The End Times Editorials by Readers of The Warning

Is the U.S. Government Bankrupt?

Dear IDE Reader,

Enron officials were charged with fraud for it... while Wall Street banks are committing essentially the same fraud in broad daylight.

I'm talking about "off-balance-sheet accounting" and other means of financial engineering to hide a company's true liabilities and obligations.

But these companies are simply following our own government's example.

You often hear about the "$10 trillion national debt". This is a phenomenal sum, to be sure. But it doesn't even come close to what our REAL obligations are.

The "national debt" conveniently leaves out the government's obligations for Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare and similar obligations. Add these figures to the mix and the U.S. is in the hole by about $70 TRILLION!

And this is just the projected SHORTFALL. That puts a different spin on things, now doesn't it?

These obligations are impossible to meet through taxation. And they will never be met by cuts in government spending (the entire government would have to be practically eliminated... which doesn't sound like a bad idea!)

This leaves only two basic options...

  • Either the U.S. government eventually defaults on foreign loans and obligations to retirees
  • Or we hyper-inflate the currency and pay back previous obligations with fresh new money created from thin air

Which route do you think politicians will choose? They have already chosen, and the process is now underway.

To Your Success,

Jon Herring
21st Century Prosperity Report




















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