To Receive The Love For The Truth
We are living in the realm of confusion, of clamoring voices. To get out of this debauchery and unto the Kingdom and the Kingdom Life, we must learn . . . The Importance
of Truth
How important is it that we receive the entrance of Truth???
It is my thinking that we, the so called “Christians”, are more
ignorant of this importance than all the rest of the earth.
If this is wrong thinking, then why are we so full of divisive
confusion, contradicting doctrines, and a different Truth, a different Jahshuah
being preached in every place where He IS preached??? This is the
a facet of RELIGIOUS BABYLON!!! Those that “receive the Love for the Truth” will REJOICE when seeing Him. They will be full of desire for Him, even as a woman who has gone crazy over some “Prince Charming Adonis”. Those that won’t, will SPIT ON HIM!!! When I see the effect of Truth upon an individual, I whereby know which category they belong in. If I can so discern, how much MORE then can Jahshuah, the King, who holds the power of life and death IN HIS HANDS?!!! Adam and Eve were created in perfection.
They were eating of the Tree of
Life, which IS JAHSHUAH! He
is THE Way, THE TRUTH, and THE
Life. Not a hodge -podge of
contradictions. The Serpent comes along and gets
them to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
This is a TREE OF DEATH, and can only produce death!!!
It is in fact a TREE OF LIES
which produces into this natural realm realities created by those lies.
In our own fallen knowledge, we think the lies from this tree are GOOD,
and therefore BELIEVE THEM!!!
We are further fooled into believing them by men who pose as
ministers of righteousness, when they are nothing more than lying deceivers
sent by the devil to enslave us to his kingdom of darkness.
Sent to DECEIVE even the “VERY
ELECT”!!! It is
THE TRUTH that delivers us FROM THOSE LIES!!! Isa. 60:2 is prophesying of THIS PRESENT DAY in which we are living. It reads: “For behold, the DARKNESS shall cover the earth, and GROSS DARKNESS THE PEOPLE.” How
did this come about, and why??? Stay
tuned, you are about to find out. This kingdom of darkness that is presently ruling the ENTIRE
EARTH is a creation from the TREE
OF LIES AND ILLUSIONS. Rev. 18 tells us that in order to escape the judgments coming upon this
earth, we are going to have to “COME
OUT” of the “Mystery Woman” and her creation of a Babylonian whore
that rules the earth. It is a
creation of ILLUSIONS, produced by lies that want to appear as Truth. Anyone whose skin is not shining does not yet have the total
understanding of these matters and is still BEING
for us to come into this understanding, we MUST look into our OWN
mirror. We are BELIEVING LIES, for we are just as contaminated by the fallen nature
as anyone else, and that fallen nature LOVES THE CONSCIENCE SEARING LIES that abound everywhere.
We are therefore a VICTIM OF THOSE LIES!!! And,
if we stay in them, we are headed for the same destruction that all of the
earth is headed. We MUST
“COME OUT” of them to escape those judgments, even as Jahshuah himself
clearly warned. The time has come to STOP
LISTENING TO THE DECEIVERS, and start not only listening to Jahshuah,
but HEEDING what he has clearly said!!!
To come out of this “STRONG DELUSION” that covers the earth, we are going to have to
receive the LOVE FOR THE TRUTH, which
is receiving the Love for Jahshuah HIMSELF!!! How many of us have deceived ourselves into believing we LOVE
Him, yet when the Truth is presented, we SHUT
must stop this in ourselves, and put off this self justifying fallen nature. The conscience searing “fig leaf cover up” works before men, BUT NOT
JAH!!! We make ourselves look
righteous on the outside for all to view, while on the inside we are FULL OF THE DEATH produced
by the TREE OF LIES that deceivingly appears as Truth!
We are not to be in the “fig leaf cover up” mode to make the
OUTSIDE look religiously righteous. The outside has NOTHING
that must be dealt with, for that is where the contamination resides that
works to control us. This fallen contamination on our genetic structure LOVES
ITS LIFE and its control, and its rebellious ego does NOT
want to be sacrificed with Christ
on the cross to set us free from that control.
We can either save our life to lose it, or lose our life to find it,
and this is just as True for us as so called “Christians”, as it is FOR
ANYONE!!! The TRUE WALK in Jahshuah
is the walk of the cross,
Becoming a “Christian” means that we have CHOSEN
to begin this walk with Him. If we have refused this walk, we have refused to walk with
Him. And, it matters NOT what
we say with our lips, our heart is
When the Truth comes, it causes a decision time in our life. We
can either go through the cross to receive, or keep our life and reject the
particular Truth being granted to us. The
fallen ego wants to reject it and hold us in its power, while the real self
mixed up by the contaminated genetic code wants to receive.
This is the war between “flesh and spirit”.
Jahshuah will NOT make that
decision for us. We must make
that decision OURSELVES. In making this resolution, we choose whether to go with the Tree
of Life Truth, or stay with the lies of the conscience searing Tree of Death
which is our own fallen knowledge of Good and Evil. We MUST
decide which way we will go. With
Jahshuah and His way, or continue to go our own way.
To give up the rebellious fallen ego to the cross with our Messiah to find
our life in the Liberty of His Kingdom, or save our life, and remain in our
captivity to Satan and his kingdom of darkness that presently rules the earth.
It is the “Choose ye this
day WHOM YOU WILL SERVE in action!!!
The fallen sociopathic ego fights to survive by justifying all of its
actions, and belief systems. It
covers up, sears the conscience, and refuses to walk into the Light to see its
destructive activity. This IS
the VEIL in our temple that came upon us at the time Adam and Eve fell
into the contamination of our genetic structure.
This caused us to go our own way after the Tree of (our own) Knowledge of Good and Evil, the being our OWN god, which
separated us from the Tree of Life and the going Jah’s way, and certainly
from Jah Himself. Only by the RENTING
OF THIS VEIL through the cross of Jahshuah
the Living Truth can we
be set free and returned unto Jah, and His Kingdom Life.
Choose the cross for the entrance of Truth, and this through its
workings will restore EVERYTHING
WE LOST with the fall of Adam and Eve.
The VERY REASON Jahshuah
came and DIED for us. This is NOT a one time event in our lives.
Receiving ALL TRUTH requires
a constant work of the cross to receive Truth.
The more we go to the cross to receive the Truth that sets us free from
the fallen contamination that holds us in its captivity, the more free we
become. The Tree of Life IS the
way of the cross, giving up our contaminated life to go Jah’s way.
The Truth takes us to that cross which delivers us into the life of
fulfillment intended from the
beginning. The Tree of “The knowledge of Good and Evil”, is the keeping of our
own self justified life to go our own way. The
lies, illusions, and self justifications of this tree takes us away from the
Tree of Life, and holds us in captivity to the Kingdom of Darkness ruled by
born with this fallen ego. This
includes MINISTERS!!! None of us
somehow dropped out of heaven free of any contamination inflicted upon us by
the fall of Adam and Eve. This
contamination wants to TWIST TRUTH to
our own liking and purpose. They,
just like we ourselves, must make a choice when Truth is presented to them.
They are just as prone to the rejection of the Truth that leads to the
cross as we are. It must be realized there ARE some
who have labored sincerely, and diligently, in their positions.
These men should not be disparaged.
They, like us, have been made victims of the lies.
The sincere ones will recognize this, and come out with the rest of us.
The most wicked victimizers of people on this earth are those who teach
lies to the people under the guise they are Truth.
Just as it is with us, the sociopathic denial mode that refuses to see
the harm being inflicted upon others works in them as well.
Only in their case, it is NOT any small amount of harm. Those lies are taking Jah’s gullible
people the WRONG WAY, and THAT
WAY is the way to the soon coming slaughter for all that continue
to believe them!!!
To refresh your memory of the importance of Truth, and His entrance
into us, I offer just a few of the scriptures available for such a purpose,
giving some elucidating comments as we go.
It is imperative that we establish our doctrines on the cover to
cover Word. Anything can be
preached from isolated scriptures, but NOT when in context of the total Word.
I will start with Psalms, and go through to the book of Revelation in
this particular review of what scripture has to say about not only the
importance of Truth, but of the detriment of lies, and Jah’s opinion of
those who preach them.
This is the evidence that will reside in those who are TRUE
believers, and certainly discerns quite quickly who is NOT. The True believer
will LOVE the Truth, want to walk
in the Truth, and be taught the Truth so
THEY CAN walk in the Truth. These are those that will come to the “Holy
Hill”, which is Zion, to be taught the Truth, so they can walk in THOSE
Isa. 2:3, which is speaking of the day we are now entering, it says: “And
many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of Jah, to the House of the Elohim of Jacob; and he will TEACH
US of His ways, and we WILL WALK in
His paths; For out of ZION
shall go forth the law, . . . . . This is where the receivers of Truth are
headed. (NOTE:
The full understanding of our “coming out of Babylon unto Zion”,
the Kingdom of Jah
on this earth which is our escape, will have to be left to another
It is too extensive a subject to include in this one. Just
remember, we are going to have to "come out of her." If it is
not Zion that we come out to, then tell me where it is. Not by your own
knowledge of good and evil, by what you surmise or by one isolated scripture,
but by a Truth that runs through the entire Bible, and is clearly stated by
the Holy Prophets.) The false love the LIES, and therefore will never come to Zion, but will condemn it with great veracity! Count on it!!! The “carnal mind” wars against Jah, and HATES HIS TRUTH, for by the Truth, the deeds of the fallen contaminated mind are exposed. More
of David in Psalms: 33:
4: For the Word of
Jah is
right, and ALL his works are DONE IN
They are NOT done in lies, confusion, and contradicting doctrines! Those who love and depend upon lies, are loving and depending upon the “god” of those lying doctrines for their salvation, and are going to the same destruction as the lying "anti-Christ" counterfeit savior of mankind. 40:4;
Blessed is that man that maketh Jah
his trust, and respecteth
NOT the proud, nor such as TURN
The disrespect, or the despising of lies, and ALL who speak them, is
going to come into us even as it is in Jahshuah Himself, for it is Jahshuah Himself who so despises, and is entering us in Truth to so despise. 43:3; O send out thy Light AND THY TRUTH, let them LEAD ME, let them bring me unto thy Holy Hill (unto Zion), and to thy tabernacles (where He dwells). 86:11;
Teach me thy way O
for He cometh to JUDGE THE EARTH, he shall judge the world with righteousness, and THE
is nigh unto all them that call upon Him, to all that CALL
UPON HIM IN TRUTH!!! Those that call upon “him” in
lies are calling upon a false god, man’s own created graven image of Him. It will NOT WORK in
this day. It is Satan
that is the Father of Lies, NOT Jah!!! We
either call upon Him IN TRUTH, or suffer the consequences.
We are not on a joy ride on this earth.
We are in a WAR ZONE, with our souls in GREAT
By Mercy and TRUTH
iniquity IS PURGED!!!
The Lies of a counterfeit Savior NEVER
why our so called churches, as well as the whole nation WREAK
WITH SIN, violations of The Holy Law! You can argue with
scripture, but NOT THE RESULTS!!!
Saying that two plus two equals five will not work when the true answer
of four stands clear for all to recognize. 19:9;
A false witness shall not be unpunished, and HE
I say more?) ISAIAH 9:15
- 16;
The ancient and honorable,
he is the head, and the PROPHET THAT
he is the tail.
Anyone who “preaches” or
“teaches” from out of the Word of
Jah is speaking forth a “Thus
saith Jah” The
office of “Prophet” is NOT just one
who reveals the future. It is the
scriptural identification of ANYONE who speaks in His Name to teach or
preach something that Jah is supposedly saying to us!!!
Take heed.
And it shall come to pass in THAT
day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are ESCAPED
of the House of Jacob, shall NO MORE
(which means we HAVE been)
stay upon him that smote them, but shall stay upon Jah, the Holy One of
Israel, IN TRUTH!!!
(and THEN)
The remnant shall RETURN
(which as of now, is what we NEED to do), even the remnant of Jacob,
The return to
Jah by the TRUE
House of Israel (another lengthy
subject) is produced BY THE TRUTH
setting them free, which is the LAST
ONE, and I repeat for emphasis, NO ONE else will be able to come until WE DO, for
we are the head that leads the rest of the world to the REAL Jahshuah! 28:15
& 17
. . . . for we
have made LIES OUR REFUGE, and under
falsehood have we hid ourselves (The
sociopathic fig leaf cover up). Judgment
also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet, and the hail
shall sweep away the REFUGE OF LIES,
and the waters shall overflow the hiding place.
(Our fig leaf cover ups are this
refuge, and they are going to be torn to shreds folks.
Get ready.) 38:18,
19; For the grave cannot praise
thee, death CANNOT celebrate thee.
They that go down to the pit
cannot HOPE FOR THY TRUTH! (They
cannot for they WILL NOT, as the carnal mind HATES THE TRUTH!!!)
The living shall praise thee . . . . the
FATHER will MAKE KNOWN to the children THY TRUTH.
Men, it is not up to the women to lead us out.
The responsibility for the “coming out” rests upon OUR
SHOULDERS! If we are NOT showing our family the way out of this delusion, we are in BIG
TROUBLE and have much for which we must answer!
We have stupidly let this thing happen to us, and it is now time for us
to WAKE UP and correct this
dreadful mistake. We have
made VICTIMS of our families while
we have chased the world to our own destruction’s. 56:10
- 11; His watchmen (ministers who are to watch over the flock)
are BLIND.
(without Truth), they
are ALL dumb dogs, they cannot
bark (to sound the alarm),
lying down, loving to slumber. Yea,
THEY ARE GREEDY DOGS which can never
have enough, and they are SHEPHERDS
that cannot understand. They
ALL look to their OWN
way (not Jah’s),
every one for his OWN
gain, from his OWN quarter
(self centered kingdom building.
towers of Babylon, derived from twisted Truths which
excite the people to rake in the bucks, while claiming to be
great messengers of Jah). 59:3-4, 14-15; For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity, YOUR LIPS have spoken LIES, your tongue hath muttered error. NONE calleth for justice, nor ANY pleadeth for Truth, as they trust in vanity, and SPEAK LIES . . . . and judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off, for TRUTH IS FALLEN IN THE STREET . . . . . YEA, TRUTH FAILETH . . . . . JEREMIAH 9:3-8;
And they bend their tongues like their bow for LIES,
upon the earth . . . . and they KNOW
NOT ME saith Jah. .
. . . and every neighbor will WALK WITH SLANDERS . . . . . they will deceive
everyone his neighbor, and will NOT
SPEAK THE TRUTH, they have
taught their tongues to SPEAK LIES . . .Thine habitation is in the
midst of deceit (fig leaf cover up),
through deceit they refuse to know
me saith Jah . . . . . Their tongue is as an arrow shot out, it
speaketh deceit . . . . . they speaketh peaceably to his neighbor with his
mouth while in his heart he layeth in wait. 14:14;
Then Jah said unto me, The prophets prophesy
them NOT, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them.
They prophesy unto you a FALSE VISION and divination, a thing of
naught, and the DECEIT OF THEIR OWN
HEART. 23:1,
14, 21, Woe
be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture!! . .
. . . . I have seen also in the prophets an horrible thing.
They commit adultery, AND WALK IN LIES, and strengthen the hands of EVIL DOERS,
that NONE doth return from his wickedness . . . . . I have NOT sent these prophets, yet they ran. I have NOT spoken
to them, yet they prophesied. If
they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people TO HEAR MY WORDS, then they should
have turned them from their EVIL WAY, and from the evil of their
doings. . . . . How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that PROPHESY
LIES? Yea, they are prophets
of the deceit of their OWN (contaminated
fallen) heart. HOSEA 4:1-3; . . . . THERE IS NO TRUTH . . . . . by swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery . . . . and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and everyone that dwelleth therein SHALL LANGUISH . . . . (This is why there is so much pain going on in this nation. It is caused by the being VICTIMIZED WITH LIES. All of the “languishing” going on in this nation thoroughly PROVES the results of lies, and there being NO Truth!!!) MALACHI 1:13-14;
. . . . and ye brought that which was TORN,
and the LAME, and the SICK, thus
ye brought an offering (as the sacrifice
for sins) . . . . . But
in his flock a male
(lamb, or Messiah),
and voweth, and sacrifice unto Jah a CORRUPT
THING (A Counterfeit Messiah).
If we think we can offer just any ol’ lamb as our sacrifice,
worship in TRUTH, or not at all,
and what it looks like has NOTHING TO
DO WITH IT. That conscience
searing “fig leaf” will be torn to shreds in the presence of Jah Almighty.
If we think we can offer a counterfeit Messiah created from our twisted
Truths as a sacrifice for our sins, we have a shocking surprise coming. MATTHEW 7:21
- 23;
EVERYONE that saith unto me (calling
upon Him) Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that DOETH
the will of the FATHER
which is in heaven. MANY
will say to me in THAT DAY, Lord, Lord, have we not PROPHESIED
in THY NAME???
And in THY NAME have cast
out devils??? And in THY
NAME done many wonderful works??? And
then will I profess unto THEM,
I never knew YOU, depart
from me ye that work iniquity.
(Iniquity means the Transgression of Jah's Holy Law. Disguising the worship of Baal as the worship of Jah is a blatant violation of that Law. This is what the "many" are doing in this day. WHAT IS THEIR FATE???) We have been deceived into thinking that everyone that preaches in His
name, and seems to be working in the “gifts of the Spirit”, displaying
great and wonderful works, are automatically of Jah, and we should gullibly
believe everything they are saying. We
can continue to think that way until we STOP
According to Him, they can be WORKERS
OF INIQUITY, and ONLY by our
knowing the TRUTH will we be able
to know whether they be of Jah, OR OF
THE DEVIL!! How can we tell
what a lie is, unless we KNOW THE
TRUTH??? ALL workers of
iniquity ARE LIARS, for there is NO
TRUTH in them. Their twisted versions of Truth SOUND like Truth, and fight to displace
Truth, but they are LIES!!! I
have long said that if the ministers understood the gravity of their position,
there would be a panicked mass exodus from the priesthood by terror stricken
men. Instead of understanding
that gravity, they LOVE their position of grandeur before the people, and
realize NOT they themselves are HEADED
FOR THE LAKE OF FIRE!!! There is a very interesting scripture concerning this day when
our Public Defender, stands up for us. He
it is that will cause us who will listen to “come out” from all the lies
and confusion of the religious whore, and return to Jah in Truth.
It says in Malachi 3:17 - 18: “And they SHALL
BE MINE, saith Jah, in THAT
DAY when I make up my jewels; and I will SPARE
THEM, as a man spareth his own son that SERVETH HIM. Then
between the RIGHTEOUS and the WICKED, between him that SERVETH
Jah, and him
that serveth Him NOT.” This makes it very clear about how strong the delusion was to be in
this day. So strong, that it
would take DISCERNMENT to
know WHO is really of Jah, and WHO
is not. Somehow we think
it would be easy to tell the difference.
NOT SO!!! Our own
gullible mind will believe lies much easier than the Truth. Because of this confusion in our own heads, we need the “gift
of discernment” to see things as they REALLY ARE.
We have already seen this discernment COMES
BY KNOWING THE TRUTH, and coming into the truth takes
a work of the cross. How
else could we distinguish between the two very different types?
The discernment comes by seeing who comes into the Truth, and who does
not. So, are you seeing the
importance of giving up our lives to the cross to come into the Truth??? 24:4
- 5;
Take heed that NO MAN
DECEIVE YOU, for MANY shall come
in MY NAME saying that I (Jahshuah)
am the Messiah, and shall DECEIVE
MANY!!! Again, just because they are preaching "In
His Name"
does NOT
automatically mean they are of Jah. If
we have not known this, we have
already been taken in BY THEM! JOHN 3:19-21;
And this is the condemnation, that Light is come into the world, and
men LOVED DARKNESS rather than the
Light, because THEIR DEEDS WERE EVIL!!! For
everyone that DOETH EVIL hateth the
Light, neither cometh TO THE
LIGHT, lest their deeds should
be reproved (exposed).
But he that DOETH TRUTH cometh to the
Light, that his deeds may be made manifest,
(made known whether or not) they are wrought in
This means it is possible to do things we think is
Jah, while in Truth
they are NOT of Jah. Only by
walking into the Light of Truth can we know.
If we refuse to see our deeds in Truth, we will not walk into that
Light, and thus CONDEMN OURSELVES. 4:23;
. . . . true worshippers worship the Father in spirit AND
IN TRUTH (worshipping in LIES will
NOT BE accepted, for neither
Jahshuah, nor
the Father want any part of them.
Worshipping in LIES, is worshipping a counterfeit
Elohim , a FALSE
that was created by a counterfeit Holy Spirit through those lies.)
. . . . they that worship Him
MUST WORSHIP Him in spirit, AND IN
are worshipping
a FALSE god!!!) 8:32;
And (IF)
know the Truth, the TRUTH
I am THE Way, THE Truth, and THE Life
. . . . There is only ONE TRUE Messiah, and
therefore only ONE way, ONE all inclusive Truth, and only ONE life we are to
live. These matters contrived
from the Tree of our OWN fallen knowledge of good and evil will NOT
WORK. The real Truth takes us
the WAY OF THE CROSS to find our
Life in the one and only TRUE Son
of Jah. 17:17;
. . . Sanctify
them THROUGH THY TRUTH . . . Over, and over again, the scripture tells us that it is the Truth that delivers us from the fallen world. In the Truth is the work of the cross,
and in the cross is the work of the blood.
The subject of the cleansing, redeeming power of the blood is an
extensive subject.
We must FIRST of all realize how important it is to come out of the
Lies, and into the Truth. Then we
can deal with the Blood of Jahshuah, and its powerful effect upon us who are
going through the process of redemption. ROMANS 1:18
& 25; for the wrath of
Jah is
revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness OF MEN who hold the Truth in unrighteousness . . . . . . . . Who
CHANGED the Truth of Jah
INTO A LIE!!! 2nd CORINTHIANS 11:13-15;
INTO THE APOSTLES OF Jahshuah. and no marvel,
FOR Satan himself IS DISGUISED as an Angel of Light. Therefore
it is no great thing if HIS
ministers ALSO be disguised as the ministers of righteousness . . 2nd
And with all deceitfulness of unrighteousness in them that PERISH,
because they received NOT the
LOVE OF THE TRUTH, that they might be saved.
And for THIS cause Jah
shall send them STRONG DELUSION,
that they should believe a LIE, that they ALL
might be DAMNED who believed
TRUTH, but had pleasure in this
unrighteousness. Truth is an ALL inclusive word. It
does not say they loved not SOME Truth, or One Truth.
This scripture means ALL Truth, and all that Truth is.
All of what Jahshuah Himself IS! If
we think that we can believe any way we want to, we ARE deceived.
Lies mixed into Truth is NOT TRUTH, but deception.
The same deception of Eve which began all of the false prophet’s
deceptions unto this day!!! This
“strong delusion” is ALREADY HERE! Only those that receive the Love for the REAL TRUTH are going to come out of that delusion!
Most ministers are victims of being in a trap.
They can ONLY PREACH what
their headquarters will allow. If
they would preach the WHOLE TRUTH,
they would be DEFROCKED, and lose
the position they have worked so hard to achieve.
To give up that life to the cross to preach the whole Truth, would be
too much of a cross for them to bear. In coming into ALL Truth, each parcel brings balance.
When some Truth is rejected, then the Truth seen gets out of balance. Truth is then viewed through tunnel vision.
The narrow minded parameter’s of the intellect will not see it in
clarity, or in relation to all other Truth.
It then drifts into error through the natural currents of the
contaminated mind, influenced by the crafty wolves in sheep’s clothing that
have sneaked their way in among us. Then
the rationalizing sociopathic denial mode will not face the harm being done to
the sheep, but in fact deceives itself into thinking it is serving Jah.
Corruption rises, and no one seems to notice, for no one is standing on
their guard. It happened to the
early church, and it is certainly happening in this day. Most do not even understand the walk in
Jahshuah is a “walk of the
cross” in the first place.
They have forgotten the cross, and preach to try and straighten out the
is only ONE RECOURSE for
the fallen contaminated person. Die
a death unto JUDGMENT, or give it up to the cross in Jahshuah to be freed from
it!! This is the giving up of our
life to find our place in Jah’s purpose.
Unless a minister is teaching the “works of the cross”, he doesn’t
even know Jahshuah, let alone what His sacrifice was all about.
If your “minister” is not preaching the importance of receiving
Truth, and I mean ALL of the Truth, through the works of the cross, you might
ask him why he doesn’t. Or, do
you ALREADY KNOW WHY, and therefore the question is rather superfluous? 1st
- 2;
Now the Spirit speaketh
expressly, that IN THE LATTER TIMES
(which is the day we are presently living) some shall DEPART from the faith, giving heed to SEDUCING SPIRITS
( and
seducing spirits seduce to LIES), and
doctrines of devils. Speaking
LIES IN HYPOCRISY, having their
conscience seared with a hot iron.
This is the sociopathic mind in full operation.
“Seducing Spirits” are marvelous impersonators.
who impersonates the Holy Spirit.
That spirit has a whole army of impersonators, and they follow the
instructions of the “strong one”. The Holy Spirit leads us into ALL Truth.
the realms of lies, illusions, and deceptions.
This is how you can discern which “Spirit” is operating in a
particular realm. If we do NOT
receive the Love for the Truth, we
get the COUNTERFEIT, and in that receiving, RECEIVE
the JUDGMENT of the “Strong Delusion”!!!
Hear me well!
If you didn’t get what was said, go back and READ
IT AGAIN!) 2nd
TIMOTHY 3:5-7;
Having a FORM of godliness (an illusion
of looking like they are of
Jah ),
but denying the power thereof, from such
For of this sort are they which creep into houses (without
the permission of the husband in headship) and lead captive SILLY women
laden with sins, led away with divers LUSTS, ever learning and NEVER
ABLE to come to the KNOWLEDGE OF
THE TRUTH!!! 4:3-4;
For the time will come when they will NOT
endure sound doctrine, but after their OWN
LUSTS shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and
they shall turn AWAY their ears FROM THE TRUTH and shall
be turned unto fables (LIES of
the “Strong Delusion” as a JUDGMENT). 1st
JOHN 1:6-10;
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and WALK
IN DARKNESS, we LIE, and do NOT THE TRUTH! . . . . if we walk in
the Light we have fellowship one with another . . . . .if we say we have no
sin, we DECEIVE OURSELVES, and the Truth is NOT in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to FORGIVE us our sins,
and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make HIM a liar, and His word is
not in us. REVELATION 18:4;
And I heard another voice from heaven saying, COME
partakers of HER SINS, that ye receive NOT of her PLAGUES! 21:8; the fearful and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whore mongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, AND ALL LIARS shall have THEIR PART in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone . . . . 22:14 - 15; Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have RIGHT to the tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and WHOSOEVER LOVETH AND MAKETH A Lie!!! (The twisting of Truth)
has warned us through nearly every writer of the Bible to watch out
for those that would deceive us. Yet
we read across this message like it is for someone else.
Our pride filled ego thinks it is written for some other numb skull. “I could never be deceived.
I walk after the Holy Spirit, and He leads me into all Truth”.
Yes He does, IF we follow Him!!! We
can rebel, and NOT follow. It is
time to look into our own mirror, and realize Jah had GOOD REASON to warn us.
If we haven’t taken heed to the warning’s, then we have been taken
in. In Acts 20:29-31, the Apostle Paul says, “For I KNOW this, that after my departure (death) shall savage wolves enter in AMONG YOU, not sparing the flock. Also of YOUR OWN SELVES shall men arise, speaking contradictions (preaching that which is directly opposite of the Truth, which in fact CONTRADICTS what Jahshuah preached and taught, and in that contradiction, is in Truth calling Jahshuah a liar) to draw away disciples after
them. Therefore WATCH, and
REMEMBER, that by the space of THREE YEARS I ceased NOT to warn everyone
night and day WITH TEARS!!!” Paul new what was coming by what the Holy Prophets had prophesied. It grieved him so greatly that he tried to warn the early church day and night for THREE YEARS. They DID NOT LISTEN, and did not listen for the VERY SAME REASON we are not listening today. It is time for us to wake up. Deceivers ARE AMONG US, and have even come FROM among us. We CAN BE DECEIVED by them, and not only can be WE HAVE BEEN!!! If this were not so, then Paul would be a LIAR, and grieving over his prophesied “Strong Delusion” for NOTHING!!!
Seducing entrapments have been here from
the beginning. This started with
the seduction of Eve, who in turn tricked Adam through the same method.
Satan can only work from his Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil.
Our fallen naive consciousness LOVES THAT TREE.
This “love” must go to the cross with Jahshuah, and set us free into
the receiving of the “Love for the Truth”.
Our fallen pride filled ego does not appreciate this trip whatsoever.
The first false prophet was the “Serpent”. These deceivers
have been with us all through history, right to this day. Maybe especially in this day.
This is a TRUTH that runs from cover to cover in the Bible.
The last one is depicted to us in Rev. 13:11-17, and
19:20. The time of the
reign of lies by the false prophets is coming to its disastrous conclusion.
The gross darkness that presently rules the earth has been created by
the false prophets from out of the Tree of death and illusion.
Those that believe their lies WILL
BE DAMNED with them!!! They
are deceived themselves, and in being deceived, go about brainwashing everyone
into deception that will listen to them.
The people that listen are then trapped in the same envelope of limited
parameter’s of deception in which the deceivers themselves are entrapped.
These blind guides, loving their grandeur before the people, proudly
exalt themselves and each other by applauding all their great works “for God”, never realizing what they are doing.
They come in the “ILLUSION OF
LOVE” while having NO CONSCIENCE of
the hate filled damage they are inflicting.
If anyone would try to tell them, they would refute it most
vigorously, as their fallen sociopathic mind would not be able to accept how
they are VICTIMIZING everyone that believes them.
They are “whited sepulchers”, looking oh so wonderful on the
outside by reason of the illusion they present, but
they are FULL OF DEATH, and void of the UNTWISTED PURE TRUTH!!!
We have been greatly victimized by Lies.
Lies that hold us in bondage to the fallen nature, and thus to the
fallen world, and its rulership over us.
This captivity keeps us from becoming all that we can be.
The deliverance from those lies comes by the entrance of the Truth.
We MUST “COME OUT” from all
brainwashing of the unrepentive contaminated minds that will NOT look in
the mirror to see their monster.
When Truth comes to us, we want to reject Him.
If we receive Him, this takes us through the cross in which we suffer
psychological upheavals. Through
this work we are delivered from lies unto the Truth.
In EVERY INSTANCE of coming into Truth, a part of us comes into Liberty
by the death of the “monster” that has resided in us from the beginning. In each working of the cross, we come into new Truth, and
therefore birth further into a new life.
The coming out of the “Strong Delusion” by the receiving of the
Truth is a major ingredient in the coming out from our participation with
Religious Babylon, which is "Jezebel's" seductive counterfeit of the real walk
in Jahshuah.
When we believe a lie, we are then following, and by that following, worshipping, a counterfeit
That counterfeit is the father or author of the lie. Therefore, what we believe is of paramount importance.
Anyone depending on the author of any false doctrine as their Savior is in big trouble.
We are in reality, by our false doctrines, creating graven images in our minds, and we are then worshipping that image.
If it isn't Jahshuah, the LIVING TRUTH, we had better get serious.
Anyone depending on, trusting in, following a god that
did away with The Holy Law is depending on a false god. Certainly not Jah.
So, those that are depending on that "savior", are then trusting in,
and depending on, a false god. Satan is the "LAWLESS ONE",
NOT Jahshuah!!!
So, is it important that we receive the “Love for Jahshuah, the Living Truth”??? It is if we want to escape this STRONG DELUSION of the Kingdom of Darkness sent upon those who don’t, and the resulting DAMNATION!!!
It is for us to come to
the knowledge of the Truth, and OUT of all the lies, the COUNTERFEIT
Messiah's THAT ARE BEING PREACHED IN THE "LAND OF CONFUSION." It is a serious day folks. Few understand how serious it is.