White House promotes Muslim help against terrorism
People, this statement is a blatant
oxymoron. It is like the old adage of putting the fox in charge of
guarding the chicken coop. The Muslim dogma is posing as a "peaceful
religion" while in reality, is a determined political agenda to take the
earth over, and through Shiria Law, KILL EVERYONE that will not submit to their
"god" Allah. This is not some wild eyed conspiracy theory, but
is warned by former Muslim Terrorists themselves!!! With that in mind,
read the ridiculous intent of Obama below. We should all rejoice that he
is NOT himself a Muslim, right??? Does anyone consider him as a threat to
this nation???
In Genesis 3, we find that the "Serpent" was more crafty, conniving, seducing, lying, than anyone else.
In the Koran, there are around 90 definitions of the Muslim "god" Allah. They include:
The afflicter
The most proud one.
The one who causes DEATH.
The great deceiver. (A "deceiver" is one who makes lies appear as truth.)
Greatest of all plotters.
So I ask, who IS this Allah, the "god" of the Muslims??? Which definition is it that does not describe Satan???
If you have not studied anything about the Muslim religion, you should, for it is one of the greatest threats to not only the world, but to EVERY CHRISTIAN. It is the most anti-Christ religion on the earth today!!!
1st John tells us that he (they) that deny Christ IS ANTICHRIST. Do the Muslims deny Christ? Then which "god" are they following??? And what kind of "god" is he, and what are his intents???
I might add that he who supports that which is of an anti-Christ, is BEING ONE WITH IT, and JUST AS GUILTY!!! Which of our leaders are in THAT category???
It has become quite obvious that this nation is now promoting everything that is AGAINST Christ, while constantly bombarding everything that is of Jah and His righteousness to its extinction.
". . . and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." Only the spiritually blind would not be able to clearly see that this nation is now fully under the rule of the "spirit of anti-Christ, and only the very foolish would deny it!!! Anyone who thinks they can vote such out is NOT facing reality!!!
What is good in the Bible is called evil in the Koran, and what is called evil in the Bible is called good in the Koran.
Knowing these things, then I ask, which "god" is it that is behind and motivating the following article???
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(I have added notes in italics to statements in the article.)
By EILEEN SULLIVAN, Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The White House is pushing a message of religious tolerance ahead of this week's congressional hearing on Islamic radicalism, which has sparked protests on grounds it unfairly singles out Muslims as potential terrorists.
(Duuhh. Name me one terrorist in the world today that is NOT a Muslim. And we judge them unfairly??? Which "religion" is it that is causing all of the terrorism?)
President Barack Obama sent his deputy national security adviser, Denis McDonough, on Sunday to a Washington-area mosque known for its cooperation with the FBI and its rejection of the al-Qaida brand of Islam.
(Yeah, right)
"Being religious is never un-American. Being religious is quintessentially American," McDonough said.
(It is NOT being religious that is American, but BEING CHRISTIAN!!! At least it was at one time.)
The speech came just four days before the congressional hearing, which has already given rise to protests on grounds it is unfairly targeting Muslims. In New York's Times Square on Sunday, about 300 people gathered to speak out against the planned congressional hearing, criticizing it as xenophobic and saying that singling out Muslims, rather than extremists, is unfair and divides the nation.
(Good grief, how did we ever get the idea that we should "target" Muslims as terrorists???)
Speaking to an interfaith forum of Muslims, Christians, Jews and other faiths, McDonough, the president's point-man on countering violent extremism, was clear: "We're all Americans."
(Yeah, right.)
The majority of the recent terror plots and attempts against the U.S. have involved people espousing a radical and violent view of Islam, making it difficult to ignore the role religion plays in this particular threat. But focusing too closely on Islam and the religious motives of these attempted terror attacks also threatens to alienate an entire community that has nothing to do with these violent beliefs.
(Make no mistake about it, the Muslims appearing as "peaceful" are just as militantly intent on taking over every nation in the world as the ones who are openly militant. To think otherwise is not facing reality, and extremely ignorant.)
New York Republican Peter King, chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee that is holding the hearings, thinks the Muslim community can and should do more to help law enforcement thwart these attacks.
"I don't believe there is sufficient cooperation" by American Muslims with law enforcement, King said Sunday on CNN. "Certainly my dealings with the police in New York and FBI and others say they do not believe they get the same — they do not give the level of cooperation that they need."
(Oh really??? What a surprise, right???)
Two of the witnesses scheduled to testify Thursday are relatives of men who were radicalized and turned to terrorism. One is the uncle of a Somali man from Minneapolis — Burhan Hassan — who left the country in December 2008 to join a terror group in Somalia. The family believes Hassan was killed and buried in Somalia.
Another witness is the father of Carlos Bledsoe, who prosecutors say shot and killed a soldier at a military recruiting center in Arkansas in 2009. Bledsoe grew up in the Memphis, Tenn., area, converted to Muslim and changed his name to Abdulhakim Muhammad.
McDonough said Muslim Americans are not the problem, but part of the solution.
"No community can be expected to meet a challenge as complex as this alone," McDonough said. "No one community can be expected to become experts in terrorist organizations, how they are evolving, how they are using new tools and technology to reach our young people."
The Muslim community has been integral in tipping off law enforcement in many of the plots uncovered over the past two years. In 2009, the Muslim community came forward when they learned five Northern Virginia men had traveled to Pakistan with the hopes of joining a terrorist organization.
McDonough said agencies throughout the Obama administration would continue working to understand the process of radicalization.
(Oh yes, we should spend a few million more to make a study, right? Who needs to make a study when all the evidence anyone needs is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES EVERYDAY!!!)
He also promised further outreach to Islamic communities in the United States, as well as efforts to dispel "misperceptions about our fellow Americans who are Muslim."
What is really the "misperceptions?" That they are peaceful with no militant intents.)
King's critics, including the first Muslim elected to Congress, Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison, say it is wrong to single out a religion.
(Then why is their such an onslaught against everything that IS Christian///)
"We're concerned about the breadth of this," Ellison said on CNN Sunday. "To say we're going to investigate ... a religious minority, and a particular one, I think is the wrong course of action to take."