The Warning of The End Times




BY: Darlene Dine 

Part One  

Psalms 133:1

A Song of Ascents. Of David. 

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is

For brethren to dwell together in unity!


It is like the precious oil upon the head,

Running down on the beard,

The beard of Aaron,

Running down on the edge of his garments.


It is like the dew of Hermon,

Descending upon the mountains of Zion;

For there the LORD commanded the blessing--

Life forevermore.

We are about to embark on a profound search for a unity that comes from above.  Not built on compromise or selfishness.  But built upon a sure foundation, that is Yahshua.  Let me begin by stating some basic conclusions concerning unity.  We must go back to the beginning to see the unity that will be restored in the end.

  • Man-made or man-created unity will fail.  The carnal mind cannot come into the kingdom where TRUE unity exists.  It is spirit and truth —this union.  Yahshua was full of grace and truth (or the fullness of grace and truth).
  • Unity is never referred to in YHVH’s word as something we create ourselves.  It is born of the Spirit.  YHVH existed in a state of oneness/unity with all of creation before man came into being.  We are to ‘come into,’ keep and dwell (abide, live) in this unity by His spirit.  He is also ONE with past, present and future, dwelling in all three dimensions (man in the garden also dwells in this state of oneness).
  • The Two Houses of Israel were divided for the purpose of forming two witnesses in the earth by which everything YHVH has said would be established.  One witnessing to grace (Ephraim) and the other witnesses to law/truth (Judah).  There will be no complete unity until these two are brought together in Messiah forming one new man (transformed).  The two who entered the Promise Land (Joshua and Caleb) were from the tribes of Ephraim and Judah!  The promise land is the Most Holy Place where trust is complete.  (If you have not yet studied the Restoration of the Two Houses, I encourage you to do so.)
  • We can have a spirit of unity, but disagree on doctrinal issues.  A spirit of unity is one in which the bigger purposes are held to the forefront above the details that combine to make up the big picture.  A self-centered person will never see beyond to the bigger picture, which is Messiah.
  • Unity is NOT compromising truth.  But it will extend grace to cover the sincere seeker of truth until they are brought in.
  • Unity is NOT without LOVE, for this will be its very motivation.
  • Unity is community, yet diversity.  It combines elements to bring to fullness its overall desired end.
  • Flesh is unity’s biggest enemy (the works of the flesh being against the fruit of the spirit).
  • Unity is ONENESS as it relates to Yahshua, the bread of life.  For in Him dwells the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Col. 2:9).
  • There is no peace or true unity until we have reconciled the world to ourselves as Our Messiah has done.  For we do not make a way for others to be one with us if we are unforgiving.


(I am not talking here of fellowship with someone who is abusive and defiantly sinful towards you, but one who has a repentant heart or is ignorant and unlearned in the truth.  We must forgive ALL offenders, but this does not mean we place ourselves under their harm when it is against YHVH’s will to do so.  However, it is also true that we will play the roll of the suffering servant if we are to follow the Lamb wherever He goes, Phil. 3:10.  Forgiving love will pour forth from those who are truly His.  Yahshua died for those who did not know what they were doing, Hebrews 10:26, Luke 23:24.  Forgiveness and placing trust in someone are two very different things).  

These are the things I have asked of YHVH.  Many truths will surface as we go along that are principals of unity.

I will start off with the familiar story of Adam and Eve.  I will use many concepts in this article.  What I mean by ‘concept’ is a communicating of related ideas to illustrate a deeper spiritual truth.  The story of Adam and Eve is loaded with concepts (reading it first will help in Genesis 1-4).


The first chapters of Genesis give us distinct characteristics of YHVH’s design for living.  Man is created and placed in the garden.  That means the place he was to be placed was prepared before he existed.  We are not creating the place ourselves!  Man is formed (created) with a piece of YHVH Himself (life giving spirit) to interact with this place or purpose.  YHVH created man on the sixth day.  It was the last thing He created before rest or the Sabbath.  The number seven or the seventh day is symbolic of the divine, eternal plan of YHVH (fulfillment). 

Everything was IN PLACE first and brought forth according to a plan. 

Gen 1:27-28

 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."


Now here is the concept:  Adam was brought forth with purpose in the mind of Our Creator.  We must see this divine purpose in order to be made one with it.  In the Most Holy Place (most intimate, set-apart), His purposes will be seen to be eternal for YHVH is eternal.  This is where the journey leads us.


·        YHVH first BLESSED them/mankind (the command blessing comes in unity).  He pronounced His favor upon them as set apart from all peoples (and yes there were other nations or peoples at this time).  THIS BEING SET APART WAS NOT FOR THEIR BENEFIT, BUT FOR YHVH’S PURPOSE, to serve humanity.

·        His desire is to ‘speak’ to them and for them to respond with loving trust and obedience.  Hear O Israel: YHVH Our Elohim, YHVH is One!

·        Be fruitful and multiply is His first command.  (The FRUIT comes before the MULTIPLICATION.)  Fill the earth and subdue it.  This not only pertains to the reproduction of physical seed, but also spiritual.  The family of YHVH is not physical only, but spiritual as well.  They had YHVH’s spirit within them and were to fill the earth with His glory, so that people could know of His goodness, mercy, and righteousness.

·        They were to have dominion over the earth.  So it was the creation of the earth that YHVH gives in order for them to RULE over.  (The reverse order or New World Order is for the world to rule over man.)  YHVH gave all that He was, even His ‘authority to rule’ to mankind in the garden.  This authority is directly linked to servanthood and YHVH’s Spirit dwelling within them. 

[We will explain later this garden for it is an important key, it is the place of right relationship to YHVH.] 

Purpose is VERY important.  We must see this purpose on a greater scale than our simple lives can portray.  We are NOT lone islands.  We cannot fulfill YHVH’s purpose as LONE islands (although some of us would like to).  We are all interconnected with this purpose or plan whether we want to be or not.  Each individual has his own place.  When we become a lone island, we begin to build our own empires to self.  We become the authority demanding submission from others.  We become “gods” of our own making.  Submission that is not given freely is NOT TRUE SUBMISSION.  IT IS ONLY A FORM OF DEMONIC CONTROL.  

YHVH’s purpose is to have a people for His possession.  This is true.  He has ‘chosen’ these people to be in Messiah from the foundation of the world (Eph.1:4).  But He has ‘chosen’ them to ‘choose.’  Let me explain:  

These people will be most intimate with YHVH because they answered His call (Abraham, Moses and Noah were called from a sinful society to righteousness).  These will have given up this present life to embrace the relationship they can have with HIM. 

Heb 11:23-27

24 By faith Moses, when he became of age, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter, 25 choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin, 26 esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he looked to the reward.  

This scripture clearly states that Moses made a choice.  The men in the Hebrews 11 ‘faith chapter’ did not inherit the promise (but it is obvious they were saved). 

Heb 11:13-16

These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off were assured of them, embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.  For those who say such things declare plainly that they seek a homeland.   And truly if they had called to mind that country from which they had come out, they would have had opportunity to return.  But now they desire a better, that is, a heavenly country. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.  

The Most Holy Place (surrounded by His glory) is the promise and they valued it even above their own lives (becoming the tabernacle or dwelling place of YHVH).  Messiah has made the only way to enter again into this place from which we came (right relationship, the garden).  Now how did YHVH know these men would ‘choose’ Him?  He knows this by foreknowledge.  He knows the end from the beginning.  YHVH is not limited by time as we are.  He dwells in all realms eternally.  So He knows every choice we will make. 

Although YHVH takes the man, the man also TAKES YHVH to be his own Elohim.  The very first Commandment is, “I am YHVH, YOUR Elohim, who TOOK you out of slavery in Egypt.  So we call Him our Elohim, OUR YHVH.  He is personal to us.  It is then that He is able to ‘take’ us. 

So His ultimate purpose is to have a people to be His treasured possession and for those people to have Him.

Ezek 37:23

Then they shall be My people, and I will be their God.  

Only YHVH can make us His people, but we must also make Him Our Elohim.  How do we do this?

Mark 12:29-30  

"The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one.  30'And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment.  

We must hear His words.  Faith comes by HEARING and hearing by the word of YHVH.  Walking with Him is feeding from the tree of life and tending the garden (or right relationship).  It is about making Him the ONLY ONE and not sharing this affection with other gods or the world.  Our trust and love are shown by our obedience to His word. 

There are some very important clarifications I am about to make, please follow closely.

Gen 2:15  

Then the LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

Adam did not create it, but he was supposed to tend and keep it. And so it is with us.

This speaks of a spiritual garden.  A sanctuary.  A most holy or most ‘set-apart’ place.  It is a place where only YHVH knows us intimately.  And we can dwell there, but not with unrepentance and sin.  Sincere repentance is an ongoing part of this relationship (in spirit and truth).  It does not stop when we were saved.  

But we are deceived by many wrong ideas and have been blinded from the truth.  When our sin is revealed by His Holiness, we turn away from His glory.  We do not understand our foundation, so we hide from His all consuming fire.  We do not understand how we stand clothed in His righteousness.  As a result, we hide the real by a false image.  This is why judgment must come to expose ALL to His light of truth.  It is for our sakes that it be exposed for we create lies and cannot see how we are trapped by them.  Reality is not the illusions we create, it exists in oneness with YHVH.  This is truth.  This is reality.  Repentance is a facing of this reality.  [Not to be condemned, but brought into the truth.]  

So, if we want to BE known as He is known, we will allow the process of repentance and cleansing.  We will turn from sin and turn to Him, our tree of life.  The closer we press in, the more of our flesh will be revealed.  We have not entered as a bride into the Holiest of All. 

There are reasons why this place is where true unity exists.  

There are many things fighting to keep us from this place.  When men bring truth by the wrong spirit it causes the opposite of unity.  Existing in the Most Holy Place is Spirit and Truth. We have not as a people been transformed completely into this image for it will happen (in fullness) when the Manifest Sons of YHVH come forth.  First the bride (remnant, both houses united) must enter the Bridegroom chamber (prepared by the Father) and become ONE with Yahshua.  It is this relationship that will give birth to the man-child.  The bride, Israel, will first come into the fullness of redemption through persecution.  She anoints Yahshua for burial with her worship and the most valuable treasure she possesses, her gift from YHVH.  This gift truly returns back to its giver for His use alone (she dies as He has died and it is no longer her will, but His).  The bride returns back to the side of Yahshua and they become one.  He returns back to the Father and oneness is complete. 

(Her child is brought forth with travail and pain [death], Rev.12:2.  Rachel dies giving birth to her last son.  She calls him Ben-oni, son of my sorrow or death.  The Father names him Benjamin, Son of My right hand!  It is the Father who knows who He truly is!) 

Unity is a coming back into the source from which we came.  No life of our own separating us from the whole.  Unity is found in the source of all life.  In the reason and purpose for all that the Creator has done.  Apart from this, there is no true unity for the whole needs each person’s part.  And the whole is incomplete without that person’s part.  

There are many who do not like the part of some (or misunderstand it), so they discount (or do away with) that part.  This process of elimination will not bring the body to maturity or fullness.  We must have all parts.  I have yet to see a corporate body operating in this fullness.  Most organized ministries set up one truth as more important than all others and build memorials to that truth (it is naturally what the leader’s gifting is).  What we are really building is a memorial to our gifts instead of to Yahshua (whose life is those gifts).  There is no one piece of truth exalted above all the rest.  Each person with truth has a significant piece to the overall picture.  All of us united together form the body, each serving His purpose in Messiah.

We naturally become what we need (as we are created in His image and He is “I will become,” meeting our deepest of needs).  This is peculiar, but true.  There is an area in each individual that causes them to cry out to YHVH.  The greatest of man’s needs brings him to his knees.  And so YHVH fulfills whatever it is we see that we lack and we come to know Him as that attribute.  This leads us on a discovery of His Name as it is revealed personally to us.  His life replaces our void and we become that which has completed us.  His Name means far more than what we have seen.  It incorporates His character, His ways (knowing Him in a real way).  To understand a Hebrew word (pronunciation and language) and a personal pronoun is not the point.  We must go deeper than that. 

I found some clues to the importance of knowing His Name while doing this study.  The truth I am being led to is fresh and still in infancy stage, but I feel it is important to include it here.  There are many references made by Yahshua about being kept in His Name throughout His prayer that we be one in John, chapter 17. In my garden (or relationship with YHVH), I had cried out to Him for more understanding of His true Name.  The teachings I have sought for study seemed to be causing more division and confusion rather than unity and peace.  I had many questions concerning this truth (and still do), but some things are being illuminated.  I desire to call Him by His right Name to show reverence and respect in the relationship.  So my motive must first be right.  Now I am certainly not able to cover this subject in great detail, but I did see a few things that I think are important and closely related to unity.  

All will call Him by the same Name in the Most Holy Place, because there is only ONE ELOHIM and He has only ONE Name.  It is a HEBREW Name, for He is a Hebrew Elohim.  He is the Holy One of Israel.  So it becomes clear that Israel will be the only one to call Him by this Name.  And Israel will be the one who receives her identity or name from Him (as did Jacob).  [Israel means ‘prevailing prince’ so it is a name for the overcomers or those who desire the birthright above all else.]  

He knows her (Israel) and she is coming to know Him by returning to the heritage that calls to her.  This Name is also not relating to what He has DONE, but who He is.  There is a difference.  In the Most Holy Place we will know who He is (in fullness).  Our agenda changes.  It is not to “be completed” for we see that in Him we ARE completed.  This Most Holy Place is reserved for those looking for His appearing even when it looks as if nothing at all can be done for us as individuals (no self benefit).  We do not seek His hand (completing our needs), we seek Him, our YHVH (love relationship).  

We rest complete in the relationship.

Those who are kept in His Name (call upon) will also find salvation and deliverance in the coming tribulation.  There is safety and refuge in the Most Holy Place calling upon the one we trust to save us.  There is protection, salvation and deliverance inside the Ark (His presence).  But we must see that this is for the time of great trouble described by Yahshua at the end.  This is why His Name is being restored along with His appointed times (when He meets with His people).  Calling upon His Name is not for self, but for proclaiming to the world and ourselves that He alone IS YHVH.  As long as we are “in Him,” there is nothing that can truly destroy us.  So it is a value system as well.  Placing the relationship above all else becomes our refuge.

Israel (the bride) will not only know His Name, but also know who He is, The Holy One of Israel.  She is His beloved and He is hers (Song 6:3).

[Both spiritual and physical Israel is Yahshua’s Bride.  They are both one and the same.  Ephraim (Christianity) has pride in their spiritual heritage and Judah (Judaism) has pride in their natural or physical heritage.  Israel is made up of both spiritual and physical branches.  For she is a spiritual and physical bride like Yahshua.] 

Now many people take issue with this ‘seed’ topic because they think that Israel is ‘Judah’ or the Jews.  This is not completely correct.  There were twelve sons of Israel (Jacob).  These became tribes.  They eventually split into two kingdoms (following the reign of Solomon, I Kings 11:9-13).  The Northern Kingdom consisted of ten tribes who later became Ephraim.  They were called the house of Israel (1 Kings 12:21, Jer. 31:31) and the House of Joseph (1 Kings 11:28).  They were also called Samaria (Hosea 7:1, 8:5-6, 13:16) and Ephraim (Hosea 4:17, 5:3, 7:1).  The Northern Kingdom lost their identity as Israelites after Assyrian captivity.  They were assimilated into the nations of the world adopting pagan ways and lost their roots or heritage (the lost sheep of Israel). 

Ephraim and Manasseh were adopted by Israel (Jacob) and Ephraim was given the ‘firstborn’ blessing.  (Joseph’s sons were born in Egypt, a type of world.  The mother was Egyptian.  They were adopted as Israel’s sons.)  

Gen 48:4-6

And now your two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, who were born to you in the land of Egypt before I came to you in Egypt, are mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine.  Your offspring whom you beget after them shall be yours, and will be called by the name of their brothers in their inheritance.  

The adoption comes before the birthright!  The adoption also speaks of maturity.  A mature person becomes a SON of YHVH.  So when the scriptures speak of adoption in the New Testament, it speaks of maturing into a Son as well as being grafted into the family of YHVH.  A boy becomes a son by accepting Torah’s requirements and the heritage of our Fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob). 

What about Judah?  

The Southern Kingdom consists of the tribes of Judah, Levi and part of Benjamin.  This Kingdom is called the House of Judah.  Both houses or kingdoms break the marriage covenant.  Both are redeemed through judgment.  From the “physical” seed of Judah comes the Messiah.  

Not all Israelites are Jews.  But all true Jews are Israelites.   

[There are some who call themselves Jews but are not (Rev. 2:9).  There are also ones who call themselves believers, Christians and are not.  The wheat looks like the tares until the harvest is ready to reap.] 

Now let’s continue on to discover how His Name (identity) is revealed both in connection with Adam’s purpose in the garden and unity (being one with)

The word LORD is being used before God in verses AFTER Genesis, Chapter 2:3 (in your standard Bible).  I further investigated this in the Chumash (Hebrew text/Torah study guide).  It also begins to use the name Hashem God starting in verse 4.  This is the first mention in the Torah of the Hebrew Four-letter Name YHVH.  It is derived from the Hebrew phrase - Ahyah Asher Ahyah, meaning, I will become what I will become.  

YHVH instructs Moses, tell them “I will become” has sent you.  

The Creator is explaining the meaning of His Name.  Ahyah is derived from the Hebrew verb “hayah” meaning existence. 


hayah (haw-yaw); a primitive root [compare OT:1933]; to exist, i.e. be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary):


hava' (haw-vaw'); or havah (haw-vaw'); a primitive root [compare OT:183, OT:1961] supposed to mean properly, to breathe; to be (in the sense of existence): 

YHVH is declaring His Name as witness to His authority.  But our reliance on Him must remain steadfast for the Most Holy Place is a place of covenant (trust).  

YHVH is His Name in the first person.  That means this set-apart Name is who He is to His people who know Him.  The ones who will trust Him all the way to death know Him as “I will become” in the purest sense.  I see the Name as His promise to become whatever we need Him to be as His people.  To fulfill us in every way.  To breathe life into us.  It is His ‘covenant name.’ 

When He becomes our very life, it is then that we know HIM as the existing ONE.  

All that the world has to offer will never compare to a relationship with “I am.”  All of our trusting of false gods is futile for YHVH promises He will be!  This is His sacred is the revealing of His faithfulness and so much more.  After he sends Moses with this Name, He begins to show His power over all of the false gods of Egypt (a type of world)

It is YHVH’s purpose to us to be all we need and our part to trust Him (through obedience).  We never have to trust in anything else.  This is why His Name is revealed in the Most Holy Place where trust is complete.  It is there that we will see that He is the true YHVH and He is ONE with His word.  We will recognize the fulfillment of His promises in our life only when we trust Him to complete them.  Death requires the greatest amount of trust.  And will be the last enemy of distrust to be put under.  (The story of Lazarus’ resurrection unfolds a revelation of this.  Yahshua weeps at our distrust.) 

The timing of YHVH’s Name revealed in scripture is important as well.  The Name or Hashem begins to be used in direct relationship with the culmination of His purpose for ALL He created.  He is revealing this purpose to man who is in right relationship with Him.  (A parallel is seen when this same Name was revealed to Moses before sending Him as a messenger to Pharaoh. The mission was that of a Deliverer saying, “Let My people go.”)  We are talking about ETERNAL purpose here. And this is for Satan to let YHVH’s people GO so that they may come to the mountain and be His bride, Israel!  So we see confirmation of how the use of His Name relates with eternal purpose. 

So the bride who is overshadowed by the Almighty has CHOSEN the eternal over the temporal.  Losing her life for His!  She will give up her temporary life for the ETERNAL relationship giving birth to His purpose! 

Luke 1:38

Then Mary said, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word."


* This remnant bride is also IN HIM (Yahshua) eternally.  She dwells in these same three dimensions.  She was in Him in the beginning —abiding in HIM in the present —coming WITH HIM in the future (second coming).  [Thus 'was, is and is to come.’]


We are still being brought into the truth concerning His Name and its revealing.  Until we can enter in through the veil of the flesh, we still see dimly.  Although there has been much light shed on the subject of His Name, we still have only scratched the surface concerning it.  When Yahshua speaks of ‘keeping’ them in YOUR NAME (John 17:11), He is referring to ‘being kept’ as in relationship (standing in the Most Holy Place, overshadowed, protected).  We must know Him as we are also known.


John 17:3-4

3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.


Eternal life is not just living forever; it is knowing Him in the secret place of our hearts.  He writes His Name on our hearts and minds through His words, which reveal who He is.  Yahshua kept us in the Father’s Name because we were brought into right relationship by His perfect sacrifice.  The sacrifice sanctifies His word, which in turn sanctifies HIS NAME (His faithfulness, covenant).


We begin to experience problems understanding His Name when we try to fit it into men’s interpretations.  From what source did the revealing of the Name come to Moses?  What about Adam and Eve?  This is a very real analogy of the fallibility with all interpretation.  We try to comprehend YHVH with our carnal minds, filtering Him through knowledge and not heart.  So is it any wonder there would be so many “interpretations” of His Name?  Yet where was His personal Name first given in scripture?


The Name was first revealed in the Most Holy Place or sanctuary of YHVH where man was taken and placed/positioned.  We must come out of Babylon (babel means confusion).  YHVH must make the crooked ways straight.  He has confounded our language (communication) and He must bring clarity by His Spirit.  This cannot be done by man.  We must look for His two witnesses in everything we ‘hear.’  They are ‘spirit’ and ‘truth.’


The Chumash (Stone Edition) commentary describes His Four-letter Name as that which denotes His attribute of mercy.  So we can see mercy directly linked to Lordship or authoritarianism.  His mercy should give us reason enough to trust Him.  He meets with man between the wings of the Cherubim that overlook the mercy seat (Ex. 25:17-22, again spirit and truth).


The very fact that YHVH ‘took’ the man denotes an authority of one who rules.  But the Hebrew word ‘took’ or laqach (law-kakh' OT:3947) is used in a wide range of applications including send for, receive, accept.  To me it carries the idea that man was taken in the sense of ‘possession,’ (but not in a forceful manner of speaking).  He became YHVH’s man —again personal.  We are taken out of Egypt (the world) and brought to SERVE HIM, The Holy One of Israel.  Thus, our journey begins with this purpose.


[Yahshua was not “taken” out of the world (or formed from the earth), but came down from heaven.]


It wasn’t until the man is PLACED in the garden (place of relationship) that his purpose from Our Creator’s mind began to be fulfilled.  He is also symbolically ‘placed’ in the perfect will of YHVH.  Now, YES, man is TAKEN by God.  But the Name LORD or YHVH denotes that there is an authority by which man is agreeing to submit to as well.  See my point?  You cannot possess a person without their consent when there is free will involved.  In return for this ‘giving of our lives,’ we find His.  So we are made also to possess Him, Our Elohim!


We are called, but we must answer the call by free will.  Then we are chosen.  This personal or sacred Name is not used (Lord/Hashem/YHVH) before the description of YHVH’s overall plan beginning in Genesis 2:4!  This plan involves all that He previously created and the placing of MAN in the garden (right relationship).  This begins the spiritual kingdom establishment.  A PURPOSE BEYOND OURSELVES and our ability THAT INTERCONNECTS WITH THE WHOLE WORLD.


We were all chosen to ‘choose.’  Many are called, but few are chosen.  If we do not answer the ‘call,’ we cannot be chosen.  It takes YHVH to call us and anoint us for service, this is for sure!  But the scriptures clearly say that He is NO respecter of persons.  He knew that He could give this choice to mankind and He would end up with a people to be His treasured possession.  And also a people who would not serve Him, but fulfill the devil’s plan for their lives.  He works His eternal purposes through both maintaining His position as YHVH, King of the Universe.


The story of Adam and Eve illustrates man’s choice.  They were blessed, chosen, and set apart for His purpose, but still needed redemption.  It is YHVH’s redemptive nature that solidifies the truth of choice.  If He were to make ALL men with this same choice, this would reveal Him as just and righteous.  This is what He did.  We choose Him, but we do not choose the position or place by which we serve Him.  Because of this, His authority remains sovereign.


[The inner court is for all who ‘will.’  The Most Holy Place is for the Bride of His choosing/the elect who will know Him in a most intimate way.  The bride is chosen by YHVH (because she chose Him), for this is a heart issue (she is KNOWN by Him).  She will be found to be a servant/watering whoever thirsts/walking in submission and obedience because of loving trust.  Ready to go to her husband at ANY time (from the story of Rebecca, the bride of Isaac).)


Adam (with his help meet) was chosen and positioned to assist YHVH in His purpose that He be glorified and bring other people or nations to Himself.  So with the combination of knowing Adam, having him come from His own hand of forming (potter) and breathing the breath of life into him (spirit), He predestined Adam for this purpose.  First to become his King, taking him out of the world or earth to live in a spiritual realm (sanctuary) with YHVH.


The bride is created out of his side after he has been taken and placed in the garden.  She is to assist him with YHVH’s purpose and not create her own or take away from his!


Gen 2:18


18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.


Alone- without human relationship, fellowship.  (MAN WAS ALONE in this sense, but not without YHVH.  The bride is created to help him with His mission in the sanctuary/garden of YHVH.  She is more specifically created for relationship.)


Help- OT:5828

`ezer (ay'-zer); from OT:5826; aid:


Meet- OT:5048

neged (neh'-ghed); from OT:5046; a front, i.e. part opposite; specifically a counterpart, or mate; usually (adverbial, especially with preposition) over against or before:


Now this ‘help meet’ was not necessarily created to always be in agreement with the man.  She was created to be a unique and different part of the man.  His softer, more emotional side.  She was taken OUT of man with the purpose of complimenting him.  Being in agreement is not the same as being ONE.  You can agree with someone in a natural sense, but not be one with them.  Oneness comes only from a spiritual connection.  The woman will see from another perspective and help to balance the man (bringing another dimension to his thinking that he no longer has). 


Adam and Eve were ONE because of their spiritual purpose for existence being the same.  Their focus was The Most Holy Place —dwelling there in right relationship with YHVH.  Listening to HIM speak to their hearts.  Bringing forth fruit that glorified Him.  They were to multiply which takes BOTH Adam and Eve.  Yahshua and the Bride.  But the very first thing is the relationship.  Did Eve have it? 


The man cannot rule over the bride in true authority without this being His first purpose for her (relationship with YHVH).  Many will try to use Yahshua’s authority to get us OUT OF relationship (with Him and others).  These are some of the ways:


·        Worrisome serving as if it were all up to us (like Martha)!

·        Selling imperfect sacrifices in the temple (selling the acceptance of YHVH or atonement which is FREE to ALL).  Ungodly transactions, favors for acceptance or using others for personal gain (using authority and power to build the kingdoms of men).

·        Commercializing His word (exalting oneself over others spiritually through knowledge, anointing, etc.).  Allowing men to exalt us.


Yahshua was given ALL authority because His purpose for the bride was for her to come into right relationship with YHVH, becoming the temple or dwelling place of His Spirit.  He gave His own life to redeem her and took responsibility for her sin.  TRUE authority will have this same purpose for the bride, tearing down the wall of separation (flesh).  This was the mind of Yahshua and His very purpose.


When Adam lost his authority in the garden, he began to see Eve not as a gift from above, but as a curse from YHVH.


Gen 3:12

12 Then the man said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I ate."


To come into true Sonship, we must STOP blaming others for our spiritual condition, especially the bride!  We must take responsibility.  We must begin to fully understand what Yahshua has provided through His shed blood.  All can know Him.  All can call upon Him and all those truly born of His Spirit are anointed BY HIM (1 John 2:27).  He is the anointed ONE.  And it is His life that lives in us.  We are the temple.  As we will discover in Part Two, no man will lead us into the Most Holy Place (no man knows who we truly are, only YHVH).  Trusting in men keeps us from it.  The authority of man does not take us into the Promise Land.  It is a trust issue between each individual and YHVH.  It is by His Spirit that we enter.  This is where we become of ONE mind and ONE heart.


Men, let me speak a word of truth to you concerning authority.  This has been very misused and taught wrongly in many churches.  Women were not created to serve you.  They were created to serve YHVH.  Humanity (husband, family, community) is an avenue by which she can accomplish this mission.  The home is a place where she can demonstrate that service to Him.  She demonstrates her love and trust by submission.  It is a horrible thing to take advantage of that.  Women were not made for men to wipe up their physical desires and fleshly ambitions upon.  The man is to honor his wife and value her.  She is a treasure, not a doormat.  True spiritual conditions are revealed not by how much one knows, but by how much a man loves his wife the way Christ loved the church.  Likewise, a woman will show her love and trust by submitting herself to her husband as unto YHVH.


A church can easily be discerned as true or false (spiritually or carnally minded) by the way she treats people in relationships.  Ask yourself these simple questions:


·        Does the church look for and cater to the best dressed, wealthy, those with leadership potential, those who look as if they have something of value to offer (outwardly)? 

·        Do they chase after gifts to use to build their kingdoms, knowing people for what they can do and not who they are?  Do they value people only for what they can give?

·        Do they really care where a person is with YHVH as their highest priority or are works, programs and getting the job done more important?

·        Do they claim to know YHVH’s will for you?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, my advice to you is to stay away from their doors.  I have discerned in many churches a very selfish spirit that appears to be glorifying Yahshua, but operates out of the fallen nature.


[The truth of the Jezebel spirit that we will cover briefly later sheds more light on this subject.]


When Adam is in his fallen nature, he loses his authority and will then operate in satanic power/controlling —demanding —taking choice away.  He begins to see his wife/bride as something to be used (the bride of Yahshua is seen this way by the fallen nature as well).


Now let’s look again at how man and woman are one, but different (I am not meaning physical differences here):


Let me use a concept to explain this that you may be able to relate to better.  If you had a puzzle that you were working and you couldn’t find the last piece, it could not be completed, right?  This is what I am illustrating here.  Eve was a type of bride that came from Adam’s side/his rib or frame if you will.  Kind of like a puzzle piece completing the whole picture that came from the picture itself.


Her build or makeup was for the purpose of fitting into Adam and Adam fitting into YHVH.  All fitting into the Creator’s purpose.  This is what unites them, the overall picture and its completion.  But the puzzle pieces are different.  It is these differences that Satan uses to distract us from our part or piece in the picture or purpose, which is framed or bordered by Yahshua.  He is the commonality that holds it all together because He is the PICTURE itself!


The insecure man will never see his own place, but fight others for theirs.  He is not secure enough in the relationship (trusting) to rest in this place.


[True security is found only in knowing Him, it is then we will discover our purpose ‘in Him.’]


It is obvious that if Eve is made from a part of Adam, then he no longer has that ‘part.’  It is in her.  So the two together become one. 


Gen 2:22-23


22 Then the rib which the LORD God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. 23 And Adam said:

"This is now bone of my bones

And flesh of my flesh;

She shall be called Woman,

Because she was taken out of Man."


Eve is the extension of man.  The man’s mission is to be an extension of YHVH.  All fitting together.  Are you getting the picture?  She is presented to the man as a gift/companion.  It is YHVH who created the love relationship between the Bridegroom and his Bride.  It is YHVH who presents (or gives away) the bride to Him at the wedding.


Now Adam is the first man (born of flesh and then spirit).  But the first is made to be last and the last, first.  The second Adam is brought forth to redeem mankind.  He is not born of a man naturally, but of a woman/bride who is overshadowed by YHVH’s spirit.  He is born of spirit first and then flesh (man is born again as one who submits to the spirit allowing it to rule over his flesh.  He becomes a Son of YHVH).


So here it is that the woman is a virgin…not having been with an earthly man (intimately).  So what is born is divine and not created from the dust.  But created from a love relationship between the ‘woman/bride’ and YHVH.  Now she is redeemed and brought into right relationship through the blood of the Son.  The blood the baby receives in the womb is that of YHVH/born of spirit.  A baby does not receive the physical blood of His mother.  So we see how the blood is thereby untainted by sin.  But the physical seed/lineage remains intact through the woman (from the tribe of Judah [Is. 11], Yahshua was born physically).  So that which is born is both the physical and the spiritual Son of YHVH.  (Spiritual, Joseph or Ephraim and physical, Judah.  These become one)


So the first bride is fallen, fallen.  The Mystery Babylon the Great, Mother of all Harlots.  Her bridegroom (Adam) did not stand in his YHVH given authority and gave this position to her (and she gives it to her god, Baal/Lord to rule over the souls of men placing them in bondage to serve the kingdoms of this world).  She is Jezebel.  She will war against the authority of YHVH’s prophetic word (full strength).  She will prey upon the weak in their faith.  Those who have not had the strength of Elijah’s character formed in them.


Satan used Eve’s lack of knowledge of the word and her lack of real relationship with YHVH to seduce her.  These are the same things Jezebel uses after joining herself with the beast.  She thrives on the fallen nature and its desire for greatness.


Stay with me; let’s try to simplify what we have learned:


·        Adam is created first as a type of first fruits formed from the dust into a spiritual being.  He is “taken” and “placed” in the garden.  (He must come back under YHVH’s authority/reign).

·        Eve/the bride comes later out of his side in the garden (relationship with YHVH) to be an extension or help meet to man’s mission, which is the same as YHVH’s.

·        The bride is also the key element in man’s fall.  The serpent enters the garden (or right relationship with YHVH) through the BRIDE.  (We will explain later how flesh [our earthly nature] is the enemy of unity with YHVH and man for it takes us away from His purpose whereby we are made one in Him.) 

·        It is man’s love for her OVER his love for YHVH that breaks the relationship/covenant and brings sin into the Holy Place.

·        The bride is created to be the ‘softer’ side of YHVH (compassion, meeting of needs, serving, etc.)

·        She is judged for yielding herself (spirit, soul and body) to the serpent.  Fitting into his plan instead of YHVH’s!




Gen 3:16

16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.


Rev 12:1-2

12:1  Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. 2 Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.


She is placed in submission to her husband as part of the curse.  And we know that this is the order of the household under YHVH.  The husband that rules over the bride or church is Yahshua.  For when she is redeemed, she comes forth from His side.


John 19:33-34

34 But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.


The blood is symbolic of spirit and the water symbolizes truth/the word.  She is redeemed with His blood and sanctified by truth.  These are the elements of the bride of Yahshua born after the spirit.


Now let’s move on to the garden story.  What is actually happening here?  The serpent twists the word, but there is an avenue by which he can twist it!  It is EVE’S misunderstanding of YHVH’s nature because of her ‘softer’ side and her lack of relationship.  She understands the word to mean that they can’t even TOUCH the tree.  [Her softer side, grace can easily see the commandments as harsh or YHVH as too severe.  This is why the fallen bride rejects the prophet (in which there is no room for compromise).  The Apostle/divine government and Prophet are her foundation, so it is inevitable that she fall.]


[She also (under the influence of her fallen nature) will be found mothering others into error/compromise.  What most of us need is the rule of the MAN/prophet.  Authority that brings the fruit of obedience and repentance.  The believer is stripped of their authority in Yahshua when they walk in disobedience and compromise, thinking YHVH is okay with their behavior.  We don’t need excuses, we need discipline.  We do not need mothering, we need truth.  We need the Manifest Sons of YHVH.  It is their ministry that will prepare the way for Yahshua’s to return as KING.]


The bride leaning too far toward grace needs to be brought back in balance by the prophetic word!  She also needs to understand the depths of her salvation (fullness of redemption).


Do you see how perception (turned to self) totally distorts the word or command of YHVH?  FALSE doctrines/double-minded messages distort His character.  They are born in the carnal mind (self) of the church or bride.  They always reveal Him NOT to be a loving Elohim.  His word is love’s defining and He gave the command to Adam for protection. 


[Was it Adam’s responsibility to teach this to Eve or was it her responsibility to eat from the tree of life herself?  Did she hear and understand the word ONLY from a man?  Could a relationship with YHVH have clarified it?  Could this fear of YHVH (that was presented by the serpent) have been taken to Him for love to conquer?  The fear that caused her not to trust His word.]


If she had been eating from the tree of life, would she have been looking in the direction of the tree of death?  It was man’s responsibility to stop her softer side from taking over.  Her softer side places relationship with man to the forefront, diminishing obedience to YHVH.  Listen to the serpent’s words.


Gen 3:1

And he said to the woman, "Has God indeed said, 'You shall not eat of every tree of the garden'?


Now would have been a good time for Eve to get her Bible out.  Or more realistically GO to her tree of life (the living Torah/foundation) for the answer to what seemed to be something that YHVH left out of His plan.  I can see the wheels turning now.  As she looks and longs for that which she is NOT allowed to have.  Satan has her attention and her understanding is darkened by his suggestions.  She must be facing the direction of the world/outside the sanctuary.  She does not long for the Most Holy Place (tree of life/relationship) from where she came, but longs for the world (independent of a relationship with YHVH).  The serpent casts doubt on YHVH’s love.


Gen 3:4-6

4 Then the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."


YHVH is speaking of the death of a relationship by which we can know Him, true life. 

This challenge of His word is a challenge of His authority.  Eve begins to reason:


So, what’s wrong with being LIKE GOD, right?  After all isn’t that our purpose?  Aren’t we supposed to demonstrate GOOD and war against EVIL?


This is a HUGE mistake that Eve is about to make.  For she is about to eat from a tree that cannot produce anything BUT DEATH.  The knowledge of good and evil always has a two-sided message.  One in which you are glorified, OH CHURCH!  And one in which you are condemned.  Both take you out of His presence, the MOST HOLY PLACE/right relationship.


Proverbs 16:25

25 There is a way that seems right to a man,

But its end is the way of death.


The first Adam gives his authority to this Woman/Eve/Bride.  His place of standing, position in YHVH’s kingdom as ruler/headship/dominion is given to the BEAST by way of the WOMAN!  Now the earth or elements of the world rule HIM!


Now, I am going to cover unity, but this groundwork must be laid first.  You will see why before it is all over.


The MAN was in the HOLY PLACE (when you are in this place, it will be you and YHVH alone).  The Most HOLY Place describes a union with YHVH.  The garden, the sanctuary of YHVH —His dwelling place.  A relationship that is MOST intimate.  Adam HAD this.  He was there not only because he was chosen to be there, but also because of the Lordship of YHVH in his life.  Maintained by his eating of the tree of life and his submission (obedience) to it.


What came in the way of this place of standing before YHVH and led to sin was his bride (which he blamed YHVH for giving him).  Earthly love relationships can take us out of His dwelling place (remember you cannot take man into the Holy of Holies with you).  Obedience to YHVH always takes precedence over obedience to man.  This is why Moses could not lead the people into the promise land with AUTHORITY that strikes against Yahshua’s.  The Promise Land is a place that is possessed by faith/trust (like Joshua).


Our earthly love relationships can distract us from His purpose.  (True spiritual authority is only given to serve YHVH’s purpose and not our own).


[Note: Even though Yahshua was moved by Mary’s weeping at His tomb and appeared to her, he did not let her STOP His purpose as high priest to YHVH.  He said, “Touch me not for I have not yet ascended to my Father.”  The second Adam had compassion, but moved in obedience to YHVH, not controlled by His bride.  His temple is built on the throne of mercy and truth.  His authority will be restored to rule over this passionate/feminine side.  The foundation being the Apostle/Prophet!  He loved her, but did not let her come between His relationship with the Father.]


It was a lack of strength in Adam’s character that caused him to fall.  He did not stand in a position of authority with regard to his bride.  To me this symbolizes the fear of man.  Fear of rejection if he did not eat the fruit in union with his wife.  This is the false UNITY that we must be aware of for it discounts the word and authority of YHVH.  Its focus is self, wanting to be loved, accepted (our real acceptance is found in the atonement).  To make peace this way is not unity at all.   If Adam would have spoken the truth and then let her (Eve) decide, the outcome would have been her responsibility.  This is the purpose of the restoration of the prophet in this hour.  Making the consequences of sin known. 


*Note how the prophetic side of Yahshua came out in His dealings with the TEMPLE/Bride and His disciples.  He exercises His authority OVER His deceived bride!  The fallen bride however will always question by WHAT authority He does these things because she does not recognize true spiritual authority (she has taken Yahshua’s place on the throne).  When His authority is restored, then His Shechinah glory will be also!


Zech 2:10


10 "Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst," says the LORD.


The fallen nature seeks to control YHVH’s moving.  His authority was never given to control, but to protect.


Now if Adam had stood in his YHVH given authority, Eve’s rebellion would have been revealed to her —exposed.  This is clearly the prophetic office as we have learned.  But Adam does not stand and her deception leads them both into sin.  She takes the headship (authority) of the prophet from the man.  This begins the fall of mankind from the Holy Place.


So, eating the forbidden fruit of humanism…worldliness…death…because you want to make the bride receptive to you will also cause your fall from the Holy Place.  We are not to be professional ministers made acceptable to the bride.  We are to be ministers to YHVH and to tend and keep HIS GARDEN.  His word will cut away the flesh.  Cut off that which does not produce fruit.  Break up the fallow ground of our hard hearts.


If you are not eating of the tree of life, you will eat of a fruit that opposes the Anointed One and become ONE with the Beast and his system!  Eating the fruit for the sake of unity will be the enemy’s plan for the last days.  The prophet coming in the power of the Holy Spirit must make a stand for truth where Adam did not.  This prepares the way for the Bride to be sanctified, so that she can be presented to the second Adam/Yahshua without spot or wrinkle. 


The prophet will ALSO expose her rebellion, either bringing her to repentance (which will come from a true relationship) or unrepentance, which will come from the woman who serves the beast forever distorting YHVH’s character.  She brings reproach upon His name.  Compromises His authority.  Exalts herself (ideas) above His throne.  She is more rightly called Jezebel (for a more in depth study, read Queen Jezebel at 


The exposing of sin through the prophetic office will bring the bride to repentance.  It will draw a distinct line between the true and the false.  Lies or truth.  Who it is you REALLY serve!  This prepares the way for Yahshua to return.


Now we are again back to this UNITY born from above.  It has foundations and characteristics all flowing from YHVH’s own nature.


The only unity that will exist (in reality) is found in the MOST HOLY PLACE.  Streaming forth from it.  He is our Most Holy Place and we are His.


John 17:11

Holy Father, keep through YOUR NAME those whom You have given Me, that they may be one as We are.


This is where true unity is found for it is not created or brought forth from anything other than a living relationship with the Creator, Our Elohim.


Why is it that we marry one another and invite YHVH to be witness and validate the union?  The first order of coming together is to be under HIM.  Adam was in HIM and knew His purpose for mankind and creation.  It is the finished work of the cross that brings us or restores us back to this position or purpose.  Bringing us back into right relationship with YHVH.  The bride is then created out of this relationship.  We must remember, YHVH is man’s authority NOT THE BRIDE.  (Jezebel, we THROW you down!  She does not minister to the body, but brings a destructive force, draining the blood/life right out of it!)


Something will be very wrong with a bride who is feeding from the tree of death to be like God.  As the end draws near the separation will be made more distinct.  Discernment will be sharper.  She will appear to be bearing fruit unto YHVH (the command to bear fruit comes FIRST before multiplication.  In these days numbers or multiplying is seen as bearing fruit, not so!)  She will be one who covers or hides herself (hypocrite, actor).  She will be one who is wise in her own understanding or ‘seeing.’  She will have pride in her spirituality.


I had a vision one time while still attending a church I was a member of for 8 years.  There was a woman who was very heavily controlled by her fallen nature/Jezebel.  I went to the altar to repent in this dream/vision.  YHVH said it would be a repentance unto death; I answered His call by being the first to go forward.  I sensed others would come as well.  No one came to the altar but this Jezebel (symbolic of a spirit, but represented in the vision as a person).  She did not come up to repent, but to minister to me at the altar. 


Her face was painted heavily and she was trying to embrace me, but I did not feel YHVH’s love.  I sensed she was interrupting what YHVH wanted to do and motivated only by spiritual pride.  What happened next is the prophetic spirit of YHVH rose up and commanded her to get out of His presence, physically throwing her to the ground.  He said this is a HOLY thing happening here and a Holy Place.  Unless you are here to repent, do not come before me!  I was shocked to say the least.  YHVH’s judgment was severe.  But this is serious folks!  Do not minister to people out of your fallen nature/flesh! This is not the time to be found playing Priest.  The Most Holy Place will not be instructed, lead or controlled by a MAN!  YHVH will minister to us alone.


We do not really expect YHVH to show up in His glory when we have flesh controlling His moving!  Judgment will come upon this.


Jezebel does not repent and does not desire to come into the light of YHVH’s truth.


It is the light of the HOLY PLACE that will judge the bride to refine her, exposing all her humanity and flesh.  We cannot dwell in His presence without holiness.  It is the MOST HOLY PLACE where worship in spirit and truth exists.  Yahshua has made the way for us to enter, but we are pressing in.  Covered by grace and sanctified by truth.  This is the place of perfect trust —making for perfect obedience.


Where we lose our lives to find His.  Hallelujah!


This is perfect unity for there is no life in the bride apart from Him.  Nothing left of the world to keep her from this place of perfect trust.  He has provided all that she needs and she is complete in Him, her Bridegroom.  So she is nourished by life that comes from the vine, abiding in Him and He in her.  She loves with a love that has no self.  For she is completed to love as He loves.  In her redemption, she sees how much she is loved and this is the cause of her ‘free-flowing love!’


John 17:22-24

 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be ONE just as We are ONE:  I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect (or complete) in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.  Father, I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory which You have given Me; for You loved Me before the foundation of the world.


Well, just where is HE?  (Speaking of Yahshua in the above verse.)  He is in the MOST HOLY PLACE.  Each act of obedience takes us one step closer for it shows who we truly trust.  The outer court begins with salvation/redemption.  What a place to begin our trust!  We are tested in the wilderness.  And this is where all that is born of flesh dies. 


The inner court is a new dimension where you are beginning to battle your enemies and rule over the flesh (as the spirit grows stronger).  You are experiencing the anointing and being prepared for the Bridegroom.  There are six articles of furniture in the Holy Place.  Study these articles in depth and what they symbolize and you will see the journey to the Holy Place more clearly.


The Most Holy Place is where no man can come in with you.  It will appear as if Your Elohim has forsaken you and all is lost (because it is human to look to man and experience rejection).  Total and complete death to self happens.  For self cannot enter into the MOST HOLY of ALL.  The church will not enter this realm until self dies in her.  She must die in order to live.  Our walk truly is ending in death, which is really the beginning of life with YHVH.  (When we pass from this life to death and to His presence, this is a physical/natural illustration of a spiritual truth.)  We follow the Lamb wherever He goes.  And where is it He goes?  To Jerusalem, the city of peace and presents Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world.


In the Most Holy Place, you enter His suffering and persecution. This is where flesh and spirit separate and true LOVE is born!  

It is in the Most Holy Place that you will see who you really are (spirit).  You will be like Him.  Understanding what His heart feels, seeing what His eyes see and reacting with the same response as He did.  Reconciling the world to Himself.  (Do you now see how the bride is ONE with Him?)  True PEACE comes from this unity.  We make peace with the world through forgiving love.  You will see the blood on the mercy seat.  YHVH made the way for all to approach Him.  But few will choose this way because it requires the death of self and the humiliation of the ego.  It requires dependence on YHVH and the destroying of independence.


This plan protects the Most Holy Place from pride, our real enemy.  We must see that He wants others to come as well.  We assist in this “will of the Father” by extending the same grace and love that was given to us at the cross.  We allow (as He did) a person to first start at the beginning/outer court and move toward the Holy of Holies.  We lead them to the front of the temple (Yahshua, the Most Holy) and not ourselves.  Many of today’s ministers are blocking His throne not leading people to it!


Now death to flesh brings us into the worship of someone greater than ourselves.  We then see a world of which we are only a small part, like the puzzle piece.  We are humbled by our position and not exalted in it.  Position is given or established in the inner court, not by anointing ONLY, but from a broken and contrite heart (the outer shell must be broken).


We need to ask ourselves this question if we are truly extensions of YHVH:  How did we come to the place of entering into the dimension of the spirit?  We are only crossing over ourselves by way of the Ark and the Priesthood who bore it.  Were we afforded the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth?  We were also afforded the right to choose and to trust Him with our lives.  We were given the privilege of developing a relationship through our own personal walk that confirmed His leading.  We were given love and grace to cover us on the journey.


And NONE, I mean NO ONE has arrived at a stature of PERFECTION (except Yahshua, the sinless Lamb).  The way it works is this:


·        We walk towards the Holiest of ALL, Yahshua.

·        It is His glory and majesty that we worship.

·        This brings the refining and repenting which takes place in the inner court, preparing us for the Most Holy Place.

·        In the Most Holy Place is the throne of YHVH.  He is Lord at this point in our lives.  Master over all that concerns us.

·        In the Most Holy Place is the blood that redeemed us.  It becomes very personal.  It is also the revealing of His Name —YHVH, The Eternal One.  YHVH as Holy/Sacred and merciful. All of His sides are seen, for His face is seen (the Most Holy Place is a place of all dimensions).

·        Inside the Ark are the tablets with the words of YHVH written by His very finger.  They were given to His bride, Israel.  The covenant was broken and judgment was given.  (The bride bowed down at the feet of a false god.)

·        The rod of Aaron is continually budding symbolizing the eternal life we have in this relationship for now it is sealed by His blood and cannot be broken.


At this point, we are ready to give all we are to glorify YHVH from whom we came (Yahshua and the Father are ONE).  We are in Messiah and He in us —all melting back into Him.  Pleasing only Him. NO will of our own.  No life apart from Him.


This is the Most Holy Place.  As we go on to Part Two, we will summarize and clarify the unity by which men dwell (abide in).  For it is the same pattern proved out by the tabernacle.


John 17:25-26


 O righteous Father! The world has not known You, but I have known You; and these have known that You sent Me.  And I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, THAT THE LOVE WITH WHICH YOU LOVED ME MAY BE IN THEM, AND I IN THEM." 


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