The End Times Editorials by Readers of The Warning


I sent the emailed pictures below in an email to a few.  In it I said:

A side issue:  It is no longer “The Russians are coming, The Russians are coming,” but THE MUSLIMS!!!

I would now add that I am not so sure that people are understanding the threat to this nation that the Muslims have become.  And, all allowed by our wonderful treasonous government.

There is a concentrated endeavor by the Muslims to take over the entire earth under their God, "Allah."  Much of Europe has been heavily infiltrated, and are fast gaining a stronghold over it.

They are infiltrating our nation by the droves.  They have at least 35 Military Compounds to train them in terrorist activity IN THIS NATION.  (See Editorial)

As I wrote at the bottom of the Editorial, "The Obama Deception" :

In case you are wondering if these Terrorist Camps really exist, you might watch another video emailed to me by clicking on: 

There are 35 heavily guarded Jihad Muslim Terrorist Training Camps in the United States that range in size of 25 to 300 acres each.  These trainees are called "Soldiers of Allah."  They are trained in guerilla warfare, weaponry use, explosives, how to murder guards, subduing enemies, kidnapping, hijacking cars, and on the list could go.

Our "Government" claims that under the Constitution, they cannot do anything about it.  Really???  I have to ask: 

1.  Why do Leaders allow our Army to come into their nations to wipe out Terrorist Camps, while we let them thrive in our own?

2.  Since 9-11, we have had the "patriot" act in place, and now tell us that the Feds can search our homes and wire tap our phones without a warrant, arrest anyone they suspect without proof, but they cannot do anything about terrorists camps in our own state, city, or county?

3.  We spend untold billions to supposedly defeat Jihad Terrorists world wide, and yet let them train in our own nation?  What would the soldiers think of this one who have bled, died, and been maimed in the so-called war against terrorism ? 

4.  Laws are passed to control private ownership of guns, yet these Jihad Muslims have all they can get their hands on?

5.  We can murder David Koresh and his "Davidians", including women and children, as well as others who have suffered the same fate by our Government, yet can do nothing about Terrorist Camps in our nation?

None of this makes sense!!!  Unless of course you understand why!!!  

Then we have a President with a STRONG Muslim background who could very well be an Illegal Immigrant himself.  Read that article, besides the other Editorials, and you will see that we have elected  the most evil man this country has ever had as a President, and that is saying a TON!!! 

There may be peace loving Muslims, but they are NONE OF THESE.  The Jihad Muslims are bent on wiping out every "Christian" from off of the face of the earth.  MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT.  They are dead serious, and working actively behind the scenes to do just that.

Be sure to read an email response after the pictures to the following email from a friend of mine whom I have known since Grammar School days some 60 + years ago.  Not only has he been a Security Chief, he is also a Journalist / Sports Writer.  When he writes something, he does know what he is talking about.

Larry G. Meguiar



Folks, I would not believe they would leave their own country in such a mess like a garbage dump. Victor

Subject: Fwd: Our Desert in AZ

20 some years ago when Chuck was alive we camped for a couple months just out of Tucson in the Sonoran Desert. We did a lot of hiking and what we saw back then was bad enough to make me sick, but this...this is unreal!  What what what are we going to be able do to stop this????? I'm not sure that most people in this country realize just how bad all this is.   syl
Fortunately, the worst of this awful desecration of the desert is quite a distance from where we live, and probably more like 50 miles or so south of Tucson.  But it is nonetheless terrible.  We talked with some ranchers down near Sierra Vista last year, and they told us that they DAILY take their pickups out onto their own ranch land, to see if their fences had been cut the night before, and to pick up garbage.  They said they often return with at least a ton of crap, EVERY DAY.  It is beyond ridiculous that our corporations and politicians continue to support policies that allow all this to happen.  We see estimates in various newspapers now that perhaps
20 to 25 Muslims--all men--are crossing with the Mexicans every nightAnd the feds have the guts to have all of us remove our shoes at airports because we are "fighting terrorism".  Right.  What a sham.

Pictures Of Our Beautiful Sonoran Desert in AZ.
HERE IS A REAL EYE OPENER FOR YOU. Another Monster Layup/Rest Area Discovered by MCDC AZ SEARCH & RESCUE

We breathed a sigh of relief the day the Senate defeated the Amnesty Bill,
but the USA is still being invaded!
We discovered one of the biggest layups we have ever found.

This layup is on an 'illegal super - highway' from Mexico to the USA
(used by human smugglers -- .5 of a mile long just south of Tucson.

We estimate there are over 3000 discarded back packs in this layup area. Countless water containers, food wrappers, clothing, and soiled baby diapers. And as you can see in this picture, fresh footprints leading right into it. We weren't too far behind them.



As I kept walking down the wash, I was sure it was going to end just ahead, but I kept walking and walking, and around every corner was more and more trash!   


And of course the trail leading out of the layup area heading NORTH to Tucson , then on to your town tomorrow.


They've already come through here.
Is this America the Beautiful ?

Or another landfill?


The trash left behind by the illegals is another of the Environmental Disasters to hit the USA . Had this been done in one of our great Northwest Forests or Seashore National Parks areas there would be an uprising of the American people........but this is remote Arizona-Mexican border. You won't see these pictures on CNN, ABC, NBC or the Arizona Repugnant.  Nor will they mention the disease that comes from the human waste left in the desert. They do talk about light bulbs a lot though...
This information needs to be seen by the rest of the country.


Now for the emailed response from my long time friend.

From: warren eves []
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 8:51 AM
To: Larry G. Meguiar
Subject: Re: FW to a few: Our Desert in AZ

Larry:  I guess you are not aware of why I was so opposed to McCain becoming president.  I was a supervisor of the checkpoints on both sides of historic Hoover Dam for over two years.  They still have checkpoints there, but the company conducting the checks for explosives is Wakenhut.  It has been over 6 years since I worked out there, but let me tell you why I have no use for McCain.  Arizona has a 280-square mile area where not just the illegals are coming over, but the bad people.  I can tell you that on certain nights, and I worked graveyard, a convoy of new vehicles would come out of Arizona driven by towel heads (Muslims).  There are five levels of beauracray out on the Dam.  Example:  there's the Hoover Dam police, there's the highway patrol, there's the Boulder Dam police, there's the FBI, and the Rangers. 

Most of my officers had some type of military background, so it sickened us to see these towelheads coming up the road and we were not permitted to do a thing.  Neither did the useless FBI, and there-in lies another issue.  I have no use for that body, period!

Mr. McCain wanted to run our country, but his own state was so out of control at the time I was working the Dam that I couldn't believe it.  I am still amazed that there has not been a big boom in one of our mega hotels on the strip.  These towel heads were coming across the dam and either going north toward Washington or south toward good old California. 

So you are not going to tell me much of anything about Arizona, a state that has allowed many bad people access to the good old U.S.A.  It sickens me to think about it to this day. 

That, my friend, is just a little history of what has been the case in Arizona for over 6 years.  And keep in mind, this comes from someone who lived in Tijuana prior to 9-11 and was commuting daily when my son was in a San Diego hospital.  I know the San Ysidro border area well.  And what do the good old boys in Congress do about the out of control borders?  You know the answer. 

Sorry about the bad news,


Another added Besides this looming threat, the economic chaos has not nearly ended, but only begun.  We will see far more banks go under as the Foreclosures increase.

Life Insurance Companies will go broke, which will cause even more havoc.

Huge Commercial Property Corporations that own most of this countries malls will go under.  This will cause the unemployment rolls to climb astronomically.

The days ahead could become quite horrendous, and escalating far above what we as a nation are now presently enduring.






















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