Kissinger: Obama's 'task' is to help create a 'new world order'
This article might seem rather
benign and unimportant to one who has not the broad knowledge of what is really
happening. However, let me say that when the Edomite
Henry Kissinger says that it is the ideal time for Obama to
establish the New Word Order, people need to sit up, and take notice
of what all this means. We just might be entering the day when we shall
witness Rev 12 & 13 come to pass right before our eyes. That would
mean we are now not only entering a horrendous time, but one of great glory as
(See LGM Note below this article.)
Excerpts from the article: "Jezebel and her end time False Prophet", the foundation of which was written some twenty years ago:
Once you understand that, you will then come into the understanding that the False Prophet rules from his position as the earthly head of this Whore. As you will learn, that one is dramatically clear in the Word. You tell me, if it is not as President of this nation, then what is that earthly headship?
Jah's Kingdom, Zion, is to be established before the great tribulation period begins. From out of Zion, a 144,000 men will go forth as witnesses for Jahshuwah and His Kingdom. They will give up their lives to martyrdom by leaving the protected places to preach this message to all who will hear and refuse the "mark". They will be more concerned for the lives of others for eternity than for their own natural life.
They will preach this gospel of the
KINGDOM that must go into all the world before the return of Jahshuwah. As the LAW
shall go forth from Zion, it is these that will preach the Law of Jah, and by
doing so will expose all of the sins, errors and fornications of Babylon. They
will be operating under the mantle of Elijah and John the Baptist; preaching
repentance; preparing the way for the return of Jahshuwah in this war with
Jezebel and Satan. Most will not believe them, and will hate them with a passion as they
will believe the lying delusion of Satan's anti-Messiah and Jezebel's False Prophet.
Just as we have seen, Babylon and the False Prophet are both to bring forth the "Mark of the Beast". These cannot be two separate endeavors, but of necessity must be one and the same. The only way that the False Prophet COULD do so, would be if he were the head of the NATION that did so. The evidence is conclusive. He WILL BE PRESIDENT at some future time of The UNITED STATES of AMERICA! He will have newly acquired religious and political authority. This, we will see UNFOLD before our very eyes, for NEITHER this revelation, nor the outcry of all the True Prophets against his election COULD KEEP IT FROM HAPPENING!!!
he President now? Could
be. See the Editorial
on Obama. Whatever,
this False Prophet is to rise
from out of no where to become the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA!!!
The "mystery woman" of Revelation, The Spirit of Jezebel, is going to raise up her End Time Super World Ruling False Prophet (just as she has done with thousands of other Priests of Baal Serpent Ministries) to rule over her End Time Super World Power, BABYLON THE GREAT!!! Count on it!
"For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon the mount (authority of) Ephraim (which IS The United States) shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto Jah our Elohim. 7For thus saith Jah; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations (and which IS the CHIEF or world ruling NATION in the world today?): publish ye, praise ye, and say, O Jah, save thy people, the remnant of Israel.
And then excerpts from the article, "Jezebel and This Nation":
The RED Beast, and Babylon The Great are the two end time super powers, and the ten kings are the ones who rule over everything from behind the scenes. These ten are called "The Learned Elders of Zion" by the Edomites who are being used by Satan to bring forth his domination of the earth. These ten are in direct contact with Satan, and are steeped in the occultist powers which they exercise over the earth.
Over all of this earthly realm of Satanic Power is a hierarchy of ruling evil spirits who work to control what is happening on this earth from the realm of spirit. There is not one nation that does not have one of these high rulers set in place over it. Discover the devil that is ruling over a nation, and you will then understand why that nation behaves as it does. Who then is over this nation??? This is quite easily seen when you understand how The Spirit of Jezebel operates, and for what purpose "she" works toward. Our nation shows forth EVERY ATTRIBUTE of this Spirit, and yet few seem to recognize it.
The Queen of Heaven, this "Spirit of Jezebel", has been enthroned to rule over this nation by its leaders, and that from almost its very inception. The STATUE OF LIBERTY attests to this LOUD AND CLEAR for all to see, and was purposefully erected in honor and worship of her. That is, it is clear to see if one has eyes to see. She proudly stands proclaiming "Liberty for All" while she fully intends to enslave the entire world.
The very wickedness present in this nation, whether in the politicians, the pulpits, or in the general population, verifies this with VALIDITY!!! And, in no other nation, religion, or people, is it so validated. It is in fact only THIS NATION that validates EVERY ear mark of this "Great Whore". The further you get into this study, the more you will see this is so. The very reason our so called "Christian Churches" have become cesspools of lies, is because of this very fact. And, through television, and evangelistic "Serpent Ministries", we are corrupting the entire earth with those lies. This is the Spirit that seduces even Jah's servants to eat false doctrine, and obviously, this seduction is no small matter. This seduction has caused Jah's people to become an abominable whore. Only those that "come out of her" WILL BE SAVED in this day, and I do not care what their lips say. Honoring Jahshuwah with our lips when our heart is far from Him, The Living Truth, WILL NOT WORK!!! Hear me well.
(Yes, I am very much aware of who others say is this "Babylon The Great", and do recognize their historical logics. I am also much aware of the influence of the Catholic Church, The Pope, The Black Pope, the United Nations, and all of the evil organizations involved with the "Illuminati".
And yes, the statues of Mary have been erected in worship of the "Queen of Heaven", this Spirit of Jezebel. I have just seen how all of this is "The Magicians" sleight of hand distraction from what the Truth is, and who is really bringing forth the New Word Order.
And yes, these other "powers" do have their part, but they could never accomplish their desires without the authority of the United States on the world scene, an authority that was granted by The Prophetic Word unto Ephraim. Even as Jezebel seduced Ahab to gain control of the final authority on this earth in that day, so has "she" done in this day. For further validation of this Authority, see the Articles, "So Who Is The House of Israel", and "The Coming Destruction of The United States". These fit hand in glove with this one.
Certainly The United Nations will play a prominent role in this last day. What must be understood is that Jah is holding us responsible for not only its creation, but for everything it does. Our leaders created the United Nations, and without our money it would have dried up a long time ago. It is present on our soil, and therefore under our responsibility before Jah for its presence on the world scene. If ANY of our leaders were actually Christians, this would never have been allowed to take place, and would be destroyed immediately by any true follower of Jahshuwah. It has been allowed, and continually allowed, for our leaders are in submission to the Edomites who RULE THIS NATION from behind the scenes. There is NOT ONE Politician in Washington that is NOT working for the New Word Order. If there was, they would be eliminated without hesitation.
This nation's leaders are determined to bring forth the anti-Christ New World Order. Why is this so??? Because "Jezebel" rules here, and "she" has good reason for seducing the world through "her" conniving manipulations into this end time Global Government. By enthroning Satan, and the Son of Lucifer, over this earth, "she" is the real one that will be ruling. As it clearly states in Revelation, Babylon the Great is the super power that "REIGNS OVER THE KINGS OF THE EARTH". Without this nation's authority, the anti-Christ could NEVER COME INTO POWER.)