The End Times: Unholy Alliance Gains Momentum
The gap between those who are "coming out", and those being "LEFT BEHIND IN HER", is widening. I do see the Whores Lies increasing while those who are in the "coming out" will be brought out into blazing Light. More people will come out of more deception in this next year than in the previous ten years. The lies are going to become more apparent with every passing day. No True Follower of Jahshuwah who walks after the Spirit of Truth will be able to stand them any longer. This is taken from an email invitation to attend a "Christian Coalition Conference." Pay close attention to what is said. If you are a very aware individual, then no explanation is necessary. If not, then you need to do much study. I add some emphasis to statements which reveal much. And remember now, being in "Solidarity with Israel" is being one with, in UNION with, the Edomite "Seed of The Serpent", anti-Christ Jews, and NOT with True Judah or Israel. |
From Linda Courtney: HERE IS THE ENTIRE INVITATION. As you will read when you connect to "Solidarty with Israel," it is the "people of faith" who are invited to this rally. Sounds familiar doesn't it?President Bush was present, of course, and this is the same phrase used right after the 9/11 attacks. Now get this. On Sept 11th the Trade Towers went down. On October 11 was the rally for UNITY among religious people in behalf of Israel and the USA. People of faith meaning Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddist etc,. And on November there is a prophecy claiming that God is going to allow a major clamity in the USA. This may come to pass, and it may not, but I find the number 11 to be an imporatnt date, and one used by the Illuminati quite often in their finalization for the New World Order. Also a date that God may use to get our attention!!! Just my personal thoughts. Linda Subject: Christian Coalition Special Invitation You are cordially invited to attend the Christian Coalition of America & Joyce Meyer Ministries 2002 "God Bless America: One Nation Under God Road to Victory Conference" as our Special Guest on October 11th & 12th at the Washington DC Convention Center.Beginning Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. on October 11th, President George W. Bush will be kicking off this year's Road to Victory Conference with an exciting and timely message. Thousands of Christian and pro-family citizens will gather throughout this weekend to also hear our extended all-star line-up of confirmed speakers such as:Joyce Meyer, Roberta Combs, Pat Robertson, Zig Ziglar, the Hon. Tom DeLay, Alan Keyes, Rep. J.C. Watts, Rev. James Robison, Oliver North, Pat Boone, Jerry Falwell, Jay Sekulow, Judge Roy Moore, Dr. E.V. Hill, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, David Barton and many others. On Friday night beginning at 7:00 p.m., Dove Award winning artist Ron Kenoly will lead a special Praise & Worship Service followed on Saturday night by the award winning entertainment of Andrae Crouch and Sydney's Orchestra at the "Faith & Freedom Gala Banquet."As a part of this spectacular Road to Victory weekend, on Friday October the 11th, you will not want to miss the "Christian Solidarity with Israel Rally" on the Ellipse (across from the White House) from 2 - 4 p.m.For the first time in 12 years, the Road to Victory Conference Registration is free to all attendees, but please pre-register.
Is Jahshuwah their attraction, or entertainment and BIG NAMES? Who are they making the sheep one with??? High muckety mucks of the world who preach lies and work for Satan and his NWO, or Jahshuwah through the works of the cross? They think they are doing great and mighty things in the "Name of Jesus", while Jahshuwah does NOT EVEN KNOW THEM. They embrace Jahshuwah while BETRAYING HIM!!! These
are not nice, loving, sweet, "oh how I love Jesus" people.
They are WORKERS OF INIQUITY, and the workers of iniquity can do nothing but
bring forth lies, and the seducing of people to eat things sacrificed to
If you are one who just stumbled onto this web site, I would suggest you read the rest of the Editorials. You will get clear on this one real fast. |
10- 9-02