Darlene Dine's The Dream

The Warning of The End Times



9/18/02 Wedding Ceremony  

BY: Darlene Dine


A symbolic dream was given to my very good friend, Janet.  We had been conversing the previous week and the dream brought together a significant prophetic time period in which the Bride is being prepared to meet her Bridegroom.  As the church teaches a ‘catching away,’ I am convinced this is its meaning.

I cannot go into full detail now of all this entails, but will give a brief description of what I understood to be happening with the Bride of Yahshua when Janet shared this dream with me and the eyes of my understanding were opened.

She saw herself walking down an aisle.  She was dressed in a beautiful white wedding gown.  She knew she was to be married, but did not see her Bridegroom.  This characterizes the bride being prepared for marriage to Yahshua (the word in spirit and in truth).  This is the purpose for her spotless gown and her journey towards His call.  Men were escorting Janet.  Most of them played some significant role in her life (she knew them in an earthly relationship).  These relationships represent ‘men’ leading us in this lifetime towards Yahshua.  But men cannot take us all the way to the Most Holy Place.  They can only lead us up to a certain point, (for no man will dwell in the secret place with you and your spouse).

As Janet walked, she was aware of these different men guiding her, but she knew none of them was her Bridegroom.  This is the proper perspective we must have of the relationships given by YHVH to help us grow in Him (including any religious organizations or office).  Their ultimate purpose is to GIVE US away at the altar so that we may marry (be joined in complete union) to the lover of our soul, our Redeemer, Yahshua Our Messiah!

Then this Bride, adorned for her beloved could not find Him.  This corresponds with the maturity of the relationship in which the Father is bringing us to.  We sought Him in previous times because it brought us such comfort, love and peace.  We sought Him for the fulfillment the relationship brought to us.  The blessings—the grace. 

And now our following Him takes on a new form.  It is lonely, we are seemingly unwanted, we are afraid we have lost Him.

Song 5:6-8

I opened for my beloved,

But my beloved had turned away and was gone.

My heart leaped up when he spoke.

I sought him, but I could not find him;

I called him, but he gave me no answer.

The watchmen who went about the city found me.

They struck me, they wounded me;

The keepers of the walls

Took my veil away from me.

I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem,

If you find my beloved,

That you tell him I am lovesick!  

The Bride is given the reality of what her disobedience may cost her.  Not just loss of blessing or life.  It can cost her the marriage with her Bridegroom.  And this is the only thing of true value in YHVH’s eyes.

John 17:3

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true YHVH, and Yahshua, the Messiah whom You have sent.

Why was His name only spoken one time a year by the High Priest in the Most Holy Place?

Why was the Most Holy Place only entered once a year to make atonement for the nation of Israel (individually and corporately)?

And now on Yom Kippur, we acknowledge that Yahshua is our High Priest who paid the penalty with His blood.  This covenant cannot be broken, but the Bride is coming into her full redemption.  The fullness of the reality of what her redemption means can only be known through law and grace.  Face to face with the mercy seat, which contains the broken tablets and the blood of Our Redeemer.

She must enter into obedience born of rest and trust.

When Janet cannot find her Bridegroom, she falls to the ground into a deep sleep.  When she awakens, a familiar face is standing over her.  This woman says, “I know what you need.”  “I know what you desire.” She instructs her to come…follow her. 

When Janet could not find her Bridegroom, this person took her somewhere else.  In our confusion and despair in searching for our Bridegroom, we must be careful not to fall back into what we left.  We are drawn to what we KNOW.  This ‘familiar spirit’ appeared at a time when it would be easy to turn back. 

We must continue on into ‘the pressing.’  We are going to a place in the relationship we have never been before.  A working of the cross that we have not yet known.  Listen to Yahshua’s expressions in the garden.  He is traveling through the door of death.  Suffering the contradiction of what the crucifixion would accomplish in the spirit realm.

Mark 14:32-42

Then they came to a place which was named Gethsemane; and He said to His disciples, "Sit here while I pray."   And He took Peter, James, and John with Him, and He began to be troubled and deeply distressed.  Then He said to them, "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch."  

He went a little farther, and fell on the ground, and prayed that if it were possible, the hour might pass from Him. And He said, "Abba, Father, all things are possible for You. Take this cup away from Me; nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will."  

Then He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, "Simon, are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit truly is willing, but the flesh is weak."  

Again He went away and prayed, and spoke the same words. And when He returned, He found them asleep again, for their eyes were heavy; and they did not know what to answer Him.  Then He came the third time and said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? 

It is enough! The hour has come; behold, the Son of Man is being betrayed into the hands of sinners. Rise up, let us go. See, My betrayer is at hand.

There is a strong fleshly desire to fall into a deep slumber.  We must pray that our self-will is overcome.  I think of this as an escaping of reality.  The reality of death is overwhelming to us.  Is it overwhelming for Yahshua to see that He will be separated from His Father?

This is the contradiction that He must suffer to join humanity back to the true Elohim.  He is judge and it is hard for us to see Him in this light.

When this person tells Janet, ‘I know what you NEED,’ it made me think of ministry-minded people.  Rather than leading people to KNOW Yahshua in the fellowship of His suffering, they are keeping SELF alive.  They are actually feeding it!  Giving it power!  Only the Bridegroom can complete us.  This is the relationship that our spirit longs for.

Not programs…support groups…fellowship…activity…solutions to our ‘ills’…healing…(and the list could go on and on).


We need to enter again the door of His flesh from whence we came. 

To exist NO MORE!!!  Lost in Him.

[Isn’t it interesting that Mary was so upset when Yahshua did not HEAL her brother Lazarus, but delayed His coming and allowed Him to die.  This is an event that conveys a concept, which I believe speaks of humanity in general terms.  We have lost perspective of the eternal and that this life is only a learning ground to prepare us for that which is of much greater value.  So even the church and all her miracle healing revivals cannot see this is NOT the work of Messiah in this HOUR!  She has been made ONE with the world with her self-sacrificing, heroic, savior of the world mindset!!!]

Continuing on to the next scene in the dream, the woman led Janet into a room where 4 other women were sitting.  She said to her, “This is what you are looking for.”  Janet saw the women, she immediately knew they were lesbians.  The lesbian women represent ‘the harlot’ of today (and her daughters).  The bride in love with herself.  This love (passion) brings her great pleasure.  It is SELF worship.  She is married to (in covenant with) Satan.  All the ideas presented in the garden (relationship) to her (the bride) from the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and EVIL have come to fruition.  A false religion that worships and exalts MAN as GOD!  Through man, Satan is exalted to the throne he has coveted.

This scene is also symbolic of human or earthly relationships, which have replaced our spiritual marriage to Yahshua.  Family, organizations, and groups that have surfaced to keep us away from the Bridegroom.  These all have a strong influence over our minds and desires.  They are interdependent on one another, forming a tower of false dependence.

Many will sacrifice their marriage to Yahshua for fellowship on this level.  They will not be able to go through the persecution that is coming.  They will forsake the following of Him to the cross to have what is an illusion of ‘peace and safety.’  These are not ‘the rock,’ but will appear to be.  What we will experience in our search for the bridegroom is a feeling of abandonment.  It will be only natural for the flesh to reach out to things seen.  But the one who trusts in these will choose this world over a covenant with YHVH.  They will choose the anti-Christ and his delusion.

Listen closely, have ears to HEAR.  The walk of Torah will bring us into covenant, obedience born of self-less love, not self-pleasure.  The walk of self-love brings us into many ideas that have created an image to worship that is the beast (man).  This image is set up in the temple as a false god and many will bow down to it and call it God because of what they SEE.

BUT DO NOT SEE…it is the time to hear!  Hear and obey.

Deut 6:4-5

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one!  You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.

So what is happening?  We are being prepared for the Bridegroom chamber.  No self will enter there for it dies in the same garden of pressing as did He.  Pure worship will break open all that we are to weep at His feet.  True, undefiled worship will recognize that any glory bestowed upon us as His Bride is purposed only to wash His earthly feet (His life and destiny given for the bride).  Our tears should cry out with a portion of the agony He suffered.  Our worship should overshadow us to the point where there is only ‘Our Beloved.’  The Lamb who was slain and is now our King.

Janet was led to this room to take her away from the true union with her Bridegroom.  The Harlot and her daughters will only breed passion for self.  Self-sufficiency, self-aggrandizement, all that we covet and can achieve.  The lesbians Janet saw represent a false bride in love with what she has become.  She is in love with the new creation.  But it does not and will not reproduce the man-child! 

A Bride who will marry Yahshua will take even this life to the cross.  The good we can do…all of it.  Until no Bride is left, only Him.  This is the returning back to His side.  As He has returned back to the Father’s side.

Who will follow Him there to the garden?  This is the place where we will appear to be rejected and despised even by YHVH.  Will we say, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him?”

It is time for the Bride to fall in love with what He has done and not what she has become through Him.  She is not to be a SEPARATE entity (this is Satan who divides us from YHVH and places our dependence on that which will fail us).  This life ‘in the spirit’ must die as well in order to reach resurrection life.  It is time for us to come completely into His perfect will, which only happens through obedience to Him, Our King.  His kingdom will operate by HIS TORAH!  This requires a rejecting of this life and all it has to offer, even the religious ideas that exalt themselves above His knowledge.  Even the fellowship of those who know us most intimately.  We will be humiliated, brought to nothing…our wisdom seen for the foolishness it is.  We must humble ourselves under His mighty hand of forming and become as little children.  Allowing ourselves to be taught all over again.  Not seeking OUR desires, but seeking HIS.

[WOW, that’s a novel thought!]

Not what we THINK His will should be, but accepting only what it IS!

In conclusion, Janet left the room and ran after her friend.  She grabbed her and exclaimed, “Do you understand what you are doing?”  Do you know the serious sin you are involved in?”  This woman seem to have tears welling up in her eyes, but walked away from Janet.  There are many who have a certain reality of going in the wrong direction.  But cannot turn from what they have sought after and found.  For it does fulfill a certain longing to be loved.  It does appear to be that which completes us.  But it is forever unsatisfied!!!  It does not bring the Bride into her rest.  But this, she does not want to give away.  As the young maiden answers her beloved in the following verse:

Song 5:3-5

I have taken off my robe;

How can I put it on again?

I have washed my feet;

How can I defile them?

My beloved put his hand

By the latch of the door,

And my heart yearned for him.

I arose to open for my beloved,

And my hands dripped with myrrh,

My fingers with liquid myrrh,

On the handles of the lock.

She is in love with what she has become.  But in the Most Holy Place, His Holy Name is revealed.  I AM.  ‘I will become what I will become.’  And the Bride can only be shapeless and lifeless in His hand of forming as in the beginning…the day of her creation.

This is the entrance into the Bridegroom Chamber where the Bride will conceive the man-child.  The manifest Sons of YHVH born of spirit and not flesh.  Taken from His side during sleep (symbolic of death).

It is this passion that is undefiled for it is purely motivated by a love seeking to fulfill and not  ‘to be fulfilled.’  The Bride sees now that she is fulfilled by her obedience and unwavering trust in Him.  She is fulfilled in giving Him His every desire and submission to His will to the loss of her life.  This is the love that overcame her Beloved as He says…

Song 6:5

Turn your eyes away from me,

For they have overcome me.  

Such pure, transparent beauty is in this love.  So much so that it pierces through Him.  She knows Him, even in the fellowship of His sufferings.  This is intimacy.  For only a self-less love would follow Him there.  The only feeling left…I may lose Him.  This was Our Savior’s suffering.  ‘I may lose Him.  Why have you forsaken Me?’  Did He speak the sacred Name from the cross?

All things are being restored in this hour…

His Holy Torah, all that He desires to see lived out in us.  His marriage covenant.

His Sabbath, which has been blessed and sanctified.  Oh how we struggle to REST from what we are or what we are supposed to BE to worship Our Creator!!!

His appointed times for meeting with His people.  Festivals, Feasts, Holy Days, YHVH’s calendar.

His sacred, covenant Name.  There is a revealing of His true self to His own.  There is a coming together of two concepts (law and grace) that join together our Elohim as ONE.  The gathering of those He has scattered will show forth this work and the body will truly become ONE under the headship of Yahshua.  End time prophecy speaks of this regathering.

These are the work of His spirit.  Guiding us through the wilderness of a world we do not know to a land He has promised.

We do not know the ending to Janet’s dream, only this pathway in history that has brought us to the end of the age.  To a wedding is His call…a sealing of a covenant.  But, it is only the Bride who answers…"I will."

Here is where we belong…in a place of final rest…in the kingdom of our King.  The Spirit and the Bride say COME!!!


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