Our Intelligence KNEW IT WAS COMING?!


Israeli security issued urgent warning to CIA 

of large-scale terror attacks
                By David Wastell in Washington and Philip
                Jacobson in Jerusalem
                (Filed: 16/09/2001)

                ISRAELI intelligence officials say that they warned
                their counterparts in the United States last month
                that large-scale terrorist attacks on highly visible
                targets on the American mainland were imminent.

                The attacks on the World Trade Centre's twin
                towers and the Pentagon were humiliating blows to
                the intelligence services, which failed to foresee
                them, and to the defence forces of the most
                powerful nation in the world, which failed to deflect

                The Telegraph has learnt that two senior experts
                with Mossad, the Israeli military intelligence service,
                were sent to Washington in August to alert the CIA
                and FBI to the existence of a cell of as many of 200
                terrorists said to be preparing a big operation.

                "They had no specific information about what was
                being planned but linked the plot to Osama bin
          Laden and told the Americans that there were
          strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi  involvement,"
                said a senior Israeli security official.

                The CIA has said that it had no hard information that
                would have led to the prevention of the hijacking,
                but the FBI said it believed that cells operating
                within America and totalling at least 50 terrorists
                were behind last week's devastating hijacks; the
                names of new suspects are being added to the list

                America's intelligence agencies are being widely
                blamed for their failure to predict the attacks, or
                anything like them, and for not discovering any of
                the terrorist cells before the hijackings on Tuesday.
                Some of those who took part had lived in the US for
                months, or even years.

                Evidence that a clear Israeli warning was delivered
                to American authorities, but ignored, would be a
                further blow to the reputation of the CIA, which is
                under fire for its failure last week.

                An administration official in Washington said: "If this
                is true then the refusal to take it seriously will mean
                heads will roll. It is quite credible that the CIA might
                not heed a Mossad warning: it has a history of being
                overcautious about Israeli information."

                For years, staff at the Pentagon joked that they
                worked at "Ground Zero", the spot at which an
                incoming nuclear missile aimed at America's defences
                would explode. There is even a snack bar of that
                name in the central courtyard of the five-sided
                building, America's most obvious military bullseye.

                This weekend, five days after that target was struck
                with devastating effect by a hijacked plane, the
                joking has stopped.

                It is far from certain that any military commander
                would have had the courage to recommend shooting
                down a passenger airliner, even in the
                unprecedented circumstances of last Tuesday.

                For three of the four airliners hijacked last week,
                however, the question did not even arise. Two pairs
                of combat fighters were scrambled into action but
                did not get near enough to shoot any of them down. (Deborah's Note:  I hope that it wasn't an imposition for our government to  spare four fighters to protect our homeland.)

                Norad, the command headquarters in Colorado
                responsible for defending all of North America from
                air attack, was notified of the first hijack at 8.38am
                and six minutes later two F-15 fighter jets were
                ordered into the air from Otis airforce base on Cape

                Before they could take off, however, the first
                hijacked airliner crashed into the World Trade
                Centre's north tower at 8.46am. Six minutes later
                the two military jets were airborne, but when the
                second hijacked airliner hit the south tower shortly
                after 9am they were still 70 miles from Manhattan.

                The only successful action against the hijackers was
                taken by passengers of the fourth airliner, whose
                heroic decision to fight back led to its crashing into
                the fields of Pennsylvania.

                The reason lies in the strict distinction America
                draws between civil and military power, combined
                with the fact that until last week nobody had
                confronted the possibility that a terrorist hijacker
                might turn kamikaze pilot.

                Although Norad has its own radar system to track
                aircraft over the US, its prime task is to watch for
                hostile aircraft approaching America from outside.
                "We assume anything originating in US airspace is
                friendly," said a spokesman.

                For the same reason, the 20 or so American fighter
                planes on permanent full alert in case of a suspect
                intruder, were deployed at half a dozen bases in the
                likeliest flightpaths of an attack from the former
                Soviet Union, several hundred miles from New York
                or Washington DC.

                All aircraft flying over American airspace are
                monitored and controlled by a network of 20
                regional Federal Aviation Authority air traffic control
                centres, backed up by individual airport control
                towers. Military aircraft under Norad control can
                intervene with domestic traffic only if called on for
                help by their civilian colleagues.

                That is what happened on Tuesday, but in no case
                was there apparently enough time after the FAA's
                warning for fighter planes to reach the hijacked

                More puzzling, there were 45 minutes between air
                traffic controllers losing contact with the third
                airliner, which took off from Dulles airport just
                outside Washington, and its crash on to the

                At that point, however, the aircraft was still flying on
                its intended course westwards. It may not have
                been until later, possibly after a passenger's mobile
                phone call to the Justice Department, that the civil
                authorities finally twigged what was happening.

                It was not the military but civilian air traffic
                controllers at Washington's Reagan National Airport
                - tipped off by their colleagues at Dulles - who
                alerted the White House to the fact that an
                unauthorised jet was flying at full throttle towards it.

                As shaken White House staff began a frantic
                evacuation, the aircraft banked, performed a 270
                degree turn and sailed past lines of aghast drivers
                on expressways to crash explosively into the west
                side of the Pentagon.

                If the airliner had approached much nearer to the
                White House it might have been shot down by the
                Secret Service, who are believed to have a battery
                of ground-to-air Stinger missiles ready to defend the
                president's home.

                The Pentagon is not similarly defended. "We are an
                open society," said a military official. "We don't have
                soldiers positioned on the White House lawn and we
                don't have the Pentagon ringed with bunkers and

                It emerged last night that two F-16 fighters took off
                from Langley airforce base in Virginia just two
                minutes before the American Airlines Boeing 767
                crashed into the Pentagon, again too late to have a
                chance of intercepting.

                Only the fourth hijacked airliner, which was less than
                30 minutes from Washington when it crashed, might
                have been successfully intercepted: air traffic
                controllers at a regional centre in Nashua, New
                Hampshire, told a Boston newspaper that at least
                one F-16 fighter was in hot pursuit, and defence
                officials confirmed that the fighters already launched
                from Langley were on their way to intercept the
                flight when passengers apparently took matters into
                their own hands. (What a brave bunch of Americans.  I am so proud of them.)

                Deep inside the Pentagon, in the hardened bunkers
                of the National Military Joint Intelligence Centre,
                senior officials were said to be "stunned" by the
                terrorists' achievement.

                Within minutes of the attack American forces around
                the world were put on one of their highest states of
                alert - Defcon 3, just two notches short of all-out
                war - and F-16s from Andrews Air Force Base were
                in the air over Washington DC.

                A flotilla of warships was deployed along the east
                coast from bases in Virginia and Florida, with two
                aircraft-carriers to help protect the airspace around
                New York and Washington DC. Off the west coast, a
                further 10 ships put to sea to take up station close
                to the shore.

                Extra Awacs aerial reconnaissance aircraft were sent
                aloft to ensure that nothing other than military
                aircraft flew in American airspace - a home-grown
                version of the "no-fly zones" enforced for many
                years over Iraq. For much of the rest of the week,
                the unsettling roar of F-15 and F-16 fighters
                patrolling the skies high above America's biggest
                cities replaced the usual rumble of commercial

                On Friday, in a tacit admission that America must in
                future be better prepared, Donald Rumsfeld, the
                Defence Secretary, announced that fighters were
                being put on a 15-minute "strip" alert at 26 bases
                nationwide.  (Do you mean we have 26 bases left here in the US after Clinton got through? Surprise!            Surprise!)

                There was anger among politicians at what many
                saw as the failure of the intelligence services, and
                some officials on Capitol Hill began canvassing
                support for a move to force George Tenet, the
                director of the Central Intelligence Agency, originally
                appointed by Clinton, to step aside.

                James Traficant, a Democratic congressman from
                Pennsylvania, said that for years Congress had
                poured billions of dollars of largely unscrutinised
                funding into America's intelligence services, "yet we
                learnt of every one of these tragedies from Fox
                News and CNN"- two television channels. Senator
                Richard Shelby, a Republican member of the Senate
                intelligence committee, said it was "a failure of great

                There are moves to address one severe shortcoming
                noted by many critics: the CIA's reliance on
                technological rather than "human" means to gather
                information, and its weakness as a means of finding
                out what Osama bin Laden is up to.

                During the Clinton administration, Congress banned
                the CIA from recruiting as a paid informer anyone
                with a criminal record or who was guilty of human
                rights violations. (I wonder how the all of the people who died on Tuesday would feel about their human rights being violated, Mr. Congressmen.) James Woolsey, another former CIA director, said: "Inside bin Laden's organization there
                are only people who want to be human rights
                violators. If you don't recruit them then you don't
                recruit anyone."

















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