The Anglo-Saxon (House of Israel) is Fast Becoming
The Minority in the United States
Judgments of Jah are falling on the House of Israel, and most are not even aware
of how much this is so. In fact, most Anglo-Saxons do not even know they
ARE of the House of Israel, and NOT GENTILES, so how are they going to know the judgments
that are falling upon them???
We read of this "blindness" in Hosea where he wrote:
(Hos 1:10) Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered; and it shall come to pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people (told they are gentiles), there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living Elohim.
We read in:
(Deu 28:43) The stranger (foreigner - alien) that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low.
It has been Satan's desire to wipe out the Anglo-Saxons through the evil workings of the Edomites who rule this nation, for they are the ONLY ones who have the calling to wipe him out through the overcoming unto the victory of our King over them. This article proves most thoroughly just how much this is taking place.
Take a look around. How many of the ruling positions in this nation have been taken over by the other races???
If you do not know who the House of Israel is, see: So Who Is The House of Israel???
Wooldridge Part 4: Colorado Governor Lamm said that few multi-ethnic and multi-lingual countries know any peace among their citizens—United Kingdom, France, Holland, Cyprus, Lebanon Every year, 400,000 pregnant women enter the United States illegally to birth their babies on American soil. Their children become instant citizens and their mothers become instant wards of the American taxpayer. They enjoy taxpayer paid deliveries in our hospitals, unlimited medical health, K-12 educations, ‘free’ breakfasts and lunches, ‘free’ English as a second language classes and assisted housing, food stamps and social security benefits. What makes me pull my hair out remains this daunting predicament: why would our Congress fail to take action to stop this phenomenon? Why would our Congress force us to keep paying $346 billion annually to keep this ‘thing’ going for the past 20 years and into the foreseeable future? Why do pro-illegal and legal immigration groups not understand their own kids will be paying for generations of entrenched poverty erupting out of the wombs of these mothers birthing anchor babies? In continuing this interview with Mark Cromer,, senior writing fellow, titled: “American Jackpot: Remaking America by Birthright Citizenship,” he explains phenomenon occurring only in the United States: “Unrestrained mass immigration—with one million legal immigrants and at least three times as many illegal immigrants entering the nation each year—and the elevated birth rates among those immigrants has, in just a quarter of a century, set the stage to remake the ethnic, cultural and political dynamic of the United States,” said Cromer. “A study conducted by the Center for Immigration Studies in 2005 determined that immigrant women’s birthrates actually increase in the United States over the fertility rates in their home countries. “Mexican women in the U.S. in 2002 were averaging 3.5 children per woman, verses 2.4 children in Mexico. When adjusting for legal status, the same study concluded that illegal immigrants have a birthrate that is, on average, 50 percent higher in the U.S. than the birthrate for American women. The impact of these prolonged trends is now coming into focus. Recent census data reveal that one quarter of all kindergartners in the United States are now Latino and, if the present dynamic continues, white school children will be the minority across the nation in less than 15 years. In the American southwest the racial and cultural impacts of mass immigration from Mexico and Latin America is inescapable, with Latinos now the majority of all K-12 students in California, Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.” TWISTING AMERICA INTO ANOTHER COUNTRY AND CULTURE “Alarm bells in various quarters have actually been sounding over this issue for years and have drawn support at times from such a diverse array of quarters that it lays bare the lie that opposition to exploding immigration rates is confined to the social conservative wing of the Republican Party,” said Cromer. “In 1993, Senator Harry Reid proposed limiting citizenship to the children of women who were either citizens or in the U.S. legally. Reid in fact was a one-time opponent of illegal immigration who has long since abandoned his stance as illegal immigrants poured into Nevada to be used by business interests to replace citizen employees and workers at booming construction sites and casinos. Less than a decade after his signature legislation triggered a tidal wave of illegal immigration, Senator Alan Simpson, co-sponsor of the Simpson-Mazzoli Act in 1986, also voiced support for restricting birthright citizenship. “In 2005, Georgia Congressman Nathan Deal introduced his Citizenship Reform Act, which garnered 70 cosponsors and made its debut in a Republican-controlled House. Yet the GOP leadership refused to let the legislation limiting birthright citizenship come to a vote. Deal tried again in 2007 with the Birthright Citizenship Act, which met the same fate. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee waded briefly into the issue early in his 2008 presidential bid, telling a prominent anti-illegal immigration activist that had endorsed his candidacy that he would support a constitutional amendment to end the practice of granting birthright citizenship and also stated his support for a test case that would force the Supreme Court to take up the issue. “But Huckabee quickly backpedalled as media outlets picked up the story, demonstrating a flair for splitting the difference by saying he did not support a constitutional amendment that would restrict birthright citizenship yet not disavowing an effort to force a test case before the Supreme Court. And constitutional literalist Ron Paul, the Texas congressman whose Quixotic run for the GOP nomination built a massive national grassroots campaign among disaffected liberals, disgusted independents and young conservatives, came out early and staunchly against birthright citizenship and announced his support for ending the practice. Unlike Huckabee, he didn’t hedge after he started taking fire from pro-immigration groups.” AMERICANS WORKING AGAINST THEIR OWN BEST INTERESTS Despite significant support from a fairly diverse range of ideological quarters, the opposition to any effort to change the policy of birthright citizenship can draw upon a powerful consortium of ethnic and business special interests, including the Hispanic Congressional Caucus and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and effectively ensure that bills such as Deal’s are killed in committee. “In the 2008 elections, central Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode made his opposition to birthright citizenship a centerpiece of his popular position against illegal immigration,” said Cromer. “But Goode lost an extremely close race to Democrat Tom Perriello, who openly mocked Goode’s support for legislation that would end birthright citizenship during a debate, noting the bill was unable to garner the backing of the Republican leadership in the House. Perriello went on to dismiss continuing efforts at ending the practice as being legislative still births: dead on delivery.” Great Amendment, Terrible Policy What astounds me throughout this entire anchor baby and immigration debate, or lack of debate—stems from the growing reality that America transforms itself into a giant welfare state, overruns itself with entrenched poverty and propels itself into an unsustainable future. It’s nuts and it’s going to get much nuttier! For further information, visit and join for a sobering reality check of what is happening to our country.