Kingdom Mandate
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Jah BLESSED them (Adam
and Eve) and Jah said unto them, be fruitful and MULTIPLY, and replenish
(fill) the earth, and
. . . " This IS the original Kingdom Mandate. The word SUBDUE, according to Dr. Strong means: to tread down with DISREGARD, to TRAMPLE, CONQUER, to bring into SUBJECTION, subjugate, force, keep under, bring into bondage. This word "SUBDUE" is a MILITANT word. In these three simple words, Jah is placing the militant "Kingdom Mandate" upon the shoulders of Adam AND Eve for taking the WHOLE earth away from Satan, and by militant force, bring it into subjection to the Kingdom of Jah and its KING! As we shall see in this course of study, this is what they LOST, and is what Jahshuah RESTORED unto us!
The Restoring of The Kingdom Mandate is part and parcel with the "Restoration of ALL Things". This is what ALL of the Prophets were prophesying. To even come close to understanding the Prophetic Word, you MUST KNOW that this IS what they were prophesying about. If you study in any other point of view, you will NEVER get the Truth of what they are prophesying. We have already seen that this is why Jahshuah went to the Cross. He was fulfilling Genesis 3:15 as declared by Jah. Now, let me give you a couple of scriptures from the Prophets that Prophesied. Remember, these are speaking of the Restored Kingdom Mandate, and what will be done by and through it. Jer 51
Who is Jah speaking about? The descendants of JACOB whose name was changed to Israel. The Mantle of the Kingdom Mandate came down from Adam, to Noah, Abraham, then to Jacob. This is what Jah says He will do with them. Thou
art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break
in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
Jeremiah 50 & 51 are lengthy prophecies concerning this day, and the DESTRUCTION of BABYLON. This verse is speaking of the "Restored Kingdom Mandate", and those who shall walk in it, and what Jah will do with those that so walk. Daniel tells us . . . And
in the days of these kings shall Jah
set up a kingdom,
which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other
people, but it
shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
and it shall stand for ever But the saints of the most High
shall take
the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever. But the judgment shall sit,
and they
saints) shall take
away his (Satan's) dominion, to consume and to destroy
it unto the end. Read that once more, then answer this question. Who does it say will take away Satan's rule over the earth? Forget what you have been programmed with, what does it say??? Quotes from Jahshuah . . . What did He say we should seek first? And seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind. For all these things do the nations of the world seek after: and your Father knoweth that ye have need of these things. But rather seek ye FIRST the kingdom of Jah; and all these things shall be added unto you. And WHY??? Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. How are we to Pray? Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Behold, I give unto you power (Authority) to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (miraculous power, might, strength) of the enemy:
In Revelation 12, we see the culmination of this Kingdom Mandate coming to pass. The events in Revelation twelve take place LONG BEFORE Jahshuah's return. Now is come
salvation, and strength, and the
kingdom of our
the power ("Authority
over ALL the power of the enemy")
of his Messiah: for the accuser of our brethren
is cast down, which
accused them before our Elohim day and night. And then, a severe warning to those that WILL NOT BELIEVE Jah for His Kingdom Come. Harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of
temptation in the wilderness: When your
fathers tempted me, proved me, and saw my works forty years. Wherefore I
was grieved with that generation, and said, They do alway err in their
heart; and they have not known my
ways. So I sware in my
wrath, They shall not enter into my rest. Take heed, brethren,
lest there be in any of you
evil heart of unbelief, in departing
from the living
Elohim. STOP, and take a look around. Are "The MOST" going WITH Jah, or departing from Him??? This is NOT just an interesting subject folks, but one with serious consequences. It is the FOUNDATION of the whole purpose of Jah on this earth. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love Jah, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose. How many think that Jah has been called according to THEIR purpose on this earth, and that His Word is to work for THEIR pleasure and kingdom building? Their self-centered comfort zone? Their materialistic gratification??? Not only believe this, BUT PREACH IT???! Are you "called according to HIS purpose"? Have you known what that purpose is??? If not, you are about FIND OUT!!! RESTORATION
THE REVERSAL OF THE CONTRADICTION Are you tired of Suffering the Contradiction??? Here is the answer, and the ONLY solution! This is the follow up to "Suffering
the Contradiction". Now you shall see what REVERSES this Contradiction,
and brings forth the preordained destiny of many people, even as Jahshuah Prophesied. Those who
identified with "Suffering the Contradiction" will understand further
what has been going on with them, and WHY!!! Then ask yourself, "What are MOST of the people believing"? That is a great clue in itself. Some of us have been programmed by Religious Babylon ALL OF OUR LIVES with the doctrine that says the Kingdom will NOT come until AFTER Jahshuah's return. If this is a CONTRADICTION of the Truth, then it is a Jim Dandy, and certainly one that THE ENEMY would want to instill in the minds of the people. He sure enough does NOT want them to know the Truth of this one, and has worked over time to hide it from us. His only hope is that we believe his lie that the Kingdom comes AFTER Jahshuah returns. On the flip side, if in Truth, The Kingdom of Jah MUST manifest BEFORE Jahshuah returns, then the people believe it, and overcome unto its manifestation, Satan is THROUGH!!! Begin to reason this out in your mind. Why would Satan bring this lie to deceive the people concerning the Kingdom not coming upon this earth until AFTER the return of Jahshuah??? He has great motive for everything he does, and he is the "DECEIVER of the whole world". It is a DECEPTION that is holding us in The Contradiction, and in that, to our captivity to the World Beast System. What is it that causes Satan to be cast out of heaven?!!! You will see that it is caused by the Overcomers who overcome Satan , and in this overcoming, MANIFEST THE KINGDOM OF Jah, and in that manifestation, the contradiction is also reversed. This takes place LONG BEFORE the Return of Jahshuah. As you will see, this is what causes Satan to be "Cast out of Heaven", which then means his total defeat. Wouldn't you try to keep people from seeing this? Who does see it? The OVERCOMERS that overcome the "Deceiver of the Whole Earth", by finding the path that reverses this "Suffering of the Contradiction" to the Promises of Jah to US who believe!!! In this "Restoration", is the "Restoration of The Kingdom Mandate", and as we shall see, this shall be given to the "Saints of the Most High". (NOTE: if you have not yet read, "The Book of Revelation, Past, Present, or Future", I suggest you do so. Most believe that Satan has ALREADY been cast out of heaven. This is NOT SO, and will be most obvious to you after reading that article. It is ANOTHER dreadful CONTRADICTION of the Truth that has done MUCH DAMAGE to those who have believed it. He will not be cast out until he is overcome. Satan is warring on the minds of those called to be "Overcomers", for He knows that if they learn of this Mandate, Jahshuah's victory at the Cross will then take place, and he will be finished. This is when the Great Tribulation begins, as he now comes in great wrath, for he knows that he has but a short time. This has never yet happened, so how could he have been already cast out???) By Revelation 12, Satan is NOT cast out of Heaven until he has been overcome, and in that overcoming, the Overcomers have manifested The Kingdom of Jah. Many will read that and think "Oh, this is not so". I tell you straight out, "Oh yes it is"! And, I say with all confidence that this IS THE TRUTH, and that the days ahead will SO PROVE IT. The only thing that makes us think the OPPOSITE, and therefore BELIEVE the CONTRADICTION of this Truth, has been because of the programming upon our minds by The Deceiver of the whole earth, from the PULPITS! By the time you finish reading this page, you will see why that programming has been inflicted upon us, and why preaching such a contradiction is in fact an act of TREASON! This Truth pronounces Satan's DOOM, and means the destruction of his entire KINGDOM OF DARKNESS. His doom cannot come until "The Restored Kingdom Mandate" IS accomplished, and is why he has worked FERVENTLY to keep us from seeing it!!! If you were Satan, wouldn't you??? I tell you that a people will believe, and in believing, will cause the Return of our King, and the DESTRUCTION of the entire anti-Christ Beast System that presently rules over this world. This article is indeed . . . . . The usual writer's dilemma is being caught between writing too much rhetoric, and yet knows that enough must be said to paint an entire picture. Without a complete picture, the reader will not get what is being communicated. The Plan of Jah in the Prophetic Word is written in overlays. Each overlay must be had in order to see the complete plan. Until we have knowledge of ALL the overlays, our perspective will not be accurate. Therefore I find it necessary to present a number of scriptures to draw this picture for you. The subject of "The Kingdom Mandate" is oh so obvious to one who sees it, but so difficult to one who has not. The "Most" have not. I will do my best to try and be as brief as I can. Bear with me, and be patient. I will list scriptures of which you are much aware. However, in that awareness are wrongful perspectives, put there by the programmed errors we have suffered. Clear your mind of all presuppositions, and listen to just what the Word says. After I have gone through my rhetoric to explain, go back and read the scriptures themselves. They are really self explanatory. The scripture can be so clear upon this subject, I sometimes wonder why I even need to teach it.
Proceeding from this, He tells of certain things that will happen during that time. Then He begins to tell of what will take place immediately AFTER this "Great Tribulation" has taken place.
"For then shall be great tribulation, (Then) Immediately after the tribulation of those days, then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory, And (then) with a great sound of a trumpet, shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. This brief discourse is very clear. There really isn't any way to mix it up unless we add to it, or take away from what is being said. There will be a "Great Tribulation", which is a time that this earth has never before seen, and never will again. After this Great Tribulation takes place, He then returns and gathers the elect unto Himself with a great sound of a trumpet, of which the Apostle Paul writes in confirmation. Ist Cor 15 : 52:
We know that at the time of our being gathered together to meet Jahshuah at His coming, the dead shall be "raised". Jahshuah says this will be announced by a "Trumpet", and here Paul also says that the gathering unto him, and the "raising of the dead" shall take place at the sound of a "Trumpet". Why am I taking the time to describe these verses to you when most of you have heard them a thousand times??? Because of the other overlays we are getting into. I want you to place great attention to the fact by the Words of Jahshuah, that the "raising of the dead", and the gathering unto Jahshuah at His return, takes place immediately AFTER the "Great Tribulation". If you do not follow this scenario, you will NEVER see the "Kingdom Mandate", or any necessity for it. This is where the enemy WANTS US. It is NOT Jah that wants us blind to this vital matter, BUT SATAN!!! Once you get through with this course, you will full well understand WHY he has tried to keep us blind to it with his seducing Contradictory Doctrines. Now, let me give a scripture found in Daniel 12 : 1-2, that overlays and confirms not only what we have already read, but also some of Re. 12, which we are about to get into.
Here we see the
"Standing up of Michael", the High Arch Angel of Jah, who is a
"Warring Angel". What
happens when he "Stands Up"?
Are you getting the overall picture? We have seen what happens AFTER the "Great Tribulation", and now what comes BEFORE the tribulation and causes it to take place. As soon as "Michael STANDS UP", the "Great Tribulation" BEGINS, "AND", (which means also), the people shall be delivered. The question, which causes great debate, is what is meant by the people being delivered? Ah, we shall see. And then again, Daniel confirms in his overlay of the other scriptures that many of them that sleep, shall awake. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. (As (Jahshuah just said, this raising of the dead takes place immediately AFTER the "Great Tribulation". Daniel describes the "Standing up of Michael", and that after he stands up, this world will suffer a time of trouble like no other. And then the dead shall be raised.) Now, let me ask, what causes Michael to "Stand Up"? All hell breaks loose on this earth when he does stand up, so don't you think that this then would be a rather key matter??? Is there an event that takes place that looses him??? He evidently has been sitting down. Why does he suddenly "Stand Up"? Something must have happened, or he would still be sitting. If this event did not take place, could he "Stand Up"??? Can he "Stand Up" BEFORE this takes place??? Why does his "Standing Up" cause the "Great Tribulation"??? Could it be that he does something more than just "Stand Up"??? Now, lets go to Revelation 12, which gives further Light about what happens when Michael stands up, and all hell breaks loose. and tie all of this together.
Now, let me put all of these scriptures together, unfolding them from the beginning as told by the Prophets.
Again, this is the "Kingdom Mandate" that Jahshuah restored as prophesied. Now we see what Jah does with it to make Jahshuah's enemies His footstool.
is it that Jah will use as weapons of war to break in pieces the
Who is given the Kingdom, and what shall be done with it???
Who is it that takes the Kingdom???
Who is it that is given the Authority of Jahshuah to bring an end to Satan's Rule over the earth??? Who is it that takes away Satan's DOMINION over the earth??? I am not saying these things. I am asking you what did Daniel prophesy concerning them? Was he a "False Prophet", or one of those Prophets that Prophesied of "The Restoration of All Things" FROM THE BEGINNING?
Michael stands up, and Satan is Cast OUT of heaven. Why did this happen?
Here we see that Satan, and ALL of his deceptions have been overcome, and it is this overcoming that manifested the KINGDOM OF Jah. What happens to Satan when this takes place??? He is CAST OUT OF HEAVEN. Then what takes place???
The Great Tribulation NOW begins, for Satan realizes he is finished, and comes in GREAT WRATH to destroy everything in sight. It is the old "If I cannot have it, then nobody can" syndrome. Why does he know that he is defeated??? Because he has been overcome, and in that overcoming, everything that Adam and Eve had is now restored, including the KINGDOM and therefore the MILITANT KINGDOM MANDATE that means his destruction as foretold by ALL the Holy Prophets, FROM THE BEGINNING!!! Now it is that the END can come, and then Jahshuah can return, and not UNTIL all of this has taken place can the end come and Jahshuah return. When I say there is much to happen before the Great Tribulation can even start, people stare at me like I am some sort of nut. Tell me, how can the Great Tribulation begin before Satan is cast out of heaven by the Standing Up of Michael??? When Michael "Stands Up", it causes the "Great Tribulation", for Satan then is cast out, and comes with GREAT WRATH. WOE UNTO THE WORLD in that day!!! It will be the most horrifying time this earth has ever seen. Why did he stand up??? Because Satan had been overcome by Overcomers that were given salvation (the full and complete redemption from the "fall"), strength, the kingdom of Jah, and Jahshuah's immutable Authority!!! In the establishing of
Jah's Kingdom, Christ's
enemies ARE made His footstool. At this time, and not UNTIL THIS TIME, Satan is
cast out of heaven, and the events of Christ's return as described in the Book
of Revelation can begin. And that is the Truth folks. Jahshuah
defeated the devil at the cross and resurrection, but THAT VICTORY must
manifest in the chosen of Jah before it will be over. Even though He IS
the victor, we do not yet see "all things under His feet". If they
were, He would have returned. Jahshuah
has been commanded by
Jah the Father to remain at His right
hand, until His enemies (which is the seed of the serpent) ARE DEFEATED. Until
MUST of necessity be accomplished BEFORE HE CAN RETURN, for He cannot return
until it IS accomplished, as He is certainly NOT returning BEFORE the END. The question naturally arises of, "Well then, who is going to
accomplish this breaking of the serpent seed's authority on this earth in the
natural, now that Jahshuah accomplished it spiritually"??? It will be
the PLURAL fulfillment of the promised seed; the CHOSEN OF Jah; Abraham's
descendants that were ELECTED BY Jah; whom Jahshuah redeemed to Adam's
original position so that they COULD break in pieces the serpent seed's
authority on this earth. This was the MAIN REASON for His SACRIFICE!!! TO
REDEEM ADAM FROM HIS FALL, so that he could once again be in the position to
execute the Kingdom Mandate to conquer and subdue the earth for Christ. This
right fell upon ABRAHAM, and therefore the ELECT Israel of Jah. (And who
is the elect Israel of Jah today??? Read on and find out the startling news.) Why doesn't Jahshuah come and wipe it all out Himself (as MOST are preaching)??? I can tell you, Jahshuah for sure would have done so a long time ago if He could do so. He hates what is going on here with a passion. But, because of the Word and command of Jah, He must wait expectantly, with great anticipation, until WE, the redeemed of TRUE Israel do it! Jah, knowing full well the end from the
beginning certainly knew of the war that would ensue between Satan and Himself
on this earth. It was His OWN plan for it to be so. Instead of destroying
Satan's earthly Kingdom Himself, He gave the mantle for doing so TO ADAM!!! Once
Jah gives something, or declares something, He will NOT TURN BACK and be
double minded. You can count on whatever He has said or committed Himself to,
and has given. Jah cannot fail, and He does NOT change His mind. He
gave the mantle to Adam, and with Adam through Israel IT WILL STAY!!!
He will NOT pick it up Himself to accomplish it, and thusly, the above
command to Jahshuah,
"Remain at my right hand, until your enemies ARE MADE YOUR FOOTSTOOL". In order for
Jah to keep His Word to not
only Adam, but to Abraham through his Israelite descendants, spoken in the
hearing of all the satanic realm, this is the way that it MUST BE!!! Otherwise, Jah
would NOT BE a keeper of His Word or of His promises! Whether YOU realize
this or NOT, believe me, Abraham and Satan DO!!!
Why ELSE would Satan be working so hard to BLIND US TO IT??? By
rules of war state that this war MUST BE FOUGHT on earth and fought between
TWO SEED LINES!!! Jahshuah CANNOT pick up the mantle Himself to accomplish
it. You should have read "The Restoration of ALL Things" before you read this article. If so, I need not labor in repeating what I said there concerning the Kingdom Mandate. The Original Kingdom Mandate was given to Adam and Eve when Jah said to them: "And
Jah BLESSED them (Adam
and Eve) and Jah said unto them, be fruitful and MULTIPLY, and replenish
(fill) the earth, and
. . . " The Holy Prophets FROM THE BEGINNING Prophesied concerning this coming to pass by the Sacrifice of our Messiah. The Overcomers, the Man Child, the MANIFESTED SONS will understand, and be given this RESTORED KINGDOM MANDATE, and then be used by Jah to DESTROY THE NATIONS that oppose Jahshuah. With this "MANDATE", they will walk in the Authority of Jahshuah that will at long last MAKE Jahshuah'S ENEMIES HIS FOOTSTOOL. WOE UNTO THE WORLD AND ITS NWO IN THAT DAY. These Manifested Sons will bring judgment upon the earth the likes of which it has never seen. I can tell you flat out that Satan and his entire Kingdom of Darkness are the ones in trouble, and NOT we who profess Jahshuah as our Savior. If I could speak to the entire world at one time, my message would be, REPENT, for this IS YOUR WARNING!!! Your DAYS ARE NUMBERED!!! . . . "
shall set up a kingdom,
which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other
people (this was
given to Israel, and to Israel it WILL STAY) , but it
shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms,
and it shall stand for ever
Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of Jah, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser . . . . is cast down . . . . And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death . . . .
Michael shall stand up, and when he does, there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was, and (ALSO) at that time thy people shall be delivered. The voice of them that flee and escape out of the land of Babylon, to declare in Zion the vengeance of the Jah our Elohim, the vengeance of his temple. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth
and of the sea! for the devil is come down
you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
But the judgment shall
and they (the Israelites)
shall take
away his (Satan
and his anti-Christ King) dominion, to consume and to destroy
it unto the end. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
Now, who will this Mantle of Authority be given to??? Ah, that is our next Course of Study. THE MANIFESTATION of THE SONS OF JAH