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NOTE: some will either know or suspect where I am headed. With that suspicion, there might be a tendency to identify me as being part of this or that organization. I recognize True "Christians" wherever they might be, but once you get to know me, you will find that I defy all such identification. In fact, I actually resent being identified with ANY name of ANY group, or denomination, except that of being of, and in, Jahshuah.
In fairness to the so called "Israel Identity" people of today, I would like to state the following:
These are not all heretically deceived people, and all of the same ilk. Satan has tried desperately to destroy this truth in every way that he can. One of his greatest methods he uses to destroy important key Truths is to bring forth reproaches by perversions of it. So has it been with not only the "Gifts of the Spirit", but a myriad of other doctrines as well. When he creates a lie, then those that believe it come under his headship. That is just the way it is folks. Wake up.
In spite of this, there are people and groups of people in the Israel Identity movement that express as much love, sincerity, and loyalty to Jahshuah and the Word, as I have found in any movement or denomination. Indeed, they come from almost every denomination that you can name. The awareness of these people as to what is happening in the earth is a step ahead of most.
We must be careful in labeling true brothers and sisters in Jahshuah by what we have become to believe about them. Believing these things because of our erroneous presupposing of whom we think they are in association. Some of them are as appalled at what is taught and preached under the heading of the "Israel Identity Message", as the rest of us might be.
Who the House of Israel is in the world today is a vast subject. I will not try to cover it all at this time. Therefore, I present a very brief treatise on this field of study. When I see the necessity, I will expand upon this vital issue. If by now (unless you already know) you are not asking in your mind: "Well, who in the world is the House of Israel?", then you have not been listening on my other pages.
As I show this to you, keep in mind: these
people are a distinct people from the Judaites (see
I Loved, Esau I Hated
for a clearer understanding), and certainly from the
Jews; they are "Lost Sheep", meaning that they do NOT know
whom they are or WHERE they are; and by scripture they are in the
"Strong Delusion" of Babylon which is in THEIR
land. Let me begin the opening of whom the House of Israel is by elaborating on that which I have already mentioned elsewhere. In the beginning, the "Kingdom Mandate" to conquer and subdue the earth for Jah was given to Adam. With the fall, Adam came in need of redemption as was prophesied in Gen 3:15.
This mantle given to Adam, and the promise of a redeemer was
passed down from patriarch to patriarch, to Noah. Noah, by the
statements in Gen 9:25-27, gave it to his son Shem. Shem's descendants
became known as Semites, or Semitic families or tribes. The Israel of
today is a Semitic tribe or family, and can still be correctly called by
that term, as well as anyone could be who is still a pure blood
descendant of Shem. After Shem, by the call of Jah, these things fell
upon Abraham and his designated seed line through Isaac, Jacob/Israel,
and the twelve sons, families or tribes. It was with this "Kingdom Mandate" the Israelites entered the Promised Land the first time. Without this mandate they would have not had ANY RIGHT WHATSOEVER TO DO SO! (When we are doing something in Jahshuah, we MUST find the RIGHT and the PROPER TIMING given by the Word of Jah to do it. ONLY by the "RIGHT", "TIMING", and "WILL" of Jah, found in the Word, can we take action against the enemies of Jah. Taking action in any other manner will bring judgment upon us as many have found out in this day, because it is an act of REBELLION.)
With this Kingdom Mandate to establish the
Kingdom of Jah, they went forth conquering and subduing the land, and
wiping out the serpent seed enemies of Jahshuah who is the King of the
of the fallen nature that was ALSO inherited from Adam, the Israelites
endeavor to take over the Promised Land fell apart at the seams.
Wickedness and division among themselves began to take THEM over.
the reign of Solomon, and because of taxation, great division arose between the two kingdoms of
Judah and Israel . With this division, the northern
tribes under the headship of Joseph's two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh,
appointed themselves their own king, and no longer submitted to Jah's
appointed King from out of Judah. This can be found in 1 Kings 12.
southern two tribes (with some Levites) became known as the House of
Judah, for that was the ONLY TITLE OF HEADSHIP they had ANY right to.
You might wonder, "Really. How come they did not have right to the
name Israel?" Jacob, whose name was changed to "Israel", GAVE HIS NAME to Joseph's two sons, EPHRAIM AND MANASSEH. In Gen 48:16, we read:
These two sons of Joseph were given the ABSOLUTE RIGHT to the name "ISRAEL", and from this point and on, ONLY THEY could use it. In turn, they gave the right to the other northern tribes, and this northern kingdom thus became known as the House of Israel. In most instances of scripture, this name is referring to them, and ONLY THEM, for ONLY TO THEM was it given! (They were also given the name of Isaac, which you will see the significance in just a little bit.)
Not only were they given this name, but the MATERIAL BLESSING promise
that was given to Abraham by Jah. This "blessing" was
passed on to Isaac, then to Jacob, and now by personal prophecy was
being given to Ephraim and Manasseh. When Jacob began this prophesying, he placed his right hand on the younger of the two, Ephraim, and his left hand upon Manasseh, the older of the two. This upset Joseph, for the right hand meant the RULING POSITION. Joseph felt that Jacob was making a mistake, for he thought the ruling position should go to the oldest son Manasseh. This is related to us in verses 17-20, which I give to you, for it is crucial to know.
We also see that Jah, through Jacob, set the younger Ephraim before Manasseh. This gave Ephraim the ruling position, and he was to become GREATER THAN MANASSEH! Both sons were to become great in the earth, and blessed with wealth, but Ephraim was to become greater than Manasseh. This he surely did. He became The United States of America, the GREATEST CITY (of Israel) the earth has EVER SEEN!
Manasseh became England, who in its day
was a mighty empire. By the sure Word of prophecy, you must find Ephraim
and Manasseh (non-Jews) in the world today, for they were to become two
mighty nations. For those that would like to argue
against their being the United States and England, then I ask, whom do
YOU say they are? As time went by, great hostility grew between the two kingdoms of Judah and Israel. Neither would have much to do with the other, except while under extreme circumstances. The House of Judah for a time, continued somewhat, and off and on, to walk with Jah. Not the House of Israel though. They became very wicked and pagan in their worships, much like we have today. It seems to run in our natural blood. (Sorry folks. We are what we are. These revelations are not being given to arouse pride in ourselves over whom we are, but to HUMILIATE US!!! What we have become instead of what we should have become, is enough to make anyone hide his face in shame FOREVER!) They were so wicked with their sins that Jah DIVORCED them for their spiritual harlotry (Jer 3:8). We have not learned much from our ancestors, as we have become the greatest whore of ALL TIME, Babylon. Because they were under judgment, they were eventually conquered by the Assyrians, and carried off into slavery. From out of that captivity, they scattered all over Europe migrating north from Assyria through the Caucasus mountains, picking up the term "Caucasians" along the way. (NOTE: Tracing the migrations of Israel, is an extensive study. I am oversimplifying it here.)
When I was a child, the term "Caucasian" (and
"Anglo-Saxon") was very important to my family. They always
insisted, that I call myself by that name. Now I know why it was so
important, even if they didn't.
Genesis 21:12, there is an interesting statement. It says,
"for in Isaac shall THY SEED BE CALLED."
The first meaning is, the chosen would come through Isaac, the seed in
Isaac being the ones called. But that is not all that resulted from
this. Above, we saw that Ephraim and Manasseh received the right to
Isaac's name as well as that of Israel. Some of the northern tribes did
indeed go by the term, seed of Isaac. The seed of Isaac means the sons
of Isaac. As time went by the wording went from Isaac's sons, to Sac's
sons, to SAXONS. The term "Anglo- Saxons" literally means Sons
of Isaac, the Messengers of Jah.
the centuries following their perniciously pagan ways and religions,
their identity became lost even to themselves, and like we today, had no
idea what the terms Caucasian, or Anglo-Saxon meant, or where and how
they originated. From the time of the separation until this day, the
House of Israel has been a distinctly different people from the Judaites
and from Jews. They are a people that forgot WHO THEY WERE. Thusly, we
have Jahshuah in Mat 10:6 and 15:4, calling them "the LOST SHEEP of
the House of Israel."
There can be no question about most of the people who call themselves Caucasians, or Anglo-Saxons. They are without a doubt people of the House of Israel. Certainly all of Ephraim and Manasseh are Anglo-Saxons. Yet, how much of a fuss this raises when it is told to people. It is amazing how most "Christians" have no trouble at all with the theorem that Jah is the "God" of Israel, and that Jahshuah is their redeemer. No trouble that is, as long as it is incorrectly and wrongfully applied to those who deceivingly call themselves Jews and are counterfeit Judaites. But . . . when it is applied correctly to those who REALLY ARE of Jah's chosen people, all kinds of hostility immediately erupts. All of this in spite of what the Word has to say, and in direct conflict with what history and clear evidence expressly verifies.
As in other key positions
of scripture, again the truth is denied, and steadfastly opposed with
all vigor. There are Priests of Baal working overtime in this
nation to try and destroy this knowledge. Trying to destroy it,
for when the House of Israel wakes up to whom they are and what calling
and mandate is upon them, SATAN IS THROUGH! May Jah reward
the deceivers according to their works. They have people so blinded that
when such a truth is brought to them, they just wave it away without
even giving it any thought or consideration. They, with a
heavy tongue, just dismiss this matter altogether as if the
importance of truth has NOT the LEAST BIT OF SIGNIFICANCE to what
they should be believing. I ask, what shall their fate
be??? |
All of the ones who are trying to destroy this truth of whom the
House of Israel is, have one thing in common. They try and tell us the
two houses of Judah and Israel were joined back together at the time the
Judaites came out of its captivity to ancient Babylon to build the
temple in Jerusalem. That from this time and on, all of Jah's people
were known as Jews, and there was no longer a House of Israel in the
world. Only the lazy and gullible could believe such lies, for they are
utterly without basis. I ask these men if this be so, then why are there so many prophecies concerning the House of Israel for the last days, as opposed to the House of Judah? Why is it that Jah NEVER USES the term "Jew" in those prophecies???
By the time Judah came out of Babylon to build the temple, the
House of Israel had been migrating north for TWO HUNDRED YEARS! There
were some who undoubtedly stayed in the area and returned to Palestine
with Judah, but did they ALL come back at that time??? If so, who went
out to get them??? They did not have the communication, nor the mass
transit systems of today. They were already multiplying into the
prophesied millions. These all came back??? How did Israel even KNOW
about this rebuilding of the temple, as they were thousands of miles
away??? Jahshuah said it would take until the end of the age to go over the
cities of Israel. How did these Judaites accomplish it so quickly???
The building of the temple was long before Jahshuah, yet , even FIVE HUNDRED YEARS LATER,
He still calls them the House of Israel, and LOST
SHEEP!!! Why??? Do you know more than what He does??? Should I believe
you, or HIM???
The Jews knew the House of Israel were still a dispersed people
and had never returned to Palestine. They figured this was where Jahshuah
was going to go. Because of the division and hostility between the
dispersed Israel and these Jews, they were NOT ALLOWED into the House of
Israel territories. Therefore they reasoned, this must be the place that
he is going that we cannot follow.
Lets go and read a little of what Zeke said in Ezekiel 37. It is here that some remarkable matters are stated. Two of them being, they will NOT be gathered back to Palestine until the raising of the dead, and then they will NEVER AGAIN SIN. Read with me now verses 19 - 23:
Do you see it??? They will be TWO SEPARATE HOUSES right up until the TWO STICKS are joined back together!!! They are NOT joined back together until the end time when the Return of Jahshuah is eminent, for it is NOT UNTIL THEN that NO ONE will EVER AGAIN DEFILE THEMSELVES WITH ANY TRANSGRESSION!!! Has either the House of Israel, or the House of Judah come to the place where they are sinless??? Then neither have they been joined back together, and therefore they are STILL Two Separate Houses!!!
The ones who say the two
houses were joined back together at the time of coming out of Babylon to
build the temple, are actually calling Jah A LIAR!!! He says that it has
NOT YET HAPPENED, and WILL NOT HAPPEN until the time of the great
tribulation. Now just WHO do you suppose we are to believe???
this scripture we can see clearly they are STILL TO THIS DAY a
divided people. Therefore, we must find the House of Israel nations
in the world somewhere, with the prophecies concerning them coming to
pass, or the Word of Jah would not be true!!! You take the scriptures,
and try to find them in some other place than what I have shown you. IT
CANNOT BE DONE. I have tried. Notice the statement, "the STICK OF JOSEPH . . . IN THE HAND OF EPHRAIM." The stick represents authority. Ephraim was to have the ruling position over the House of Israel. At the time of the re-joining of these two kingdoms, which takes place during the time, or just prior to, THE TRIBULATION, it will be the Ephraim nation that will be wielding authority. This means that Ephraim will be a ruling nation in the world. Being blessed with the wealth of Abraham, he will be the wealthiest nation in the world. This nation will not be Manasseh, or any of the other House of Israel nations, but WILL BE EPHRAIM.
The authority of Ephraim in the last days is in the
UNITED STATES. England being Manasseh, did indeed become great, but not
as great as his younger brother Ephraim. Just like the two sons, England
(Manasseh) was the first born. The second born, the United States
(Ephraim) became GREATER. Becoming so because of the prophetical word
that is upon us. Under the mantle and blessings of Jah, Ephraim was to
become a mighty nation. The fulfillment of those prophetical words is in
the United States, the STICK OF JOSEPH in the hand of Ephraim.
me the lies of the ones who are trying to destroy the Israel Identity
truth, are odiously obnoxious, and by the Word of Jah they are damning
lies. The ones who know this truth, and are bringing disrepute to it are
as bad as the ones who are trying to destroy it. Just like Hitler, they
are only those who have become pawns of the devil through their racial
pride, and are being used to blind the Israel people to their identity
even more than the lying deceivers. The Bible makes it very clear time after time that Jah is the "God" of Israel. I do not know of anyone who has trouble with this scriptural fact, not even today. Any individual who is knowledgeable in the Bible, would readily agree with this platitude. We read it everywhere in the Word, and it abounds in our songs. So why doesn't the Israel of Jah know that Jah is their "God" and not the "God" of the gentiles??? It becomes progressively obvious that they do not know, because they DO NOT KNOW that they ARE Israelites! Thinking that we are gentiles and serving Jah, we have come to believe that Jah changed His mind and is now the "God" of the gentiles. Through the plans and efforts of Satan and the Priests of Baal, we are believing opposite of the truth. The House of Israel is blind to whom they are so they do not realize that Jah is STILL the Elohim of Israel and Jahshuah the Redeemer of Israel. This blindness also keeps us from seeing the Kingdom Mandate that is upon us. A Mandate that we have been fulfilling, but in a fallen manner. As we find out whom we are, the truth of this matter does wonders in clearing up our minds. Finding out that you are of Israel and NOT A GENTILE, brings a whole new perspective to the Word, and to the knowledge that Jah is OUR Elohim, and Jahshuah is OUR Redeemer.
Until a person finds this out he is
lost in a quagmire of delusion. This is where the devil wants an
Israelite, and does everything he can to keep the lies going that are
blinding the Israel people as to whom they are, for they are the ones,
and the ONLY ONES who have the mantle of Jah TO DESTROY HIM!!!
you want to blind us if you were Satan???
Because of these matters, we can see out of necessity that Israel
is in the world today, believing they are gentiles, and not Israelites
of the House of Israel. Is there any scripture to confirm this??? Again
the answer is certainly. (That is why I like asking these questions that
I have answers to. Makes me feel intelligent.) In Hosea 1:10-11, we read some very interesting things:
1. Judah and Israel are two separate and distinctly different
2. Israel is BEING LIED TO and BLINDED. Because of this, they are
DECEIVED and in a delusion regarding their identity. "Where it was
said unto them, ye are NOT MY PEOPLE." Is that not being done to
you my Anglo-Saxon brother??? And in what land are you in and being lied
to? The LAND OF DELUSION, Babylon!
3. Their eyes WILL BE OPENED IN THE DAY OF JEZREEL, a title for
the great tribulation time period. The original Jezebel was killed in
Jezreel. The "day of Jezreel" means for us, the day the
mystery woman, Babylon, will be destroyed. This takes place at the great
tribulation. That day my friends is FAST UPON US, and this scripture
PROVES IT. Why do I say that??? Are you not NOW BEING TOLD??? Are your
Another Closing Note
ALSO SEE: LGM EDITORIAL MOST of today’s “MINISTERS” say that the gathering of Jah’s chosen people back to Israel began in 1948. And, we must support and protect them, or Jah will bring Judgment down upon us. IS THIS THE TRUTH???What does Biblical Prophecy have to say on this subject??? THE TRUE RE-GATHERING OF ISRAEL BACK TO THE PROMISED LAND This teaching will Prove with SCRIPTURE beyond ANY DOUBT that the preaching which says TRUE ISRAEL returned to the Promised Land in 1948 is an absolute LIE!!! Not only that, but reveal to you the truth of whom those people really are who reside in Palestine today. And, what is happening today is: The gathering of the COUNTERFEIT JEWS. THIS IS A BLOCKBUSTER