Thousands of forest fires are burning in Russia around old H-Bomb factories.
Through earthquakes, floods, fires, hurricanes, tornados etc., the entire earth is suffering
disastrous calamities. I am afraid that we haven't seen anything yet
compared to what is coming.
Anyone who believes that the gulf oil disaster is over, and all is well, is listening to the programming of the Edomite controlled mass media lies, and not facing facts.
If we have not entered into "the beginning of sorrows," I will hate to see it when we have. Wait until the food shortage that lies on the horizon hits. That should wake someone up. And oh yes, we still have the worst economic chaos ever suffered by the entire planet threatening to take place in the next few months.
Not much is really thought about by anyone who has not suffered some disaster until they themselves are going through one. Oh, how that dramatically changes a person's mental pattern.
Anyone who thinks they will be automatically protected from any catastrophe because they are a "Christian" should talk to one of the millions of "Christians" that have already been wiped out by some calamity.
Jah will not be taken for granted, as if He were required to protect someone. We go His way, or we will remain on the same highway everyone else is on.
Francisco) – Russia
is burning down this summer. The smoke is engulfing Moscow and the
European Union. Embassies are emptying.
thermonuclear weapons is a really nasty business. As far as Weapons of
Mass Destruction goes, these are the real McCoy.