upon HER forehead was a name written, MYSTERY,
The Book of
Revelation in chapters 17 & 18, tell us there are to be certain head
powers that will be ruling the Kingdom of Darkness, the anti-Christ Beast
System, on this earth in the end times. These powers are listed
1. "The Red
2. The
"Mystery woman called "Babylon The Great",
3. and Ten
Beast, and Babylon The Great are the two end time super powers, and the
ten kings are the ones who rule over everything from behind the
scenes. These ten are called "The Learned Elders of Zion"
by the Edomites who are being used by Satan to bring forth his domination
of the earth. These ten are in direct contact with Satan, and are
steeped in the occultic powers which they exercise over the
Over all of this
earthly realm of Satanic Power is a hierarchy of ruling evil spirits who
work to control what is happening on this earth from the realm of
spirit. There is not one nation that does not have one of these high
rulers set in place over it. Discover the devil that is ruling over
a nation, and you will then understand why that nation behaves as it
does. Who then is over this nation??? This is quite easily
seen when you understand how The Spirit of Jezebel operates, and for what
purpose "she" works toward. Our nation shows forth EVERY ATTRIBUTE
of this Spirit, and yet few seem to recognize it.
The Queen of Heaven,
this "Spirit of Jezebel", has been enthroned to rule over this nation
by its leaders, and that from almost its very inception. The STATUE OF LIBERTY
attests to this LOUD AND CLEAR for all to see, and was purposefully erected in
honor and worship of her. That is, it is clear to see if one has eyes to
see. She proudly stands proclaiming "Liberty for All" while she
fully intends to enslave the entire world.
The very wickedness present in this nation, whether in the politicians,
the pulpits, or in
the general population, verifies this with VALIDITY!!! And, in no
other nation, religion, or people, is it so validated. It is in fact
only THIS NATION that validates EVERY ear mark of this "Great
Whore". The further you get into this study, the more you will
see this is so. The very reason our so called "Christian
Churches" have become cesspools of lies, is because of this very
fact. And, through television, and evangelistic "Serpent
Ministries", we are corrupting the entire earth with those
lies. This is the Spirit that seduces even Jah's servants to eat
false doctrine, and obviously, this seduction is no small matter.
This seduction has caused Jah's people to become an abominable
whore. Only those that "come out of her" WILL BE SAVED in
this day, and I do not care what their lips say. Honoring Jahshuah
with our lips when our heart is far from Him, The Living Truth, WILL NOT
WORK!!! Hear me well.
I am very much aware of who others say is this "Babylon The
Great", and do recognize their historical logics. I am also
much aware of the influence of the Catholic Church, The Pope, The Black
Pope, the United Nations, and all of the evil organizations involved with
the "Illuminati".
yes, the statues of Mary have been erected in worship of the "Queen
of Heaven", this Spirit of Jezebel. I have just seen how all of
this is "The Magicians" sleight of hand
distraction from what the Truth is, and who is really bringing forth the
New Word Order.
And yes, these other "powers" do have
their part, but they could never accomplish their desires without the authority
of the United States on the world scene, an authority that was granted by
The Prophetic Word unto Ephraim. Even as Jezebel seduced Ahab to gain control of
the final authority on this earth in that day, so has "she" done in this
day. For further validation of this Authority, see the Articles,
Who Is The House of Israel", and
"The Coming
Destruction of The United States".
These fit hand in glove with this one.
The United Nations will play a prominent role in this last day. What
must be understood is that Jah is holding us responsible for not only its
creation, but for everything it does. Our leaders created the United
Nations, and without our money it would have dried up a long time
ago. It is present on our soil, and therefore under our responsibility
before Jah for its presence on the world scene. If ANY of our
leaders were actually Christians, this would never have been allowed to
take place, and would be destroyed immediately by any true follower of
Jahshuah. It has been allowed, and continually allowed, for our
leaders are in submission to the Edomites who RULE THIS NATION from behind
the scenes. There is NOT ONE Politician in Washington that is NOT
working for the New Word Order. If there was, they would be
eliminated without hesitation.
nation's leaders are determined to bring forth the anti-Christ New World
Order. Why is this so?? Because "Jezebel" rules
here, and "she" has good reason for seducing the world through
"her" conniving manipulations into this end time Global
Government. By enthroning Satan, and the Son of Lucifer, over this
earth, "she" is the real one that will be ruling. As it
clearly states in Revelation, Babylon the Great is the super power that
nation's authority, the anti-Christ could NEVER COME INTO POWER.)
we only view events on this earth through our natural eyes, our natural mind, we
will NEVER understand correctly what is taking place on this earth. Matters MUST be seen
through spiritual understanding. One key subject concerns that every
nation has a Kingdom of Darkness Spirit ruling over it, even as Paul describes
in Eph 6:
For we
wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
the rulers of the darkness of this world,
Rulers of Darkness, although working toward the same goal, are NOT working in concert with each other in unity, but in competition, each seeking to be the
ruler of the earth. As Jahshuah said, "A kingdom divided against
itself cannot stand", and this is why he said it.
This is why there
are so many wars, and rumors of wars throughout this world. The spirits
that rule over each nation are vying for position in Satan's Kingdom of
Darkness, and in some cases, to even overthrow Satan's throne and replace it
with their own. Since they can only work evil continually, they craftily devise
plans even against each other. This is verified by what we see taking
place in the natural. Everything begins in the Spirit, and then manifests
on this earth, even as it should be with Jah's people.
this particular "Spirit of Jezebel", this High Ruler in the Kingdom of Darkness
is understood, it is then easily discerned that "she" is ruling this
nation. Everyone of "her" attributes are working not only in
this nation, but corrupting the entire earth with those workings from out of
this nation. Everything of the Whore of Babylon in Revelation is her
workings, and everyone of them is being worked in our land, and from our
land. This "Mystery Woman" is none other than this "Queen
of Heaven", "The Spirit of Jezebel", the POWERFUL "Mystery
woman" of Revelation.
am very prone to repeating myself with rhetoric found in other
articles. I am attempting to not do that in this one. There is
much in the page, "The Coming Destruction of the United States",
that verifies we are Babylon of Revelation. Please read that one for
clarification, as I am going to make this page as brief as possible.
I am laying ground work in these first few pages for what I am getting
ready to unfold in later ones. In getting the full realization that
The United States is the End Time Babylon The Great, it is then easily
seen who the Spirit is that presides over us.
And THE WOMAN which thou
sawest is that great city, which reigneth over the kings of the
This Mystery Woman is reigning over the
entire earth's rulers. In order to reign over the Kings of the
earth, the ruler must have the military might, and control of the World's
Monetary systems. It must be a WEALTHY, powerful Throne from which
to rule. Which nation is it that has the strongest military power,
and controls the earth's monetary systems??? The one that does will
have the authority to force the world into "The Mark of The
Beast" buying and selling system, and that is exactly what this
nation is preparing to do.
The story of Ahab and Jezebel reveals much concerning this spirit. A
series is being worked on that will shed much light on that which is being said
here. I will get it published as soon as it is possible to do so. In
the meantime, I give this brief treatise in preparation for what shall be
said in that series of teachings.)
To give another pertinent
example of a Ruler of Darkness, there is a "Spirit of
Allah" which rules over the entire
fanatical Muslim / Moslem Realm. This spirit is conspiring to raise its throne over "Jezebels
Throne", and thus over Satan's, even as Satan is conspiring to raise his throne above Jah's. This conspiring results in WARS on this earth, and we are about
to see a great one concerning this behind the scenes scheming. The
"Spirit of Jezebel" will not tolerate such rebellion to
"her" determination to rule the earth and bring it into submission to
the "Son of Lucifer", the head of the "Seed of the Serpent",
which is destined to rule from Jerusalem.
The spirit behind the powerful fanatical
Muslims is crafty indeed, whose workings are witnessed in the conniving of the
Terrorists. This is a horrific problem for the NWO, for this religious
realm will NEVER submit to it. They are determined to RULE THE EARTH, and
certainly NOT to submit unto another ruler. The result will eventually be an all out war that
will leave millions dead, and great destruction in a number of nations.
"Jezebel" cannot afford to have this threat to her Kingdom, or
"her" goals. "She" has no choice but to go forth in
wrath to eliminate this rebellion to "her" authority.
The "Muslim Spirit" knows
full well what he is dealing with, and certainly the "Wrath of
Jezebel". She is greatly incensed by this rebellion to her authority,
and has set herself to eliminate it. The Spirit of Allah cannot just walk away and wait for that wrath to fall
upon his henchmen. He must act, and act now, to bring Jezebel's Throne
down, or he will lose like big time. Thus the wars and rumors of war
grow in their intensity.
Remember now, one of Jezebel's
main attributes is the Art of Seduction, even as she used our nations
leaders to seduce Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. She seduces one
to act in a certain way so that she can bring her wrath down upon
them. This is done to further the enthroning of Satan over the
earth. This is clearly seen in the story of Ahab, Jezebel, Naboth,
and his vineyard.
Jah has removed His hand of protection from this Harlot Nation so
that this battle can be fought. The destruction of the World Trade Towers
was ONLY the FIRST ATTACK!!! This is why I say there is MORE ON THE WAY,
and I dare not even think of what that might be. These Terrorists care not
what they use to "Kill Americans", even as the Devils care not what
pain and suffering they inflict upon the world's population, as long as they
seemingly gain their goal of position in the Kingdom of Darkness.
It would not surprise me if a
nuclear incident happened somewhere in this nation, and for this
reason. Jezebel intends to use nuclear weapons upon the Moslem
World, and she needs excuse for doing so which would bring the minds of
the people into harmony with her. It would not matter who actually
caused the nuclear incident, for she would be behind it, either by direct
control of our own nations leaders, or by seduction upon the Moslem
(And yes, our leaders ARE
quite capable of causing a nuclear incident that would probably kill
hundreds of thousands, so they could then blame it on the Muslim
The war between these two
spirits is going to bring forth some horrific events with terrible
consequences, but Jezebel will win this particular conflict to bring the
earth into absolute submission to Satan, and his Son of Lucifer, the
We are a nation under JUDGMENT, and
have been for some time. Few would be able to accept a listings of these
judgments, for the programming from our pulpits is strong indeed. We are
being programmed to believe that many of the judgments are "The Move of 'God' for the
good, when in fact are the very things that are destroying this nation. If
I told you of these deadly matters, few would be able to accept them, and most
would think I was some kind of nut.
Take the blinders off and look around. Is this a nation under
"Righteousness, Peace, and Joy" of the Kingdom??? Hardly.
We are filled with the wickedness of the Great Whore, and that wickedness is producing pain and
suffering everywhere. We are reaping from what we have sown, and we are
ALL feeling the effects of that reaping! This Judgment is now coming into
plain view, and believe me, the latest events are only the beginning of terror
that is coming to this nation. To escape from this coming upon us, we MUST
"Come out of her", and that by the way we have not before known.
To have that way opened to us, we must constantly pray that we be
accounted worthy to escape.
Now, let
us take a look at some of the attributes of this "Spirit of Jezebel"
to see how she functions.
teach and to seduce . . . (and
I repeat for emphasis) .
. . SEDUCE my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things
sacrificed unto idols
When we eat false doctrine, we become one with it, and one
with the author of it. We are certainly NOT becoming one with the Spirit
of Truth. The seduction is so strong, we realize NOT what has even
happened to us.
is behind all of the false worship in this nation that is deceiving the whole
world into "The Strong Delusion" through it. She works through her false
prophets, her Priests of Baal, her "Serpent Ministries", to seduce people into idolatry so prevalent in what
people call "Christianity". Most of you have come to recognize
the Pagan Practices that have infiltrated most of the
"churches". This is the spirit that is behind this activity, and
has been working for many years to accomplish what we are now seeing.
many think that all of the praying, and being brought together round Pagan
Altars during the 911 event was a "Move of Jah"???
I am sorry folks, but this is just not so. It was Jezebel bringing the
people into her idolatrous religion to gain support of the people, to make them
one with her and her plans, and in doing so, make them
think they are following Jah.
might add here, and believe me, I am sorry to say this, but our "Pledging of
Allegiance to the Flag", has become a pledge to support Jezebel, and is
we see ANY REPENTANCE going on??? No, we saw self-righteous people, who
think this nation is a righteous country, and vowing to bring judgment down on
those that dared to challenge our nations intents to bring forth the NWO.
Do we really think all of those people are following Jah, and calling on Him
in "Spirit and TRUTH"???
Do we
understand that this spirit SEDUCES even Jah's SERVANTS???
Do we
understand what we have been called out of???
Do we understand that the One World Church / Religion is being brought
together right before our eyes, and being brought together to support the entire
anti-Christ Beast System??? To
support the workings of Jezebel to bring the world into her submission??? If we are to have sympathy, who is it for???
and His ways, or JEZEBEL’S?
We saw
unrepentive homosexuals, drunks, conniving thieves and liars, baby murderers, and otherwise
degenerates called Congress,
standing on the steps singing “God” bless America while judgment
is falling on their heads. What spiritual
stupidity. We of all people should understand that all of the religious goings on
are nothing more than the WORSHIP OF BAAL!!!
Oh, how seductive it all is.
Did this "SEDUCTION" have an affect upon you???
them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation
Are you seeing why we must COME OUT
OF HER to escape what is coming??? Those that do not do so are going to be
cast into receiving the results of experiencing the horror of the "Great
Tribulation". What we have just witnessed is NOTHING in comparison to
what is coming.
I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that
I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of
you according to your works.
Do we understand that Jahshuah is
speaking to those who are suppose to be His followers??? His Ecclesia???
He is not warning the world, but those who are IN one of His
"churches". And, not just to ONE church, but a message that will
go into EVERY "church". That means we had all better sit up and
take notice of this message. He is warning us, every believer on the face
of this planet!!!
There is not one organization,
not one movement present today, that is not suffering from the seductions
of Jezebel to eat false doctrine, and in many cases, DAMNING
HERESIES. Eating of this Tree of Death, makes us one with that Tree,
and the author of the lies they have been seduced to believe. If
this were not so, then we would not have to go to Zion when it is opened
for us to do so, to LEARN THE TRUTH. We are NOT going to come into
the Full knowledge of the Truth until that day. There will NOT BE
of Zion. We are NOT going to come into it while residing in Babylon,
and that is where we ALL are, and it matters not how sincerely we are
wanting to follow Jah, and preach the Truth. You can howl against my
saying such, but if you continue to walk after "The Spirit of
Truth", you will find out that I do know what I am talking
about. The more you walk after Him, the more deceptions you will
discover, and the more you discover, the more you will see in this regard,
and the more you will discern what is only the
carnal works of men with personal agendas who hide behind a facade of “righteousness”,
claiming great callings and work.
If we remain in "her", then
we are to be considered "her children", even as true believers should
be considered as children of Jah. How many of her "children"
DIED in the 911 catastrophe, and how many of them were "Professing
Christians"??? Did we get the message???
The destruction of the
World Trade Towers was a clear message to ALL OF THE CHURCHES (ekklesia), to COME
OUT OF HER!!! Come out of her, or receive her plagues. It is really
very simple folks. I do not understand why people have such a hard time
comprehending this. None of us have completed this
"coming out", and to get out, we MUST pray as Jahshuah commanded us to
pray so that we can escape that which is coming. Right now, we are ALL IN
JEOPARDY. If you do not believe that one, stick around. It will not
be long before you do.
Just as Elijah did war with Jezebel
in his day, so will it be with the "Elijah Company" of this day.
Jezebel HATES the ones called into this company of people. She is
out to kill the "Spirit of Elijah". Anyone called into the
overcoming will do war with this one, as she works so subtly to kill faith, and
do so through people who lend their selves to her use. Those that do
overcome will be given the right to smash the nations as clay pots during the
events "at the end".
must face the fact that it will not be the world at large that will come against
those who are "coming out", but the Jezebel inspired "Counterfeit
Christianity". She is the head of the end time "Murder
Incorporated". Listen up folks. Persecution of the True
Believers is on the way, and it will be ferocious. Anyone in submission to
Jezebel, and especially the "Priests of Baal", will do everything in
their power to destroy these people, and make them of no effect. How
quickly I discern such activity in a person, and in turn, how quickly I throw it
down and trample upon it within before it takes any negative
affect in my psyche upon me. All Overcomers will do the same in the days
This spirit WILL NOT REPENT, and
neither will those that have given themselves to her. She rules through a
determination to dominate, and dominate through seduction TO HER LIES; Through threats;
intimidation; manipulation; condemnation through false sense of guilt; crushing; tormenting;
discouragement; depressions; trying to defeat faith; economics; steals the tithe
inheritance and gives it to her submissive Priests; the blaming of others;
twisting the Truth into a lie; control through carnal power; making people
dependant upon her; sympathy for her; insolent insults; and a host
of others, all designed to gain control over us.
EVERYONE who is an Overcomer and called to Come out of her,
will feel these effects and feel them STRONGLY. Most will not even realize
why they have been affected as they have been. This is a serious enemy of
our souls, and will stop at nothing to immobilize us, or to eliminate us from
the battle field. I know of those that think they are Overcomers, and the
fact is, it is THEY that have been OVERCOME!!! And in being overcome, will
NOT REPENT to walk into this Light so that they can come out of the delusion
they are in. This is what boggles my mind.
We are in a very serious day
folks. Are we getting the message??? Are we overcoming
Jezebel and her seductions??? What happens if we do not do so???
What happens if we DO overcome???
he that overcometh (Jezebel), and keepeth my works
the end, to him will I give
power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the
vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my
Father. And I will give him the morning star. He that hath an ear,
let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Revelation shows us clearly that the time is coming when
Satan will finally wake up to what this Spirit of Jezebel has gotten him
into. When this takes place, he will realize that he has HAD IT, and will
turn on Jezebel to destroy her by destroying her earthly throne.
And the ten horns
which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her
desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
Therefore shall her plagues come in
one day, death, and mourning, and famine;
and she shall be utterly burned with
fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
And the kings of the earth, who have
committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and
lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her
burning, Standing afar
off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon,
that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come.
Satan, and his ten kings, along with
his "son" while in their wrath with her, will DESTROY Jezebel's Throne by
DESTROYING THIS NATION, and do so with a massive nuclear attack!!! This
will be brought to pass during the "END TIME EVENTS" by the Overcomers who
have Manifested as Sons of Jah, and by their overcoming of this "Spirit
of Jezebel", be given the right of Jahshuah to smash the nations as
clay pots with a rod of iron. They will cause this to take place by
"The Word of Their Testimony", as they confess the Word in Faith,
loosing the judgments WRITTEN.