Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
(Many have their OPINION of who this man of sin will be. So do I. When I can find the time, I am going to publish an article concerning Mikhail S. Gorbachev. The facts concerning this man are glaring. It can be shown that he was the sixth head of the Red Beast. He was brought to this country by the ruling "Serpent Seed" on this earth to organize and orchestrate the NWO. He is right now one of the most powerful single individuals on the face of the planet, and few are even aware of what he is doing, or of his goal. Like everyone else, I could be out to lunch in my view of Garbagechev, but I really think we all need to at least watch this man, and learn all we can about him. When (if) "Martial Law" is declared in this nation, it will be done so under the auspices of the United Nations. And, guess who it would be that would be the ruler of this "Martial Law" under U. N. Law, and World Court??? That is right, Gorbachev. Who would ever have thought that this man, who has been and still is, working to restructure the entire earth into a NWO, would ever have a potential position to rule over the United States??? If this should happen, it will be the President of The United States that will cause him to rise into that position!!! See "The End Day False Prophet".) Before this "son of perdition" could rise into power, a great falling away had to take place FIRST!!! In that falling away, the "Spirit of anti-Christ" was to SIT IN THE TEMPLE OF JAH, and by that "sitting", replace Jah with SATAN!!! This is exactly what is happening in this day. The "Universal Church" which should have been the Temple of Jah in this last day, is fast becoming the very throne of Satan!!! I have watched this "falling away" for over thirty years. It totally boggles my mind that people are so willingly duped into the "Strong Delusion". Just as prophecy declares, they wax worse and worse. Where I could learn much from teachers in the early seventies, I now cannot find much of ANYTHING that I can even stomach. The "Charismatic Movement", except for maybe a few behind the scenes people, has been TOTALLY TAKEN OVER by "The Spirit of Jezebel", and "her" wicked cohorts. Have you ever wondered why what is called "Christianity" is so rapidly becoming one with the anti-Christ NWO??? Have you ever wondered how men in our government could hate "Christians" so much that they long to torture and exterminate them??? Here is the answer. To the dismay of many, it has been my position for a very long time that people are being filled with Counterfeits of Jah's Spirit. People are being deceived into receiving the same "spirit" that the one praying for them is following. We are to be careful who we let put hands upon us to pray for us. How many are being careful, and how many let anyone one who comes along do so? Jah's Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. (See article concerning the Spirit of Jezebel in counterfeit of the "Holy Spirit".) One who practices, and preaches error, IS following a spirit, but it is not Jah's. When they pray for a person to be "filled with the Spirit", they are praying for a spirit like they follow to go into the person being prayed for. These spirits are extremely devious, and are working to enter (walk-into) anyone they can to control them toward their Satanic goal of a NWO. Programming them to LOVE LIES, and HATE THE TRUTH!!! The person themselves are totally unaware of what has happened to them, and are fully convinced they are walking in Righteousness and Truth, and with the "Holy Spirit". If you were one of these spirits, who would you want to posses the most??? Would it not be one who is a potential enemy to turn them deceptively into working with and for Satan??? Then think about it. Who is Counterfeit Christianity serving??? Who are they being made one with, Jah's Kingdom of Light, or Satan's New World Order? If you cannot see the Truth of this one, you have been taken already. The writer of this article is writing strictly from the perspective of what is happening among the "New Agers" working toward the NWO. What is not stated, and which I will point out below, is how this has flooded into Jezebel's Commercialized Christianity. The same methods are used, but in a far more subtly deceptive manner so as to fool even the elect. It is easy for us to see that which is taking place among the open Satan Worshippers. But oh, how difficult to see when it is being done in the "Name of Jesus", and perpetrated upon the people that it is something of Jah. This is the most evil wickedness being performed on the face of the planet in this day, and yet, people praise and follow these worst of the workers of iniquity as great "Men of God". Anyone that does so, DESERVES THEM!!! |
Subtitle: Formerly the subject only of the way-out New Ager, Walk-ins was a feature subject of the very popular TV show, "Unsolved Mysteries". The implications for nation-wide demonic possession suddenly became a whole lot more possible! Most people do not know when they should be terrified; this event is one of those times you should be afraid!The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!! Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones! Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again. YOU ARE NOW ON THE CUTTING EDGE NEWS BRIEF: Walk-ins featured on ABC's Unsolved Mysteries on June 4, 1999. In a monumental demonstration of critically-timed conditioning to get people ready for the attitudes and values of the occult, ABC aired a segment on the subject of "walk-ins" during its June 4, 1999, show. While the narrator, Robert Stack, was careful to say that a "walk-in" was not demonic possession, we will demonstrate the opposite is true. We shall demonstrate that, not only is a "walk-in" demonic possession, but Antichrist probably could not arise were it not for the preparatory work of walk-ins. If you have not read NEWS1253, "Is National Demonic Possession Possible", we urge you to do so now. Then, you will be better able to understand the terribly frightening significance of ABC giving national attention to this subject of supernatural "walk-ins". Conditioning, conditioning, conditioning. In the words of one New Age author, writing in the mid-1970's, "The Great One cannot appear until and unless a substantial proportion of the population has been first conditioned to accept him." The United States of America is filled with the Satanic values of the New World Order. This filth is literally everywhere. This once great Jesus Christ-honoring nation has literally been filled with this old occultic value system. In Ephesians 3:17-20, the Apostle Paul yearns that believers might be totally filled with the love and richness of Jesus Christ. Paul was literally praying that the believer would become completely filled with the Holy Spirit. All of us have prayed this type of prayer for our own lives, as well we should. WALK-INS -- SATANIC INFILLING OF THE PERSON However, Satan has a counterfeit filling for his believers, and this is the topic of discussion for our program today. Christian author, Constance Cumbey, strongly emphasizes in her book, "The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow", that the one common binding ingredient among all these various groups is their common "mystical experiences". This term refer to the religious teachings common to all these various groups. Whatever name the group is using, they uniformly teach that man can perfect himself through the practice of ancient religious techniques, of meditation and through following the guidance of their own "Guiding Spirits". Meditation is the technique whereby a person empties his mind of all conscious thought, while chanting a series of repetitive words or phrases as many times as possible. Once a person does this repeatedly, he/she will begin to experience the phenomenon whereby the mind begins to lose its normal contact with the body. This phenomena is called an "Out-of-Body" experience, and is very common in occultic circles.
Once the mind loses its normal connection with the body the person then is ready to meet his/her "Guiding Spirit". Christian author, Johanna Michaelson, captures the Satanic essence of meditation and Guiding Spirits in her book, "The Beautiful Side Of Evil". Guiding Spirits identify themselves by name, including Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or one of the Apostles. The person who is involved is truly deceived into thinking they have just discovered THE one, true way to actually come into contact with God. In reality, they have just come into contact with a Satanic demon, who has temporarily transformed himself into a being appearing very kind, gentle, and wise. The stage is set for these demonic beings to manipulate and mislead their human victims. These people have become demonically possessed. Millions upon millions of today's Americans have participated in this type of activity, resulting in demonic possession in degrees ranging from mild to severe. At this point, we need to reach an understanding as to the nature of Satanic demon possession. Most of us associate demonic possession with the stories of the New Testament where demon-possessed people were violent, were afflicted with mental and physical diseases, where it was very obvious to everyone that the person was demonically afflicted or possessed. All these manifestations are, indeed, truly associated with demonic possession; however, a demonically-possessed person does not necessarily display these characteristics in all cases. Many people have been demonically possessed for their entire lives without the common people around them having the least knowledge of it. These possessed people might seem very normal in every respect. The author of the "Dictionary of the Bible" states that the demon which is possessing the individual begins the process whereby he effects "the complete or incomplete loss of the sufferer's reason or power of will; his action, his words, and almost his thoughts are mastered by the evil spirit, till his personality seems to be destroyed...or overborne as to produce the consciousness of a twofold will within him, like that sometimes felt in a dream." This sentence captures the essence of what New Age doctrine calls "raising the level of one's consciousness". Slowly, gradually, and benevolently, the demonic spirit takes complete control over the entire mind and personality of the possessed person. As long as it fulfills the plans of the demonic spirit, the victim will appear as normal and happy as you can imagine. In today's America, millions of people have opened themselves up to demonic possession in just this way. As you examine the writings of the New Age Movement, you discover a horrible truth -- the leaders of the New World Order are demon possessed, and their Guiding Spirits have revealed to them that the New World Order cannot be established until millions of people are similarly possessed. A good example of this possession is found in Alice Bailey's monumentally-important book, "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy ", in which it is revealed that a demon by the name of "Master D.K." wrote this book through her. Many of the authors and leaders of the New Age Movement have admitted that they are in daily contact with their Guiding Spirits -- and nobody blinks an eye. The initiated accept this condition as benevolent and coveted. This possession is nothing more than Satan's counterfeit in-filling of God's Holy Spirit of a born-again believer. Make no mistake about the fact that demon possession is rampant in America today. What we will show you today is that the Plan for a New World Order has developed to the point where this demonic possession has reached a new level. We will share this new level with you today, quoting primarily from Ruth Montgomery in her book, "Herald Of The New Age". Montgomery writes entirely by "automatic writing", which is defined as "writing produced when a person goes into an altered state and a spirit entity takes over a person's arm and hand to communicate". (The New Age Dictionary). Of course, this spirit entity is assumed to be benevolent, and they certainly present themselves as such. Montgomery's spirit entity just so happens to be a committee, identified repeatedly in her books as "Lily, Art, and the Group". Montgomery identifies them as "discarnate beings" who telepathically communicate to her about the coming New Age of peace and safety. While these Guides have communicated with her on many issues, we want to discuss one of their most interesting and relevant subjects, because the time of its impact is now upon us; once you understand what is occurring, you will make more sense out of current events. PUTTING ON A MASK OF BENEVOLENCE ON DEMON POSSESSION The subject is "Walk-Ins". This unfamiliar term has no relevance to those of us whose background is Biblical, so we need to thoroughly define it. All believers in the New Age believe in reincarnation, defined as the belief that "we do not really die"; rather, our souls supposedly leave our dead bodies and go into a supernatural state whereby they wait for the next incarnation cycle. Some occultists believe that each soul can choose the time of their next incarnation into a human body at birth, while others believe there is a set cycle by which reincarnation occurs. For example, "according to the Pythagorean, after a period of 216 years...all things are regenerated...this was the periodic time of ... the rebirth of man after each death." ("The Occult Power Of Numbers ", p. 66). Thus, according to this belief, all things--people, nations, and nature, are regenerated in precisely 216 years; the number 216 is a sacred number because it is 6x6x6, the most sacred number. But, back to the subject of "Walk-Ins". Walk-ons are defined as "souls who have earned the right, through many lifetimes of spiritual growth, to return directly to the earth plane as adults" (Montgomery, "Herald of a New Age", page 202). In other words, these souls in the reincarnation holding cycle want to return to earth in an adult body, rather than incarnating in the body of a baby. Montgomery's Guides reveal that these souls are "not yet perfected souls, but are high-minded beings intent on aiding their fellow humans, and tens of thousands of them are already here..." (Ibid). These discarnate souls are desperately wanting to incarnate into an adult body at this moment in world history so they can help humanity successfully complete its journey into the New World Order. And, of course, the occult Spiritual Hierarchy of Shamballa is very supportive of this desire. (We need to stop here very briefly to remind our listeners that all this occultic mumbo jumbo is only describing demon possession in such a way as to make it palatable and believable to their American and Western audience. A Walk-in is merely a demon possessing a person who has spiritually opened themselves up to possession through occultic meditations and other occult activities.) The Walk-in story continues. Even though these "high-minded" discarnate souls desperately want to incarnate into an adult body rather than a baby, they have the problem of the spirit which is already inhabiting the adult body. That spirit must voluntarily leave the adult body so that the new, high-minded spirit can enter. Montgomery's Guides explain that this is no problem; the "soul transfer", as it is called, usually occurs when the adult body is weak, or sick, or when the spirit inhabiting that body is thoroughly discouraged. At this moment, the Guides say, the old spirit "walks out" and the new spirit "walks in". Very suddenly, the adult body receives a new burst of spiritual energy, a new sense of revitalization. This is a "Walk-in".
This is precisely as narrator Robert Stack described walk-ins on his show! Each person interviewed had experienced this "soul transfer" during a particularly important part of their life. And, each one immediately sensed that the change had occurred. Each of them began to exhibit strong psychic powers of the kind expressly forbidden by the God of the Holy Bible. Some of these people could suddenly divine the future (LGM: and how many think they are called to "prophesy" unto the "church" in this day that are leading the people astray); some could sense the "aura" supposedly surrounding each person alive; still others suddenly had the ability to read the thoughts of other people (LGM: and how much do we see this on TV among the so called "Charismatics"??). This is classic Satanism! God forbids it! Robert Stack tried to put the best possible face on this classic Satanism by saying that every person suddenly loved people more than they did before, and that this kind of change could not be a "bad thing". While this may sound reasonable to a person who does not know or believe Scripture, those Christians who do know their Bible know that a deadly poison by any other name is still deadly. Walk-ins are deadly, even if their human hosts suddenly "love others" a whole lot more! (LGM: How much is this demonic"love" being expressed in the "Temple of Jah"???) SATAN'S GOAL, SATAN'S PLAN What is the purpose of these "Walk-ins"? As we tell you, remember that Montgomery's book, "Herald Of A New Age", was written in 1986. Montgomery's Guides told her that "they are coming in increasing numbers during the next decade to prepare us" for the coming New World Order. (LGM: And has this not been happening with increasing alarm in what should be, "The Temple of Jah"???) How would these Walk-ins be able to help? They would infiltrate the population of the world, from the mass of the people, to its leaders, to ensure that the right decisions were being made during the time of transition to the New World Order. These "high-minded spirits" realize that the leaders of the people must make "correct" decisions, but they can do nothing if the mass of the population is dead set against them. Therefore, the Plan calls for a great many Walk-ins among the population , to aid the leadership in molding the opinions of the people. (LGM: And where are the "Leaders" in the Temple of Jah taking the people through such programming of their mind's???) Again, we must pause to explain the transition part of the Plan to the New World Order. The Guiding Spirits have taught that the "Great One will need 7 years of transition into the New World Order ("The Armageddon Script ", by Peter Lemesurier, page 235). Isn't it extremely interesting that they have chosen the number 7, the precise number of years of the Biblical Tribulation? This transition period will be a time of the greatest trouble the world has ever seen. In fact, these Guides repeatedly use the word "Tribulation" to describe these 7 transition years. During this time, the earth will be purified and cleansed of all the old, evil influences so that the Golden Age of peace, safety, and prosperity can begin. As Montgomery's Guides describe this cleansing action of the earth, it sounds very much like the events described in the book of Revelation. Millions of people will die from earthquakes, tidal floods, famine, and world war. In fact, this description of the coming cleansing action during the transition so clearly paralleled the book of Revelation, I suddenly understood a verse which had always puzzled me. In Revelation 6:9, God reveals that His judgment upon the earth will result in approximately two-thirds of mankind being killed. Yet, in chapter 9, verses 20-21, God states, "And the rest of humanity, who were not killed by these plagues, even then did not repent out of the worship of the works of their own hands, so as to cease paying homage to the demons and idols of gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood...And they did not repent out of their murders or their practice of magic sorceries or their sexual vice or their thefts." I have always been staggered by this prophecy, because I have always felt that the people of the world would turn to God in repentance, understanding instinctively that only God could be causing all this natural disaster to occur. Not so. The demonic, lying spirit guides of the New Age leadership have prepared their deluded followers for just these types of natural disasters. (LGM: Is this not exactly what is happening in the "Temple of Jah", especially since the "terrorist attacks"??? Did you see much repentance taking place in Jezebel's "Christianity"??? What did take place? "A pledging of allegiance to this wicked nation, and instead of realizing the judgment of Jah upon us, sing with great insult to Him, "God Bless America".) Further, the guides have emphasized that the only preparation is an inner, spiritual preparation. People can only prepare by immersing themselves into their occultic practices. When God carries out His tremendous physical judgment upon the world, the people will have been prepared for it. They will simply say, "The Guiding Spirits were right about the Planetary Shift; these natural disasters are needed to move the world into the New World Order". Therefore, because they will not recognize the hand of God in this physical judgment, they will not only not repent of their sorceries, they will redouble their efforts in it as they try to deal with the scope of the disaster befalling them. Satan is not called the "Great Deceiver" for nothing. This will be one of his best and most complete deceptions. And he will carry hundreds of millions of people into eternal Hell. MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF WALK-INS? These Guiding Spirits further teach that this earth is a living being whom they call Mother Gaia. Mother Gaia will be so intent upon cleansing herself of all "evil" influences that she will dramatically change her angle of rotation. The Guides have described this as "the planetary shift". This planetary shift will be the primary cause of all the natural disasters befalling the earth during this transition phase leading into the New World Order. This time will be so difficult, and will require the political leaders to make such difficult life-and-death decisions, that the Hierarchy has decided to infiltrate these "High-minded" spirit Walk-ins. At the time of Montgomery's book, there were "tens of thousands" of these Walk-ins; however, as the earth approaches the time of her planetary shift, this number is to grow to millions upon millions . This Walk-in infiltration was planned to occur in every level of society. Walk-ins were to be regular husbands and wives, doctors, lawyers, scientists, businessmen, political leaders, and clergy. Montgomery claimed she had met Walk-ins who were from every one of these professions, including a "metaphysical minister" and a "Baptist preacher from the Deep South". But, the revelations become even more interesting. These supernatural Guiding Spirits revealed information which paralleled Biblical prophecy to a startling degree, and we quote, "The Guides foresaw famine and war before the shift ... Near the time of the shift, which the Guides claim is inevitable ...the Antichrist will rise to power..." This is just one of many instances in which New Age writers actually name their Christ, Anti-Christ. But, why should we be surprised, when the Apostle John wrote in 1 John 2:18, "...it is the last hour, the end of this age. And as you have heard that Antichrist [he who will oppose Christ in the guise of Christ] is coming...". [Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary] This definition of Anti-Christ as one who will oppose Christ by coming in the guise of Christ is precisely what these Guiding Spirits are foretelling. When Maitreya the Christ appears, he will claim to have the "Christ-consciousness spirit" which came upon Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, and other christs throughout history. However, Maitreya will claim that the "Christ-consciousness" spirit inhabiting him is several degrees higher than those previous spirits. TOP POLITICAL LEADERS OF THE 1990'S ARE TO BE WALK-INS! Now, let us return to the final supernatural revelations concerning Walk-ins. As we said before, they will infiltrate all strata of society, especially the political leadership. This is only natural, since their mission is to ensure that political leaders make the proper political decisions which will enable mankind to successfully go through this transition period. Our political leadership is specifically targeted . With this in mind, we quote an article in the "Weekly World News", dated November 3, 1992. Remember, this tabloid is one of the most popular New Age conditioning magazines in the world today. Ever since I realized this, I have been watching these tabloids carefully, to see how people's minds are being conditioned. The front page was totally devoted to the subject, "Alien Tells Clinton and Bush: Five U.S. Senators Are Space Aliens". Now, as we have previously stated, Space Aliens are also nothing more than Satan's demons whom God is allowing to physically appear on earth during this period to prepare the world to accept Anti-Christ and his kingdom. We have shown that they teach the people with whom they have made contact, standard, occultic doctrines and goals. Supposedly, this space alien met with Bush and Clinton for 90 minutes several weeks ago to inform them that five U.S. Senators were really Aliens (Walk-ins). These five senators were even named. We traditionally do not place any credence in the stories of this trashy tabloid; however, we are in the time of the end of the age, when truth is more amazing than fiction; further, this story does fit the over-all scenario of demon-possession of key leaders. We know that the last political leader to pronounce the advent of the New World Order was Adolf Hitler. Historians readily admit that Hitler and many of his aides were demonically possessed. Further, we have shown that the doctrines of the New Age are nothing more than a revival of Nazism. The New World Order is simply Nazism. Since this is the case, why should we be surprised that certain current political leaders might be demonically possessed? These five senators initially denied that they were Aliens, but then two admitted they were, indeed, Aliens, and said, "'O.K., you found us out, but remember this, mankind is not alone.' One Senator went even further when he suggested that the five senators named as extraterrestrial are just the tip of the iceberg." Again, this article is consistent with the revelations of Montgomery's Guiding Spirits. This article repeatedly states that the objectives of these Aliens are totally benevolent. "From all appearances they have the best interests of mankind at heart." Finally, we are referred to another article toward the back of the magazine which tells us that everyday people, maybe even your next-door neighbor, may be an alien (Walk-in). We report this tabloid story to you only to illustrate that we are close enough to the end of the age that it is now time to begin conditioning people to the concept of Aliens and Walk-ins (or demonically possessed people). We should expect nothing less. If the world is to fulfill the many evil and murderous actions of which the Bible prophesies, Satan's demons must intervene. We see this possession of political leaders perfectly illustrated in Revelation 16:13-14, "I saw three loathsome spirits like frogs, leaping from the mouth of the dragon and from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet. For really they are the spirits of demons that perform signs, wonders, and miracles. (LGM: And what do we see being demonstrated on TV EVERYDAY by Jezebel's "Priests of Baal"???) And they go forth to the rulers and leaders all over the world, to gather them together for war on the great day of God the Almighty." [Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary] Montgomery's Guiding Spirits reveal one more prophecy concerning political Walk-ins. On pages 262-3, they state, "During the next decade (the 1990's) and before the [transition]...a Walk-in will be elected President of the United States ...The Walk-in whom the Guides say will be elected President is 'already in a position of trust and his special talents are gradually being recognized, but he is not one of those being touted now as a possible candidate in 1988." We know that President Bush was one of those being touted as a Presidential candidate in 1988; therefore, we may conclude that, even though Bush is an Adept in the Satanic Skull and Bones, he is not a possessed Walk-in. This definition can only refer to Bill Clinton. Montgomery's Guides continue to describe this Walk-in President. "People will be aware of his special qualities and his abrupt turnaround in ideals and goals [at the time of the ego substitution] (the time when he was possessed), so that many will realize his Walk-in status while others will think of him as a born-again Christian..."
Perhaps this explains Clinton's abrupt turnaround from Anti-Vietnam war protester to political activist who now is appearing to be a "mainstream" Democrat. And remember his acceptance speech at the Democratic Convention? Clinton absolutely clothed his speech with Biblical quotes and terms. He pronounced that he wanted to establish a "New Covenant" with the American people, and he used many Scriptural references. And, how can we forget the many times when Bill and Hillary were pictured going into and out of a Liberal, New Age Protestant church, with Bill waving a huge Bible back and forth? If Bill Clinton is a Walk-in, then we can further understand his ability to survive anything brought against him. We can further understand the many dead people [over 50] that lie in his wake. We can further understand his uncanny ability to convince people to support him, or at least to abandon their opposition to him. As Bill was going through the Impeachment Process, we created a link called, Clinton Scandals, accessible from our Home Page. In these articles, we ran a series in which we proved that Bill and Hillary are both practicing witches, with Hillary outranking Bill in the occult. We urge you to read these several articles in the light of this information from Ruth Montgomery's demonic Guiding Spirits, that the President of the United States during the 1990's will be a Walk-in. Is Bill Clinton demonically possessed? Of course, he is, as we clearly show in the above mentioned articles. Remember this about anyone involved in Satanism; they want to be possessed by as many demons as possible, because each demon they invite into their souls gives them more power and usually, specific gifts. To an occultist, it is no big deal to be called demonically possessed, within their circle. Of course, a politician will deny it, because of the terrible connotation it carries with the electorate. The very fact that ABC chose to give national airing to such a sensitive subject as Walk-ins further demonstrates that we are living extremely close to the Beginning of the Age of Antichrist! ABC executives clearly feel that enough of the population is either a walk-in or shares occult interest and values, that they are safe in airing this segment on walk-ins. If we are, indeed, as close to the time of the Great Tribulation, we should be looking for this type of Satanic intervention in the affairs of the world and of this country. Do not be deceived, and definitely look up, for our Rapture draws closer. (LGM: The writer is doing a wonderful job of exposing this subject to us. This is why I published it here. But, sorry to say, the word is NOT "rapture", but REDEMPTION. I do not mean to be cruel, but anyone who does not understand the difference in these two words HAS MUCH TO LEARN!) Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually. If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now. We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news. Finally, we would love to hear from you. You can write us at: Cutting Edge Ministries 11 Robert Toner Blvd., Ste 5-393 Attleboro, MA 02703-2031 You can also E-Mail us. God bless you.
And take heed to yourselves . . . and cares of this life . . . . so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.