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Comment: As we stated in our e-wire on November 20, 2001 -- 3 months ago – Iraq has been chosen for a long time as the next target. The war-mongering on FOX Cable News, and all the media – is unbelievable. The Israeli Lobby, and the Big TV Networks are pushing “War on Iraq” – as if it’s an already established policy – when in fact there has been NO DEBATE on it. As Pat Buchanan said in 1992 – the US Congress is “Israeli occupied territory” – and so there is no debate. Item: AXIS OF EVIL. Comment: President W. Bush said in his 2002 State of Union speech that there is an “Axis of Evil” – Iraq, Iran, and (clear the throat) North Korea. (Of course, Korea was thrown in just to mask the fact that we’re implementing Israeli Policy under the mask of United States policy. Incidentally, President W. Bush said in South Korea this week that the US was not going to attack North Korea.) A well informed individual out west told me in 1995 that the Israeli lobby was trying to figure out how to draw Iran into a war so the USA would have an excuse to attack that country. Now, under the Orwellian 50 years perpetual war for perpertual peace (where war is never declared) – the “Isreali Lobby controlled” US Government plans to simply designate Iran as a “terrorist” country at some point. Item: COMING TERRORIST ATTACK ON US CITIZENS – by “our own” ShadowGovernment. Comment: Now – how do you think the Shadow Government of the New World Order is going to jack Americans up into being willing to go to war against Iran after going to war against Iraq? And how do you think this evil Shadow Gov operating behind the US Government plans to quell the current opposition in Europe to those planned wars? On October 9, 2001, in the e-wire entitled, “Who We Need Fear – What is Global Hawk?” – we first stated, based on Big Newsmedia propaganda, that the Shadow Government of the New World Order (the top wirepullers of Judeo-Masonry) (LGM: meaning Edomites) were planning a biological warfare, nuclear warfare, or a similarly devastating attack on US citizens. (You can find that piece at topica.com on the Network America list, or at sweetliberty.org, click on the top of the home page, “America at War, or War on America?” and you will find that items 1 and 3 in that essay deal with the propaganda trying to prepare us for this planned attack.) The idea is this: To make Americans willing to back nuclear war – yes, nuclear war if the Ruling Elite so decides – against an Arab country, Americans will have to see a terrorist attack on US citizens that kills 10,000 to 50,000 citizens – and believe that one of the Arab “terror networks” did it. In RECENT weeks, President Bush, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Attorney General John Ashcroft and others have warned of another terror attack on the USA in the relatively near future. Rumsfeld recently said: “The next terrorist attack may make 9-11 look like an office picnic.” The Big Newsmedia has repeatedly been carrying interviews which are meant to prepare the American people for this hideous attack engineered by the New World Order’s intelligence conglomerate – a coalition of the dark side of the CIA, Mossad, and the former KGB. Col. David Hackworth (ret), the highly decorated veteran of the Vietnam war. In an interview on FOX Cable news, said last week that we should use intercontinental ballistic missiles against Iraq and Iran if necessary. Hackworth is not the first, by any means, to float the possibility of using nuclear weapons against the Arab world in the near future. This type of talk has been going on periodically on the big media since shortly after the 9-11 attacks. ---- All this insane talk just because we’ve let the Israeli (Edomite) Lobby take over our government through control of our money, our media, and “our” computerized vote counting system. And just last week a retired military officer who was serving high up during the Reagan administration – his name escapes at the moment – said that the next terrorist attack could kill 30,000 to 300,000 Americans. IF there is such a biological / nuclear terrorist attack on the USA, you can bet it’s not going to be done by Bin Laden (remember him?) – it’s going to be done by the the dark side of the New World Order’s CIA/Mossad/KGB intelligence operations. Why? To whip Americans up into supporting vicious attacks on all of the enemies of Judeo-Masonry’s (Edomite) “Permanent Revolution” – both in the Mideast and here at home. Now – I would ask all of you to email this to at least one opinion molder in the establishment – Congressmen, Senators, State Senators, especially Media people, and big organizations. Why? I’m afraid the only way to divert this long planned, diabolical attack on American citizens – is if the Ruling Elite fears that a lot of Americans will blame the Israeli Lobby and the Bush administration if such an attack actually happens. If they think they can get away with pinning such an attack on any Arab country or faction – then it WILL happen, and it will be beyond horrible. (LGM: Now for some sundry items.) Item: CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS ON 9-11. COMMENT: This week Congressional hearings on what happened on 9-11 are (yaaaaawwwwwn) beginning. These hearings are designed to reveal nothing and to just give the impression to Americans that an investigation is going on. Also, the Big Media has been running “investigative” shows about the collapse of the Twin Towers and why the billion dollar US intelligence agencies were caught “unawares” on 9-11. One on the collapse of the Twin Towers ran on the Discovery Channel recently --- and another about the failure of the intelligence agencies was on “Nightline” the other night. These shows are late in coming, and are just meant to give the impression to the casual viewer that “real, serious investigation” has been done and is being done. Any version of 9-11 that varies from the Carol Valentine research on the matter of the 9-11 attacks should be treated with suspicion. The conclusions of the Valentine research are: 1) the attack planes were run into the World Trade Towers by remote control technology – turning the planes into guided missiles whether those on board liked it or not (do a search on google.com for “Global Hawk”); 2) 9-11 was an inside job of the Ruling Elite to further the agenda of the Judeo-Masonic (Edomite) Permanent Revolution in general, and the Isreali Lobby policy in the middle east in particular. 9-11 was not a renegade operation of rag tag terrorists. The idea that ragtag terrorists could have access to all the inside codes they needed to have – and the idea that ragtag terrorists could have caused the massive USA response agencies to stand down for a full 40 minutes after the NYC attack, until after the Pentagon was attacked, --- is preposterous. In an important development, retired Colonel Donn Grand-Pre, author of the book, “Barbarians Inside the Gates: The Black Book of Bolshevism”, and one of America’s top military men supervising arms dealing to the Middle East under Presidents Ford and Carter, has recently endorsed the thesis that the 9-11 planes were run into the WTC and the Pentagon by Global Hawk type remote control technology. Frankly, after all the facts are scrutinized, the idea that 9-11 was done by a group of intruding Arab terrorists, without full cooperation of inside elements --- is totally preposterous. The brainwashing job that has been accomplished on the American people by the Big TV Networks and other associated Big Media – is truly frightening. Item: ENRON “SUICIDE” and WHISTLEBLOWER SHERRON WATKINS. Comment: The real whistleblower, Cliff Baxter, former Enron executive, was found shot to death in Texas a few days after he got a subpoena to testify before Congress. Baxter had left Enron a year ago, amidst noises that he was not happy with what was going on at Enron. He cashed in his stock and was worth $45 million. He was only 43 years old. His family is not buying the “suicide” cover story being peddled by ALL major media. Here was a guy who had the knowledge to be a real whistleblower, and he wasn’t kissing the feet of former Enron President Ken Lay. But guess who was kissing the feet of former Enron President Ken Lay? Why, it was the “Big Media canonized” Sherron Watkins, still an employee at Enron. Watkins was a VP and she wrote a very forthright perceptive memo about how bad accounting practices were at Enron – about a year ago. Sherron Watkins looked like an honest person who did speak the truth as she saw it – but she made it clear in the Congressional hearings that she was security conscious (for her own job) when she wrote the memo, and she obviously still is security conscious now. Her repeated assertions that she believed Enron President Ken Lay was in the dark about what was really going on at Enron, were treated as serious testimony by the Congressmen present at the hearing. True to their track records, the Congressmen followed the Big Media lead and all but canonized Watkins before she testified. One compared Watkins to St. Peter when he had the faith to step out on the water to meet Our Lord – Ruling Elite toady Congressman Markey compared her to Pinnochio’s conscience, Jiminy Cricket. . . . AND YET – these same Congressmen, again dutifully following the lead of the Big Media, showed NO CURIOSITY about the untimely death of Cliff Baxter. --- And, of course, all five Big TV Networks, as always coordinating their daily news in utter lockstep – show not the slightest interest in investigating the strange death of former Enron executive Cliff Baxter. Scoundrels! Item: Traitorous Secretaries of State push for EASILY RIGGED COMPUTERIZED TOUCH SCREEN “VOTING” MACHINES – all over the nation. Comment: These computerized voting machines are already in use in Columbus, Ohio and Riverside, California – and they are slated to go into full use in Georgia and Florida in the near future. These machines have no paper trail and offer no way to do a bona fide recount. We at Network America have been trying to warn America against these computerized “voting systems” for 23 years now – and this new type can be easily rigged by one centralized super computer managed in New York City, or anywhere else. Despite the bad trend of things – it’s not over yet – and we will keep fighting with everything we have. Item: HOARDS OF PEDIPHILE PRIESTS DISCOVERED IN FILES OF ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON. Comment: Just as Christ was horribly disfigured by His enemies as he was forced to carry the Cross up to Calvary to be crucified, so the Mystical Body of Christ is being horribly disfigured in this, our day. Since the counterfeit church took over working control of the Vatican in 1958, there has been a worldwide effort by infiltrating “Bishops” such as the late Archbishop Bernardin, to fill the seminaries with homosexuals, and prevent men with real vocations from staying. One of my family members knew a seminarian who in the early 1970s took evidence of homosexuality and blatant immorality in the Cincinnati seminaries to Archbishop Bernardin - - thinking he would be met with gratitude so that the situation could be straightened out. Of course, Bernardin did nothing to stop what he fully supported, and made it known in due time that the whistleblower seminarian should move on to something else. Let’s take a moment to profile Joseph Bernardin, the Archbishop of Cincinnati in the 1970s and the Cardinal of Chicago in the 1980s, as a perfect example of the type of man who has been appointed by Paul VI (1963 to 1978) and John Paul II (1978 to present) to occupy the chief seats in Catholic archdioceses since Vatican Council II, and to strain every nerve to destroy the Catholic Church. Bernardin was widely rumored, as reported in E. Michael Jones’ “Fidelity Magazine” to be slipping into Chicago hospitals in the middle of the night to undergo periodic dialysis to clean his blood near the end of his life. He died with the look of an AIDS victim, and at his funeral the homosexual choir sang, as pre-arranged and pre-approved by Bernardin himself, as well as with a full Masonic color guard at his funeral. Bernardin spent some of his last days going to Israel to accuse St. John the Apostle of anti-Semitism, which is one short step away from accusing Christ Himself of anti-Semitism. If Bernardin was a faithful Catholic, then I am a prehistoric flying bird. His background was very suspicious, and my guess is that he was an eastern European Jew (Edomite) masquerading as an Italian – his strange accent was anything but Italian. He never went to a Catholic school till he went to the Seminary at age 19, -- he was a priest by the age of 23, and a Bishop a mere 8 years later, catapulting over thousands of more educated and more qualified, and certainly more Catholic, clerics. Bernadin fit the profile of an infiltrator into the Church on behalf of Judeo-Masonry (Edomite) – and he is the type of Luciferian-type “cleric” who sought to get homosexuals into the priesthood. Every priest and Bishop who perpetuated exposing children to known pedophile priests should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and jailed. I say this as a Roman Catholic laymen, but as one who recognizes that the forces of Judeo-Masonry (Edomite) gained working control of the Vatican in 1958, and as one who grieves to see the disfigurement of the Church by all of the destroyers and collaborators who are sitting in the seats of power. Item: VATICAN SAYS “NO PROBLEM” FOR JEWS TO LOOK FORWARD TO FUTURE MESSIAH. Comment: Just to remove any doubt about the Judeo-Masonic occupation of the Vatican, committed demolition expert Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger released a statement saying that there was no theological problem for Jews to look forward to a future Messiah. This is straight Talmud Jewish theology, and directly opposed to Catholic theology and, likewise, Biblical theology. If it is “OK” for today’s Jews, or anyone else, to look forward to a future Messiah, then it is not proper to believe that Jesus Christ was the Messiah. St. Thomas Aquinas enunciated the Church’s unchanging position in the 12th century, that is a mortal sin to take part in any ceremony or rite which looks forward to a future Messiah as if Christ had not already come. This blasphemous statement issued by the occupied Vatican is the latest and one of the most dramatic proofs that hostile forces occupy the Vatican. This hostile occupation has been prophesied at many times throughout history, and it will come to an end at some point. One book which talks about it is “The Book of Destiny” by Fr. Hermann Kramer, in-- I believe -- Chapter 12, in which Fr. Kramer relies heavily on the12th chapter of the Apocalypse. Item: The sudden use of “HOMELAND” INSTEAD OF “COUNTRY.” Comment: The sudden use of “HOMELAND” instead of “our country” or “our nation” – is subtle word warfare. Why are we not talking about protecting our country or our nation? I’ll tell you why. Because the world government is already in place as a shadow government, headquartered in the United Nations. We are no longer to think of ourselves as a sovereign nation – we are to think of ourselves as having a “homeland” in the world government. Those who think this is going to far, or reading something sinister into an innocuous phrase – have no idea of the heartless, ruthless psycho-warfare propagandists we are, -- or should be, -- fighting. Conclusion: Solution? Arrest all those running the news departments at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and FOX, and put them on trial for treason. Arrest all those running the entertainment divisions at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and FOX, and all the heads of major Hollywood studios – and charge them with corruption of minors. Arrest all officials in the Congress and in the Executive branch who are also Israeli citizens, such as Paul Wolfowitz, second in command to Don Rumsfeld, and Senator Charles Schumer of New York, and put them on trial for treason, i.e. favoring the interests of a foreign government (Israel) over the United States of America (hey! some of them may be found innocent). And, of course, arrest Alan Greenspan and those who have been running the FED, also for treason, and for serving a foreign power (the United Nations) over the United States of America, but also for grand theft against the American people because of their treasonous manipulation of the money system. This way the Federal Reserve Board could finally be audited, and, again, Greenspan and company may be able to prove their innocence -- and get off. Ya never know. Much more could be said and many more news items could be covered. Maybe we’ll do this again soon. Jim Condit Jr., Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count ***** [Our mailing address: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211] ***** ***** [RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest Elections' crash course radio show over the internet at www.rense.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest; there is also an hour interview on the aftermath of the 2000 Presidential election in the www.rense.org archives for the night of December 6, 2000.] ***** ***** [A limited archive of some of the "Best of" Archives can be found at www.lewisnews.com at "Citizens for a Fair Vote Count" section accessed in left hand column of home page] ***** ***** [Our most important "mental background" e-wires -- can be found at votefraud.org by scrolling down on the home page to the section: "The Full Story behind the Radio Ads." These e-wires give you a better overview of what's happening in America and the world then you would get by spending 4 years in political science classes at Harvard or Yale, or another other major university. Save yourself time and money -- read those important NA e-wires. Also, e-wires of November 24, 26, and 27, 2000 give critical information on the aftermath of Election 2000.] ***** To Subscribe to our daily ewire: networkamerica-subscribe@topica.com To Unsubscribe to our daily ewire: networkamerica-unsubscribe@topica.com What follows is a Crash Course on the Occupation Government Ruling America: The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and FOX), the AP wire service, and their two major papers (the New York Times and Washington Post) are making peaceful change impossible at the ballot box. They are effecting this by protecting computerized VOTE FRAUD, that is -- elections easily rigged by computerized methods from centralized locations, -- by Big Media Censorship of many other aspects of this manipulation of America's future, -- and by Public Opinion Poll Fraud to convince Americans that the majority of people support the direct of the Occupation Government. . .. The Ruling Elite has also engineered an increasing flood of illegal aliens into the USA via their agents in both major political parties. Furthermore, the two major parties are officially sanctioning RIDICULOUS loopholes allowing these non-citizens to become registered voters . . . President Kennedy talked about this: "If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution inevitable." President John F Kennedy The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are: 1) Massive coverage of the Ruling Elite's favored Candidates, coupled with ruthless Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public Opinion Polls jammed down the public throat for months before each national election; 2) phony exit polls published by joint effort of the Big TV Networks on Election Day through the sinister New York City-based company, Voter News Service, which company is jointly owned by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, and the AP wire. For 25 years, the major networks have conducted a HOAX competition to call winners and losers on election night -- and their hoax is thoroughly exposed on votefraud.org on the Home page in the section with the little Newsboy Guy called, "Voter News Service" -- and in our e-wires of Jan 24, 2000 on the 1996 Iowa Caucus, May 30, 2000 on "A House Without Doors", June 17, 2000 "Vicki Collier vs. VNS", 8-25-00, a part of which deals with Senator Bob Smith's interview on C-Span about the VNS/TV Networks wrong call that he would lose his 1996 election. 3) and easily rigged computerized vote counting on election day -- which make the polls and exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are barred from touching or counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from knowing what is in the software program that instructs the computers how to count the votes.) To contact us, reply to this message or send e-mail to: votefraud@fuse.net Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, and the newsmedia know -- that we do not accept "Election results" until paper ballots with citizen checks and balances are restored to the process at the local precinct level. The continuation of unverifiable, easily rigged computerized elections -- is planting the seeds for the necessity of Citizens of the USA to take other routes to restore honest, verifiable elections, as is their right, enunciated in the Constitution of the USA. Our mailing address: Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 ==^================================================================ ==^================================================================