The Warning of The End Times


By Darlene Dine )  

To listening ears:

I may be repeating what is already known to you, because I know you are those who see truth. I just feel an urgency to get this right in my own spirit so bear with me as I sound off again!

This is the Jezebel spirit at work and we must fight the battle NOW. It is fierce, the split is happening and the heavenlies are being rent with the warfare right now.

The email that was sent to me about Israel has sparked this writing and it is not just about a location or natural land (even though it is very much about that too). It is also about a SPIRITUAL territory!!! We (Israel) are fighting the nations (or peoples) and this includes organizations...churches... governments... etc. We are fighting to hold onto the truth and not compromise what is Yahweh's will. To return to the land is to return to our heritage!!

In the accusations that will come forth of "prejudice," bigotry, self-righteousness! They all will come from her from her HIGH TOWER of authority. The message sounds good. Why don't we all unite! Different faiths coming together. Isn't this the unity that Yahweh declared to be good and pleasant to dwell in, like the dew of Mt. Hermon?

IT IS A LIE OF THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the church and people all over the world are buying it! There is no unity without TRUTH!!!! This is why the SWORD divides!!! If you have to compromise truth to come together, then it is NOT the establishment of HIS KINGDOM where HE and HE ALONE RULES!!!!!!!!

DOES ANYONE HEAR ME?? I am talking about YAHSHUA here!!! Reigning over the nations. How will this come about?? We clap about it. Sing about it. Talk about it and NO ONE IS BOWING DOWN TO HIS RULE>>>TRUTH!!! We think our opinions and ideas count. We have our own agendas conflicting with the going to Jerusalem to be PUT TO DEATH!!!!!!!! Can we take matters into our own hands and bring about these things. NO!!!!!!!!!!! Only Yahweh establishes His kingdom! By His Spirit! It comes DOWN! The only good and perfect thing!

The church coming together must be established on the foundation of the prophet and apostle!!! Sorry folks, there is only ONE TRUTH and His name is Yahshua!!! His voice speaks through His prophets and He will throw down the money changers and all those who build false religions in the temple. Those causing the people to believe a lie. Keeping them out of relationship with the Holy One of Israel! We are not going to like His message or the people He sends to deliver it! We have been steeped in lies too long! 

Is that strong? You better believe it is! Yahweh HIMSELF will not compromise truth!!! He has sworn by Himself to uphold it. Shouldn't we do the same?

Blessed is He who is not offended because of Me (truth....Yahshua).

There is a deceptive LIE out there!!! Heed this warning. Jezebel is not just working through the Ecumanical movement or the UN or the liberals or Communism [and the list cold go on and on!] She is deceiving the very elect!

This is the counterfeit...setting the stage for antimessiah to reign. He will be popular!! For he will be a ruler who gives the people what they want (for a season). THEY WANT UNITY, THEY WANT PEACE AND THEY WANT TO PROSPER.

ALL THESE THINGS GIVEN AS PROMISES OF YAHWEH TO HIS COVENANT PEOPLE! YAHWEH WILL GIVE THEM BY HIS HAND IN HIS TIME OR YOU WILL GET THEM ON YOUR OWN [lack of trust and unbelief], THIS IS THE TEMPTATION IN THE WILDERNESS!! For these are the desires of our heart for they are our ultimate purpose and destination! But our worship must be spirit and in truth!

Yahshua could have bowed to Satan for His desires! But He did NOT!

Relationship was more important! This is what it takes to enter into a true marriage with Yahweh. This testing.


Yahshua arrived at the fulfillment of His destiny only by way of the cross and so will we!! At the doors of eternity we stand.

The number 6 being the number of carnal man, the beast! The number 6 being the number of the FALSE IMAGE (self masqueraded as GOOD) and 6 the number of Satan's camp (the Babylonian, world system). [concept in part from a book by Gloria Cavallare in My Beloved Israel]

We cannot even imagine how many people are so close to the border waiting to cross over. The sea will be raging on both sides!! Truth on the right hand and judgment on the other. A trust that few will enter into without the cry of the faithful delivers at this hour arising to say, "Stand back and see the salvation of Yahweh!"

We must proclaim the salvation made complete. The death and resurrection, the life eternal is NOT ABOUT THIS WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is about a relationship! Entering the Holy of Holies will cost you your life here and now. Don't we understand that? We may be in the temple (there are three places or dimensions in the temple), but the Holy of Holies is for the overcomers who have not defiled themselves with the woman. Ministers to Yahweh Himself. UNBROKEN FELLOWSHIP.

May we cry out in travail and anguish to know that we could be separated from Yahweh for all eternity!!! Have we experienced this kind of suffering and repentance. It IS TRUE DEATH!!!! After the destruction of the temple, Babylonian captivity and their return, the people repented in anguish of soul for they understood and saw sin in its reality!! Separation from the presence of YHWH, life itself. Enslavement of their souls. But they only understood in the wake of judgment!!!

When walking the road of this journey, we will experience what Yahshua suffered to one degree or another. [like Jonah the Son of man will be in the belly of the whale for three days]. Yahshua's greatest suffering 'I believe' was the separation from Yahweh! A renting and grieving, anguish of soul. DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT THESE ARE THE FEELINGS OF YOUR FATHER AT THE LOSS OF HIS PEOPLE? The veil was rent and His heart was split! For His desire and the depths of His soul were to be joined to His bride for all eternity! A marriage that He gave His own life to have. What do we give in return?

Can you imagine His heart at this time in history? When sin has reached its fullness? His purpose still holds true through it all. He will have a people for His Holy habitation! A temple not built with hands where His Spirit dwells. And who will come before Him in anguish of soul and cry out for this to be the reason for their being? I cry as I think of it. Who will hold onto the truth? Who will become ashes so that he may build His true temple amidst the ruins? Who will pass through the fire?

I wonder if these word will encourage you to overcome? I wonder if they will give you strength to fight another day.


















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