This is an excellent report, in spite of its length. Especially so when
there are criminal charges coming against Goldman Sachs. It does not seem possible.
Makes one wonder what is going on behind the scenes.
No matter how powerful those at Goldman Sachs are, there are Edomites above them. It could be that Edomites at Goldman Sachs got to big for their pants. As our King said, "A kingdom divided cannot stand." The Kingdom of Darkness that rules the earth is greatly divided, with everyone, including the "RULERS IN THE SPIRIT WORLD, wanting to be "as god" over everything. That will NOT WORK, as Satan intends to rule over everything with a tight fist. All opposition is to be eliminated, and thus we have much infighting amongst not only nations, but the top Edomites as well, all of whom are being controlled by ruling spirits in the ethereal realm.
This article shows where the "Jews" are controlling this nation, and most of the world, through their control of money. I would like to reiterate that these are NOT JEWS!!! I say it so much throughout these editorials, because it is ever so important a subject to understand. In Rev. 2:9 & 3:9, we read.............
(Rev 2:9) I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
(Rev 3:9) Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Unknown to most, these who say they are "Jews," are lying about who they really are, and are great deceivers, even as their father, Satan. For the rest of the story, see "Jacob I Loved, Esau I Hated." There you will find out they are Edomites, descendants of Esau.
CEO of World's Most Evil and Corrupt Bank, Goldman Sachs, Arrogantly Boasts
statement is without question, TRUE. The only question about it is WHICH
"Wall Street is Washington, D.C., and Washington, D.C., is Wall Street. Gerald Celente Fox TV (June 21, 2009) "The time has come for the world to move in a new direction. Our work must begin now." President Barack Obama Speech at United Nations (Sept. 24, 2009) "Number
85, Broad Street, in lower Manhattan (New York City) is where the
money is. All of it."
This was what The Sunday Times, one of Britain’s most
prestigious and internationally known newspapers reported on November 9,
2009. The newspaper went on to say that this address is "the
site of the best cash-making machine that global capitalism has ever
produced." But, said the paper, the firm that operates out of this
site is much more than only an economic Goliath, it is also "a
political force more powerful than governments. " More powerful than governments?
More powerful than 10 Downing Street, where Britain’s Prime Minister
Gordon Brown resides, or 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, address of the White
House and America’s President Barack Obama? More powerful than the
Kremlin, the dark and mysterious abode of Russia’s Vladimir Putin?
Yes, even those politically
potent and easily recognizable addresses pale in comparison, for it is
at 85 Broad Street where a very wealthy and influential man named Lloyd
Blankfein works. Mr. Blankfein, a Jewish billionaire, is Chairman and
CEO of Goldman Sachs, the world’s premier bank and investment house.
Mr. Blankfein, in turn, is the servant and deputy of yet another Jewish
merchant prince. That would be Lord Rothschild, the fourth Baron of the
Rothschild Dynasty. "I’m Doing God’s Work"
Is it any wonder, then, that
once, when asked about Goldman Sachs’ incredibly lucrative and yet
highly controversial actions in stirring the pot of global finance, Mr.
Blankfein stunningly retorted, "I’m
doing God’s work." Indeed, he is doing
"God’s Work;" that is, if we agree with the famed nineteenth
century German Jewish writer and philosopher Heinrich Heine, who wryly
observed, "Money is the god of the Jews, and
Rothschild is his prophet." The official records of
ownership show that, while much of Goldman Sachs stock is owned by the
public, a controlling share is in private hands, held by a consortium,
or pool, of just 221 persons. The chief owner, however, is Lord Jacob
Rothschild, and he and other Rothschild family members dominate the
consortium which reigns over the planet’s most gigantic and powerful
force, that of the Money Power. Goldman Sachs is its nucleus and
tornadic eye and center. Goldman Sachs and the Beast
What you are reading, dear
friends, is perhaps the single most important investigative piece you
will ever read. It has taken me many years to uncover the depth of the
horror that this banking monstrosity represents. Goldman Sachs is
nothing less than the directed energy weapon of the Beast of prophecy.
Forget about the CFR, the TLC, the Bohemian Grove, and all the other
secret societies and conspiratorial combines. They are like play putty
in the palm of Goldman Sachs hand. And do not make the mistake of
thinking that the politicians from Washington, D.C., London, Paris,
Beijing, Tokyo, or Rome who make the daily news are anything other than
minions and stooges for this corrupt and diabolical Money Power that
sits affront the harbor of New York City and has operations in virtually
every nation on earth.
My Video, "Rothschild’s
Choice," Revealed Goldman Sachs Power
In my groundbreaking video
documentary, Rothschild’s Choice: Barack Obama and the
Hidden Cabal Behind the Plot to Murder America (available
in DVD
Only), I reveal that Goldman Sachs is the chief instrument
that Rothschild is using today to establish totalitarian control over
global finances. The Money Power is now in the process of destructuring
and molding America to resemble the pitiful Socialist creature that
Rothschild prefers. Rothschild has both Barack Obama and John McCain
among his stable of faithful servants, and it is Obama he chose to sit
in the Oval Office and preside over America’s dissolution and
restructuring. Those in the know—and who
have courage enough to say it aloud—see what is happening. The Sarah
Palins, Mitt Romneys, even the Ron Pauls and Dennis Kucinichs dare not
mention these things. Fox News, CNN, ABC, CBS, et al know they
best keep their yaps shut. But Perry Rod, writing in Market Rap,
a stock market advisory publication, wrote a remarkable article April
27, 2009, entitled, "Barack Obama: Another Captured Pawn of
Goldman Sachs’ Wall Street." "It isn’t really a
conspiracy or a criticism," Rod matter-of-factly reported,
"It’s just a fact." David Bromwich, Professor at
Yale, put it another way. He remarks: "Barack Obama is Wall
Street’s investment. We are a long way from John F. Kennedy."
A Pioneer of Treachery and Deceit
Strangely, even though Goldman
Sachs was founded back in 1869 (an occult numerologically significant
year), few outsiders had previously understood its great strength as the
world’s unchallenged financial giant. In fact, it was Goldman Sachs
that has pioneered financial treachery in many areas. The firm
established the concept of "initial public offerings" (IPO) in
1906, in offering to the public the stock of Sears Roebuck and Company.
Its Ponzi scheme shenanigans helped bring about the Stock Market Crash
of 1929. In 1970, Goldman Sachs was
pivotal in the bankruptcy of the Penn Central Railroad. It masterminded
the sale of stock of the Rockefeller Center, and in the 1980s,
shepherded the conversion of the failed Soviet Union’s assets. Thanks to Goldman Sachs’
"privatization" scam, former KGB and Communist Party
bigwigs—Jews, naturally—ended up with almost all the vast property
holdings of the Kremlin. These Jewish oligarchs remain in control of
Russia and the dissolved Empire’s most prized assets, including its
valuable oil and gold reserves. Bush and Obama Both Pawns of Goldman Sachs
Today, Goldman Sachs enjoys
unbelievable power to manipulate and orchestrate world events. Barack
Obama’s entire administration is at their disposal. Obama is
not the only President whose knees bend at the mere mention or whisper
of the vaunted Goldman Sachs name. George W. Bush did whatever his
Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson, told him to do. Paulson came to the
White House from Goldman Sachs, where he once had Lloyd Blankfein’s
job as CEO. Tim Geithner, Obama’s Secretary of the Treasury, as head
of the New York Fed, took orders from Goldman Sachs. So, too, does
Stephen Friedman, current Chairman of the New York Fed. Even President
Bill Clinton was answerable to a Goldman Sachs overseer. His Secretary
of the Treasury was Robert Rubin, a former Goldman Sachs executive. Goldman Sachs, Warren Buffet, and
Rothschild and Goldman Sachs
have brought many other big-time stock market holders and political
potentates into their web of control. In 2008, Berkshire Hathaway’s
Warren Buffet, sometimes erroneously claimed to be "The Richest Man
in the World," wisely ponied up to the bar with $10 billion, which
he confidently invested in Goldman Sachs stock. California is also under
Rothschild’s and Goldman’s thumbs. That state’s Governor, Arnold
Schwarzenegger, was chosen for his gubernatorial position at the behest
of Lord Rothschild. Meanwhile, as it turns out, California’s bonds
collapse and its near-bankruptcy is at least partly attributable to the
fact that Goldman Sachs sold the bonds short and precipitated the
crisis. More recently, it came out that
the Euro currency’s near collapse was caused by the fact that Goldman
Sachs had first sold the corrupt Greek government billions in worthless derivatives
(called CDOs or credit swaps). Then, taking the other side, Goldman sold
the same derivative holdings short. The firm thus made money both ways,
while the people of Greece are now devastated. Goldman Sachs Key Role in America’s
But it is America where Goldman
Sach’s diabolical stratagems for money production have most recently
had the more crushing effect. Richard Teitelbaum, reporting on
(February 23, 2010), disclosed secret documents in the possession of a
House Committee proving that the world’s now-raging financial crash
and credit crisis ensued as a result of toxic derivatives minted by
Goldman Sachs. The mortgage and real estate meltdown came about after
Goldman Sachs had marketed trillions of dollars of these worthless,
ponzi-scheme investments around the world and then turned around and
sold them short. Now comes the eye-opening part
of this whole deal: Once the meltdown was in full array, George W.
Bush’s Goldman Sachs protégée and Secretary of the Treasury, Henry
Paulson, arranged for Goldman Sachs to receive a staggering $200 billion
in insurance from the crooked, failed AIG insurance corporation which
the feds had just taken over, as compensation for alleged "lost
revenue" due to the crash. What a deal! Goldman Sachs made
money both ways on a crash and then got paid by the government a
whopping $200 billion for losses it didn’t even have! But that’s not all. To
further drive America and the whole world into financial destitution and
despair, Goldman Sachs and a partner firm, Morgan Stanley, manipulated
the price of oil futures, rocketing that key industry commodity to
unequalled heights of $147 per barrel. With that, the whole world’s
economies, already teetering because of Goldman’s CDO/derivatives
scam, went "kaput...bam. " It was all over.
Much More to Come
Well, not quite over. Believe
me, there is more to come. Much more. These criminal
beasts are only beginning to flex their financial and political muscles.
For one thing, there is the oil in Iran that they lust for, and the Big
Brother Police State they’re determined to build, to fence in the few
remaining resisters to their New World Order of the Ages. Never in the annals of human
history has there been a sinister juggernaut like the Money Power of
Rothschild’s Goldman Sachs. Of course, if you try to expose its
machinery of lawlessness, you’ll be labeled a "whacko" or a
"conspiracy theorist," or even—horrors!— an
"anti-Semite, " a tactic which is today the favorite way the
moneyed Jews are able to shutter all reasonable opposition. Will Rothschild’s Goldman
Sachs succeed in its goals of re-inventing the planet and molding its
people into cookie-cutter components of its planned "Brave New
World?" Seemingly, it will do so, and as a result the
U.S. Constitution and all our cherished rights and liberties—not to
mention our meager finances and individually owned property
rights—will evaporate, swallowed up by the Beast. But Wait...What Does God Say?
But, hold on just a minute. Not
so fast. We best ask this core question: What does God—the
real God in Heaven—have to say about all this? Not surprisingly, I find that
Bible prophecy provides a clear-cut picture and snapshot of what is
ultimately going to happen. You see, sometime after all the diabolical
schemes and nefarious plots have been worked out by Rothschild, Goldman
Sachs, Barack Obama, and associates, God will have His way in the
matter. Be assured, my friends, these evil soul destroyers and criminal
recidivists will get their just due, and the overcomers—the people of
God—will be vindicated and avenged. God’s prophetic Word shall come
to pass:
is a good scripture, but does not begin to tell the whole story of what is to
happen to these wicked men. The Overcomers will be anointed with the "Restored
Kingdom Mandate" by Jah, and everything they are doing will be
destroyed, including they themselves!!! Click on the blue link to read the
whole story.