I assess the scene of what is taking place, it boggles my mind.
I knew it would get bad, but just did not ever contemplate that sin would
take over the nation as it is now with the Obama election.
It will now be the "calling of evil good, and the calling of good
evil" coming to pass to the MAX!!!
We have come to the place where they will now build high schools for homosexuals. Everything that is right and righteous is being destroyed in favor of that which is totally of the fallen mind, and that fallen mind thinks it should have the same rights as the righteous. What a surprise they have coming, and when they get it, I will certainly shout Hallelujah!!!
Surely the day is coming when those who at least profess to know Christ will wake up.
is like Obama is a devil in the flesh, and is determined to bring forth enough
CHANGE to this nation so there is no semblance of what the founding fathers
intended left to be recognized in any way, shape, or form. Especially that
it was to be a Christian Nation. Obama
is determined to wipe out all of true Christianity, and everything it contains
in Truth. And yet, the people are worshipping him, even as they
will the soon coming anti-Christ Beast.
Secretary of Education Pick Proposed Homosexual High School By Kathleen Gilbert WASHINGTON, D.C., December 17, 2008 ( - Two more Obama Cabinet appointees, one a proponent of homosexual schools and another an open homosexual, serve as further indication that the President-elect will eagerly espouse homosexual-friendly policies. On Tuesday, Obama announced that Chicago Public Schools CEO and Chicago Annenberg Challenge collaborator Arne Duncan was his choice for Secretary of Education. Obama praised Duncan as a hands-on leader not "beholden to any one ideology." As head of the Chicago public school system, Duncan proposed and approved controversial plans for a special public high school for homosexuals. The Social Justice Solidarity High School (formerly the Social Justice High School, Pride Campus) was designed ostensibly to protect homosexual teenagers from harassment, and as such pitched as especially homosexual-friendly in its policies and curriculum. “We want to create great new options for communities that have been traditionally underserved,” Duncan said in an Oct 9 Chicago Tribune article. “If you look at national studies, you can see gay and lesbian students with high dropout rates ... I think there is a niche there we need to fill.” In November, the backers of the proposed school halted the project in order to further tone down Duncan's original idea in response to mounting criticism from social conservatives and gay lobbyists alike, who reacted unfavorably to segregating homosexuals. Cindy Crane, executive director of the Gay-Straight-Alliance for Safe Schools, told the Catholic News Service (CNS) she was "pleased that someone who established himself as understanding the special challenges of LGBTs (Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgendered) ... within his own state is now in a federal position and will be able to influence legislation and budgets on a federal level." Others worried that Duncan's appointment at the helm of American education would pave the way for dogmatic homosexualist indoctrination of even the youngest Americans. "One wonders if Duncan will bring this proposal with him to Washington D.C. and attempt to force school systems all across the country to start up their own gay, lesbian and transgender schools?" said Chicago pundit Warner Todd Hudson on the Publius' Forum blog. Laurie Higgins of the conservative Illinois Family Institute, also expressed concern to CNS that Duncan would undoubtedly bring “arguable, unproven theories about homosexuality and how public schools should treat it" to bear on nationwide policies. “He necessarily has taken a position on what homosexuality is -- the nature of it, and its morality," she said, noting that Duncan never expressed "anything other than approval" for the homosexual school and curriculum. Another Cabinet announcement - Nancy Sutley as head of the Council on Environmental Quality - earned Obama praise from the homosexual lobby, as Sutley is the Cabinet's first female homosexual member. "President-elect Obama’s nomination of Nancy Sutley is another step toward full equality for gay Americans," said Chuck Wolfe, president of the Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund. "It sends a signal to young people that they can participate in their government at its highest levels, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender or ethnicity." Mary Beth Maxwell, another open homosexual, is considered a likely favorite for the Labour Secretary opening in the Cabinet. Obama has in recent days made clear his agenda to dismantle legal protection for marriage and open federal law to homosexualist prerogatives. The President-elect's website last month laid out a "civil rights" agenda that includes repealing the Defense of Marriage Act, enforcing homosexual "affirmative action" in workplaces, and opening adoption and military service to open homosexuals. In January, the homosexual community will be officially represented for the first time in a presidential inauguration ceremony. Obama's parade is scheduled to include the Blazing River Freedom Band, part of the larger Lesbian and Gay Band Association. See related coverage: Obama Selecting the Most Anti-Life,
Anti-Family Radicals He Can Find for Administration