The Exodus From Babylon

By: Janet Rexroat  

By the way, I liked your response very much to the email from Karie. So many are experiencing what she is. I have and still am to a degree! There are so many questions that people who are "coming out of her" have! It's a "strange" but wonderful and difficult place to be. "My people have been lost sheep, their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their resting place" Jeremiah 50:6. 

We are waiting for deliverance just as the children of Israel were waiting for Moshe! ( A type and shadow of Yahshua) The deliverance has already begun to a degree by those like yourself with the revelation of Truth that Yah has imparted to you. I can see two "phases" of deliverance. First, the coming out of Babylon, the false religious system which is a spiritual and physical manifestation. We come out of that system into the wilderness. Then there is a period of wandering around in this wilderness, seeking the answers to what we have experienced in this "coming out" of which most have no clue as to why, just that they know by the moving of the Ruach in them, that something is drastically wrong with the "church", that it has a form of godliness, but denies the Power of the Almighty (II Timothy 3:3) 

This wilderness experience is the beginning of a much greater one to come! This first phase is a place of testing and suffering individually, all alone, as Yah molds and shapes through each "fiery" trial, bringing us back to how He created us to be, PERFECT! (I used to think that it was arrogant to speak of being perfect because I lacked the knowledge of what that meant!) But YAH does the work and this was His plan from the foundation of the world. It is an extremely "painful" process. We are becoming as "Pure Gold", transparent, with all impurities removed! Only through being placed in the "hottest" fire can that be accomplished. Only those who "submit" themselves to this work of Yah, who yield to the "burning" flames of purification are the First Fruits, becoming "sons" of Yah reaching maturity FIRST. Those will welcome any purging of leaven (sin) within them because they know the glory of what lies ahead for them. They are the vessels through which deliverance will come to His people, Israel. 

This is just what this Holy season we are in right now is all about. Passover, offering up OURSELVES as First Fruits unto Yahweh just as Yahshua did as our example in His death and resurrection. He took sin upon Himself as the Passover Lamb, so the death angel would now pass over us and the restoration can be completed. Without the sacrificial Lamb of Yahweh, we could not be made whole. He paid a price that NO OTHER can, the penalty of our sin. His death and resurrection were necessary to bring us back to our original state of perfection. Without the shedding of His holy, precious blood, there would be no remission of sin. There could be no restoration of Israel, you and I!

We will move from this wilderness experience into a deeper one (the second phase), the time of Jacob's trouble. We are now seeing the birth pangs of that "great tribulation" and these things will escalate to a much greater degree just prior to entering into that period of "intolerable anguish."

"Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision, for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision." (Joel 3:14) We will no doubt experience some extremely troublesome times ahead. (Matt 24) 

Yah says in Hosea 5:15 that in our affliction, we will seek Him early! During these times, those who have come out of Babylon, still seeking Truth but DID NOT submit themselves to the "fire" along with many, many others will flee into the wilderness of the peoples to the "Dwelling Places" set apart by Yah, through His First Fruits to meet Him face to face. (Ezekiel 20:34-41) Those whom Yah has chosen to be the deliverers will be giving Yah's instructions to the people, to wash their clothes and prepare to meet Yahweh, for He will come down in the sight of all of the people. Exodus 19:10 This is where they will experience the "purging" fire of HIS Word, His Torah taught by His sealed bondservants, the OVERCOMERS, those who have reached maturity first, experienced total redemption. (Rev 12, Rev 14:4) 

True unity will be the result and the TRUE Church will be brought forth. This is where the restoration is made complete. In these places, the set apart dwelling places, will all who have ever sought Truth, find it. For only in His Word, a mirror of Himself, will we see our image, which is NOT His, as we were originally created in. It is a "false" image, one of deception, that began in the Garden, being nourished or fed by the spirit of Jezebel who trusts in false gods. This false "self" image will be transformed into His as we begin to "feed" upon His instructions given to us in His Word and become "doers" of those instructions. Having knowledge to "do" something, but not acting upon that knowledge will benefit nothing! It can bring death, both spiritually and physically! Our obedience to His Word brings LIFE! His Torah is our protector, our guardian, and brings life into us. 

The Spirit of Elijah nourishes the true image of Yah, for Elijah means "my G-d is Yah"!  When they come into the Dwelling Places, they are "dry bones" . (Ezekiel 37, Jeremiah 50:4-8) The breath of Yah will be breathed into them, by the Spirit of Elijah, the prophet of restoration (Matt 17:11) who called for the children of Israel (the northern kingdom - Ephraim) to return to Yah, to return to His commandments. The repentance from following other gods and returning to Torah will bring life to the dry, dead bones of Ephraim. The revelation of Moshiach Yahshua will bring life to the dry, dead bones of Judah!  These bones are both houses of Israel. They will LIVE and become a mighty army! 

The unity of the two houses will cause the cloud of GLORY to rest upon these places of retreat or "Dwelling Places." This unity is as the dew of Hermon (the place of the transfiguration of Yahshua) where Yahweh commanded the blessing, even life for evermore! (Psalm133) It was at this place that Moses and Elijah disappeared and Yahshua was left standing! (Matt. 17:1-13)

There will be physical nourishment during this time as well ( just as the children of Israel were fed manna from heaven) They will be physically protected in the "Dwelling Places" from the divastating events of the great tribulation. Those who choose to go out of the place will become martyrs, but will do so as commanded by Yah. Those who stay within the boundaries of the "Dwelling Places" are those who "are alive and remain" at Yahshua's coming. The same work that was done in the '"sons" of Israel will be done in ALL within the "Dwelling Places" both the spiritual and the natural, which will bring about a RESTORED Israel, both Houses! Then when all is restored, at the appointed time that only Yahweh know, we will be re-gathered into the Land that has been promised to us as our inheritance, to rule and reign with our King Yahshua for 1000 years! This is the BLESSED HOPE of the "TRUE CHURCH"!

In summation, the first phase of deliverance involves coming out of a false religious system with the physical removal from the "church" or the false "Dwelling Places" of His presence. The spiritual deliverance of this phase involves the purging of the false doctrine taught by the false prophets and teachers in the false "church." The second phase of deliverance involves a physical removal from OUR dwelling places or homes (some of which may not be by choice, but by the NWO, but all part of Yah's plan) into His "Dwelling Places" where, the doctrines of devils that have been recognized in the first phase, will be replaced with the TRUTH of Yah that will bring about the (spiritual) transformation into HIS image. 

Then, at the appointed time known only to Yah, we will be placed in the land of Israel to rule and reign with the KING! Just an added note - In Matt 24:16-18, Yahshua tells us to be prepared to GO, taking nothing with us! So much for the "false materialistic, prosperity gospel being taught in the church! This is not a time to get attached to "things"!!

Well, I certainly never meant to go in that direction, but I guess the Ruach had other plans. I wish all plans were His! Anyhow, I hope to hear from you soon! And again I ask to please point out any major errors you see!

I know there is still much to this picture and any error or crooked path will be made straight. So I humble myself before Him and keep my ear to His bosom! (My FAVORITE place to be!) My constant prayer: "Open Thou my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of Thy Torah!" Psalm 119:18

Blessings, in Yahshua!














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