Candidate for President???
By Jacquerie
I do not know
how reputable this person is. I do know that much of what they have to say
is fact. The article begins with a letter she received from a Missionary
in Kenya. I have only published excerpts, as the whole message is
incredibly long. Maybe a small paperback in length. The whole
article was published on Rense.com. Emphasis added.)
month, I received the following letter. Under different circumstances I
might have considered it a hoax or prank but now I know.
letter began:
"Thanks for sending out an alert about Obama's (candidacy for US President). We are living and working in Kenya for almost twelve years now and know his family (tribe) well. They are the ones who were behind the recent Presidential election chaos here. Thousands of people have been displaced by election violence (over 350,000) and I don't know the last count of the dead. Obama
under 'friends of Obama' gave almost a million dollars to
the opposition campaign who just happened to be his cousin, Raila
Odinga , who is a socialist trained in East Germany. He has been
trying to bring Kenya down for years and the last president threw him in
prison for trying to subvert this country! December 27th elections
brought cries from ODM (Odinga Camp) of rigged election. Obama and Raila
speak daily. As we watch Obama rise in the US we are sure that whatever
happens, he will use the same tactic, crying rigged election if he
doesn't win and possibly cause a race war in America.
we would like you to know is what the American press has been keeping a
dirty little secret. Obama IS a muslim and he IS a racist and
this is a fulfillment of the 911 threat that was just the beginning. Jihad
is the only true Muslim way. We have been working with them for 20
years this July! He is not an American as we know it. Please
encourage your friends and associates not to be taken in by those that
are promoting him. It is world wide jihad. All our friends in
Europe are very disturbed by the Muslim infiltration into their
countries. "Pray for us here in Kenya. We are still fighting for our nation to withstand the same kind of assault that every nation, including America, is fighting. Takeover from the outside to fit the new world order . As believers, this means we will be the first targets. Here in Kenya, not one mosque was burned down, but hundreds of churches were burned down , some with people in them, burned alive. Jesus Christ is our peace but the new world order of Globalism has infiltrated the church and confused believers into thinking that they can compromise and survive. It won't be so." God
Bless you. Christian Missionaries in Kenya
(names removed to protect their privacy.) (End of letter quote) To investigate these claims, I contacted the senders. I confirmed their solid background, of long standing missionary work, in Africa. Mutual email correspondence since has resulted in stunning documentation showing their concerns to be neither malicious nor exaggerated. In fact, in the main, they are supported by cumulative evidence, cumulatively, this fleshes out a rational, if alarming explanation for Obama's rapid catapult into US Presidential politics. It also demystifies the dark veil of secrecy that has intentionally obscured, distorted and repressed the full facts behind his candidacy. In fact, on closer examination, correlations between Odinga's ODM campaign strategies and objectives with those of Obama's own campaign become self-evident. For instance, Obama, in his own biography, refers to (what he calls) Malcolm X as offering some "hope" for whites to be "brothers in Islam" and, claims he, himself, is looking "to see where the people would come from . . . to populate this new world" ............................ Many bloggers know, first hand, the venomous attacks made on any who dare to question or critique Obama. Growing numbers have been subject to hacked websites, disrupted comment threads. obscenities, intimidation and worse.............................. As a popular anti-Obama blogger recently commented " Barack Obama can't kill those of us who will never support him like Cousin Odinga is doing, so instead he is working deliberately to kill our spirit, our dignity, our status as human beings, and our Choice of President. Remember, this is the same man who eliminated all of his competition when he ran for State Senate."................. In
subsequent correspondence the missionaries expanded their somber
warning: "Danger
of a Race War: Our main concern is that because Obama's race has become
a black thing, it is just like Kenya when Raila's race became a Luo
thing (his tribe). When Raila cried rigged , it triggered a tribal
war. We see the same parallel here with race becoming the main issue
here. Believe me, all Africa is looking at this US Presidential race.
Among most blacks it is no longer analyzing the candidates regarding
issue, but just because he is the same color. This is now
starting to stir up the old racial devils in whites which most
had let go.
Obama loses and he cries rigged like his Kenyan cousin, believe me the
potential is for US to have a race war like there was a tribal war in
Kenya. We have seen this first hand, and see the exact same seeds
growing here. If people of all races don't look at this rationally
instead of racially, its a real possibility we will see the same hell
here they saw in Kenya, and it could be much worse. Believe me, every
body will lose . It also brought economic ruin to Kenya. "
............... If
one examines Obama's endorsement by the Black Panther party , an
uncomfortable resemblance to Odinga's own army of machete armed thugs
can be seen. Baby boomers may recall this violent, mob-action group from
earlier decades. Sadly, they have resurfaced, are well organized and,
not surprisingly are 100% behind Obama. This connection has been
so blatant that, prior to Father Pfleger's notorious "outing"
on TV, the Black Panther website featured photos of their hero, Obama
and was linked directly to the official Obama Presidential campaign
website includes a radical 10 pt. platform demanding 1) the
exemption of all black men and women from the military service and 2)the
release of all "people of color" from US prisons."
site's hip-hop background soundtrack of incitements and obscenities
correlate to a popularized current Obama pitch book, "Party
Crashers" Attractively mass marketed, this new politics manual was
published in February by a young AA author, who appeared in May on Fox
Noon News show. Overwhelming an otherwise intelligently staffed panel
discussion of F. Pfleger, this Obamanite hurled racial rants throughout
the show's airtime. ..................... In the meantime, consider the strangest coincidence of all - the synchronistic time line of these two close relatives of Muslim origin both running for President at nearly the same time. International awareness of ODM's Kenyan atrocities also makes one wonder why has the US MainStreamMedia been so silent about Odinga's genocidal atrocities and his relationship with Obama? Also curious that Obama has not protested the mass murder and mayhem in the 'beloved' homeland of his father? Then there's Odinga's recent "official visit" to Washington, which only foreign press have even acknowledged?! ................................... In 2006, the new US Senator, Barack Obama, traveled to Kenya, the homeland of his father's ancestors. Although biographical data on this Presidential candidate is sparse and sometimes self- contradictory, there are some facts reasonably well established. Despite his campaign website statement that his father was a mere goat-herder, his father's family, members of the Luo tribe were influential landholders who employed goat herders. Regardless of his staff claims that Obama is not related to Raila Odinga , internationally infamous for decimating his Kenyan opposition, Odinga insists Obama's father is his maternal uncle. And contradictory to his insistence that he, himself, is a "Christian," the candidate wrote in his "Dreams..." biography, in speaking of Muslims "should the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand with them."............................... In fact, CBC news, in one of the few US media clips of his Kenya visit refers to Obama's travel there as frequently including Odinga "at his elbow." In this same report, a Kenyan government spokesman referred to Obama as a "stooge for Odinga." Isn't it a bit odd that a US Senator, who used his official visa to overtly campaign against a US allied government, was not rebuked for this behavior by either the US press or the Senate. Not long after Odinga began his official ODM campaign for Kenya's presidency, terror tactics began against his opposition as did his tirade of corruption charges (corresponding to Senator Obama 'public outcry' during his Kenya trip. A review of the ODM's underlying, manipulative strategy reveals many correlatives to the conduct of the US Obama Presidential campaign. To begin, The ODM Action Plan charts a several part strategy to win, including: "reinforced promises of jobs and economic gains." In fact, since the recently "negotiated" government has formed, to end the ODM slaughter of Kenyans, the new "Prime Minister" position, created just for Odinga as well as the expansion of the cabinet to satisfy ODM demands for influence, are costing Kenyans about $1.5 million a month ............................. ODM
Action Plan as Executed in Obama's US Campaign
Checklist Comparison
Both candidates represent radical factions. Obama's short list includes
Rezko, with his secret MidEast money trail; Wm Ayres with whom he funded
Muslim causes; Farrakan, head of the Nation of Islam and many others.
Both campaigns are substantially funded by secret PACs, multi- layering
contributions which makes them difficult to trace.
Both use propaganda denouncing 'Corruption." The theme of Obama
speeches in Kenya for Odinga have been echoed throughout his own US
campaign. 4.
Both employ vague rhetoric extolling the need for " CHANGE!" -
the same Kenya ODM battle cry heard, ad nauseum, in Obama's campaign
here. 5.
Each identify themselves as leaders of a " Movement" - as if
to deflect attention away from the candidate to incite "mob"
energy, most often extolling popular platitudes rather than addressing
specific issues.
Both employ core strategy of "seek(ing) to elevate the emotions
within young constituents ." Consider D. Brazille's boasts of
Obama's popularity with new voters as well as his primary season
targeting of college campuses. Lowest of all these youth grab tactics,
may be the current explicit democratic party sponsored internet sex ads,
which suggests that single young men will be sex- deprived if they
support the senior McCaine over the hip Obama.
Ridicule of "old people." is a strategy to usurp respect for
existing leadership. The ODM candidate, by contrast, is surrounded by
the youthful "promise of a buoyant future." Just last week 2
young MSM bloggers extolled how "cool and hip Obama is"
describing McCaine as "old and dumpy." The insinuation is
McCain is unfit to lead because of his age. Similar internet insults of
both Clintons were rampant during the primary season. One would think we
were voting for American Idol, not the leader of the free world!
The ODM Action Plan call - " trigger a class war" by focusing
on issues of " disparity " explains why Obama, the candidate
who touts up "unity" routinely engenders divisiveness between
virtually all interest groups. Surely, we recall classic strategy of
ancient Roman - to "divide and conquer."
ODM's adage: "Elevate emotions to gain protest votes" is the
"conquest" which follows the incitement of "class
warfare" to divide. As a middle aged American, I've always been
familiar with references to the "middle class" as our
country's great strength. In Obama's clever dissembling of the
"middle class," we have been subtly shifted to the language of
the " working class " the " working poor ", etc.
Clearly the "middle class" is Obama's worst enemy were it to
remain one cohesive
bloc. His background of "black theology" holds "middle
class-ness" in contempt as exemplified by many of Reverend Wright's
tirades, Michelle Obama speeches and Obama's own" bittergate "
comments . His more recent energy-solution of giving up "your SUV's
and his open disdain for English speaking Americans in Europe follow the
same line. 9.
When it comes to "reinforce promises of jobs and economic gains to
supporters and "retain discipline among the party leadership, we
can see a summary of Dean and Axelrod's illegitimate Super Delegate
sweep, in flagrant violation of the voters in numerous state primaries.
Could be the Obama campaign has, as the ODM plan instructs, been "
remind(ing) these party leaders of their own vulnerability."
Come election day, the ODM call for "manipulation of voter turn-out
" with " discouragement of voter participation in hostile
areas." This was reflected in innumerable reports of Caucus fraud
in this spring's campaign. These were so intentional as to demonstrate
careful advance planning. As we all know, it was these caucuses that
established Obama's press "momentum." Caucus
outcomes, which hardly reflected the "Will of the People, were
reported to include aggressive participation busloads of youthful Obama
supporters. As caucuses, historically, have involved small groups of
local political devotees, verifying documentation of residency, etc. are
not usually part of the rules of that process.
We could call last one "when all else fails ", since the ODM
even planned a strategy for "winning" - vehemently implimented
after Odinga lost the popular vote. Well organized riots and violence
followed large, advance sales of machetes, carried
along with gasoline cans, by ODM supporters, into predominantly
Christian areas. There was no question, in the eyes of the world, that
those who refused to support Odinga were punished with homelessness and
even death. Threats , even of death, against critics of Obama, have been
shocking and frequent. These include more than one online stopobama
publisher, a popular AA radio host driven into early retirement, another
PA talk radio opponent, as well as a woman activist who heads an anti-obama
group. As for the topic of rigged election, bloggers have reported the
formation and threats of "Recreate 68," as far back as April.
This well organized, well funded radical group's website not only
recruits "protesters" for the August convention (should Obama
still meet with opposition) but offers techniques and strategies for
intimidating convention delegates and inciting violence around the site.
All the above together barely equal the greatest power of persuasion in the ODM Action Plan: the manipulative use of the telecommunications industry - on all levels, from internet bloggers and forums to viral emails, from major newspapers to radio stations and mainstream TV, as well as affiliate magazines. Obama, as many well know, has perfected the channeling of his misinformation network to an Orwellian art form. ................................ The ODM's most glaring lie of all, was Odinga's denial of Muslim afilliation - until his secret accord with the NAMLEF was leaked to the press. Bearing in mind, Obama's ongoing relationship with Odinga and this US Senator's support of the ODM campaign, the agreement which Odinga signed with Muslim leaders should be under the scrutiny of Congress and all Americans who support Obama for President. Coincidentally, Odinga, like Obama, claims to be a Christian which is strange, considering the contents of his signed Sharif agreement for Kenya. It could value American voters to recognize that Odinga attempted to deny and hide this agreement....................................... 1. One observer notes " Islam, today, is a political and military movement masquerading as a religion. " Controversy about Obama's Muslim affiliations are a viable political issue, just as his socialist connections are. We are all aware that America, as a nation, was founded in freedom of religion. However, it was also founded in separation of church and state. The current Jihad, vehemently publicly pronounced upon Western culture, uses religion to espouse anti-American and violent political action. It is, then, politics in the guise of religion. This, then, makes it a legitimate National Security issue. Obama
consistently avoids publicity about his original political power base,
with its blend of Islamic and socialist connections including Rezko,
Auchi, Ayres, Pfleger and even including Nation of Islam members employed
his campaign offices. Why?
Obama also ducks questions- or issues denials - related to his Muslim
heritage and allegiances that have supported and endorsed him and to
which he has contributed. Why? While Obama disclaims his Islamic
connections, he is openly, publicly endorsed by the leaders of major
fascist and terrorist regimes including: HAMAS, Iran and most recently
North Korea . Why?
2. While Obama continues to insist he is a practicing Christian, during his childhood attendance in a Catholic school, in Indonesia , he was listed as a Muslim and, thus, exempted from religious training. When he transferred to a Muslim school his education included daily Islamic education and prayer. Attempts to sort out the facts of his background demonstrate that Obama's own first biography, "Dreams of My Father" is broadly laced with fictitious recollections. His only recorded Christian affiliation as an adult with TUCC, follows black theology tenets more political than religious. Along with his numerous Muslim family connections and endorsements, Obama's brand of Christianity smacks more of radical political activism that it represents recogized doctrines of Jesus Christ. Recently, his misuse of the Bible for campaign stumping has been condemned by a well known Christian radio host, And despite his current vote luring emphasis on the importance of faith, here is a puzzling, little known Obama quote: "At
some fundamental level, religion .... (is) the art of the impossible. If
God has spoken, then followers are expected to live up to God's edicts .
. . to base one's life on such uncompromising commitments would be
sublime. To base our policy making on such commitments would be a
dangerous thing." excerpt from July 3, 2006 interview with Pulitzer
prize winning reporter, Jim Hoagland.
First cousins, Obama and Odinga maintain contact. Odinga's recent US
visit (virtually ignored by US media) has placed him in a powerful
position of negotiating diplomatic and financial agreements with the US,
in the name of Kenya, in his "negotiated" post of Prime
Minister (which was Odinga's prize for calling off the street violence.
Obama played an active role in these "negotiations" but has
maintained silence about the ODM's wholesale slaughter of Kenyans and
Odinga's Sharia commitment to Muslim Sharia rule. "Friends of
Senator B.O." supplied substantial capital to the ODM campaign, as
did the Muslim NAMLEF.
Obama's Presidential bid has turned the established Democratic party
upside-dowvirtually casting aside voting blocs of the party's historic
base, while mobilizing nearly the entire bloc of African Americans- some
say with hints of reparations for slavery, and though while the
candidate avoids that subject, he has avid supporters for whom this is a
central cause. This contingent could become a solid base - a la ODM
class war strategy . His other stronghold, the first time voter bloc
(lured by his call for Change!) seems not to notice his ever-shifting
stands on crucial issues. In view of its new demographic emphasis and
lack of democratic process, the current Democratic Party could be
rightfully called the Obama Democratic Movement.
Based on his personal biography, the influences in Barack Obama's
life have been a unique blend of atheistic socialism, accented by a
Muslim father and stepfather, Muslim training in his youth, a Communist
mentor in his teens, radical promoters of his entrance into politics, a
wife whose thesis advocated 'separatism" over integration, a Middle
East backed financier of his early political career and a boundlessly
wealthy anti-American backer of his Presidential bid.
Not only has his campaign been grounded in US radicals and international
terrorist endorsements, it is currently establishing an unheard of call
for global pressure on this jihad. That Obama is more
sympathetic to "Global Interests" than American interests is
rather self-evident at this point. The financial ledgers of his campaign
are too riddled with $4600 donations (the maximum limit) by the
"unemployed" including "unemployed students" and
PAC's to make credible his claim that grass roots internet donors have
funded his staggering primary media campaign. This new US ODM party
(formerly known as the Democratic party) expects this cash cow to keep
delivering and even the most naive can no longer believe this money
trail is traceable to small individual contributions. Yet, already
down-ticket Democratic candidates are complaining that the 50 state
strategic offices focus on Obama to the exclusion of local races.
At the same time, Obama networking within the terrorist web seems to
carry on, below the radar of public attention. Why did the Gaza Strip
have a Palestinian phone bank calling for support of his primary
campaign? And why has there been so little press on his diplomatic
misspeak regarding Iran ? No Presidential candidate in history has so
arrogantly and irresponsibly extended his global outreach, prior to
earning the White House. Why, for instance, was Governor of New Mexico,
Bill Richardson, a potential Obama running mate, meeting with
Venezuala's Hugo Chavez , a vocal anti-American progapandist? Was it
mere coincidence that not long after Chavez flew to Cuba for meetings
with Castro? Here are other questions worth asking?
did Obama dash from a GM worker meet-and-greet in Michigan , with no
time to answer questions, only to dash to a pre-arranged meeting with
Qazwini , a chief US fundraiser for the terror corps Hezbollah?
Could we believe that Obama is so naive he does not know that the
Secretary of Homeland Security has said Hezbollah makes Al Queda look
like a minor league? Why were 2 young Muslim women , at a rally,
removed from camera view and not reported by MSM to be members of a
Sunni terrorist arm? And why does Obama seem confident of winning
Michigan despite disenfranchising the Democratic voter base there? Is
it because Michigan has one of the highest US populations of Muslims?
was Odinga , Obama's Kenya ODM counterpart, recently hosted by US
Secretary of State, Finance Committee, and other high US officials with
only sketchy news of these meetings coming from overseas press? And why
would his lobbying for Class A Kenya air status into US air fields even
be considered, in view of his signed intention to provide haven for
terrorists in Kenya, with no extradition? Why has Obama, who holds
dual citizenship with Kenya, after ignoring Odinga's slaughter
there, or any meeting the two recently had here in US, shifted attention
on condemning similar tactics in Zimbabwe ? And why is our ally, Kenya's
"Grand Coalition" government showing favor in selling their
oil to Libya below other US friendly offers?
this expanding web of terrorist allies continues to connect their dots
beneath the radar of US media. What they have in common, beneath
their seemingly diverse labels, is their fervent anti-Americanism.
This web is interwoven into the fabric of ODM's Muslim pact and the
Obama- ODM connection. It's fair to ask what else the ODM has in store
for an unsuspecting American public? We certainly know enough, however,
to answer Lou Dobbs, who in calling the candidate, among other things
"soulless" demanded: "Why is Barack Obama so
comfortable with people who hate America?" The answer could lie
in the fact that, oddly enough, this US candidate for President is said
to discreetly hold dual citizenship in both the US and Kenya , which
again begs the question of where this Presidential hopeful's real
allegiances lie? When it comes to uncovering the truth of Obama, the
dots seem to go on.... and on.... and on ... and, as they do, they
only continue to define the dangers of an Obama Presidency.