Darlene Dine on Intimacy

The Warning of The end Times


By: Darlene Dine


The purposes of Yahweh are being fulfilled through those who enter the Most Holy Place where no flesh can dwell and live. Birthing and transformation are taking place.

The Most Holy Place where only the Spirit of Yeshua enters, where only Spirit can have its being. Where only Spirit gives birth to Spirit.

The Most Holy Place...accessible to all? I think this editorial will change your thinking on this subject.

First, let's uncover some common misconceptions and unravel the truth! The church would have us believe that intimacy with Yahweh is something that can only be achieved by those who stand in governmental positions (in organized religious systems). Even when these very leaders may have been chosen on the same basis and value systems as Saul, king of Israel!

This is not true, because if it were, then Yahweh's word would not be true which says that He is NO respecter of persons. To say it differently, many people think CLOSENESS to Yah is for those men and women of "God" who are sent forth or CALLED to hear Him for the people. This may have been where we began, but it is not where He would have us end (the two who prophesied Moses' death were rebuked by Joshua, but not Moses). The relationship must BE personal or deception will exist, especially in these last days!

Yehsua HIMSELF said My sheep hear My voice and I know them and they FOLLOW ME. They will not follow another! The ultimate purpose of Yah is to have a people for His possession...a people of which He would say:

"And they shall be MY people and I will be there GOD."

Yeshua destroyed that which kept The Father's sheep from this ultimate goal to be a people for His own possession. It was the same thing in that time as it is today...organized religion. It is not just the EVIL that keeps us from Yahweh...Satan has chosen the "good" thing...the "righteousness" of men.

Church leadership has taken a place of headship over the people that it was never destined to take, and the systems that have been formed from worldly ideas and carnal minds are indeed ANTICHRIST. They take on the headship of Our Lord and seek to kill the king that Yahweh has chosen (YESHUA). (His choice is one of heart condition and Spirit not outward appearances and "what the people will be pleased with.") 

This is exactly what happened in the times of Yeshua. He, being the REAL, exposed that which was FALSE. There is a God who knows both. The real YOU and the FALSE.  Will you deny His prophetic words as Peter did? 

(also keep in mind that it is not just the leadership who has erred, but also a people who don't want the responsibility of knowing Yahweh for themselves. For as you search Him out, His truth will search you out as well and that which is not like Him will be brought under judgment for He is a HOLY GOD!)

The "bottom line" so to speak and to which all of life concludes is this:

And this is eternal life to KNOW YOU, the only true GOD and Yeshua the Messiah whom You have sent (John 17:3).

What a statement!! Even the Son of Yahweh declared this to be His reason for being!! Yet the church somehow thinks that they have an "inside" with Yahweh!! 

Let us take a look...can man ever represent or manifest the true nature of The Father any better than Yeshua? He impacted the world because He KNEW and WAS KNOWN by Him!! The ONE to which all of us will one day have to deal. We will in that day be seen by His glorious light. Will He see a reflection of His Son? Will the gold refined in the fire be that which reflects only HIS glory and not our own. 

We see through a glass dimly now, but one day it will be face to face and all we have tried to hide will be made known as we stand in reality before OUR MAKER.

One more deception we have been taught: That once you are saved, you enter this Most Holy Place and are free to come and go "whenever the NEED arises." To and from this sacred place "in God" reserved in ancient times for only the sinless high priest on the High Holy Day to MAKE atonement for the people and their sins. 

Now we rest on our blessed assurance that Yeshua has been OUR high priest and His blood the atonement for our sins (Yeshua is this atonement, but not for us to be forgetful of the holiness of Yahweh), so really the FEAR and reverence of Yah has been erased. We think we can be casual with Him as if He were ever waiting to spend five minutes a day with us!!!! We think we can go back and forth without reverence from this birthing room...where ALL is exposed before His glory. 

We have not seen HIS GLORY, only a small glimse of it for it would destroy most who could not withstand it. We are deceived into thinking we can enter this Most Holy Place on a Sunday morning when all the music and spiritual goosebumps are "just right."

This, foolish people, is NOT INTIMACY with God!! I have always wondered if I was now so close to my Heavenly Father as I was being told, why I felt so far away. Why? Because light cannot dwell with darkness. 

Darkness and sin are expelled by the light or truth. It is destroyed. UNTIL YOU ARE WILLING TO LET THIS SIN BE DESTROYED IN YOU, you will not enter this intimacy with YAHWEH!! You will not know Him, unless you are willing to BE KNOWN!! This is how it was in the beginning...and will be once again.

There is nothing covered that will not be revealed nor hidden that will not be known. (Luke 12:2)

The question is, will it be now or when we face eternity? Our perspective may not be heavenly minded now, but eternity will come upon us never-the-less. MAN IS STILL IN FUTILITY, TRYING TO AVOID REALITY, as if that will somehow stop it from happening!! 

To become ONE with HIM is to become ONE with His purposes and His will!! This always involves an "eternal" perspective. So maybe we can forget about are losses...whoever loses his life will save it. Our bank accounts...do not lay up for yourself treasures on this earth. Or how about the applause of this world? 

All eternity is to exist to worship HIM and Him alone....OUR soon coming KING! Maybe we can forget all of the nonsense that we call "His Kingdom" on earth and understand that this time once again, it will come from ABOVE and not from our humanity or "good solutions." What is good to us is detestable to Yahweh.

And forget about resting in the lie that you are as far as you can go with Yah!! He dwells in a secret place where all that we are is exposed. Adam and Eve dwelled in His presence uncovered! They were vulnerable and they trusted.

False images will be smashed. Hidden motives will be revealed. HE will show YOU who you are and it will not be pleasant, but you will learn to behold the Son and His glory so that self-awareness exists NO MORE. Will you finally agree with Yah......IN THE FLESH DWELLS NO GOOD THING!!

This is the path way to the inner court and finally to the place where you will be presented to the Son as a bride without spot or wrinkle. The Bridegroom's chamber is being prepared even now by THE FATHER as it is in Jewish custom!! 

Will you yield to Him? Will you trust Him with ALL your heart? Will you let Him know you, and keep nothing hidden? Will you face reality or continue to grab on to a world that keeps you from it?

Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts.

And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom (Psalms 51:6).

This is what "in Spirit" and "in Truth" is all about. 

Elijah being "Spirit"...Moses being "Truth" were transfigured into the resurrected form of Yeshua! This is where we are headed and only a remnant will choose this straight and narrow way.

(Let me interject an important piece of understanding here. My friend was shown by the Lord that the renting of the curtain in the temple at the death of Yeshua was not simply an opening up of access for all to the Most Holy Place. This was actually descriptive of a Jewish custom wherein during a time of devastating grief, a Father would "rent" or tear his robe as an outward sign of his loss. Sounds much more like what was happening at the crucifixion, Yahweh was grieving at the death of His Son. Do we think that everything is for us? The point I am trying to make is that there will be different places within the temple which the choices we are making now will predetermine. It is not automatic and already done for you. The Most Holy Place is reserved for those who would choose the same heart wrenching loss of their own lives. The last day ministry will not come forth with observation, but it is being birthed in the hearts of men in this Holy Place. It must happen within you.)

Intimacy...you won't arrive there without it costing you everything. After all, your life is not your own anyway. Will you trust Him when everything you see says He has forsaken you? Will you trust Him church when you are NOT so BLESSED, but under the fierce judgment of an ALMIGHTY GOD!!

The time of Jacob's trouble will truly reveal where we are with Him, for this is the first question He asked in the garden after man sinned and He still asks today. Where are YOU?

It is the same question that Job was tested to answer by our adversary!! Will you still remain His servant when Yahweh is less than the "Santa Claus god" you have been taught to believe He is? We must know HIM not as we want Him to be, but in the reality of who He TRULY IS!!

Isn't HE still a wonderful Creator allowing us to see the reality of this now instead of later when it will be too late to remedy our eternal condition? Will you be in the Most Holy Place ministering to the Lord? Do you live as though you were there even now? 

Can you see beyond your own limited understanding and trust that His ultimate purposes are the only GOOD which exists. You can never see this unless you are willing to go all the way and become a man after His own heart. Let this timely writing challenge you to do just that! Let Him and His will be all that matters...this is intimacy for you will have given Him all of yourself.










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