Disarmed for Jah by Pam Schuffert
![]() I made a comment at the end of one of her articles that I did NOT advocate arming for the days ahead in protecting ourselves from arrest and termination. As soon as we buy a gun we have left off altogether our Faith and Trust in Jah, and have moved out onto the enemy's ground where they want us. I had a very close friend who became involved with a misguided group from out of Aryan Nations. They stupidly committed acts against the Beast System that rules this nation. I had tried to warn him, but he did not have ears to hear. When he showed me his "beautiful weapon of defense", I shook my head. Because I would not get involved, I was considered a coward. They ended up on the run, fleeing to what they felt was a "safe house". Yeah, right. Not only were they inevitably found, but surrounded by the Delta Force, including helicopter gun ships. Their "beautiful weapons" were like cap pistols in comparison. Their surrender was IMMEDIATE. My friend ended up in prison for six years, and died a very disillusioned man. In the e-mail Pam sent to me (below), she states her position concerning bearing arms, and why she has taken it. In a sense, it is profound, and declares the exact position we must all take for the days ahead. I cannot find one Martyr in the Bible, nor in the ekklesia's history, that took up arms to defend themselves against the marauders who were trying to rid the earth of "Christians". Faith and Trust in Jah, and the taking up of arms to defend ourselves, do NOT go together. Some that read this might wonder, why even be concerned over such an issue in this nation? After reading something that Pam writes, you will know why. Pam, as well as many others, are placing their lives on the line to write what they write. They are NOT suffering from paranoia. Many have already been killed or imprisoned for their efforts in exposing what is going on in this nation. THIS IS FACT, and far from fiction. There are those that think this nation can be healed. I state flat out that this is AGAINST the Prophetical Word. This nation will NOT BE HEALED!!! It is scheduled to BE DESTROYED at the end of the Great Tribulation by "The Red Beast"!!! I believe that Pam has surrendered unto the protection of Jah, and therefore expect her to be around for sometime. I fully believe that her work has only begun. She has much more to do. Emphasis added are mine. |
You commented after publishing one of my reports that you do not advocate the taking up of arms in such an end-time battle. Here is my personal stand on this that I have now published on my website, www.AmericanHolocaust.50megs.com. I believe that you will like this. Blessings, Pam Schuffert.)
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I am writing to express something to my readers
that many of you will undoubtedly welcome, and undoubtedly others will not. But no one has
to agree
with me nor follow my example. This is a deeply personal conclusion I
have finally arrived at, and I alone must bear the consequences of my
personal convictions.
I have struggled with the debate in my heart of whether or not it is appropriate to confront these NWO murderers not ONLY with faith and courage and the Word of God, but also with justifiable self-defense on my behalf and on that of those innocents targeted around me. Here is the conclusion I have come to after much struggling and prayer. I have personally disposed of two 9 mm handguns and a Ruger mini-14 rifle with 40 bullet clips, many rounds of ammunition, a KEVLAR helmet, gas masks and filters, chem-bio body suits, and more. I am presently completely unarmed and defended only by the Word of God and faith and His Blood, and nothing more. Why??? When I am targeted more than many others by the forces of darkness for my reports and my stand against Satanism and the NWO, and have been told I am high on the scale to be taken out, WHY??? The answer is simple and Biblical. I have been disarmed BY LOVE. The LOVE OF GOD for all men, for whom Jesus Christ died. Although I am a deadly aim for accuracy in the firearm target ranges, I learned something about my own heart and the love of God that resides in me.
These hands of mine have taken
hands of many a lost soul in prayer for their salvation throughout the
past 30 years I have been a born-again Christian. I have taken the hands of
Russian soldiers and prayed for them and seen them commit their lives
I discovered that I am called to a much HIGHER battle, that for the
hearts and minds of lost men. And such battles are NOT won with carnal weapons of
destruction: they are won with the WORD OF GOD and Biblical principals
that SAVE men's lives rather than DESTROY them.