Replacing God
News from around the globe that the newspapers seldom print
God Less than 3 months into the Obama administration, we are no longer a
Christian nation.
While speaking in Ankara , Turkey,
President Obama made an astonishing proclamation. [1] He claimed, "We
do not consider ourselves a Christian nation." Instead, he said,
"We are a nation of citizens,"
essentially assigning fealty (LOYALTY / ALLEGIANCE) to "the
state" over fealty to God. The world listened, and nodded. I guess it's settled. God is now outdated, at least among our political and media elite. In their worldview, what they sneeringly call the religious right is now merely a fringe group. America itself has evolved to a higher plane. A more progressive plane, if you will. The overwhelming majority of Americans who profess faith in God are being told that the times have changed. Christianity, our ruling elite inform us, is only one of many religions, all of which are equal. In case we don't get it, President Obama, while abroad, expressed a deep appreciation for the Islamic faith [3] while, here at home, he appointed a gay-rights activist to the federal government's faith-based initiative. Said activist described Pope Benedict XVI and certain Catholic bishops as "discredited leaders." Get it? The election of Barack Obama has ushered in a new era in the war for hearts and minds in America. Obama, representing the Left, believes that man, not God, is omnipotent, thus paving the way for man (Obama) to take control of every facet of life in America. Obama and the government know best. They are now in charge. President Obama is asking for your blind faith, the faith usually reserved for God. Without any record of achievement, he asks that you believe in him, that you follow his dictates. That you allow him to lead us from the wilderness. What Obama is doing has been done before. Successfully. In the former Soviet Union , churches operated only with permission of the state. In China , the crackdown continues on underground churches. The "state" knows it must have supremacy over God in order to effectively rule (subjugate) its citizens. Pol Pot knew this. Lenin knew this. Mao Tse Tung knew this. Any dictator who conquers a country through force knows this. And Obama knows this. In order for the state to be supreme, fealty to God, and allegiance to family and to communities, must be replaced with fealty to the state. This strategy is now being implemented in America and all other western Christian countries, with increasing success. The traditional family, the backbone of our nation, is being redefined as we speak. The institution of marriage is being undermined by the creeping acceptance of gay marriage. Faith in God is being replaced with faith in Mother Earth. It's no mistake that the Obama administration is jumping aboard the environmental bandwagon. They recognize the basic human desire to believe in a cause or ideal greater than ourselves. By making the environment the new religion, all those higher feelings may be directed and manipulated by the state. And all that money, formerly called tithing, may now be directed towards supposed efforts by the government to "save the planet." In other words, God can't save the planet, only man can. Guilt may now be assuaged by advocating for environmental controls. Best of all, total redemption is available for those who care enough to become "carbon neutral." In order for this to work, government has to get God out of the way. And they're doing a bang-up job. The ACLU has terrorized cities across the country with threats of lawsuits for allowing the barest hint of religion into state policy. The secularist media portrays anything smacking of Christianity as totally beyond the pale. Newspapers, magazines and television are of one mind, depicting any show of faith in God as a fringe mentality, as unseemly as picking one's nose in public. God is now passe, at least according to those elites who set the agenda in our country. Environmentalism is the new religion for all right thinking people. And if you don't agree, well, it doesn't matter. Obama won, haven't you heard? He has claimed a mandate, and, so far, no one is challenging it. We voted for it. We got it. |
people probably have no idea of the pressures that are coming. They are
now increasing rapidly. I will not go into all that is taking place, or is
on the horizon at this time. Just know that the day when a "Christians"
very life will be at stake, as the enemies of Christ are out to rid the earth of
Him and His followers. I do believe that we are moving toward the day when
the prophecy found in Jer 50 will come to pass, and come to pass because of the
extreme stresses that lie just ahead. I personally will shout hallelujah
when this takes place.
those days, and in that time, saith Jah, the children of Israel shall come, they
and the children of Judah together, going and
they shall go, and seek Jah their Elohim. They
shall ask the
way to Zion
their faces thitherward, saying, Come, and let us join ourselves to Jah
in a perpetual covenant that shall not be forgotten.”
For the full understanding of what this “way to Zion” means, read my web site. I will say this much here. THERE WILL BE NO ESCAPE FROM THE COMING HORROR EXCEPT TO A "DWELLING PLACE OF ZION." (Isa 4)
AND, that escape will NOT be provided until the people are on their faces pleading for it!!!