The End Times Editorials by Readers of The Warning


Expert Predictions for Economic Calamity in 2010

    I am not a financial expert or advisor.  However, I can relate what others are saying who supposedly are such.

We have just gone through what many call the bursting of four economic bubbles.  That is, housing, stock market, private debt, and discretionary spending.  

(Discretionary spending is that which people spend that is not absolutely necessary to their survival.  Food, water, heating, housing, car & gas, etc. are all things we cannot live without.  When these take up all of our income, we then do a whole lot less shopping for extra items, and that greatly affects every business that produces items to be sold to the public.) 

Each of those bubbles were tied to each other, so when one broke, that caused the pressure for the other's to break.  I do not have to belabor on what that caused.  You all already know that.  What you may not know is that there are two more that will soon break, and when they do, it will be worse than what the first four were, for even those will be further aggravated.  

What are those two???  The U. S. Dollar, and the U. S. Government debt.  I would have to write a book to explain why.  Just know that it is coming.  The U. S. Government cannot continue borrowing at astronomical rates to try and keep things afloat, and not have serious consequences, any more than we as individuals can.  The day is fast upon us when there will be nothing left to back the borrowing, and it will come to an end.  Woe unto us all at that time, for even the Dollar will significantly lose value at a rapid pace.  Then it will be that the world's economy will be reeling with the pain of a global mega-depression.

When this happens, interest rates will more than likely sky-rocket, inflation will be very high, unemployment will soar, the U. S. Stock Market will crash, the Real Estate Market will also crash even further, the discretionary spending will dry up, and the number of banks will be greatly reduced as they go bankrupt.  We are in for some very troubling times.

Without giving proof, I say that all of this has been planned, and planned for the bringing forth of a new world economic order, with an international currency that eliminates national currencies.  This then will prepare the world for the total economic computer system which will eliminate all cash.  That will make cash under the mattress as useless as an old typewriter.  That will still take time to implement, but it is coming, and will arise from out of the planned world wide economic chaos.

The below comments by respected people, could be wrong.  I hope they are, but the evidence is certainly very strong to back up what they are saying.  In any event, it is better to prepare for the worst and it not take place, than to not prepare, and IT DOES!!!

This doesn't look good from any angle & for those that have money in shares please remember this; no computer in the world can spit out an answer that some person has not put in there----, sooooo, all these rises are just to suck more people into throwing more money into shares so that when it all collapses there is much less money/freedom to do anything - like survive!

This has been the nwo plans since Adam was a cowboy and they are trying to rush the collapse so the greatest damage is done to ordinary people. I had the privilege of reading some of the one w gov plans/manifest etc over 30yrs ago & I have watched them working towards this since then. They get people to invest ( really its just gambling ) in shares & they keep pushing the prices up until they do an " adjustment", which means they collapse it all & all the "investors " lose everything. Someone is pushing your buttons when you invest, just as they are pushing buttons to manipulate the market.

If you don't believe that, there is nothing anyone can do for you because if you invest you WILL lose your shirt & everything you have tied up in it. This is why I & others around the world have been busy sending out all this "stuff " for yrs so you wont get burnt.

Only YAH can see you through & only HE promises to provide for & to protect all those who look to, lean on, & trust in HIM. Merv

Subject: FW: FYI: Predictions for the rest of 2010

LEAP 20/20
2010 Outlook from a group of 25 European Economists with a 90% accuracy rating- We anticipate a sudden intensification of the crisis in the second half of 2010, caused by a double effect of a catching up of events which were temporarily « frozen » in the second half of 2009 and the impossibility of maintaining the palliative remedies of past years. There is a perfect (economic) storm coming within the global financial markets and inevitable pressure on interest rates in the U.S. The injection of zero-cost money into the Western banking system has failed to restart the economy. Despite zero-cost money, the system has stalled. It is slowly rolling over into the next big down wave, which in Elliott Wave terminology will be Super Cycle Wave Three, or in common language, "THE BIG ONE, WHERE WE ALL GO OVER THE FALLS TOGETHER."

Joseph Meyer
Forecasts on the economy. He sees the real estate market continuing to decline, and advised people to invest in precious metals and commodities, as well as keeping cash at home in a safe place in case of bank closures. The stock market, after peaking in March or April (around 10,850), will fall all the way down to somewhere between 2450 and 4125 during the next leg down.

"You are witnessing a fundamental breakdown of the American dream, a systemic breakdown of our democracy and our capitalism, a breakdown driven by the blind insatiable greed of Wall Street: Dysfunctional government, insane markets, economy on the brink. Multiply that many times over and see a world in total disarray. Ignore it now, tomorrow will be too late."

Bob Chapman
First 6 months of 2010, Americans will continue to live in the 'unreality'...the period between July and October is when the financial fireworks will begin. The Fed will act unilaterally for its own survival irrespective of any political implications ...(source is from insider at FED meetings). In the last quarter of the year we could even see Martial law, which is more likely for the first 6 months of 2011. The FDIC will collapse in September 2010. Commercial real estate is set to implode in 2010. Wall Street believes there is a 100% chance of crash in bond market, especially municipals sometime during 2010. The dollar will be devalued by the end of 2010.

Gerald Celente
Terrorist attacks and the "Crash of 2010". 40% devaluation at first = the greatest depression, worse than the Great Depression.

Igor Panarin
In the summer of 1998, based on classified data about the state of the U.S. economy and society supplied to him by fellow FAPSI analysts, Panarin forecast the probable disintegration of the USA into six parts in 2010 (at the end of June – start of July 2010, as he specified on 10 December 2000

Have projected that the third and final stage of the economic collapse will begin sometime in 2010. Barring some kind of financial miracle, or the complete dissolution of the Federal Reserve, a snowballing implosion should become visible by the end of this year. The behavior of the Fed, along with that of the IMF seems to suggest that they are preparing for a focused collapse, peaking within weeks or months instead of years, and the most certain fall of the dollar.

July and onward things get very strange. Revolution. Dollar dead by November 2010.

Harry Dent (investor)
A very likely second crash by late 2010. The coming depression (starts around the summer of 2010). Dent sees the stock market--currently benefiting from upward momentum and peppier economic activity--headed for a very brief and pleasant run that could lift the Dow to the 10,700-11,500 range from its current level of about 10.090. But then, he sees the market running into a stone wall, which will be followed by a nasty stock market decline (starting in early March to late April) that could drive down the Dow later this year to 3,000-5,000, with his best guess about 3,800.

Richard Russell (Market Expert)
(from 2/3/10) says the bear market rally is in the process of breaking up and panic is on the way. He sees a full correction of the entire rise from the 2002 low of 7,286 to the bull market high of 14,164.53 set on October 9, 2007. The halfway level of retracement was 10,725. The total retracement was to 6,547.05 on March 9, 2009. He now sees the Dow falling to 7,286 and if that level does not hold, “I see it sinking to its 1980-82 area low of Dow 1,000.” The current action is the worst he has ever seen. (Bob Chapman says for Russell to make such a startling statement is unusual because he never cries wolf and is almost never wrong)

Niño Becerra (Professor of Economics)
Predicted in July 2007 that what was going to happen was that by mid 2010 there is going to be a crisis only comparable to the one in 1929. From October 2009 to May 2010 people will begin to see things are not working out the way the government thought. In May of 2010, the crisis starts with all its force and continues and strengthens throughout 2011. He accurately predicted the current recession and market crash to the month.

Lyndon Larouche
The crisis is accelerating and will become worse week by week until the whole system grinds into a collapse, likely sometime this year. And when it does, it will be the greatest collapse since the fall of the Roman Empire.

Eric deCarbonnel
There is no precedence for the panic and chaos that will occur in 2010. The global food supply/demand picture has NEVER been so out of balance. The 2010 food crisis will rearrange economic, financial, and political order of the world, and those who aren’t prepared will suffer terrible losses…As the dollar loses most of its value, America's savings will be wiped out. The US service economy will disintegrate as consumer spending in real terms (ie: gold or other stable currencies) drops like a rock, bringing unemployment to levels exceeding the great depression. Public health services/programs will be cut back, as individuals will have no savings/credit/income to pay for medical care. Value of most investments will be wiped out. The US debt markets will freeze again, this time permanently. There will be no buyers except at the most drastic of firesale prices, and inflation will wipe away value before credit markets have any chance at recovery. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. Since global derivatives markets operate on the assumption of the continued stable value of the dollar and short term US debt, using derivatives to bet against the dollar is NOT a good idea. The panic in 2010 will see the majority of derivatives end up worthless. The dollar's collapse will rob US consumers of all purchasing power, and any investment that depends on US consumption will lose most of its value.

Alpha-Omega Report (Trends Forecast)
Going into 2010, the trends seemed to lead nowhere or towards oblivion. Geo-politically, the Middle East was and is trending towards some sort of military clash, most likely by mid-year, but perhaps sooner...At the moment, it seems 2010 is shaping up to be a year of absolute chaos. We see trends for war between Israel and her neighbors that will shake every facet of human activity...In the event of war, we see all other societal trends being thoroughly disrupted...Iran will most likely shut off the flow of oil from the Persian Gulf. This will have immense consequences for the world’s economy. Oil prices will skyrocket into the stratosphere and become so expensive that world’s economies will collapse. There are also trend indicators along economic lines that point to the potential for a total meltdown of the world’s financial system with major crisis points developing with the change of each quarter of the year. 2010 could be a meltdown year for the world’s economy, regardless of what goes on in the Middle East.

Robin Landry (Market Expert)
I believe we are headed to new market highs between 10780-11241 over the next few months. The most likely time frame for the top is the April-May area. Remember the evidence IMHO still says we are in a bear market rally with a major decline to follow once this rally ends.

John P. Hussman, Ph.D.
In my estimation, there is still close to an 80% probability (Bayes' Rule) that a second market plunge and economic downturn will unfold during 2010.

Robert Prechter
Founder of Elliott Wave International, implores retail investors stay away from the markets… for now. Prechter, who was bullish near the lows in March 2009, now says the stock market “is in a topping area, “predicting another crash in 2010 that will bring stocks below the 2009 low. His word to the wise, “be patient, don’t rush it” keep your money in cash and cash equivalents.

Richard Mogey
Current Research Director at the Foundation for the Study of Cycles- Because of a convergence of numerous cycles all at once, the stock market may go up for a little while, but will crash in 2010 and reach all-time lows late 2012. Mogey says that the 2008 crash was nothing compared to the coming crash. Gold may correct in 2009, but will go up in 2010 and peak in 2011. Silver will follow gold.

James Howard Kunstler (January 2010)
The economy as we’ve known it simply can’t go on, which James Howard Kunstler has been saying all along. The shenanigans with stimulus and bailouts will just compound the central problem with debt. There’s not much longer to go before the whole thing collapses and dies. Six Months to Live- The economy that is. Especially the part that consists of swapping paper certificates. That’s the buzz I’ve gotten the first two weeks of 2010.

Peter Schiff (3/13/2010)
"In my opinion, the market is now perfectly positioned for a massive dollar sell-off. The fundamentals for the dollar in 2010 are so much worse than they were in 2008 that it is hard to imagine a reason for people to keep buying once a modicum of political and monetary stability can be restored in Europe. In fact, the euro has recently stabilized. My gut is that the dollar sell-off will be sharp and swift. Once the dollar decisively breaks below last year's lows, many of the traders who jumped ship in the recent rally will look to re-establish their positions. This will accelerate the dollar's descent and refocus everyone's attention back on the financial train-wreck unfolding in the United States. Any doubts about the future of the U.S. dollar should be laid to rest by today's announcement that San Francisco Federal Reserve President Janet Yellen has been nominated to be Vice Chair of the Fed's Board of Governors, and thereby a voter on the interest rate-setting, seven-member Open Markets Committee. Ms. Yellen has earned a reputation for being one of the biggest inflation doves among the Fed's top players." Schiff is famous for his accurate predictions of the economic events of 2008.

Lindsey Williams
Dollar devalued 30-50% by end of year. It will become very difficult for the average American to afford to buy even food. This was revealed to him through an Illuminati insider.

Unnamed Economist working for US Gov't (GLP)
What we have experienced the last two years is nothing to what we are going to experience this year. If you have a job may not have it in three to six months. (by August 2010). Stock market will fall = great depression. Foreign investors stop financing debt = collapse. 6.2 million are about to lose their unemployment.

Jimmy "Doomsday"
DOW will fall below 7,000 before mid summer 2010- Dollar will rise above 95 on the dollar index before mid summer 2010- Gold will bottom out below $800 before mid summer 2010- Silver will bottom out below $10 before mid summer 2010- CA debt implosion will start its major downturn by mid summer and hit crisis mode before Q4 2010- Dollar index will plunge below 65 between Q3 and Q4 2010- Commercial real estate will hit crisis mode in Q4 2010- Over 35 states will be bailed out by end of Q4 2010 by the US tax payer.  End of Q4 2010 gold will hit $1,600 and silver jump to $35 an oz.

George Ure
Markets up until mid-to-late-summer. Then "all hell breaks lose" from then on through the rest of the year.


The Gold Bull Market…

[Excerpted from the Casey Research newsletter]

Q. At what price do the gold stocks catch fire?

A. Some years ago, we had someone spend the better part of a week in a musty storeroom full of old Canadian newspapers, paging through past issues and recording the price and volumes of the gold stocks during the last big run-up, in the 1970s. We then compared that data to the gold price in inflation-adjusted dollars in order to determine the price that the broader investment public began piling into the gold. The number worked out to about $1,250 per ounce in today’s dollars. In other words, when gold decisively takes out $1,250 an ounce and holds above that level, if history is a guide, we may start seeing the average guy on the street – and the institutions – start to pile into the stocks.

Of course, while interesting from an historical perspective, that analysis has no scientific basis. The key point, therefore, is that during the last big gold bull market the public wasn’t involved in the gold stocks when they should have been – in the run-up phase – but rather only piled in after the price of gold bullion soared, relatively late in the bull market. So far, the average Joe and Jill are just not in this market. But, they will be.

Q. How high do you think gold will rise?

A. We were recently asked how high we thought the dollar price of gold would reach in this bull market.

My response was that there really is no way of actually forecasting that number, for the simple reason that, in a fiat currency regime, the underlying unit of valuation is so intangible. Let’s say you lived in Zimbabwe some years ago, and owned an ounce of gold. One day your ounce might be worth 1,000 of the local currency units. A year later, it might be 1,000,000. Or, even 10,000,000,000.

While the U.S. is no Zimbabwe – at least not yet – its currency is just as intangible, for the simple reason that the government can print the stuff pretty much at will. To say that gold will go to $5,000 in the current crisis is really just another way of saying that the dollar currency unit will fall by some significant degree. But, given the uncertainty in the economy, and unknown of what actions the government and the Fed might take next, we really can’t know how much purchasing power the currency unit will lose in the months and years just ahead.

To date, the government has been extraordinarily – breathtakingly – willing to abuse the dollar. They have largely gotten away with it so far, but that certainly doesn’t mean they have gotten away with it. When the time comes for the piper to be paid, we suspect he’ll be paid pennies on the dollar… which could easily result in gold trading for $3,000, $5,000, $10,000 per ounce – but, who knows, maybe even $10,000,000,000.

The point is, given the choice between dollars and gold, you are far more likely to preserve your wealth over the duration of this crisis better with gold.

Q. Is the gold bull market getting old? How much longer can it last?

A. Having been around and actively involved in hard assets – as the editor of “Gold Newsletter” and the conference director of the New Orleans Conference – during the last big gold bull, I hope I can provide some useful perspective.

For instance, I can well recall in late 1979 when all of the many gurus of the day were predicting gold would keep going higher and higher still. Well, as we all know, it didn’t.

What’s interesting about this time around is that there is almost no scenario we can envisage that is going to kick the legs out from under the gold market – at least any time soon. In contrast, in the late 1970s, the gold bulls coulda/shoulda seen that the Fed had a lot of room to act – i.e. by pushing up interest rates – in order to tackle the price inflation that was the key driving force in the soaring gold prices of the time.

Today, the situation is profoundly different. Starting with the fact that this is, at the core, a debt crisis. And the one thing you can’t do in a debt crisis is to encourage interest rates to rise. Look no further than Greece for that lesson.

So, we have an unprecedented monetary inflation, truly out-of-control sovereign spending and debt, unprecedented levels of private debt, unprecedented trade deficits, a massively overbuilt and overpriced post-bubble real estate market and, importantly, near historically low interest rates.

So, we have to ask ourselves – other than continuing to exercise its powers of fiat money creation – what ammunition does the government have at its disposal to address the structural problems of today’s economy? And, of course, actually creating more money and more debt isn’t addressing the structural problems, it is compounding them.

Of course, the government can default on their sovereign obligations – an option I think we’ll see Greece and others of the PIIGS take, and probably fairly soon.

They can also continue to inflate, which we expect them all to do.

And they can… no, actually, I think that about sums it up: default or inflate. In either scenario, gold is going to be seen as the ultimate safe harbor.

Q. Won’t the government see gold as a threat to its fiat currency and try to do something about it?

A. Of course, governments might try any number of stunts that could affect gold. For example, raising margin requirements to curb playing the markets with leverage, or even attempting outright confiscation.

All we can do is to monitor the situation closely and try to anticipate their next moves in order to get out of the way. A number of people I know have opened safety-deposit accounts in other countries as one way to hedge their bets against confiscation. Others have bought numismatics – but be careful on that front, because that can increase illiquidity.

It is not out of the question, in my view, that before this is over we could see a revaluation of gold in order to relink the U.S. dollar to it – because sooner or later, as the crisis reaches its climax, something is going to replace the fiat currencies – but at this stage it’s impossible to guess what that will look like. If we did see a return to a gold standard, then the government could actually be responsible for sending gold up by many multiples.

Back to the present, at this point I can’t see anything that is going to derail this bull marketbut I do see a whole lot of things with the potential to send it into the stratosphere.

























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