It is "so far so good", as this is presently the case.
![]() These are alarming facts of which everyone should be aware. Remember, The Muslim Jihads are not a figment of anyone's imagination. They are determined to wipe out every "infidel" (non-Muslim) IN THE WORLD!!! Read the following with that in mind. There are projections of 20- 30 years concerning the Muslim migrations. I personally do not believe this age will go another 20 - 30 years, as The King's Victory, and return will take place far before then. All population growth in Europe since 1990 has been 90% from Islamic migration!!! There are 52,000,000 Muslims in Europe, expected to double in the next 20 years, and will be a Muslim continent in a few decades. FRANCE: In South France, there are more Mosques than churches. 30% under the age of 20 are Islamic. In less than 40 years, France will be an Islamic Republic ENGLAND: The Muslim growth in the last 30 years has gone from 82,000 to now being 2.5 million. There are now 1000 Mosques, many of which were formerly Christian Churches. NETHERLANDS: 50% of ALL newborns are Muslim. One half of the population will be Muslim within 15 years. RUSSIA: 20% (1 in 5) are Muslim, which equals 23,000,000. The Russian Army will be 40% Islamic within a few years. BELGIUM: Muslims make up 25% of the population, and 50% of all newborns are Muslim. GERMANY: The fall in bloodline Germans cannot be stopped, and it has been declared by their government officials that Germany will be a Muslim state by 2050. CANADA: There was been an increase of 1.6 million Muslims from 2001 - 2006. UNITED STATES: Twenty four Islamic organizations met in Chicago 3 years ago to plan their evangelizing of America, preparing for when there will be 50,000,000 Muslims in the United States. There are at least 13 "Secret" Muslim Military Compounds in the United States, preparing Muslims for military action in the U. S. (see Welcome to Islamberg ) Do you now understand why the rich Muslims around the world donated to Obama's campaign in the millions of dollars? Do you understand why our President, who has a strong Muslim background, has declared that the United States is "NO LONGER A CHRISTIAN NATION?" It is no secret that Obama is out to make the people of this earth global citizens with NO loyalty to individual countries. The Muslim Religion has more members than the Catholic church. In 5 - 7 years, it will be THE MOST DOMINANT RELIGION IN THE WORLD!!! These are FACTS people, and not some harbinger's fantasy. Could anyone surmise that the "Infidels" are in any danger??? If I had not read the Bible, I would be most concerned. However, not only have I read it, but I read through Revelation, and do know "the rest of the story." That is: The King and His Overcomers WON!!!