An End Time E-Mail message from . . .
There is much more revelation being given at this time that is not yet published on my site. These enlightenments will ESTABLISH THE KINGDOM! EMAIL SENT 4- 9 -02 |
am well aware of how hard it is to understand and accept what is on my
web site.
When I see one being given the comprehension, even in struggling
with it, I know they are called into the Overcoming, and all this
It is a tough road to walk to come into this calling.
However, the glory that shall be seen in the Overcomers, and the
lives affected by that glory, will more than wipe out anything they have
gone through to get there.
There is much more revelation being given at this time that is not yet published on my site. These enlightenments will ESTABLISH THE KINGDOM, as they are showing the way back to what Adam and Eve had in the beginning before the fall. Oh, for the day a people finally understand what all was lost in that fall, for only then will it be understood the Glory of what is being restored unto us.
I hope to have them up sometime during this year. If you have any doubts about what appears on my pages now, you certainly will not then. We have some astounding revelations coming, believe me.
We are suffering much confusion and doubt because we have not yet entered into a manifesting "Dwelling Place of Zion".
A number of people are being prepared for this manifesting in the coming out of Babylon unto Zion, and it is this "Preparation" they are all experiencing. Because of our present captivity to the realm of "The Great Whore", these will not be able to actually practice everything they have learned, and are learning, in completeness until this "crossing over" has begun. If we could do it ALL IN Babylon, there would be no need to come out UNTO ZION!!! We are having to do things which causes us to participate with her abominations, and this is grieving many people. Sorry to say, that is just the way it is right now.
But let me tell you something. When all of this begins in Jah’s last great move on this earth, we will have NO doubts as to the Truth and Validity of the matters covered on my web site. There may be crooked places in them now, but NOT THEN, as they will come forth in purity, and be PROVEN to be correct exegesis of the Plan of Jah, and what it is that WILL ESTABLISH HIS KINGDOM in "The Dwelling Places of Zion".
The “Overcoming Sons of Jah” will hear, and respond, for what
is on my web site IS THEIR CALLING.
He has you on the right track.
Relax, rest in Him, knowing it is HE who is teaching you, and
more than able to bring you into that which He has purposed on your
There are also a number of men who make claims about who they are that is trapping people into following these that would exalt themselves into wrongful, high minded, positions. When the True Overcoming Son's of Jah finally manifest, there will be NO QUESTION as to who they are, and the mantle upon them. They will NEVER have to tell ANYONE who they are, for this will be more than obvious. They will walk in the Authority of Jahshuwah, and do exploits this earth has never witnessed. We are in mostly the preaching of superfluous rhetoric now, but NOT THEN. The Power of the Almighty will come forth in these in a way this earth has never experienced. Until you see such ones, do NOT believe what ANYONE claims about themselves, or another, for it is absolute foolishness.
And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased (greatly humiliated with shame); and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.
There are also ones who claim to know where these places of refuge are to be, and urge you to move to them. This is nothing more than Satanic demagoguery. DO NOT BELIEVE THEM, for if you do, you will fall to the entrapment of the enemy that will led to a great disillusionment. This will only cause you much sorrow and turmoil, and I state this to keep you from making a dreadful mistake.
Why do I make such a claim??? I have yet to see even one of such that have even the slightest idea of what these "Dwelling Places of Zion" are, let alone what establishes them. So how could they be in one, or know of one???
In all of this, people (even Overcomers), are being deceived and sidetracked from the direction they should be traveling, and realize it not. This grieves me much. The "Deceiver of The Whole Earth" is NOT LAZY, and we all need to "watch and pray".
Because this has weighed heavily upon me, I have just recently reformatted my Table of Contents into a more organized study. I would urge everyone to read the "Featured Articles" in the order they are presented, and even do so if you have read some of them before. Then continue through each section as they appear. By the time you have finished, you will then have the vision necessary for the "coming out of Babylon" through the proper and true Overcoming of "The Devourer". No longer will the deceivers capture you, and never again will you be sidetracked from Jah's objective and purpose.
There is NOT ONE major deception, or sidetracking, that is NOT exposed by the Articles on my web pages. If you are really wanting to come out of all the clamoring voices of confusion that work to capture your attention, then you need to study these pages until the TOTAL Plan and Purpose of Jah becomes clear in your mind. The more you do so, the less you will be mesmerized by those that would capture your mind, and the more you will come out of the major deceptions of our day.
And yes, I do know what I am suggesting, but not without merited reason. Because of all the wrongful programmed presuppositions that have been embedded in our minds from all of the clamoring voices that would seduce our attention, it will take much time and dutiful study to catch up with what is being, and will be written, in those Articles.
I also realize that I probably need to edit some rhetoric, and repetition. I am just a teacher, and a teacher knows that it takes such to get certain hard to understand matters through to those that would learn from them. I do labor on some points throughout my articles, and that for a reason. Once they have thoroughly entered into your conscious understanding, you will see why. You will also finally see what it is that has been deceiving, and SIDETRACKING from the purpose that Jah has placed upon you. I say these things BOLDLY, for I know the days ahead will PROVE THEM OUT! Selah
P. S. I do apologize for NOT being in a position where I can answer emails. Please be patient with me and do not take it personally. I do read all that come in. It is just not possible to answer. |
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