I. MSN Money is conditioning people to accept an implantable chip! In their everyday lives. Actual implementation of the Mark of the Beast cannot be far away when an attempt like this to mainstream an implantable chip is fomented on a public unaware of Biblical prophecy. NEWS BRIEF: "Pay with a wave of your hand?", MSN Money, 9/11/2009 "It's a simple concept, really: You inject a miniature radio frequency identifier the size of a grain of rice between your thumb and forefinger and, with a wave of your hand, unlock doors, turn on lights, start your car or pay for your drinks at an ultrachic nightspot ... Forget the science of it -- and yes, it does work remarkably well. Forget the convenience of it. Forget that similar identifying technologies, from bar codes to mag stripes, overcame similar obstacles and are now ubiquitous." For years, Bible scholars have been teaching that the False Prophet of Revelation 13 will act on behalf of Antichrist to force all people of the world to take a 'mark' of some sort underneath the skin, either in the right hand or the forehead. These scholars have also maintained that, somehow, technology had to discover a way to implant this 'mark' just as the Bible foretells. Now, science has developed just this kind of 'mark', an implantable chip. New Age authors speak boldly of this new technology and they insist that their New Age Christ will force everyone on earth to take it on the pain of death, just as the prophecy foretells. Now, this effort has reached a high point within our culture: Mass Media is touting how incredibly easy this technology is to use and how wonderfully convenient it will prove to be in everyday life! But, this news story admits that some people are put off by this technology -- because of the 'Mark of the Beast' connotation. " 'The problem is, the whole concept is a little geeky for most of us, nauseating for some, Orwellian for a few and even apocalyptic for a smattering of religious fundamentalists ... There is sort of an icky quality to implanting something', says Rome Jette, the vice president for smart cards at Versatile Card Technology, a Downers Grove, Ill., card manufacturer that ships 1.5 billion cards worldwide a year." With great dismay, I see that this Vice President of Versatile Card Technology considers that we "religious fundamentalists" are down to just a "smattering". The time when Antichrist will arise with his False Prophet and force everyone to take this implantable "Mark of the Beast" is coming very quickly. The very fact that major companies are beginning to promote implantable technology as being so convenient and so everyday is itself a major sign that the End of the Age is coming rapidly!
"And he causeth ALL.............to receive a mark in . . . IN their right hand, or in . . . IN their foreheads" The point here is that this mark is to be IN, and not ON. A tattoo is ON, an implant is IN!!! |