is the scriptural definition of this word, “INIQUITY”???
Have you ever wondered what Jahshuah meant when He used it???
Why is it that people listen to men, instead of the King who holds our
position for eternity in His hands??? The
hour is late. With every passing
day it becomes later, and the later it gets, the less I am going to mince on
Few have the understanding of what is true carnality. We have ideas, presuppositions of what it means, but, we are
in fact, way off in our assumptions. I
will cover this in greater measure in the future, but you will get some clarity
with this article. Just because
something looks spiritual, feels spiritual, does NOT mean it IS spiritual.
Most today are getting the deep recesses of their body and soul moved,
and think it is the moving of the Spirit. When
the moving of our senses is mistaken for the moving of the Spirit, IT IS
CARNALITY, and carnality at its worst. It
is the enemies counterfeit of that which
Jah does.
Paul says that it is nothing
more than sensuality which only serves to the pleasing or gratifying of
the flesh. We are living in the Kingdom of
Darkness which pervades the entire earth, and is ruled by the Prince of
Darkness, Satan. He it is that is
deceiving the WHOLE EARTH, and is bringing forth his deceptions through men who
are stupid enough to lend themselves to his use.
The self righteous, self justifying carnal mind’s love the lies, and
love to have it so.
This will be so, even as the Holy
Prophets prophesied, until Jah begins to manifest His Kingdom in “Dwelling
Places of Zion” around the world. Since
we do not know when this will begin, we must all continue doing what we must do
to survive unto that day. We may
like what we are doing, or greatly despise it, but we must continue while
pressing toward the mark of His High Calling that is upon those who are called
to establish His Kingdom on this earth. These
are the ones for which I write. We cannot change the plan, or Word of
Jah. It will be what Jah said it
will be. Babylon will not be
healed!!! Nor will the world order
at large be changed from what it is. It
is NOT scheduled to be healed, BUT DESTROYED!!!
This natural, carnal realm, is NOT going to be changed, but is to wax
worse and worse. Anyone who has
lived more than fifty years can easily see this to be so, even if they did not
know the Word of Jah.
There is only ONE thing available to us at this time, and that is
being prepared for the “coming out”.
We can become aware of Satan’s wiles, his deceptions.
We CAN develop in Jahshuah, and Jahshuah in us. How few understand that He is our “new man”, and we His
“Promised Land”. He wants to
take us over, Spirit, Soul, and Body. He
is NOT just our “Fire Insurance” so that we can live our lives any way we
want to. His Word, His Promises,
are NOT given for our OWN purpose, our own exaltation on this earth. They are NOT for just any purpose that our own mind in its
fallen knowledge can devise, no matter how “good” that purpose might appear
to us in our OWN knowledge of Good and Evil.
They are given FOR HIS PURPOSE on this earth, and in that, it ALWAYS
requires the walk, and works of the CROSS through the tomb unto the resurrected
fulfillment. We MUST learn what is
carnal, and what is spiritual, and that comes by walking into the Light to see
where we are in error. If our ego
is too strong, we will NEVER walk into such Light. By not walking into such Light, we CONDEMN OURSELVES!!! Those that are awakening to what is
really going on in the earth, and what Jah’s plan really is, are being
prepared for WAR!!! A violent war
that will rid the earth of Satan, His Kingdom of Darkness, and ALL of the carnal
minded who loved it.
I have labored much over the years to try and get through concerning the
deceptions we are all suffering. We
are living in the realm of lies, and illusions, and there is no way to live in
this realm created from the Tree of Death, and not be affected by it.
The sincere will find where they are being deceived.
The insincere will NEVER come into such knowledge, for their puffed up
ego will not allow them to do so. If
you are not looking for where you are being deceived, YOU ARE ASLEEP!!!
It is not so awful to be deceived as it is to never discover and admit
such deception, and then turn from it. One of the main areas of deception is that which is coming from the
pulpits. I have shouted this for
over thirty five years. I know that
people are tired of my doing so, but I will continue until a people finally wake
up and see why this thing is such a burden to me.
I cannot say this strong enough people.
Our very position for ETERNITY is
at stake!!! If we succumb to these deceivers, WE HAVE HAD IT!!!
We are NOT on a Pleasure Cruise, but in a WAR ZONE.
A war over where we shall reside for eternity!!!
These deceivers have been sent by Satan to delude us into eternal
damnation. Are you hearing me???
The walk with Jahshuah is not some easy road with no pitfalls.
You can think that you are saved, and be headed for the LAKE OF FIRE!!!
I give you a case in point, from the lips of
Jahshuah Himself.
When will people stop listening to men, and start listening to the
Supreme Judge??? This key discourse is found in Mat 7:21-23.
Yeah, I know, I have spoken of this scripture a thousand times.
Why have I done so??? Because
still to this day, people are NOT HEARING Jahshuah, nor His clear warning to us
ALL!!! I plead with you to
hear Him this time. You
might just get a very rude awakening. When
I say that Jezebel’s seduction is STRONG, I do know what I am talking about.
You will fight all of hell to see through it, let alone come out of it.
I say with no uncertainty, those who do not come out are going to the
Lake of Fire, and I do not care how spiritual they look, or think they are. The Quoting of Jahshuah HIMSELF!
“NOT EVERYONE that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the
kingdom of heaven!!! But he that DOETH THE WILL of my father which is in heaven.
“MANY will say unto me in that day (of
judgment) Lord, Lord, have we not PREACHED IN YOUR NAME, and in THY NAME
have cast out devils, and in THY NAME done MANY WONDERFUL WORKS???
“And then will I profess unto them, I
NEVER KNEW YOU, depart from me ye that
me first ask, what does this word
“INIQUITY” mean??? How does it define??? Is
it important to know??? You tell
me. Before you go any further, take
a piece of paper and write down what you think this word means. Then fasten your seat belt. |
If you are not using a “Strong’s Concordance” in your study, you
are NOT a sincere seeker of Truth. Only
the sincere seekers of Truth are going to escape the horror ahead.
Let me give you the Greek word that was translated “iniquity”, and
how it defines. Listen up folks,
this is the King speaking. “Iniquity” is NOT what we want it to mean, but IS what
Jahshuah meant. He used the word
“anomia” which is #458. This
word comes from #459, which is “anomos”.
I give you the definition of “anomia” first. anomia: Violation of the Law, wickedness, iniquity,
transgression of the Law, unrighteousness. anomos: Lawless,
without Law, transgressor, unlawful. Now, with that definition in mind, go back and read the above quote of
Jahshuah once again. I ask, are you
hearing Him, and hearing Him correctly??? Or,
are you listening to men instead??? This
is a serious question folks. We are
not playing a game on this earth. There
is a war going on over our souls! There can be NO DOUBT as to what Jahshuah
meant with His use of “anomia”.
These people are BEING REJECTED by Jahshuah
because of their iniquity,
their SIN, their ANOMIA, and that, with no possible evasion before Jah, IS
their being blatant TRANSGRESSORS of Jah's
They did NOT the Will of
Jah, for they made the Law of
Jah of NO
and by that voiding, transgressed it in total disregard of its authority. Now listen to me.
I am NOT the one who made this compulsory declaration.
It is Jahshuah
HIMSELF who said it. Are
you hearing HIM, or are you listening to the ones He is rejecting???
What did He say??? DEPART
FROM ME ye that work, commit, “ANOMIA”!!!
You listen to, sit under, or give loyalty to ANYONE that believes, who
preaches, that
Jahshuah did away with the Law, and you are not only being made one
with a carnally minded deceiver who teaches through a carnal mind pleasing
seducing spirit, but you will end up in the SAME SHOCKING
can reject what man says, but you sure had not better reject what Jahshuah says.
Reject Him, the Living Truth, and YOU WILL BE REJECTED!!! Who are
these people being rejected by Jahshuah? Those
who appeared to be preachers, ministers of Jah, but are nothing more than
"Serpent Ministries." As Paul stated, they are messengers of Satan, disguised as ministers of Jah, whose end shall be according to their works.
Notice that He used a word which was translated as “many”. What is THAT word??? It is #4183, “polus”. Look it up for yourself. It defines as “plenteous, largely, MOSTLY”. In my mind, by “many”, by mostly, He means the MAJORITY. Take a look around. Is not the MAJORITY preaching that Jahshuah did away with the Law of Jah??? Then has not the very thing that Jahshuah prophesied come to pass??? The majority have twisted what Paul was teaching into their own liking, and in the process, have condemned themselves to their own rejection. I remind you that Paul said . . . “Do
we then make void the Law through faith? God
forbid, for yea, we ESTABLISH
set up permanently)
the Law”.
He also taught that it is the CARNAL MIND that hates the Law of
Jah, and
will NOT come into its subjection. That
it is the spiritual man that will fulfill the righteousness of the Law, even as Jahshuah, who is our new “Spirit Man”!!!
The further you go in the articles on this Web Site, the more you are going to understand just what is a Priest of Baal, or what I term a "Serpent Minister." Through great craft and seduction, they teach the people to worship Baal instead of Jahshuah. They are themselves deceived, and therefore deceive others, and in the deceiving, place the name of "Jesus" on that which they teach as if this makes everything okay. It does NOT make everything okay. These ARE workers of iniquity. Priests of Baal teach for the "LAWLESS ONE", under the guise that the "Jesus" they preach is Jahshuah, the "LAWFUL ONE." Malachi tells us that it will take discernment in this day to tell who is of Jah, and who is not. Who is working righteousness, and who is working iniquity. If it takes discernment, then you can know that it will not be readily apparent to just any on-looker. Those without that discernment are being sent the "Strong Delusion", and believe me, the Priests of Baal, and their counterfeit "Carnal Christianity", are a STRONG DELUSION! It is time to come out of her folks, and all of her worshipping of Baal, Pagan Celebrations, and do so like now. These "workers of iniquity", the blatant violators of Jah's Holy Law, are NOT saved, are NOT under grace, nor under the blood. What they are under IS JUDGMENT!!! Those that so follow them will receive the same judgments that they do.
ANYONE who hates the Law of
Jah will find a way to do away with it, and
that person, no matter how good they look, or sound, is not only walking after
the carnal mind, but in TOTAL CARNALITY!!!
The True Jahshuah is LAWFUL with NO transgression found in Him.
The COUNTERFEIT Jahshuah is unlawful, LAWLESS, and what we call
“Christianity” today, fully exposes itself as COUNTERFEIT, and of a
COUNTERFEIT lawless Savior!!! They
preach, and teach, in DIRECT CONTRADICTION to what not only
Jahshuah taught, but what Jahshuah was. He
was the WORD MADE FLESH, and therefore the INCARNATED LAW of Jah in operation!!! (Note: I have another
page which gives the relation between Grace, and the Holy Law.
If you have not yet
read it, you
might do so to get the whole picture concerning the Law Of Jah)
The prophets that wrote of this day had much to say about those that
would do away with the Law of Jah. They
made statements such as . . . His anger is against His people because they have
cast away His Law . . . . That it is the rebellious (and it is the carnal mind that is rebellious to the Truth) who will
NOT hear the Law. That the priests
would be treacherous men who would pollute the sanctuary through the VIOLENCE
they have done to the Holy Law of Almighty Jah. The Prophet Isaiah wrote MUCH concerning the
day we are in, “the last days”, “time of the end”, “the time to
come’, etc.. In chapter 30, verse
one he says . . . “Woe
to the REBELLIOUS (carnal) children,
saith Jah, that take counsel, but NOT OF ME, and that cover with a covering
(The “fig leaf cover up”) but
NOT of MY Spirit,
that they may add sin (Transgressions of the Law) to
sin” (Transgressions of the Law). Then
Jah continues with this severe rebuke and tells Isaiah in verses 8-10 . . . . “Now
go write it before them in a tablet,
and note it in a book, that it may be for the TIME TO COME for ever and ever.
note that this is not a temporary condition, but a “forever and ever”!
Jah does not change.) This
IS a REBELLIOUS people, LYING children, children that WILL NOT HEAR THE LAW OF Jah!!!” I ask, who did Paul say was against the Law of
Jah??? Who will not hear, or be in subjection to it???
THE CARNAL MINDED!!! These people, whom Jahshuah is rejecting, are SHOCKED at their judgment. WHY??? Because they CALLED HIM LORD (the one with supreme authority), preached IN HIS NAME, cast out devils IN HIS NAME, and did mighty works IN HIS NAME, but in doing so, filled the whole earth with their "gospel of a LAWLESS SAVIOR"!!! Are
you getting it??? Do you see the
seriousness??? They were so
deceived they thought they were doing good, doing the work of Jah on this
earth. It was their WHOLE LIFE,
were trying to save the whole world, and yet were rejected because they were
working ANOMIA!!! This
IS in fact, the using of
Savior's Name IN VAIN!!! Do you still think that we should just relax
in the “grace” that these deceivers teach???
Where do YOU want to spend eternity???
With THEM, or with the King, and Supreme Judge???
By the Law of
Jah, we MUST offer a Lamb without blemish for our
sacrifice for sins, or He will NOT receive it.
If we think that we can offer up just any Messiah, we are dreadfully
deceived. We offer the True Lamb,
the Lamb of Truth as our sacrifice, or we WILL BE rejected. I would urge everyone to read the Book of
Malachi. How clear he makes it. He
says such as . . . “ . . . saith Jah unto you, O priests that despise my name. And ye say, Wherein have we despised thy name? Ye offer POLLUTED bread upon mine altar . . . And if you offer the blind (Lamb) for sacrifice, is it NOT EVIL? and if you offer the lame and sick, is it NOT EVIL? . . . . I have NO PLEASURE IN YOU saith Jah, neither will I accept an offering at your hand. . . . . But CURSED BE THE DECEIVER which hath in his
flock a male, and voweth, and sacrifice unto Jah a CORRUPT thing (a
blemished lamb) . . . For the
priest’s lips should keep knowledge, and they should SEEK THE LAW at his mouth
. . . but ye are DEPARTED out of the way as ye have caused MANY to stumble at
the LAW . .” Is it beginning to sink in?
Jah is not like man. He does NOT CHANGE, or
change His mind.
His plan has remained the same from the beginning, and so does the sacrifice for
sins. What
may seem right to us is of NO VALUE before Jah if what we are doing IS UNLAWFUL.
These people who seemingly are working energetically for Jahshuah
are NOT
SAVED, not covered by the Blood, nor are they under grace.
None of what they do is the will of Jah, and ALL OF IT is ANOMIA, the
transgressing of Jah’s Law, and so deceived by their own unrighteousness, they
do not even know what evil they work. Neither
will the ones who continue to follow them.
This IS the STRONG DELUSION, being preached by men of great wickedness
who work under the guise of doing a great work for Jah.
They are filling the whole earth with this corrupted LAWLESS Savior, and
anyone who believes them, who remains in their pleasure of unrighteousness, WILL
BE DAMNED!!! An illegitimate child that knows not it is a bastard of the “GREAT
WHORE”, and her Priests of Baal! Everyone of us has a great problem. We are ALL born with the fallen carnal mind, and that mind sees things backwards. In seeing backwards, it believes, and preaches that which is in DIRECT CONTRADICTION to the Truth!!! Jahshuah, the Lamb without Blemish, is NOT LAWLESS. This discourse makes it very clear of what He thinks of those who say He is. He NEVER KNEW THEM!!! Neither then did they know Him. You might wonder, “Well, they are following someone. Who then are they following?” They are worshipping, following, and
preaching a COUNTERFEIT, and that counterfeit Savior is the “LAWLESS ONE”,
Satan himself, who is trying to steal Jahshuah's position for himself!!!
The "anti-Christ" is a substitute savior, and preaching lies instead
of Truth is PREACHING FOR THIS SPIRIT. If I told you all of the ways they
are blatantly violating the Laws of Jah, you would not believe me.
The Truth is, they are taking the people into the worship of the DEVIL!!!
Stop and think about it for a minute.
They are causing the people to worship someone, right???
Is it the True Jahshuah??? How
could it be??? He does not even
KNOW them, and is rejecting them. Lies,
false doctrine, are the doctrines of devils, and those doctrines are causing
people to commit spiritual fornication, and to “eat” (assimilate
into their belief systems) things sacrificed unto
IDOLS, false gods. How ignorant we are of the works of the deceiver who is deceiving the
whole earth. If he cannot stop a
move of Jah, he then joins it, and perverts it into a false way. They watch what Jah does by His Holy Spirit, and then
I have taught much on this spirit which counterfeits the “Gifts of the
Spirit”. What she does seems so
real, so good, so full of good works that seemingly help people, but they are counterfeit.
She is a thief, and steals the tithe inheritance and gives it to her
Priests. Then these deceivers stand
and proclaim how greatly they are used, and blessed of Jah.
“Strong Delusion” that has been sent to DAMN those who believe this lie!!! You might take the time to read Rev. 2:18-29.
Here, Jahshuah gives a message to ONE OF HIS CHURCHES.
If you want the Jezebel scared out of you, and scared out of Jezebel,
READ IT. Jahshuah is not talking to
the world, to a false religion, but TO HIS CHURCH.
What He says is to be a message to ALL of the churches.
Do we take Jahshuah seriously, or think He is talking to someone else???
Read it, and believe it, if you have the nerve.
Allowing Jezebel to rule in our midst with her counterfeiting
of what Jah does, puts us in terrible jeopardy!!!
In Rev. 22, Jah speaks to John.
One of the things which He tells Him is about the LAKE OF FIRE, and those
who will be cast into it. In verse
8, He says what these people are, and ends it with . . .
ALL LIARS shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and
brimstone . . . “ Being
a liar is a dangerous thing, and being a liar in the church, a preacher of false
doctrine, IS DAMNING! I could make
a list of lies that are being taught as truth that would be almost non-ending.
I shall refrain from doing so as the point of this article concerns The
Holy Law, and what Jahshuah said to those who thought they were acting in His
Name, but were wantonly committing ANOMIA,
Transgressing the Holy Law of Jah, and had NO CONSCIENCE of the evil they
were working. Why didn’t they???
Because they believed the doctrine of devils that Jahshuah did away with
the Law of Jah!!! Whom we believe, we follow. Are
we believing the deceivers, the liars who subtly work for the father of all
lies, or Jahshuah, the Name above all Names, and therefore the final authority??? The line is being drawn folks. The
day that Jah winked at our ignorance is at an end.
Listen closely to those that seem so Godly, and trying to control your
walk with Jahshuah. If they are
preaching Lawlessness, teaching you to do violence to the Holy Law of Jah by
casting it away, THEY ARE DECEIVERS headed for their judgment of REJECTION.
They know NOT Jahshuah, nor does He know them.
If you are in a church, or being guided by ANY man, ask them if the Law
of Jah still stands. If they say
“no”, don’t just walk away. Turn
your back and RUN, for they are taking you to the same destruction they
themselves are headed!!! It is time
to “Come out of her my people”, and that command of Jahshuah is of no
little consequence.
You can reject what I say, revile me as a
person, for it means little. However,
when you reject what Jahshuah says, you
have had it!!!