is all around us. We have understood we are living in a less than perfect world. Now we find out why. This page will open this understanding up to you, and then on other pages, show the resolve. It is the resolve for which we all yearn. Adam & Eve
Most have heard the story concerning Adam and Eve.
However, few believe it is a True Story.
You will now discover just how true a story it is.
Believe me, the enemy of life does not want us to come into this
knowledge of the Truth, for this one delivers us from their captivity.
It is why they have worked so hard to keep us from seeing this Light.
Those that see it will come out of their kingdom of darkness, and in that
coming out, rid the earth of being in their despicable captivity which has
victimized us ALL!!!
We all were born with a victimizing self righteous sociopathic
“monster” in our genetic code. The
ego preserving denial mode that refuses to admit any wrong doing in any divisive
situation. This is what is giving
us so much trouble in life. A pride
filled mind that is committing harm to others without being able to admit that
harm IS being inflicted.
From whence did this contamination come???
The Apostle Paul was a great revelator of this mystery.
How we have missed what he was trying to tell us:
Is Paul right?? The evidence
of this “death” being all around us is certainly quite apparent for us to
see as verification. We know we
have a problem. Shouldn’t we
listen to someone who thinks he knows what the problem is???
If Paul is right, then Adam did something to send us all into the lies
and illusions of the Kingdom of Darkness in which we are now living.
AND, this being so, Jahshuah then is the one who delivers us from this
fallen contamination, this realm of contradiction. If this be
so, then it is He that is the “Living Truth” who desires to change the wrongful mental patterns that exist in our
thinking, renewing our mind’s by the entrance of Truth which delivers us from the
lies and illusions of this fallen ever corrupting world.
Paul also tells us this fallen nature is what is giving us all fits, even
as it did he himself. Paul had
become willing to “look into his OWN mirror”, and in that looking, discovered
that he himself was having a dreadful time trying to do what was right, even
when he knew what the right was to do.
Paul not only had come to recognize the “monster within”, but the
resolve. This is the “hidden
path” we have been taken on to reach this same conclusion.
Paul has discovered a mystery, and is trying to reveal it to us.
He further tells us this fallen nature rebels against Jah.
That our fallen ego loves the lies, and rejects the Truth with veracity.
The fallen mind is only capable of fighting against The Living Truth.
From whence did this “carnal mind”, which I label as the “monster
within”, come??? According to
Paul, from the beginning with Adam & Eve.
So, what happened to put this “monster” in our genetic structure?
If it was caused in the beginning by Adam, then maybe we had better go
back to the beginning to find out what it was that happened.
Let’s humor Paul and see if he knows of which he is declaring.
Back to Genesis
The first three chapters of Genesis are written very cryptically, and
therefore full of mysteries. I
shall have to fight to confine myself to the point at hand, and leave the rest
to a later time.
According to the writer of Genesis, Jah created Adam & Eve, and
placed them in the “Garden of Eden”. He
then tells them what they can eat, and NOT eat.
If this is a true story, and Paul is right, then herein lies a GREAT
MYSTERY. Adam was given a
“Tree of Life” to eat, and a tree of KNOWLEDGE, a
knowledge of GOOD and evil that he was NOT
suppose to eat, or receive terrible repercussions.
What was this “judgment”???
The SAME DEATH of which Paul wrote.
What else did Paul say this brought upon us???
A fallen nature that does exactly opposite of what it should do.
A nature hostile to Jah, and His Truth.
How did this happen??? By
eating of this Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
There is much in this “fig leaf cover up” that I cannot go
into at this time. The significance
of ONLY covering the genitals is GREAT!!! In
fact SHOCKING!!! I will just
say that in this mystery lies the solution to ALL of our sexual problems.
What I have thus far written on sex unfolds from out of that mystery.
For the moment, it is only necessary to see the action they took to cover
up the wrong they had committed. Instead
of realizing, admitting their error, they COVERED IT UP!!!
They turned from eating of the Tree of Life, which is TOTAL Truth, and
all that Jahshuah, the “Living Truth” is, and decided to go their OWN way, be
their OWN "god", and run their lives according to their OWN serpent knowledge of
what is right and wrong.
This is the “carnal mind” Paul refers to as being our problem.
It is HOSTILE to Jah, and His Truth.
Hostile or rebellious, because the Light of Truth exposes us for what we
are. The pride filled ego does not
appreciate such exposure, and therefore is quite hostile to Jah, who is the
“Light of the earth”.
We were ALL VICTIMIZED by Adam (and
Eve) by this action, and that victimizing has been a part of our genetic
structure ever since. This is the
contamination from which we need deliverance, and that through the entrance of Truth by
eating of the Tree of Life. We have
regained this right by receiving the “Love for the Truth”.
The fall is NOW BEING REVERSED! It is the reversal of the
contradiction, and in that reversal, we are being set
free into what was intended for us from the beginning!!!
This is the move of Jah of which we are entering, even as foretold in
Revelation Twelve.
All of the world walks in this tree of fallen thinking that justifies all
of its wickedness, all of its false doctrines.
Oh, how the results prove that two plus two equals FOUR,
and not FIVE!!! We can sure
enough see the results of this tree, and it is that which is the “something
dreadfully wrong” that is apparent to most of us.
It is the sociopathic mind that is going mad through its own escalating
corruption’s, so visible throughout our nation.
It will now produce the results of death on this earth in untold measure,
for death is all that it can produce as its final fruit. This is the Mind This is the mind that is causing all of the world’s woes. This is the mind that has caused all of the world’s religious confusion. This is the mind of unconscionable self righteous fig leaf cover ups, lies, and illusions. This is the mind of every false teacher that displaces Truth by speaking lies. This is the mind that produces political ideologies that are promoted and protected with WARS! This is the mind that is IN US ALL!!! This is the mind from which we need to be redeemed by the Blood of Jahshuah through the Truth to find our place in Life, and our total fulfillment!!! This mind can only create in contradiction to Jah, and is death, and that death is coming upon the entire Kingdom of Death, and all that remain in it. Hear me well! This is the mind we must all be redeemed from to REVERSE THE CONTRADICTION!!!
If I had to pick just one theme to publish out of all that I have written, it would be the ones set forth in these messages. There WILL NEVER BE ANY Overcomers, NO "Dwelling Place of Zion", NO unity, NO TRUE LOVE, without the full understanding of what is revealed in them!!! And yet, I wonder how many visitors to this web site have given ANY consideration of what is uncovered here-in, let alone have the understanding, and then APPLY IT TO THEIR OWN LIFE! |
Course Three
"The Restoration of ALL Things"
Here-in is the Glory that is coming, and for that which we all long whether we realize what it is we are longing, or not. This is what "Reverses The Contradiction" and turns our mourning into dancing, bringing forth a joy we have not yet comprehended, let alone experienced.
Is this an important subject? Jah and ALL of His Prophets thought so. They prophesied of it FROM THE BEGINNING!