From the desk of:
Briefly, it has been developed to produce Overcomers, and to be of benefit to them in their difficult walk that is taking them to this key calling. Most that have been called to this crucial position do not realize what is happening to them, or why. May Jah use what is written in these articles to bring them peace, and to help enlighten their way.
In Revelation 12, we read . . .
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, NOW is come (the final fulfillment and completion of) salvation, and strength (miraculous power), and the KINGDOM of our Elohim (fulfilling the RESTORED Kingdom Mandate originally given to Adam), and the power (Kingship Authority over everything on this earth) of his Messiah: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our Elohim day and night.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. |
What is meant by this strategic scripture??? When put in context with the rest of the Bible, even from the beginning chapter in Genesis, it reveals the absolute and final defeat of Satan, his legions, The World Beast System that rules the earth in this day, and the entire Kingdom of Darkness.
This IS the calling of the Overcomer, and that calling is the most glorious ever given to a people on this earth. It is that which ALL of the Holy Prophets longed for, even from the beginning.
Many have tried, and are trying to defeat the NWO by their works, their own self-contrived efforts. I can tell you with most assurance that none of it will produce any fruit toward that end whatsoever. It will come by the way Jah said it would, and unless a person is willing to go through the cross experiences to get them to that way, they will have no chance whatsoever in defeating the NWO. This nation will NOT REPENT, but BE DESTROYED, and be destroyed in Jah's time, which comes AFTER the manifesting of "the dwelling places of Zion."
It seemed reasonable to me that readers of this web site should have somewhat of an understanding of what is being taught here so their minds are prepared for what they are about to read.
This web site has been published for the expressed purpose to benefit those who have been called to be an Overcomer. There are those who have been called to such, but have no idea of what is happening to them or why, for their life has been turned upside down. They feel they are being taken from one track onto another, and yet not sure why. Some will even constantly ask themselves, is this Jah, or am I going crazy as some are thinking?
Then there are those who so visit these pages that have no understanding of what this calling is, or for what purpose it has been given to those which have been so called.
It therefore seemed necessary to give an overview of this calling so when a person reads through this web site, they will know the purpose, and what the result will be, upon those who are called into "and they OVERCAME" (Rev 12). All of this is well covered in the myriad of articles, but may be somewhat difficult to decipher the expressed answers to the above titles questions, due to the vast amount of rhetoric found here.
I begin this short dissertation of a very long subject with the key questions that lead to the understanding of what this web site is about.
Chapter twelve in The Book of Revelation is the key to these answers, and without the understanding of what this chapter is saying in context with the rest of the Word, a person can become lost in a quagmire of false premises being spread abroad concerning "end time" prophecy.
Verse 11 tells us how they overcAme (and I emphasize the past tense, as if it were spoken after the fact while in Truth it was spoken in FAITH long before it "came to pass" by the one who walked totally in faith):
There is much teaching on this web site concerning this verse, so I will not trouble you with repeating it all here. Just know that this verse is LOADED with Light, and without that Light, NO ONE will ever become a part of those that OVERCAME, for in this verse are the very precepts that cause one to overcome!!! Just the principles involved with, "by the word of their testimony" are most powerful, and when fully understood and applied, the way out of all the misery on this planet opens. The very "by a way you knew not" coming to pass as spoken in Isa 42. It is by Dr. Strong's definition, "the JUDICIARY EVIDENCE" that we are to speak IN FAITH, and without that faith being exercised, NO OVERCOMING will come to pass!!! (See Bulk Email 15.)
Then, who did they overcome? Again, Rev 12 tells us much in this regard.
Here we see that Satan is depicted as the "DEVOURER," the DECEIVER, and the ACCUSER.
Have you ever felt like you were being DEVOURED??? Overwhelmed and demolished??? Like you are being robbed in every aspect of "life"??? Like everything is in total contradiction of what your life should be? If you are called into the overcoming, Satan KNOWS IT, and has come to devour you.
The question is, will you overcome, or be overcome? If you are anything like me, then you will have times when you will think that you are faithless, and have been overcome. This is the "tomb" experience when going through the cross, and all hope is lost as the darkness surrounds you and there seems to be no way out. This is a key time for the overcoming of Satan, even as our King did while in His tomb. A key time for our "Judiciary Evidence" to be spoken in faith instead of what Satan wants us to believe and confess. Who are we to believe??? Who will we be one with??? Satan or Jah??? It is by our confession that we give the "Judiciary Evidence" of who and what we are believing, and by that believing, who we are BEING ONE WITH!!!
Have you yet discovered how greatly Satan has deceived THE WHOLE WORLD???
Isa 60 tells us that (the kingdom of) darkness shall cover (overwhelm, engulf) the earth, and that gross darkness will cover (overwhelm, engulf) the people just prior to the time when the Overcomers will rise and shine forth over the earth.
Then in 2nd Thess. we are told:
People, this is serious business. When Paul said a "STRONG DELUSION", he meant it, and with any experience in the war with the Deceiver of the whole earth, you will discover just how strong it is. I ask, what is the result for those that do NOT receive the "love for the truth?" How many do you know that will NOT LISTEN to the Truth???
Then, how much of that deception have you discovered that was upon your own mind??? And, if you have discovered some, then how do you know how much more there is to discover? This is why I say that we are living in the Kingdom of Darkness, the very counterfeit of Jah's Kingdom of Light, and that Kingdom is built upon lies and illusions. None of it is real, but a STRONG DELUSION, a Satanic Matrix that is held upon the minds of the whole earth by the constant programming, the brainwashing of the mind from the spirit realm, the media, and the politicians and ministers whom are the prison guards that hold the people captive. Only by the mercy of Jah does anyone come out of it.
In reading this web site, you will learn of a number of major deceptions involved with this strong delusion, and believe me, they are not only hard to see and accept, but to come out from under them. I am convinced that only by the mercy of Jah can anyone escape from this prison and its guards. And, in escaping, most will turn upon the Overcomer pronouncing that they are either insane, or off on some fanatical trip.
Deceptions concerning:
The hidden identity of the House of Israel.
The difference between the House of Judah, and The House of Israel.
Who the Jews are in Rev. 2:9 & 3:9.
Why Jah loved Jacob and Hated Esau.
Who the descendants of Esau / Edom are in the world today.
The hidden ones who rule over the entire New World Order.
Where the United States can be found in prophecy.
Commercialized Counterfeit Christianity, and how much it covers the earth.
What spirit not only rules over Counterfeit Christianity, but this whole nation as well.
And of course, the deception that says the Kingdom of Jah will not manifest on this earth until AFTER the return of our King, as many would have us believe. Then on top of that, to blind us even more to the plan of Jah, that we are to be "raptured" before anything bad happens, when the "bad" is already happening all around us, and escalating with every passing day. (We could be in for the worst economic turmoil this year that we have ever seen in our lifetime.)
That most of the ministers of this day are deceiving the people, and that most of the people are being deceived by them. (Mat 24)
As well as numerous other significant subjects.
Do you hear the accusations against you??? If you are called to the "overcoming," you certainly will, and will until you think you are the worst failure and sinner on the planet. What defeats those accusations? If you think it will be by your works, YOU ARE LOST, and will never come out from being under those attacks, for our works will always be short, and in being short, leave us wide open for more accusations. We will never "come out" from being under such, never overcome the "Accuser" through our own selves, but by Christ and His Sacrifice ONLY!!! I have found it to be ever so true that THIS IS WHAT SHUTS THE ENEMY'S MOUTH, and is a vital part of "overcoming by the blood."
Now, what is the reward, the result of, "and they overcame him"??? We read some of this in the Letters to The Churches in the first three chapters of Revelation.
This is quite a list. When going through your trials, remember these things. We are not here to gain the whole world, to gain an ego inflating reputation, to be successful in this world and respected by all, but to fulfill the desire of Jah for and in us, and this result is not comparable to anything we might suffer in getting there. We are not after that which is temporal, BUT ETERNAL. AT 75 years of age, I can well say that this life is very short, and although it does not seem like it in our early ages, it goes by QUICKLY.
Eternity lasts FOREVER. Where would you rather have the results of your life appear? In this life which is temporary and in reality, nothing but futility, or IN THE KINGDOM FOREVER???
And, what difference does it make what anyone of this world thinks of you while making this journey??? Of what importance are accusations toward those called by Jah and covered by our Messiah's blood? Whom are we to please? To have think well of us? People of this world? People in the strong delusion? OR JAH???! Believe me, when we come before the Great White Throne Judgment, the only one we are going to be concerned with is the Judge who is judging us. How people have judged us is not going to matter even one iota.
In reading the teachings on this web site, you will learn the full and complete truth of Rev 12:10-11, and what it means not only to we ourselves, but to Satan; His entire Kingdom of Darkness; to all those that refused the love of the Truth, and most importantly, what it means to Jah in His war with Satan.
As I said in the beginning of this explanation as the purpose of this web site . . .
This IS the calling of the Overcomer, and that calling is the most glorious ever given to a people. In this is the absolute and final defeat of Satan, his legions, The World Beast System that rules the earth in this day, and the entire Kingdom of Darkness. Such defeat will never come any other way, for only this way IS THE WILL OF JAH!!!It is the purpose of this web site to produce Overcomers, and to be of benefit to them in their difficult walk that is taking them to this key calling. Anyone in this group is among the most BLESSED of all people on the earth in this day, believe me!!! While they are headed for seeing Jahshuah's Victory manifest on this earth, all the "great ones" of the earth are HEADED FOR THEIR DESTRUCTION!!! May Jah greatly bless the understanding of all who read these pages,