The Bible Is Written In Transparent Layers
I was breezing over one of your articles briefly and something of a concept came alive to me. You were talking of layers and I thought of how I work on the computer (Photoshop) and how things have to be lifted onto layers to be worked on separately. Sometimes you cannot see the hidden layers beneath the one showing until you go on a search. Then you realize what the whole picture is composed of...these separate elements!! This is a brilliant way to understand the revealing of Yahweh's word in this hour. He is defining what has already been there all along...peeling back the layers to show what is underneath as the foundation. Each layer contains a piece of the whole image....get my point? "A coming together of truth." Obvious to some, the image is THE SON ENTHRONED IN HIS GLORY. His enemy's being His footstool! (thanks Janet : ) I have never seen it quite like this before!!! Nothing is new...Yahweh is allowing some to be blinded for His purposes to be brought forth. And others are choosing their own blindness through the hardness of their hearts and in pride they cling to their traditions. Layers...being there all along in the scriptures are being separated, but not from the overall picture and one day soon, He will put them all together and reveal the mysteries that have been hidden. AS WE ARE MORE TRANSPARENT (as pure gold), the layers become the same (SEEN through!!) Now you tell me, what is transparent and real and what is an illusion that most cannot see through because they have become part of it? This is the blindness of which the words of the prophets are sent to pierce through!!! I am finding out all over the world...the majority do not want to live in that kind of REAL, if you know what I mean!! A seeing of the layers in your own life. Places where you have covered something up. Ran from the truth. Been less than your real self!! Pride and all the other baggage that comes with the earthly man! The answer? GET TO THE TRUTH and face it!! I think this is a good analogy of what this feast we are entering into represents. May we see our hopelessness before a Holy YHVH. May we humble ourselves before Him and get the leaven out of our lives so that we can recieve truth. May we leave Egypt in haste, turning away from the sin that so easily besets us and the ways of the world that so easily try to attach themselves to us!! After partaking of the lamb, we should have a whole new direction ahead of us. A direction contrary to the kingdoms of this world and headed for a Yah who would lead us to His Holy mountain and give us by His own spirit His Holy word. Torah!! Have a wonderful Pesach and I hope He continues to release His truth through your website. There are many out there in their own sort of wilderness searching for their God. The ones you will teach will make up for all those who scoffed and would not listen. Thank you. Be blessed! Darlene http://www.yhvhislove.myevisionlink.com/index.html
I have published this e-mail for two reasons. One, this is an insight that everyone needs to have concerning understanding the Word of Yahweh. This Word is full of hidden mysteries, and only the sincere seeker is going to be given the hidden manna. That hidden manna does not come until the entire Word is seen in a panorama, either through putting the pieces of a jig saw puzzle together, or as Darlene aptly points out, through placing the clear transparencies, one upon the other until the picture is complete. Not until then will The Total, and True Yahshua, be seen. Secondly, I wanted to make some comments in reply, and thought all of this might be of interest, and help, to others. I do not speak much of my own experiences. Anyone who is in a True Walk with our Savior has had them, and in my mind, none are any more important than another's. I therefore try to guard against the pride in me that wants to expound upon mine, and like everyone, I have had a bunch. So, I just write what I know to the best of my present abilities. However, in this case, I think that I would like to relate one, for it validates what Darlene has stated. In 1989, after about twenty years of study and being dealt with by our Elohim, something happened to me, and I cannot even to this day really put it into words. It was like everything came together and jelled. At that time, the entire Word was appearing to me as a huge mosaic, made up of one inch squares. I was astonished at what I was seeing, and began to try and write it. This is almost an impossibility. What could be communicated in spirit from mind to mind in seconds, could never be appropriately communicated by our natural realm language, not even in two thousand years. Still, I applied myself to the task. Everything that is on my web site has come out from that which I wrote at that time. The whole picture so captivated me, I could not think of anything else. I wrote for several months, and during that time, people almost had to shake me to get my attention to talk with me. The lights were on, but I was not at home. People have not yet caught up to why I say you must see the ENTIRE WORD, starting with Genesis, to come out of the lies and into the truth. NO MAN that does not have this vision should be preaching, for he will without question PREACH ERROR!!! Because of what I saw, and how much error was eliminated from me by what I saw, I learned a valuable lesson. We can most assuredly be believing a lie while convinced it is Truth. This also runs from cover to cover in the Word of Yahweh, and was one of the threads which I saw running through the mosaic. Think about it yourself for a minute. Can you see any evidence of the Deceiver working his wiles in the cover to cover Word??? Once you see it, you see how extensive his work has been. It is only our self-righteous pride that keeps us from thinking that we ourselves can be deceived. Like, "Oh, I am too smart to get deceived." And, "Yahweh would never allow that in my life." Oh really??? What makes you any better than the men of the Bible??? This caused me take the position that even with what I was seeing, I had better put off the ego's pride of receiving from Yahweh, and stay open for correction and clarification. For the "straightening out of the crooked places." We can see something in the spirit that is true and pure, but our own fallen mind will do its best to get involved and pervert the interpretation of that which we are seeing. I like Darlene's equating that our becoming transparent then causes the Word to become transparent. As she says: AS WE ARE MORE TRANSPARENT (as pure gold), the layers become the same (SEEN through!!) And, "the majority do not want to live in that kind of REAL, if you know what I mean!! A seeing of the layers in your own life. Places where you have covered something up. Ran from the truth. Been less than your real self!! Pride and all the other baggage that comes with the earthly man!" We are all using the "fig leaf cover up" in our religious life. Everyone of us, and I am fed up with it. I want to be with a people that will be what they are without condemnation, and give the same grace to others that is being afforded unto them. Anyone that reads the pages on my site know that I teach from the Law, and am strong on coming out of the lies and into the Truth. However, as with Paul, I am sick to death with legalistic religion, and those who think they are really high and mighty spiritually because they have so developed themselves. We all put on what is expected from whom ever we might be in fellowship, and that person is NOT the real us. If around the ones who know the Truth about the "Names", we dare not use the name "Jesus", or "Christ", or refer to Yahweh as "God." If we violate the Sabbath, we dare not let anyone know about it. When I am around some, I am most careful to try and put on what they may think are "fruits of the Spirit", so that I will appear spiritual to them. Etc., etc.. Getting the point??? Anyone know what I mean??? The carnal mind is hostile to the Law of Yahweh (Torah). However, if "The Fallen Ego" gets the idea that it can become great through ANY revelation of the Word, it will latch onto it for its own glorification, and then demand that all others be as great as it is. This includes the keeping of the Sabbath, the "Names Issue", The Feast Days, which ARE key subjects, make no doubt about that, or any other revelation. This we must search out in our own selves. People
who come into a Truth, and then see how many others do not have the Truth
they have come into, want to feel superior, and in that, condemn all those
who do not see what they see. Every denomination (Babylonian Tower) has
been built upon this premise. This is the works of the putrefied flesh,
but even so, I remind that this type of error does NOT negate
the importance of ANY Truth that has been discovered. The Apostle Paul did try to be all things to all men, and we should not be a stumbling block to anyone, but I do think there is a limit. We need the fellowship where we are allowed to be just who we are. Yahweh is "I am that I am." Me??? Well, I am just what I am, and except for the strength afforded to me, and the work of Yahweh in me, helpless to do anything about it. And that, in His way and timing to work His redemption in me. As we see this grace upon ourselves, we must give it out to others. We are all in different walks, being developed by the one with the nail holes in his hands, and that is NOT any of us. One of the greatest detriments to that development is our influence upon people to be what they are not by putting on the carnal religious "fig leaf cover up" so that they can appear as we want them to appear, and in that, be accepted by us. THIS MUST BE STOPPED!!! We cannot come into the full and complete redemption as long as this demonic influenced religious activity is allowed to prosper. How can we walk into the Light to see our deeds if we do not shed the "fig leaf cover up"??? How can we shed the cover ups if we do not have the social structure to do so??? How then can we become transparent if we are not allowed to become so??? And then, how can we come into the full and complete redemption unless we have shed the fig leaf and become transparent??? Who are we trying to ultimately fool??? Yahweh??? He already sees our wretchedness in a far greater measure than what we ourselves do anyway. So what are we hiding our true self for??? It is time to come out of the closet, be ourselves, and give the liberty to everyone else to be their selves, as we walk in unity, letting our Master rule each one of us, instead of our own playing god, and trying to create everyone in OUR image of what we think they should be and do!!! Two thousand years of "church" history has THOROUGHLY PROVEN that this DOES NOT WORK!!! And, it is one of the main problems in EVERY GROUP in this day. It stinks clear to heaven. It is why I am NOT part of any group. I militantly refuse to fit their mold!!! Our Saviors final prayer was that we would be known by our love one for another, our oneness in Him. Feeling religiously superior to all others outside of our group, or realm of revelation, IS NOT LOVE, but being one with causing division in the "body" through the works of the finger pointing "ACCUSER"!!! Anyone know what I mean??? Darlene did, and wrote me the following concerning what was stated above. Here she exercises herself in revealing wonderful enlightenment to us. I have taken the liberty to add emphasis to key statements:
I just read some of your website. The new article you put on from that email I sent about the layers. It is amazing how you understand what I am trying to say. What you added at the end was as if it came from my heart and mind too. This shows that the mind of Christ is what brings us into true unity. This is why it is a good thing to stay in contact with like-minded people. I am enjoying your new editorial section and I know it will help many to know they are becoming one with His will and therefore will suffer the contradiction (as you so well put it). I now see knowing Him in the fellowship of His sufferings as a privilege and honor.
What you wrote at the end about being the Creator is what we all try to do. It is true. Rick Joyner said something that really stuck with me. He said unless I see my teacher in the teacher, what good will it do? Out of all the things I could see in Yeshua when He was on the earth, one that stands out the most is not "What would He do?" BUT WHO HE WAS!! He was the same...His character did not change according to who He was around.
What I have seen and experienced is Christian leaders will be full of compassion when around homeless...authority minded with no grace around those they Lord over... spiritually minded when ministering, etc. etc.etc.
Yeshua did not have many faces. He was the real thing and just went about being Himself. How awesome! This is where we need to be. We need to condemn that in us which seeks to be superficial. Yeshua DID!!
Also, I wanted to reply to what you said about the deception. We always want to believe the devil comes with a pitch fork presenting us with evil (sometimes he does, but not to deceive the very elect). If we look in the beginning and throughout scripture, his temptations were appealing to our flesh...that which makes us "look" good. Appearances!! (Gen. 3) . His temptation is for us to "be like God." We do not do that by acting evil, we do that with our religious cloaks. Condemning others who are not "where we are" as if we took ourselves there!!!!! Those who are in relationship with Yahweh are just as susceptible to the wiles of the devil.
The devil uses the word and misrepresents it. This is why we must always embrace truth!! THE PROPHETIC TRUTH. Satan perverts the word to mean the opposite, this is why we are seemingly in a paradox...searching for truth.
We are all that the Bible says we are IN HIM, it is the devil's job to convince us of the lie. His scheme is to get us in the "trying to be" mode. For this takes Yah out of the picture and places self-effort to the forefront (without HIM). It places our dependency not on Yahweh to bring out the image He knows is there as a sculpter would, but for us to take this place. I see the image already there (of His Son). There is simply an outer shell that must die and a seed placed within, watered by His Word which "MANIFESTS OR REVEALS" this Son. It grows up and its root is the life of Yeshua waiting to break forth!!
Your internet fellowship along with others has been that which sees the Yeshua in me and connects with that life to bring it forth (Yeshua in you taps into the same life in me). A calling it forth from the tomb so to speak. And then there is always the carrying about of death in the body, but it is a good thing for it makes way for new life to spring forth. This is what the resurrection is all about. NOT just floating around in glorified bodies!! We are so limited in our perspective of things!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, didn't mean to spill all that out. It had to come I guess. I really just saw in a very powerful way how much we do need each other to see the mosaic as you described and each one has a piece of that truth. The heavenly angels now see it in its fulness. Is it any wonder they cry Holy, HOLY, HOLY!!??
And this too came to me....
The one who claims to "see" is the one in most danger of self-deception because he does not look at the truth about himself (as we saw in Peter when he said he would never deny Yeshua). The sinner is actually in less danger of this deception because he knows he is a mess and readily admits it!! He does not even pretend to "be good" as the religious church goer does. We will separate ourselves from Yahweh either way for we discount His life in us being the only source of good and we present the gospel as something which it is not! We look out at others and say...you are bad and we are good. The words of Yeshua say that there is only one GOOD and He is Yah! Get my drift?
If what stems from me does not come from the vine (Yeshua's life in me), then it is not good! It matters not what it appears to be.
Isn't it interesting that Peter rejected the prophetic word that Yeshua spoke about his denial. He thought he had a little more going on than that!! After all, he was the one who had the revelation that came from the Father of just who the SON was.
This to me is the sifting the church is going through at this time and she does not believe she is capable of denying the Son, but this is exactly what she is doing corporately. Isn't that incredible?
People, of all that I have on this web site, this is one of the most important subjects that appears on it. Getting rid of the "fig leaf " religious cover ups is a prime part of the Coming out of Babylon. Those that go to Zion will shed it all, and be what they are, knowing they are headed for a destination in Yahshua, but have not as yet arrived. They also will know who stands in their place before Yahweh, and who accomplishes the redemptive work in them. I preach righteousness, but even with another such preacher, the Apostle Paul, know my shortness of that glory. Most of the time I feel like I have not made as much progress toward perfection as I should have, and that keeps me on my face before Yah to do the work. Yes, we must make the choice to go with Him. There is no hope for one who rebels to do such. But even here, there is still no room for pride, even if I make the right choice, for if He had not strengthened me in my will to go His way, I would never have been able to do so, regardless of my choosing to do so. Neither could I get to my destination without His doing the work in me to get me there. I make a choice, and do make an effort to go with Him. However, every time I see progress, I look back at it and realize it was His work that caused the progress not only to happen, but to be accomplished. He has always mercifully shown me that I have NO REASON TO BOAST!!! Neither does anyone else, and neither then can any of us therefore point the finger at another. And oh yes, Darlene, let me ask a question??? You wrote before of "Intimacy" with Him should be our goal. Which Adam and Eve had the Intimacy we should have? The ones BEFORE the fall and the "fig leaf cover up", or the ones AFTER the fall and took it up??? Which walked with Him, and which RAN from Him??? Which were guiltless, and which were FULL OF GUILT??? Where are we headed??? Is it not the restoration of all that was lost through that fall??? I have learned to be totally open with Him, submitting to His totally knowing me through the exposure of becoming one with Him at the Cross. The more I have been through this, the less I use the cover up ANY WHERE, for I realize its futility. Those that reject me will so reject no matter how much I try to please them. The ones that receive me will receive me no matter what I may have as my faults, weaknesses, and areas in dire need of a redemptive work. No one will have progressed much in the Overcoming until they have reached this position, for until it is reached, the enemy has them right where he wants them. Bound up in the fleshly religion of being righteous through the efforts of their own works. COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!!! |
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