The End Times Editorials by Readers of The Warning

A Personal Letter From Dr. Horowitz To His “Insight Hour” Listeners and Supporters

To: Ted Anderson, Paul Wright, and Mark the Engineer, at Genesis Communications Network, and Jim Sheppard at World Wide Christian Radio, to all of you, my family of brothers and sisters who have listened to me rant and rave, cry and laugh, speak English and stumble over Hebrew, and issue declarations and humbled corrections for the past thirteen months on the Genesis Communications Network and World Wide Christian Radio.

I want to thank you for facilitating my service during the past year on “The Insight Hour,” on behalf of our Creator and humanity. As I am sure you can appreciate, I have mixed feelings regarding my decision to suspend my “Insight Hour” broadcasts, but I am certain that this is all for the best, in continuing along a path that brings me and you closer to our Spiritual Source and our loving families.

As I mentioned on my program the other day, although I have achieved great success in relaying vitally important messages to people around the world who have eyes to read my writings and ears to hear honest words regarding the gravest risks befalling humanity, the fact is, “I know more about global genocide, and the perpetrators of it, than I do about my own children.” 

As a “humanitarian” who has spent more time focused on the worldly struggle against evil, and the dynamics of a political planet gone mad, than on our own living loving Spiritual Sustainer, or even my own loving family, this investment has left me with a void in my heart that I can longer reconcile or tolerate.

As an American political activist, and healing minister, I find comfort in scripture which counsels us to withdraw from the Babylonian kingdom that has consumed most of my waking thoughts, and grows obviously more unjust and lethal with every passing day. 

For many years now, I have counseled my audiences to “Come out of her, lest ye be infected by her plaques.” Many have listened, many more have not. Those who have, I know have been blessed. The ones who listened, yet never received, I know have been cursed by their own doing. I have been wholeheartedly uplifted by the many that consumed my messages, and as a result, were saved from the ravages of medical deceptions and injurious vaccinations. It was your feedback, and communications of joy reflecting your healthy children and praise for my role in their safe-keeping, that kept me going, when often I thought about quitting. Some people, I gratefully learned, were spiritually blessed and uplifted by my callings as well.

But as I was preparing my last several programs, responding largely to breaking news, I realized that I really wasn’t saying much that was new. In fact, I realized, I was simply repeating what I had stated dozens, if not hundreds, of times in books, audios, videotapes, published articles, and during thirteen months of broadcasting, almost daily, programs that are archived for free public Internet access, anytime, anywhere, in any library, through dozens of websites that feature my work.  I began to realize, maybe it’s time for something more.

Beyond that, with the passage of the Homeland Security Bill, with the drug company liability indemnity clause, and soon after, President Bush’s order to sequester vaccine injury files on which class actions and civil tort cases are based, much of my work on AIDS and vaccinations immediately became a virtual exercise in political futility.

Virtually every host on this network gets the impression, time and again, that we are either “preaching to the choir” or “yelling at the wind.” In any case, I began to seriously consider the ramifications of further investing, if not sacrificing, more time for a growing audience; with less time for relationships with my Creator, and my family. This course did not seem appropriate.

You know you’re in with the flow when the universe shows up to reinforce a good choice. Within seconds of my having made this decision, to give up “The Insight Hour,” at least for now, I received an e-mail from a well-wisher bearing witness to the appropriateness of my realization. In fact, within hours of my decision to retire this daily program, I received telephone calls from nearly a half-dozen friends and supporters who told me that they stood at precisely the same threshold of revelation and repentance concerning their vocations and worldly involvements.

The instantaneous e-mailer urged me to reflect on Isaiah 26:17-21 as it relates to our frustrated, if not painful, efforts to garden unfertile Babylonian soil. Here it is written: “As a pregnant woman about to give birth cries out and writhes in her labor pains, so we have been at your presence, Adonai—we have been pregnant and been in pain. But we, as it were, have given birth to wind [i.e., to changing nothingness, much like my thought of “yelling at the wind.”]; we have not brought about salvation to the land, and those inhabiting the world have not come to life. . . . [Isaiah 26:20-21 goes on to prescribe this seemingly well-timed action in relation to current societal circumstance.] Come, my people, enter your rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourselves for a little-while until the wrath is past. For see! Adonai emerges from his place to punish those on earth for their sin. Then the earth will reveal the blood shed on it and no longer conceal its slain.”

How appropriate, I realized, like the ancient Chinese proverb that says, “Sit quiet, do nothing, the grass grows green and Spring comes.” The Great Creator has it handled. I know it, if you are wise, and most of you are, you know it too. Is it not time, now, to hide ourselves, His remnant, away for a little while until His wrath is past, and “then the earth will reveal the blood shed on it and no longer conceal its slain.” I interpret that to mean that soon, after a little while, the international blood “banksters” I have royally exposed along with their stealth deeds and manners of slaying the earth’s good people, stealing “the blood for the Prophets and the people,” will be punished for their sins as the truth will be revealed in Yah’s time, not mine, and not yours.

My job has been, and will continue to be, as recommended by Paul in Ephesians 5:8-17, to live like a child of light, . . . to try to determine what will please the Lord. Having nothing to do with the deeds produced by darkness, but instead, exposing them as they are, for it is shameful even to speak of the things these people do in secret. But everything exposed to light is revealed clearly for what it is, since anything revealed, Paul said, is a light. That is why it says, “Get up, sleeper! Arise from the dead, and the Messiah will shine on you!” Therefore, pay careful attention to how you conduct your life—live, wisely, not unwisely. Use your time well, for these are evil days. So don’t be foolish, but try to understand what the will of the Lord is.”

Clearly, the will of the Lord is to return humanity to his flock. He is the only one capable of doing this. I’m taking a back seat and letting go, letting Him flow.  That’s not to say I won’t have any time for continuing to serve others in meaningful ways. I will be maintaining many of my writing projects, including my autobiography, a book currently in process for parents of autistic children detailing how to best manage their healings, a children’s book written by my 10 year old daughter Alena, dedicated to those who are also helping autistic children, and from time to time I will continue to send e-mails to our more than 15,000 Spirit of Health subscribers, post articles on our many websites including:;

People who want to hear me on radio will still have two options: 

1) they can listen to dozens of my archived shows at  and , or they can call their favorite talk show hosts and suggest that they bring me on as a guest. Our contact number will remain 1-888-508-4787, and our e-mail address will likewise stay the same, at

I want to thank my sponsors, the people who paid for The Insight Hour to be broadcast every weekday morning— and Tetrahedron Publishing Group. 

The people who manned those telephones are to be thanked as much as those of you who telephoned in your orders for the books, tapes and health products that I wrote and recommended. All of you served as the sole source of funding for my program and my ministry. To all of my financial supporters, readers, viewers, and listeners, I thank you from the depths of my heart. For all the people who e-mailed me many kind thoughts, and even those who sent not-so-kind thoughts, thanks for your support and activism. And most of all, for everyone out there praying for my and my family’s protection from the human instruments of darkness. It is because of you that Yah’s angels have stationed themselves by our sides.  We experience them routinely, and love them and you infinitely.

Finally, I want to thank my wife and my children for tolerating my frequent absences from our family. When my children awoke, their daddy was typically at his computer, reading his e-mails.  When the family made breakfast, daddy was reading the New York Times and Washington Post websites for the morning’s news. When the family ate breakfast, daddy was busy preparing his radio show. When Jackie and the children left for their drive to school, daddy was dialing in for his broadcast, when the children arrived home from school, not often enough did I drop the projects that had accumulated every week along with the stacks and boxes of mail soliciting more attention than my wife, Jackie, ever asked from me. And in my absence, I want to acknowledge my wife for being not only a supermom, but for having filled in all the voids my worldly involvements required her to fill. They say that behind every good man is a great woman, and that is certainly the case with Jackie.

My last day of broadcasting will be on Friday, Dec. 27.   Between now and then I look forward to continuing this monologue, and with your calls our dialogue. The way that I ask that you remember me, or that I may be remembered, is that I was nothing without you and the Father’s glory. You made me the public figure that I became, and Yah, through His Son--YahShah, whose name is an affirmation of the highest praise for our Creator, and His Holy Spirit—the Rauch Ha Kodesh. These, along with His angels, sustained me. I am nothing more than crystallized dust of flesh and bones inspired into the miracle that you reflect and project by His love. Indeed, you and I can never lose this, since it is our innate inheritance. 

2nd Corinthians 4:18 speaks of having confidence in an unseen future. “This is why we do not lose courage,” it says, “For our light and transient troubles are achieving for us an everlasting glory whose weight is beyond description,” as the river of life in the Spirit runs forever, so to does Yah’s love for us.

Indeed, we should concentrate not on what is seen, thought, or even felt right now, but on what is not seen, since things seen are temporary, but things not seen are eternal.

Yah bless you all for being a part of my life.

Much love always,

Len Horowitz























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