Abel Verastegui is a man who has a
good grasp of the situation in the world, and makes a few comments as an
introduction to the short article.
Jacob I have loved Esau I have hated.
is exactly why we see in the bible those claiming to be Jews but
are not Jews as they are of the synagogue of SATAN. These are those who currently
control Israel and only want to DESTROY the Dome of the Rock and
have Solomon's Temple rebuilt ushering in the
destruction of the most sacred Moslem Temple would definitely be
blamed on the USA, causing the Patriot act to be in force and
marshal law to be proclaimed after the Moslems in our own
country REVOLT.
This is only theory however. It seems that is what
the world is being led to believe. I honestly believe we are
seeing the same force that has operated since the 1500's continue
its plan. It hasn't changed. MILLIONS of JEWS and CHRISTIANS were
MARTYRED and if we don't repent and wake up, it's going to happen
Go back and do your home work.
See who is benefiting.
who has a Dogma that curses.
See who has been committed to
destroying any Religion that has ever opposed it.
See who had a
system of Govt. mainly an empire ruled by a Caesar.
I know
it is a shock to some of you but I am telling you if you just do
your homework, it all leads to the same FORCE that's never been
stopped and has never changed.
The goal of this FORCE is
absolute POWER and it wants to rule from the HOLY CITY JERUSALEM
claiming to be GOD. See Revelations in your bible. The
obvious is very disturbing because I know. So many who believe in
this entity, but we have been warned that even Satan appears as
an angel of LIGHT. Lets face it. He was Lucifer before he fell,
and he was also a GOD, but not Almighty.
I am appealing to all of
you who receive my emails to PRAY and REPENT. This country has
more JEWS and CHRISTIANS than any other country in the world.
are the PRIZE, and the INQUISITIONIST is already here, and NO ONE
is exempt. Not even American Catholics. We are all hated and
there are those now in POWER that seek to have us eliminated
from this earth by sword, bullet, poison cup, but the preferred
way is sliced ear to ear and guts cut out regardless of sex or
12 February,
Orthodox Jews
Mass Protest Against the State of Israel
20,000 Orthodox Jews demonstrating on Tuesday February 12th, in
front of the Israeli Consulate in New York City, organized by the
Central Rabbinical Congress of USA and Canada, to voice their
opposition to the existence of the state of Israel, their
suppression of religion and brutal treatment of religious people.

posters read as follows: [L-R]
does NOT represent world Jewry
leaders FOUGHT ZIONISM since its inception
Rabbis always opposed Zionism
and the State of Israel
has no right to rule over any part of the holy land
doubt! Herzl's dream was a catastrophe for Jews
STOLE the name of Jews
does NOT represent world Jewry
mourn 53 years existence of "Israel"
Jews will never recognize Israel
Jewry is united against Zionism & the State of Israel
ideology opposes the Creator
No! Zionism will never succeed
are against "Israel" because we are Jews
and Judaism are extreme opposites
sign: Israeli government: stop oppressing religious Jewry in
the State of Israel