Locations and Executive Orders
There are a number of people that
have been trying to warn us about the already constructed Concentration Camps in
THIS NATION, furnished with spring loaded guillotines, prepared for those who
rebel against Satan's plans for ruling the earth. Most just think they are
some kind of nut with a wild imagination. I first investigated this
subject about ten years ago, and I can tell you without hesitation, the ones who
are trying to warn us ARE NOT LUNATICS. They may be off in their
predictions concerning when certain events will take place, but I can ASSURE YOU
these DEATH CAMPS ARE A FACT AND VERY REAL. I cannot say strongly enough, THEY
DO EXIST. Not only exist, but there are over A MILLION foreign U. N. troops in
this nation to rule over them and the ones they will be picking up. That
For those who have not heard of this, it is time to get your head out of the sand, and LISTEN UP!!!
The mass media is controlled by five corporations, and they are programming the people to make them think the way they want them to in accordance with the NWO. And, to BLIND EVERYONE to what is really going on. It is time for everyone to come out of "SATAN'S MATRIX", and find out just how evil not only this nation is, but the Politicians as well, who are in league with the prophesied end time anti-Christ Beast System. Once the truth is seen as it really is, I can tell you it is quite different from what everyone believes, very disturbing to the psyche, and a person is NEVER the same again once this understanding enters their mind.
Read and learn.
RED and
BLUE Lists
They will have no qualms about firing on U.S. citizens. There are Russian tanks, military trucks and chemical warfare vehicles outside Gulfport, Mississippi. Hello? That was hit by Katrina in 2005. Anyone see heavy military equipment and foreign troops near San Francisco? The Illuminati plan way ahead! There's not going to be some future event when the invading troops are going to show up. They're already here. When martial law is implemented, these foreign U.N. troops will be policing our country, carrying out the plans of the New World Order. God is warning His people. There isn't much time before these events begin to take place. God's people need to prepare themselves in every way possible. It's not a time for fear. It's a time for prayer, preparation and sharing our faith with a lost world. FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS Locations and Executive Orders There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on Ashcroft's list. The REX 84 PROGRAM was established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons. Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once The REX 84 PROGRAM is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation. The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners each. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people. Now
let's review the justification for any actions taken... Executive Orders
associated with FEMA that would suspend the Constitution and the Bill of
Rights. These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and
could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen:. OFFICIAL
ORDER 10990 allows
the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of
highways and seaports. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 10995 allows
the government to seize and control the communication media. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 10997 allows
the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels
and minerals. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 10998 allows
the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal
cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways,
seaports, and waterways. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 10999 allows
the government to take over all food resources and farms. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11000 allows
the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government
supervision. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11001 allows
the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11002 designates
the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11003 allows
the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including
commercial aircraft. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11004 allows
the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new
housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish
new locations for populations. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11005 allows
the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage
facilities. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11051 specifies
the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives
authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of
increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11310 grants
authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in
Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial
and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and
correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President. EXECUTIVE
ORDER 11049 assigns
emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies,
consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year
ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA's Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA's role as a "new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis." FEMA's powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the... National Security Act of 1947 allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities. 1950 Defense Production Act gives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy. Act
of August 29, 1916 authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of war,
to take possession of any transportation system for transporting troops,
material, or any other purpose related to the emergency. International
Emergency Economic Powers Act enables the President to seize the property
of a foreign country or national. These powers were transferred to FEMA in
a sweeping consolidation in 1979. Where are
these camps?
- Military compound either in or very near town. Aliceville
- WWII German POW camp - capacity 15,000 Ft.
McClellan (Anniston)
- Opposite side of town from Army Depot; Maxwell
AFB (Montgomery)
- Civilian prison camp established under Operation Garden Plot, currently
operating with support staff and small inmate population. Talladega
Federal prison "satellite" camp. ALASKA Wilderness
- East of Anchorage. No roads, Air & Railroad access only. Estimated
capacity of 500,000. Elmendorf
Northeast area of Anchorage - far end of base. Garden Plot facility. Eielson
Southeast of Fairbanks. Operation Garden Plot facility. Ft.
Wainwright - East of Fairbanks. ARIZONA Ft.
Huachuca -
20 miles from Mexican border, 30 miles from Nogales Rex '84 facility. Pinal
County -
on the Gila River - WWII Japanese detention camp. May be renovated. Yuma
County -
Colorado River - Site of former Japanese detention camp (near proving
grounds). This site was completely removed in 1990 according to some
reports. Phoenix
- Federal Prison Satellite Camp. Main federal facility expanded. Florence
WWII prison camp NOW RENOVATED, OPERATIONAL with staff & 400
prisoners, operational capacity of 3,500. Wickenburg
- Airport is ready for conversion; total capacity unknown. Davis-Monthan
AFB (Tucson) - Fully staffed and presently holding prisoners!! Sedona
- site of possible UN base. ARKANSAS Ft.
Chaffee (near
Fort Smith, Arkansas) - Has new runway for aircraft, new camp facility
with cap of 40,000 prisoners. Pine
Bluff Arsenal - This location also is the repository for B-Z nerve agent, which causes
sleepiness, dizziness, stupor; admitted use is for civilian control. Jerome
- Chicot/Drew Counties - site of WWII Japanese camps Rohwer
- Descha
- site of WWII Japanese camps. Blythville
Closed airbase now being used as camp. New wooden barracks have been
constructed at this location. Classic decorations - guard towers, barbed
wire, high fences. Berryville
- FEMA facility located east of Eureka Springs off Hwy. 62. Omaha
- Northeast of Berryville near Missouri state line, on Hwy 65 south of old
wood processing plant. Possible crematory facility. CALIFORNIA Vandenburg
Rex 84 facility, located near Lompoc & Santa Maria. Internment
facility is located near the oceanside, close to Space Launch Complex #6,
also called "Slick Six". The launch site has had "a
flawless failure record" and is rarely used. Norton AFB -
(closed base) now staffed with UN according to some sources. Tule
Lake -
area of "wildlife refuge", accessible by unpaved road, just
inside Modoc County. Fort
Ord -
Closed in 1994, this facility is now an urban warfare training center for
US and foreign troops, and may have some "P.O.W. - C.I."
enclosures. Twentynine
Palms Marine Base - Birthplace of the infamous "Would you shoot American citizens?"
Quiz. New camps being built on "back 40". Oakdale
- Rex 84 camp capable of holding at least 20,000 people. 90 mi. East of
San Francisco. Terminal Island - (Long Beach) located next to naval
shipyards operated by ChiCom shipping interests. Federal prison facility
located here. Possible deportation point. Ft.
Irwin -
FEMA facility near Barstow. Base is designated inactive but has staffed
camp. McClellan
facility capable for 30,000 - 35,000 Sacramento
- Army Depot - No specific information at this time. Mather
Road to facility is blocked off by cement barriers and a stop sign. Sign
states area is restricted; as of 1997 there were barbed wire fences
pointing inward, a row of stadium lights pointed toward an empty field,
etc. Black boxes on poles may have been cameras COLORADO Trinidad
WWII German/Italian camp being renovated. Granada
- Prowers County - WWII Japanese internment camp Ft.
Carson -
Along route 115 near Canon City CONNECTICUT,
DELAWARE - No data available. FLORIDA Avon
Park -
Air Force gunnery range, Avon Park has an on-base "correctional
facility" which was a former WWII detention camp. Camp
Krome -
DoJ detention/interrogation center, Rex 84 facility Eglin
This base is over 30 miles long,
from Pensacola to Hwy 331 in De Funiak Springs. High capacity facility,
presently manned and populated with some prisoners. Pensacola
- Federal Prison Camp Everglades - It is believed that a facility may be
carved out of the wilds here. GEORGIA Ft.
Benning -
Located east of Columbus near Alabama state line. Rex 84 site - Prisoners
brought in via Lawson Army airfield. Ft. Mc
Pherson - US Force Command - Multiple reports that this will be the national
headquarters and coordinating center for foreign/UN troop movement and
detainee collection. Ft.
Gordon -
West of Augusta - No information at this time. Unadilla
- Dooly County - Manned, staffed FEMA prison on route 230, no prisoners. Oglethorpe
- Macon County; facility is located five miles from Montezuma, three miles
from Oglethorpe. This FEMA prison has no staff and no prisoners. Morgan
- Calhoun County, FEMA facility is fully manned & staffed - no
prisoners. Camilla - Mitchell County, south of Albany. This FEMA
facility is located on Mt. Zion Rd approximately 5.7 miles south of
Camilla. Unmanned - no prisoners, no staff. Hawkinsville - Wilcox
County; Five miles east of town, fully manned and staffed but no
prisoners. Located on fire road 100/Upper River Road Abbeville
- South of Hawkinsville on US route 129; south of town off route 280 near
Ocmulgee River. FEMA facility is staffed but without prisoners. McRae -
Telfair County - 1.5 miles west of McRae on Hwy 134 (8th St). Facility is
on Irwinton Avenue off 8th St., manned & staffed - no prisoners. Fort
Gillem -
South side of Atlanta - FEMA designated detention facility. Fort
Stewart -
Savannah area - FEMA designated detention facility. HAWAII Halawa
Heights area - Crematory facility located in hills above city. Area is marked as a state
department of health laboratory. Barbers
Point NAS -
There are several military areas that could be equipped for detention /
deportation. Honolulu
- Detention transfer facility at the Honolulu airport similar in
constructionn to the one in Oklahoma (pentagon shaped building where
airplanes can taxi up to). IDAHO Minidoka/Jerome
Counties - WWII Japanese-American internment facility possibly under
renovation. Clearwater
National Forest - Near Lolo Pass - Just miles from the Montana state line near Moose Creek,
this unmanned facility is reported to have a nearby airfield. Wilderness
areas - Possible location. No data. ILLINOIS Marseilles
Located on the Illinois River off Interstate 80 on Hwy 6. It is a
relatively small facility with a cap of 1400 prisoners. Though it is small
it is designed like prison facilities with barred windows, but the real
smoking gun is the presence of military vehicles. Being located on the
Illinois River it is possible that prisoners will be brought in by water
as well as by road and air. This facility is approximately 75 miles west
of Chicago. National Guard training area nearby. Scott
Barbed wire prisoner enclosure reported to exist just off-base. More info
needed, as another facility on-base is beieved to exist. Pekin
- This Federal satellite prison camp is also on the Illinois River, just
south of Peoria. It supplements the federal penitentiary in Marion, which
is equipped to handle additional population outside on the grounds. Chanute
Rantoul, near Champaign/Urbana - This closed base had WWII - era barracks
that were condemned and torn down, but the medical facility was upgraded
and additional fencing put up in the area. More info needed. Marion
Federal Penitentiary and satellite prison camp inside Crab Orchard Nat'l
Wildlife Refuge. Manned, staffed, populated fully. Greenfield
Two federal correctional "satellite prison camps" serving Marion
- populated as above. Shawnee
National Forest - Pope County - This area has seen heavy traffic of foreign military
equipment and troops via Illinois Central Railroad, which runs through the
area. Suspected location is unknown, but may be close to Vienna and
Shawnee correctional centers, located 6 mi. west of Dixon Springs. Savanna
Army Depot -
NW area of state on Mississippi River. Lincoln,
Sheridan, Menard, Pontiac, Galesburg - State prison facilities equipped for major
expansion and close or adjacent to highways & railroad tracks. Kankakee
Abandoned industrial area on west side of town (Rt.17 & Main)
designated as FEMA detention site. Equipped with water tower, incinerator,
a small train yard behind it and the rear of the facility is surrounded by
barbed wire facing inwards. INDIANA Indianapolis
/ Marion County - Amtrak railcar repair facility (closed); controversial site of a major
alleged detention / processing center. Although some sources state that
this site is a "red herring", photographic and video evidence
suggests otherwise. This large facility contains large 3-4 inch gas mains
to large furnaces (crematoria?), helicopter landing pads, railheads for
prisoners, Red/Blue/Green zones for classifying and processing incoming
personnel, one-way turnstiles, barracks, towers, high fences with razor
wire, etc. Personnel with government clearance who are friendly to the
patriot movement took a guided tour of the facility to confirm this site.
This site is located next to a closed refrigeration plant facility. Ft.
Benjamin Harrison - Located in the northeast part of Indianapolis, this base has been
decomissioned from "active" use but portions are still ideally
converted to hold detainees. Helicopter landing areas still exist for
prisoners to be brought in by air, land & rail. Crown
Point -
Across street from county jail, former hospital. One wing presently being
used for county work-release program, 80% of facility still unused.
Possible FEMA detention center or holding facility. Camp
Atterbury - Facility is converted to hold prisoners and boasts two
active compounds presently configured for minumum security detainees.
Located just west of Interstate 65 near Edinburgh, south of Indianapolis. Terre
Haute -
Federal Correctional Institution, Satellite prison camp and death
facility. Equipped with crematoria reported to have a capacity of 3,000
people a day. FEMA designated facility located here. Fort
Wayne -
This city located in Northeast Indiana has a FEMA designated detention
facility, accessible by air, road and nearby rail. Kingsbury
This "closed" military base is adjacent to a state fish &
wildlife preserve. Part of the base is converted to an industrial park,
but the southern portion of this property is still used. It is bordered on
the south by railroad, and is staffed with some foreign-speaking
UN troops. A local police officer who was hunting and camping close to the
base in the game preserve was accosted, roughed up, and warned by the
English-speaking unit commander to stay away from the area. It was
suggested to the officer that the welfare of his family would depend on
his "silence". Located just southeast of LaPorte. Jasper-Pulaski
Wildlife Area - Youth Corrections farm located here. Facility is "closed", but
is still staffed and being "renovated". Total capacity unknown. Grissom
This closed airbase still handles a lot of traffic, and has a "stateowned"
prison compound on the southern part of the facility. UNICOR. Jefferson
Proving Grounds - Southern Indiana - This facility was an active base with test firing
occurring daily. Portions of the base have been opened to create an
industrial park, but other areas are still highly restricted. A camp is
believed to be located "downrange". Facility is equipped with an
airfield and has a nearby rail line. Newport
Army Depot -
VX nerve gas storage facility. Secret meetings were held here in 1998
regarding the addition of the Kankakee River watershed to the Heritage
Rivers Initiative. Hammond
large enclosure identified in FEMA-designated city. IOWA No data
available. KANSAS Leavenworth
- US Marshal's Fed Holding Facility, US Penitentiary, Federal Prison Camp,
McConnell Air Force Base. Federal death penalty facility. Concordia
- WWII German POW camp used to exist at this location but there is no
facility there at this time. Ft.
Riley -
Just north of Interstate 70, airport, near city of Manhattan. El
Dorado -
Federal prison converted into forced-labor camp, UNICOR industries. Topeka
80 acres has been converted into a temporary holding camp. KENTUCKY Ashland
Federal prison camp in Eastern Kentucky near the Ohio River. Louisville -
FEMA detention facility, located near restricted area US naval ordnance
plant. Military airfield located at facility, which is on south side of
city. Lexington
FEMA detention facility, National Guard base with adjacent airport
facility. Manchester - Federal prison camp located inside Dan Boone
National Forest. Ft.
Knox -
Detention center, possibly located near Salt River, in restricted area of
base. Local patriots advise that black Special Forces & UN gray
helicopters are occasionally seen in area. Land
Between the Lakes - This area was declared a UN biosphere and is an ideal geographic location
for detention facilities. Area is an isthmus extending out from Tennessee,
between Lake Barkley on the east and Kentucky Lake on the west. Just scant
miles from Fort Campbell in Tennessee. LOUISIANA Ft.
Polk -
This is a main base for UN troops & personnel, and a training center
for the disarmament of America. Livingston
WWII German/Italian internment camp being renovated?; halfway between
Baton Rouge and Hammond, several miles north of Interstate 12. Oakdale
Located on US route 165 about 50 miles south of Alexandria; two federal detention
centers just southeast of Fort Polk. MAINE Houlton
- WWII German internment camp in Northern Maine, off US Route 1. MARYLAND,
and DC Ft.
Meade -
Halfway between the District of Criminals and Baltimore. Data needed. Ft.
Detrick - Biological warfare center for the NWO, located in Frederick. MASSACHUSETTS Camp
Edwards / Otis AFB - Cape Cod - This "inactive" base is being converted to
hold many New Englander patriots. Capacity unknown. Ft.
Devens -
Active detention facility. More data needed. MICHIGAN Camp
Grayling -
Michigan Nat'l Guard base has several confirmed detention camps, classic
setup with high fences, razor wire, etc. Guard towers are very well-built,
sturdy. Multiple compounds within larger enclosures. Facility deep within
forest area. Sawyer AFB - Upper Peninsula - south of Marquette - No
data available. Bay
City -
Classic enclosure with guard towers, high fence, and close to shipping
port on Saginaw Bay, which connects to Lake Huron. Could be a deportation
point to overseas via St. Lawrence Seaway. Southwest
- possibly Berrien County - FEMA detention center. Lansing
FEMA detention facility. MINNESOTA Duluth
Federal prison camp facility. Camp
Ripley -
new prison facility. MISSISSIPPI These
sites are confirmed hoaxes. Hancock
County -
NASA test site De Soto National Forest. "These two supposed camps in
Mississippi do not exist. Members of the Mississippi Militia have checked
these out on more than one occasion beginning back when they first
appeared on the Internet and throughout the Patriot Movement." -
Commander D. Rayner, Mississippi Militia MISSOURI
located in Grandview, near K.C.MO. A very large internment facility has
been built on this base, and all base personnel are restricted from coming
near it. This site was documented in early 2008 by B.A. Brooks. You can
watch the video and read about what is being called the Kansas City
Connection to The NAU/SPP here: Richards
Gebaur = NAU/SPP Proof
Leonard Wood -
Situated in the middle of Mark Twain National Forest in Pulaski County.
This site has been known for some UN training, also home to the US Army
Urban Warfare Training school "Stem Village". Warsaw
- Unconfirmed
report of a large concentration camp facility. MONTANA Malmstrom
UN aircraft groups stationed here, and possibly a detention facility. NEBRASKA Scottsbluff
WWII German POW camp (renovated?). Northwest, Northeast corners of state -
FEMA detention facilities - more data needed. South Central part of state
- Many old WWII sites - some may be renovated. NEVADA Elko
- Ten miles south of town. Wells - Camp is located in the O'Niel basin
area, 40 miles north of Wells, past Thousand Springs, west off Hwy 93 for
25 miles. Pershing
County -
Camp is located at I-80 mile marker 112, south side of the highway, about
a mile back on the county road and then just off the road about 3/4mi. Winnemucca
- Battle Mountain area - at the base of the mountains. Nellis
Air Force Range - Northwest from Las Vegas on Route 95. Nellis AFB is just north of Las
Vegas on Hwy 604. Stillwater
Naval Air Station - east of Reno . No additional data. NEW
New Hampshire - near Lake Francis. No additional data. NEW
Dix / McGuire AFB - Possible deportation point for detainees. Lots of pictures taken of
detention compounds and posted on Internet, this camp is well-known.
Facility is now complete and ready for occupancy. NEW
Bliss -
This base actually straddles Texas state line. Just south of Alomogordo,
Ft. Bliss has thousands of acres for people who refuse to go with the
"New Order". Holloman AFB (Alomogordo) - Home of the
German Luftwaffe in Amerika; major UN base. New facility being built on
this base, according to recent visitors. Many former USAF buildings have
been torn down by the busy and rapidly growing German military force
located here. Fort
Stanton -
currently being used as a youth detention facility approximately 35 miles
north of Ruidoso, New Mexico. Not a great deal of information concerning
the Lordsburg location. White
Sands Missile Range - Currently being used as a storage facility for United Nations vehicles and
equipment. Observers have seen this material brought in on the White Sands
rail spur in Oro Grande New Mexico about thirty miles from the Texas, New
Mexico Border. NEW
Drum -
two compounds: Rex 84 detention camp and FEMA detention facility. Albany
- FEMA detention facility. Otisville
Federal correctional facility, near Middletown. Buffalo - FEMA detention
facility. NORTH
Lejeune / New River Marine Airfield - facility has renovated, occupied WWII detention
compounds and "mock city" that closely resembles Anytown, USA. Fort
Bragg -
Special Warfare Training Center. Renovated WWII detention facility. Andrews
- Federal experiment in putting a small town under siege. Began with the
search/ hunt for survivalist Eric Rudolph. No persons were allowed in or
out of town without federal permission and travel through town was highly
restricted. Most residents compelled to stay in their homes. Unregistered
Baptist pastor from Indiana visiting Andrews affirmed these facts. NORTH
Home of UN air group. More data needed on facility. OHIO Camp
Perry -
Site renovated; once used as a POW camp to house German and Italian
prisoners of WWII. Some tar paper covered huts built for housing these
prisoners are still standing. Recently, the construction of multiple
200-man barracks have replaced most of the huts. Cincinnati,
Cleveland, Columbus - FEMA detention facilities. Data needed. Lima -
FEMA detention facility. Another facility located in/near old stone quarry
near Interstate 75. Railroad access to property, fences etc. OKLAHOMA Tinker
All base personnel are prohibited from going near civilian detention area,
which is under constant guard. Will
Rogers World Airport - FEMA's main processing center for west of the Mississippi. All personnel
are kept out of the security zone. Federal prisoner transfer center
located here (A pentagon-shaped building where airplanes can taxi up to).
Photos have been taken and this site will try to post soon! El Reno -
Renovated federal internment facility with CURRENT population of 12,000 on
Route 66. McAlester
- near Army Munitions Plant property - former WWII German / Italian POW
camp designated for future use. Ft. Sill (Lawton) - Former WWII detention
camps. More data still needed. OREGON Sheridan
Federal prison satellite camp northwest of Salem. Josephine
County -
WWII Japanese internment camp ready for renovation. Sheridan
FEMA detention center. Umatilla - New prison spotted. PENNSYLVANIA Allenwood
Federal prison camp located south of Williamsport on the Susquehanna
River. It has a current inmate population of 300, and is identified by
William Pabst as having a capacity in excess of 15,000 on 400 acres. Indiantown
Gap Military Reservation - located north of Harrisburg. Used for WWII POW camp and
renovated by Jimmy Carter. Was used to hold Cubans during Mariel boat
lift. Camp
Hill -
State prison close to Army depot. Lots of room, located in Camp Hill, Pa. New
Cumberland Army Depot - on the Susquehanna River, located off
Interstate 83 and Interstate 76. Schuylkill
Haven -
Federal prison camp, north of Reading. SOUTH
CAROLINA Greenville
- Unoccupied youth prison camp; total capacity unknown. Charleston
- Naval Reserve & Air Force base, restricted area on naval base. SOUTH
DAKOTA Yankton
- Federal prison camp Black
Hills Nat'l Forest - north of Edgemont, southwest part of state. WWII internment camp being
renovated. TENNESSEE Ft.
Campbell -
Next to Land Between the Lakes; adjacent to airfield and US Alt. 41. Millington
Federal prison camp next door to Memphis Naval Air Station. Crossville
- Site of WWII German / Italian prison camp is renovated; completed
barracks and behind the camp in the woods is a training facility with high
tight ropes and a rappelling deck. Nashville
There are two buildings built on State property that are definitely built
to hold prisoners. They are identical buildings - side by side on Old
Briley Parkway. High barbed wire fence that curves inward. TEXAS Austin
Robert Mueller Municipal airport has detenion areas inside hangars. Bastrop
Prison and military vehicle motor pool. Eden -
1500 bed privately run federal center. Currently holds illegal aliens. Ft.
Hood (Killeen)
- Newly built concentration camp, with towers, barbed wire etc., just like
the one featured in the movie Amerika. Mock city for NWO shock- force
training. Some footage of this area was used in "Waco: A New
Revelation" Reese
AFB (Lubbock)
- FEMA designated detention facility. Sheppard
in Wichita Falls just south of Ft. Sill, OK. FEMA designated detention
facility. North
Dallas -
near Carrolton - water treatment plant, close to interstate and railroad. Mexia -
East of Waco 33mi.; WWII German facility may be renovated. Amarillo
- FEMA designated detention facility. Ft.
Bliss (El
Paso) - Extensive renovation of buildings and from what patriots have been
able to see, many of these buildings that are being renovated are being surrounded by razor wire. Beaumont
/ Port Arthur area - hundreds of acres of federal camps already built on large-scale detention
camp design, complete with the double rows of chain link fencing with
razor type concertina wire on top of each row. Some (but not all) of these
facilities are currently being used for low-risk state prisoners who
require a minimum of supervision. Ft.
Worth -
Federal prison under construction on the site of Carswell AFB. UTAH Millard
County -
Central Utah - WWII Japanese camp. (Renovated?) Ft.
Douglas -
This "inactive" military reservation has a renovated WWII
concentration camp. Migratory
Bird Refuge - West of Brigham City - contains a WWII internment camp that was built
before the game preserve was established. Cedar
City -
east of city - no data available. Wendover
- WWII internment camp may be renovated. Skull
Valley -
southwestern Camp William property - east of the old bombing range. Camp
was accidentally discovered by a man and his son who were rabbit hunting;
they were discovered and apprehended. SW of Tooele. VIRGINIA Ft.
A.P. Hill (Fredericksburg)
- Rex 84 / FEMA facility. Estimated capacity 45,000. Petersburg
- Federal satellite prison camp, south of Richmond. WEST
- Alderson - Lewisburg - Former WWII detention camps that are now converted into
active federal prison complexes capable of holding several times their
current populations. Alderson is presently a women's federal reformatory. Morgantown
Federal prison camp located in northern WV; just north of Kingwood. Mill
Creek -
FEMA detention facility. Kingwood
- Newly built detention camp at Camp Dawson Army Reservation. More data
needed on Camp Dawson. WASHINGTON Seattle/Tacoma
SeaTac Airport: fully operational federal transfer center Okanogan
County -
Borders Canada and is a site for a massive concentration camp capable of
holding hundreds of thousands of people for slave labor. This is probably
one of the locations that will be used to hold hard core patriots who will
be held captive for the rest of their lives. Sand
Point Naval Station - Seattle - FEMA detention center used actively during the 1999 WTO protests
to classify prisoners. Ft.
Lewis/McChord AFB - near Tacoma - This is one of several sites that may be used to ship
prisoners overseas for slave labor. WISCONSIN Ft.
McCoy -
Rex 84 facility with several complete interment compounds. Oxford
Federal prison & satellite camp and FEMA detention facility. WYOMING Heart
Mountain - Park County N. of Cody - WWII Japanese interment camp ready for
renovation. Laramie
FEMA detention facility Southwest - near Lyman - FEMA detention facility East
Yellowstone - Manned internment facility - Investigating patriots were
apprehended by European soldiers speaking in an unknown language. Federal
government assumed custody of the persons and arranged their release. OTHER
many other locations not listed above that are worthy of consideration as
a possible detention camp site, but due to space limitations and the time
needed to verify, could not be included here. Virtually all military
reservations, posts, bases, stations, & depots can be considered
highly suspect (because it is "federal" land). Also fitting this
category are "Regional Airports" and "International
Airports" which also fall under federal jurisdiction and have
limited-access areas. Mental hospitals, closed hospitals & nursing
homes, closed military bases, wildlife refuges, state prisons, toxic waste
dumps, hotels and other areas all have varying degrees of potential for
being a detention camp area. The likelihood of a site being suspect
increases with transportation access to the site, including
airports/airstrips, railheads, navigable waterways & ports, interstate
and US highways. Some facilities are "disguised" as industrial
or commercial properties, camouflaged or even wholly contained inside
large buildings (Indianapolis) or factories. Many inner-city buildings
left vacant during the de-industrialization of America have been quietly
acquired and held, sometimes retrofitted for their new uses. CANADA Our
Canadian friends tell us that virtually all Canadian military bases,
especially those north of the 50th Parallel, are all set up with
concentration camps. Not even half of these can be listed, but here are a
few sites with the massive land space to handle any population: Suffield
just north of Medicine Hat, less than 60 miles from the USA. Primrose
Lake Air Range - 70 miles northeast of Edmonton. Wainwright
halfway between Medicine Hat and Primrose Lake. Ft.
Nelson -
Northernmost point on the BC Railway line. Ft.
McPherson -
Very cold territory ~ NW Territories. Ft.
Providence - Located on Great Slave Lake. Halifax
- Nova Scotia. Dept. of National Defense reserve.... And others. OVERSEAS
LOCATIONS Guayanabo,
Puerto Rico - Federal prison camp facility. Capacity unknown. Guantanamo
Bay, Cuba - US Marine Corps Base - Presently home to 30,000 Mariel Cubans and 40,000
Albanians. Total capacity unknown.***
Cropped for better viewing of the text.
In Luke 21 we are told by the one who knows what He is talking about................
34And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. 35For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
You might read,
or reread...................
The Sacrificial Ordinances and
Is there a "Law of Salvation"??? Absolutely!!! We either believe as instructed, or GO FISH!!!
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish (be fully destroyed), but have everlasting life.
This folks, whether you like it or not, IS A LAW. The Law of Salvation that unfolds from out of Jah's Holy Law. What is that Law? You either believe IN Him, or YOU WILL PERISH. It is very simply stated, and extremely clear. The only question here is, what IS believing IN Him???
Make sure you understand how to obtain TRUE salvation through the "Lamb Without BLEMISH!!! This is not a day to be lazy about whether or not YOU ARE SAVED from (as Christ called it) eternal damnation!!!