We are in captivity to "her" BABYLON. We are being told to GET OUT OF HER, or we will receive the same judgments that are falling upon "her." We will fight all of hell in doing so. In the overcoming of this one, we will be given the right to SMASH THE NATIONS AS CLAY POTS WITH A ROD OF IRON!!!
I would admonish
those that are called into the "Overcoming" that you will NOT
accomplish the overcoming without understanding the matters covered on these
pages. This understanding will NOT come easily. It will require
disciplined study, and that with the Spirit of Jah. Only those who have
serious determination to be numbered among the "Overcomers" will give
themselves to such study. We are not in a realm of "instant
potatoes." What is written here requires dutiful study, and in that,
hours of time before Jah. This is not for those who love fun and games,
of being entertained and thrilled with supposed revelations. I am NOT here
to "entertain you!" I can also guarantee that you will not get the
depth of this teaching with one reading. I suggest that you come back in
couple of weeks or a month, and reread. I constantly get emails where a
person tells of reading a second and third time, and getting more out of it than
the first time.
All true doctrine is profitable, but the profit of it lies in knowing the Plan
of Jah, and His purpose for your life in that plan. The enemy will allow
you you to know EVERYTHING, even sound doctrine, as long as they can keep you
from knowing the True Plan and Purpose of Jah on this earth. If you desire
to overcome rather than be overcome, then you MUST understand what is written
here. This is no simple task, but will demand much time in study, and contemplation
before Jah.
In my mind, this is one of the most important subjects concerning the End Time. It goes hand in glove with the articles concerning The Overcomers. It is this Spirit that MUST be Overcome to obtain the right to come into the absolute and TRUE authority of Jahshuah, the Name above ALL Names, and with that Authority, "smash the nations with a rod of iron as clay pots." Most of what we see today that is advertised as being the use of Jahshuah's Authority to build our own kingdom's, comfort zones, is total wickedness, and wickedness seduced into by this spirit. It is an abomination before Jah. I have had several articles up on Jezebel, thanks to a Tambra Santini who transcribed them from taped messages. I still had a two part series on tape concerning Ahab & Jezebel that I made 25 years ago. When I taught this, I knew it was really not for then, but was for sometime in the future. I believe that time has come. I have known that we have entered a new time of history, and it was time to begin the war with this spirit. There was no way for me to sit down, listen to the tape, and get it entered into my computer. My shoulders drooped even to think about the labor involved. Yet I knew it should be done. I left it in Jah's hands, and figured the way to do it would come at the right time.
A month or so
back, from out of the blue, a woman e-mailed me and said she thought Jah had moved
her to offer me to type up any dictation that I may have on tape.
She said this was a part of her occupation, and that she was quite adept at doing such.
It took me
several hours to catch up with what was happening. I couldn't believe my
eyes. I e-mailed her back, told her of what I had, the war zone it would
put her in, and how much I have that would mean hours of work. I gave
her the opportunity to back out. She didn't!!! But, insisted that
I send it to her. Now I see how it came at Jah's "Appointed
I mention this for this woman deserves my public acknowledgement, and great thanks. I would not have been able to publish this without her wonderful labor. Brenda requested that I not give her credit for her work, so I cannot mention that her last name is Haas. As I said, the articles on Ahab & Jezebel are from a taped message I gave 25 years ago. In writing and rewriting the dictated tapes, I have embellished them considerably.
Not put in until 10-22-01