The Contradiction PART
We are presently in a study concerning what the problem is on
this earth, and what the solution is for that problem.
Why many have not yet come into that which they thought Jah promised
to them. It is all very simple, but because of our own fallen nature
that blinds us, it is very difficult for most to see.
Even more difficult is it to decide to come out of the problem,
and into the solution. The
following is the very foundation of the problem.
the fall of Adam and Eve, we all inherited a “fallen nature”, and
that nature ,wanting to be its own "god", walks after its
own mind, its own Knowledge of Good and Evil. It
opposes Jah, and therefore sees things totally opposite of the
Truth. In its own self
justification, it is sure that its own knowledge IS truth, and IS
RIGHT in its thinking, when it is TOTALLY WRONG!!!
It sees itself AS GOD, and therefore
thinks that the "Word of God", is in subjection to itself, and
should be interpreted to its own pleasing.
most important aspect of this teaching is that it is true of
EVERYONE. If you do not see this nature in yourself, it will be
of no benefit to you. The first reaction of the carnal mind is
that it is only in others, Not
me. That is seeing
backwards, and IS the carnal mind in us at work. Everyone MUST
see that this is in they themselves, and is what is causing them so much
trouble, and making them vulnerable to the seductions of Jezebel prevalent
in the world today. All of Jezebel's Doctrines of Contradiction
please this fallen carnal mind, and that carnal mind is SURE that it
is believing correctly. Many have found out that NO AMOUNT of
proof to the contrary will move the carnal mind of ANYONE who is soul
tied to their position that Contradicts the Word of Jah.
It is not my intention to go into this “mind” with
meticulous measure in this article. We should already understand that this is the “flesh”,
the “old nature”, the sin present in us all.
This is the part of us that CANNOT please Jah, cannot
inherit the Kingdom of Jah, for it is at
enmity to Jah, and cannot do anything BUT be in opposition
to Him.
As Paul said:
be carnally minded is DEATH . . . because the carnal mind is ENMITY
against Jah, for it will
subject itself to the Law of
neither indeed can it do
This verse of
scripture, and the chapter in which it lies, is loaded with blazing
Light. How much I marvel at all that the Apostle Paul was
seeing. How dreadful it was that he did not live to see it all coming to pass. It was
not until he came to the time of being ready to be "offered up",
that he finally realized that it was not to happen in his day. This
was a real cross for him to suffer.
Read this chapter over and over, and get it into your
"computer", for out of this chapter will unfold the rest of the
Truth. It, in "spirit", unfolds from Genesis, and culminates
in the Book of Revelation. There are many chapters that one must have
in their mind to see not only the Truth of the entire Word, but where we are
going, and this is one of them.
is being very specific concerning the fallen nature. I want to deal
with just two of the aspects that are related.
Number One,
it is the flesh, the "old man", the CARNAL MIND that cannot
subject itself to the Law of Jah. That which is not able to submit
unto the Law of Jah is NOT spirit, BUT CARNALITY. Jahshuah
is our "New Man", residing in our spirit, and HE is LAWFUL
in every way. He is FOR, and IN SUBJECTION TO, the Holy Law. Any
rebellion to, any failure to comply with the Holy Law, is NOT Him, but the
"carnality" that lies within us all, and that carnal man
hates the Holy Law, and CANNOT submit unto it.
Jahshuah is TOTALLY LAWFUL and resides in us, He it is that is our
"salvation", our "righteousness". Many make
attempts after the flesh to comply with some part of the Law, such as the
Seventh Day Sabbath, and in doing so, think this makes them
"righteous" before Jah. All the while they are guilty of
five hundred other violations, but pay no attention to that reality.
These become legalistic in their attitude toward others, and secretly in
this legalistic mind hides the attitude, "Grace for me, but Law for
we must recognize our shortness of the Glory of Jah that lies with
in us. This comes by recognizing the "carnal mind", and what
part of our life it is controlling. Certainly, where we are being
UNlawful is NOT of Jahshuah. When we are willing to walk into the Light
that exposes these matters, we then become willing to see what ground within
us that Jahshuah wants to take over. This "taking us over" is
His taking of His promised Land, and it comes by the works of the Cross, NOT
by the works of the flesh, our own efforts to become righteous.
labored on this much, and still did not get through to very many of what he
was trying to reveal. It is a hard one to comprehend, for the very
carnal man that this teaching exposes, fights it with all fervency.
Then, Satan sends those who appear as "ministers of
righteousness", to preach in some perversion that which contradicts
this incredible Truth. Those that believe these lies will remain in
"The Strong Delusion", and NEVER find their way out. This is
a war zone folks, and to come out, we must learn HOW to WAR to come into the
full knowledge of the Truth.
Number Two,
this "carnal mind" is
ENMITY against Jah. What does this word "enmity"
ENMITY: Strong’s Concordance #2189; “Hostile,
opposed to, hatred”.
It is quite clear with even an elementary study that the “carnal
mind” is at WAR with Jah, and opposes Him in every way.
To be “opposed” to Jah is to live in CONTRADICTION to Him,
everything that He is, and says. The
whole fallen world lies in this fallen nature, and everything it creates is
created in CONTRADICTION to what Jah says.
Even as John stated, "the whole world lies in wickedness". Our
old nature is this carnal mind, the flesh, and it wants to be one with the
world. This is the war between flesh and spirit.
This we MUST understand, or we will NEVER understand our life, or
what is happening to us while we reside in this realm of darkness that rules
the entire earth. This is why we are suffering the CONTRADICTION of EVERYTHING
that Jah desires for us. What I am revealing here is the way out,
and that way is for those who will give their "fallen life" up to the cross to come
out of the CONTRADICTION!!! In
coming out of this realm of "contradiction", we then come
into EVERYTHING THAT Jah DESIRES FOR US!!! Instead of being in the realm of "Everything Lost", we come into the realm
where "everything IS
is THE PROBLEM, and why we ourselves are suffering the contradiction of
everything we should be experiencing, and everything we were created to be
and do. It is IMPOSSIBLE to
experience anything but the contradiction while we are living in this realm
that is bent on creating in contradiction to the WILL of Jah.
It is Satan's "matrix" that is trying to hold us captive through
this matrix of lies, illusions, and deceptions.
is only ONE SOLUTION, and NO OTHER SOLUTION can be found.
It is to do as Christ said, "Come out of her my people so that
you will not participate in her sins (her
violations of the Holy Law), “Take up your cross and follow me”,
and, “You must lose your life to find it”.
That you will either hate your life in the world, or hate going the
way of Jah. You cannot have it
both ways, and life has thoroughly proven this to anyone who is serious with
our KING.
you are one who “loves your life in this fallen, hostile to Jah
world”, I tell you without hesitation, YOU ARE IN TROUBLE!!!
Real trouble, for you have not yet met the True Savior, nor sought
for His Kingdom and Righteousness FIRST!!!
Neither Kingdom can have any fellowship with the other, as they are
AT WAR with each other. For those who have come to "hate this
world", I want to energetically encourage you.
You WILL come OUT of this realm of contradiction, and into the TOTAL
REVERSAL of this predicament. This reversal was
prophesied by ALL of the Prophets from the beginning, and they ALL
prophesied about the day we are entering.
is a great difference in those who profess to be a Christian.
There are those who claim to love our Savior, and yet LOVE THIS
If they are truly "saved", they reside in the "outer court"
and will be trampled under foot in the coming days. For those
who are receiving the "Love for the Truth", and want OUT of this
dreadful realm, then we ourselves must find this way that we have not known,
but IS being opened unto us who are willing to walk into the
Light to receive it. And then, be even as Jahshuah, not just coming
into this for our own personal gain or reason, but for the giving of our life so
that others might be saved. So that we can give it freely to
others. Anyone who is just after personal gain is IN THE FLESH.
"Let this
mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus".
Jahshuah gave His life for OTHERS. If we are not walking in this
mentality, then we are not walking IN HIM, but in the CARNALITY which sees
and does backwards. "Love" is MORE concerned on the
things of OTHERS than its own thing. The carnal mind, instead of centered on
OTHERS, is self-centered, and the false teachers prey upon this with their great swelling
words that promises Kingdom prosperity while residing in Jezebel's Babylon.
This is what
we are trapped in, and all of those around us are working to enforce that
entrapment. They are all in the
carnal, and therefore HOSTILE to anything, that is the “Right Way”, and
to anyone who speaks of it.
They, in their hearts, hate us, for they HATE the True Christ, The
Living Truth.
They honor Him with their lips, but their hearts are far from Him.
is IN the "Fig Leaf Cover Up".
In that, we are participating with the ILLUSION, as we are creating an
illusion about ourselves for everyone to believe and accept.
Everyone works secretly to make themselves, what they say and do, to
appear righteous. This covers
the ENTIRE EARTH, and EVERYONE IN IT, including we ourselves.
This is insanity, and in that insanity, insanely wicked.
This is why no one wants to be exposed, and when the Light, the TRUTH
comes, IT IS HATED. The ego fights the
Cross to exposure with an impassioned self-will. The more
wicked an individual is, the more defiant will they become to the Cross of
exposure, the Truth, and the Holy Law.
our own coming out, we cannot go to our OWN carnal mind in our attitude
toward those around us. We
MUST, even as Christ Himself who IS our New Man, LOVE our enemies, even unto
the “crucifixion” of our soul by them.
lies within others, lies also within ourselves. Therefore, when we see
error of action in others, we need to turn and look into our own mirror to
see if this same error is operating in us.
we want to escape the contradiction, then it is NOT the changing of others
that should be our top priority, but
we ourselves!!! We
cannot operate / function IN CONTRADICTION, act in the “flesh”, and
think we will ever become one with Christ.
We cannot escape until we DO become one with Him.
Becoming one with Him comes by a "spiritual union", and that union
begins at the Cross.
As Paul, we cannot do as we should, and must as Paul, recognize it,
and call on our Savior to deliver us from this “body of death”.
We cannot judge and condemn others when we ourselves are guilty.
We are of no use to anyone until the falleness we see in others has been
washed from ourselves through the redemptive work of the Blood.
we see in others is present in us.
As Christ died to deliver we ourselves, we must give our lives that
others may also be delivered, even the very enemies that hate us the most,
if it is possible. Never forget the "turn around" of
the Apostle Paul.
The Spirit Of Anti-Christ
entire earth is under the spirit of anti-Christ.
None of it is of Jah. It
is ALL fallen, and therefore HOSTILE to Him.
It is Satan’s “matrix” that screams to make itself appear as
the real thing. It is NOT the
REAL thing, it is an ILLUSION!!!
The deceiver of the WHOLE EARTH is working to make us believe
otherwise, in whatever degree he can accomplish in each individual.
There is NOTHING GOOD in this realm.
NOTHING!!! There is very
little that is even "Christian" in it.
It is ALL in fact working in DEFIANCE of, and in contradiction
to Jah, His Truth, and Kingdom.
Babylon is both political, and religious.
The religious whore is a "Counterfeit Christianity", ruled
by Priests of Baal who willfully and rebelliously Contradict Truth, and
stand in absolute defiance of it. These
are the ones who have been sent by the “Deceiver of the Whole Earth” to
hold us in this realm of Contradiction. I
have never found anyone more defiant to the Truth than
Most of them are leading the sheep the wrong way, even as prophesied,
and instead of being worthy of great eternal reward as they think, and for
which they greatly applaud themselves, are only worthy of the death
It is all a
strong delusion sent by Jah Himself to blind those who will not receive
the love of the truth, so that they MIGHT BE DAMNED!!!
It is strong enough to deceive the very elect.
Wake up folks, we are in a dreadful day.
The world is not our playground, it is our DEATH SENTENCE if we love
These matters are true,
and cannot be refuted by scripture.
Yes, the carnal in their own knowledge of good and evil will refute,
criticize, and condemn such thinking, but by that very action against the
Bearers of Truth, are bringing the very things they say down upon their own
heads. This world is as a
speeding locomotive on a dead end track.
It may take a while to reach that dead end, but reach it they will.
In reaching it, they will come to their own horrifying destruction.
And I will
bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in
paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before
them, and crooked things straight.
If we are willing to find "the way
we have not known", then, during the same time the world goes to its
destruction, we shall be exalted into GLORY, and in that glory, receive
everything promised to us, and become EVERYTHING we were created to be.
Finding it in THIS life, as well as the one to come.
NOT DARE to Contradict Jah!!!
What is the full definition of this word,
contradiction? I have found that rightly defining words brings
greater understanding to that which Jah is teaching us.
To believe contrary to
something spoken, or written. To dispute or to deny, is to OPPOSE. To disagree, or deny, is to be in opposition.
in being seduced to contradict the Almighty, we are
seduced into eating of the Tree of Death, and in that, just as Adam and Eve, we are committing High
Treason, the penalty of which IS DEATH!!!.
We are in a perilous day, and in that peril, the message is
“Choose ye this day whom ye will serve”. We can capitulate unto the contradiction to our destruction,
or war to come out of the contradictions in the victory of Jahshuah unto Glory.
carnal mind is hostile to Jah, and believes exactly opposite of what it
should believe. The head of all
contradictions is the Serpent, and he uses our carnality to war against us and
hold us captive. This is from which Jahshuah died to redeem us.
We can submit to that redemption, or remain under the Serpent’s
basic premise is that we, who seek salvation in its completeness, must agree
with Jah, our Creator, and not with the accusing contradictions.
We must SEE ourselves as already IN whatever the matter may be that we
are at the moment considering in our mind.
We must not DARE to Contradict God, for doing so is not only committing
treason against Him, but we ourselves also.
NOTE: I have
published articles on what True Faith is. Every Overcomer should
read them. To get there, click on:
Faith That Overcomes The DEVOURER"
We all have struggles in our faith,
and sometimes wonder if we even have any. We have been
programmed by false "teachers of faith", and in that,
because we have not been able to believe as they teach, think we are
failures in our faith. We need to understand what Faith really
is, and what we will experience when we walk in this True Faith.
many have felt this war, and have been so oppressed by the
"Accuser", they have felt they were the lowest form of life on this
earth??? Anyone out there know what I mean? This is a part of the
Enemy's Counterfeit "walk of the Cross". The enemy wants to
crush and oppress us, and in that cause us to think it is
"spiritual" to think of ourselves as he wants us to think and
see. We are NOT to see ourselves in Contradiction to who Jah says we
are, no matter how despicable we may appear to be, or feel.
Our basic problem is that we do not even know where we should be
standing, for we do not even know who we are, not only as His creation, but
also in our Savior and His calling to fulfill that purpose of our creation.
We are tossed to and fro by every wind that blows against us, for we
are not planted firmly in the Vine of Life as to who we are in Him.
If we are not sure of who and what we really are, how then can we stand
against the contradictions of these matters???
We will only believe that which the enemy wants us to believe, instead
of the Truth which sets us free from those contradictions.
can we be men and women of valor if we do not even know where we should be
standing, or if standing, not standing on the right ground???
It is IMPOSSIBLE to be such, and I can tell you, NO ONE is on the right
ground in this day!!! NO, NOT ONE, or the Kingdom would be manifesting, and so
would be the Sons of Jah!!!
is deceiving the whole earth, and we ourselves are being deceived by his
contradictions, and by his Priests of Baal who appear as ministers of
righteousness to hold us in their captivity to the contradiction of who and
what we really are, and for what purpose we are called.
We must COME OUT of it ALL if we expect to ever reach fulfillment of
our divine destiny!
of us must seek our Creator to find out the Truth of who and what we are, and
are to do in His master plan.
No one can do this for us. Those
that try to rule another will only be working to confound the Creator’s will
for our life.
We were born into, and are living in, the Kingdom of
This is the Kingdom of Contradiction, which presently rules the entire
earth, and presses its delusion upon the mind’s of everyone.
We can remain in this delusion to our damnation by believing these
lies, or come out by the receiving of Truth that sets us free from it.
It is our choice.
If we choose to come out, we will discover a destiny of which our minds cannot
at this time even comprehend.
