Expose cont'd Third Page:
is the unbelievable truth about America: Did you know that thousands of Nazi scientists and
war criminals were smuggled into Amerika during and after WWII, in
Operation Paperclip, that they were given jobs in key positions of our
intelligence agencies, and that the inner core of the CIA has been
consisting of Nazis? Did you know that the National Security Agency, which
is based in Fort Meade, Maryland, has 20 acres of underground computers,
that they monitor all phone calls and e-mails, and that they have a
dossier of each US and probably world citizen? Did you know that the IRS is a private corporation that's not a part of the government, and that there is NO law existing saying you have to pay the unconstitutional income taxes, which help fund abortion, murder, and various covert projects that enslave the people funding them? Did you know that the Federal Reserve is NOT federal? It is a private cartel of European banks. The Federal Reserve was created by the Bank of England in 1913 and is owned by foreign investors. The Federal Reserve logo, which is on 20-dollar bills and higher, is BLACK and shows the mythical Phoenix bird that’s held in reverence by the Illuminati. This is understandable, since it’s Illuminati bankers (like the Rockefellers) that control the Federal Reserve. It is very easy to see that the logo is a Phoenix and not an eagle. There are also 13 leaves on it and 13 bars on the masonic “comb”. By the way, the Rockefeller Center, which is a bunch of Illuminati symbolism, is in New York City. Did you know that there are millions of Illuminati
total-mind-control slaves just in the US, whose minds are split into
multiple personalities through torture or trauma-based mind-control, who
are unable to do anything they aren't programmed to do?
The scope of just this topic is almost beyond comprehension. Did you know that there's over two million missing
children every year in America, who are abducted, and either end up as
test subjects for secret government/military experiments, or mind-control
slaves, or as objects of ritual sacrifice for the Priests of Baal as
well as the blood-drinking Luciferian leaders of our country? I trust, unless you are gullible, that you aren't
just taking my word for these things.
That's good. Do your
own research. Prove me wrong. I can assure you that I am not lying about any of this and
that it's all true to the best of my knowledge. If you are finding all this very hard to believe, then you
have most likely been programmed by television and the news media- by
talking heads whom you don’t know and have never met.
I was in that situation my whole life, until the Holy Ghost showed
me the truth. Did you know that the Satanist, pedophile, and ex-CIA
director George Bush Sr., who was a member of the Skull and Bones society
while in Yale, started most of the drug trade and was the one responsible
for the sale of drugs to America’s children?
He owned Zapata oil corporations, and he had drugs smuggled in
through offshore drilling boats, which didn't go through customs. These are the kind of presidents that Babylon has. Did you know that the drug trade is controlled by the
CIA, in order to have a “black budget” for the purpose of funding
"black projects" which aren't reported to Congress? Did you know that most of the presidents have either been related to each other or to British royalty? Presidents are not elected, they are picked by bloodline.
Here we have George W. Bush making the sign of Baphomet. This is known as the Il Cornuto goat-horn sign. It shows allegiance to Satan and is used by occultists and Satanists worldwide. Olympic Torch symbolism (Dec.21-22, 2001)-- by James Whisler Pictured above: Luciferian George W. Bush, participating in
the Olympic ceremony on the Winter Solstice, is standing next to the
cauldron (symbolizing the craft), accepting the torch (which signifies
illumination of the ancient mysteries) from an Olympic runner. He is
dressed in the traditional Masonic contrasting colors of black and white
which represents their gnostic dualistic worldview. The torch he is
holding is 33 inches long, a number obviously sacred to freemasonry; and
is designed as an icicle. The simulated icicle is joined to the flame to
help create one of this year's themes for the torch which is "Land of
Contrast -- Fire and Ice" The ceremony strategically took place on
the South Whitehouse lawn, in the presence of the phallus of Osiris, the
god who traditionally dies every winter solstice and is reborn on
Christmas as Horus (Tammuz, Zeus, etc). After the above torch ceremony,
Bush and his wife joined his parents and daughters at Camp David,
presumably for a secret satanic solstice ritual.
To occultists there is a sacredness in the unity of fire with ice. In addition to the Olympic torch, it is also symbolized every winter at the Rockefeller Center, where the statue of Prometheus (pictured above), the legendary figure who stole fire from the gods, overlooks an ice skating rink. Mayor Rudy Giuliani officiated for the torch ceremony at this sacred site in NY the day after Bush lit the torch in D.C.. Rudy also received TIME Magazine's Person of the Year award the same day he lit the torch. TIME attributed him as the one man to bring order out of chaos to New York after the WTC disaster. I honestly don't know how they can get any more blatant in their satanic symbolism. ( end of Whisler’s doc.) Did you know that AIDS was developed by America’s secret government, under orders from the Illuminati (specifically the Switzerland-based Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group), for the purpose of population control, and was administered by the Washington D.C.-based World Health Organization in 1977 via smallpox vaccine to Africa, and later in 1978 to the “undesirable” elements of the U.S. population, the homosexuals and blacks, via the Hepatitis B vaccine, and that there is and has been a cure for AIDS that’s possessed only by the few people controlling the world? AIDS was created in laboratories in Fort Detrick, Maryland, under the project code-name MK-NAOMI. The “MK” portion stands for the two major co-authors of the AIDS virus, Robert Manaker and Paul Kotin. The “NAOMI” part stands for “Negroes Are Only Momentary Individuals.” If you don’t believe any of this that’s fine, but there’s a ton of documentation and proof out there. “Seek and ye shall find”. Seek the truth and you will find it. In this age of deception the treasures of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding are hidden under thick coverings of lies which need to be exposed and destroyed. To discover the truth you need to find your way through smoke and mirrors. It can only be obtained with a combination of patience and perseverance. Psalm 119:105 says, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” You will get lost and you won’t find what you need to be seeking if you don’t have God’s word, which IS the truth, as a guide. Satan has veiled the truth over with glitter and tinsel- the comforting illusions of a false world view. Since Satan controls the world, he controls the major and “official” sources of information, and, therefore, the majority beliefs. Hence, concerning just about everything, the majority beliefs are wrong. This world is not good, and bad things do not happen by “accident”. This world is incredibly evil, especially America, and God will judge and destroy it with fire. That is the often unwelcome but very real truth of the matter. AIDS is a moneymaker, and cancer is a moneymaker.
They, as well as other diseases, have achieved their
population-control objectives which were planned on by the rulers of this
world who want the world
habitable for themselves, and believe that “the end justifies the
means”. Also, if a
population gets out of hand it cannot be easily controlled. Did you know that 17 unarmed minors (over 80
people total, including women and children) were massacred in the Waco
atrocity by the FBI, partly under orders from the lesbian Janet Reno? God will judge Babylon severely and punish the wicked people
responsible for this travesty. Also,
remember Vietnam, Ruby Ridge, and Randy Weaver. The below quote was made by Attorney General Janet Reno on June 26, 1994-
Did you know that Timothy Mcveigh was mind-controlled to be a patsy for the Oklahoma City Bombing, which was done by the FBI, in order to provide the “need” for new anti-terrorist and anti-gun bills that the public would demand (“Something must be done”), which would take away your rights to help make way for the New World Order, and which became laws shortly after the bombing? It’s a technique called problem/reaction/solution. First you create a problem, then you create your desired reaction to that problem (through TV), and then you offer your solution to it, which is a Trojan-horse for the foolish public. This is what Phil Schneider, a geologist who worked on underground bases for 16 years, whom the government murdered after he spilled the beans about what he knew, said in May of 1995- “. . . With the last explosion in Oklahoma City, they are saying that it was a nitrate or fertilizer bomb that did it. "First, they came out and said it was a 1,000 pound fertilizer bomb. Then, it was 1,500. Then 2,000 pounds. Now it's 20,000. You can't put 20,000 pounds of fertilizer in a Rider truck. Now, I've never mixed explosives, per se. I know the chemical structure and the application of construction explosives. My reputation was based on it. I helped hollow out more than 13 deep underground military bases in the United States. I worked on the Malta Project, in West Germany, in Spain and in Italy. I can tell you from experience that a nitrate explosion would not have hardly shattered the windows of the federal building in Oklahoma City. It would have killed a few people and knocked part of the facing off the building, but it would have never have done that kind of damage. I believe I have been lied to, and I am not taking it any longer, so I'm telling you that you've been lied to.” He also said that after looking at photos of the wreckage he noticed pipe and other metal that was extruded up to six feet beyond its original length. In his estimation the only device which could have done that would have been a small-type nuclear device.
a nation founded on rebellion, had thirteen original colonies.
People think of 1776 as the year in which America declared its
independence, but, perhaps just as importantly, it was this year when the
Illuminati were officially founded in Bavaria, Germany, under the
headship of Adam Weishaupt, and were later known as a secret society (the
“Bavarian Illuminati”) that died out, but in truth never did, instead
becoming operative behind the scenes in controlling the world.
The Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st (Beltane,
an occult holy-day), only two months prior to when the Declaration of
Independence was signed. Coincidence?
Hardly. Judging from
the symbolism on the back of the dollar bill, as well as history, it can
be surmised that the “1776” in Roman numerals at the base of the
pyramid stands not for the birth of our country but for when the
Illuminati were officially founded. Just
so you know, there were 13 stars on America’s flag in 1776.
And, of course, just about every flag America’s had, including
our present one, has 13 stripes on it.
Judging from the masonry, architecture, and nature, of historic Washington D.C. buildings and structures (which have pagan symbolism that venerates Egyptian gods like Isis, Osiris, and Horus who the Illuminati worship), it is obvious that the Illuminati had a big part in the creation of our country. An example is the Washington Monument. It is graven from stone, is exactly 555 feet tall (Hitler, who was into the occult, had 555 as his number, by the way) and is the tallest freestanding structure in the world. It is an Egyptian obelisk, which is a “phallic symbol” that represents the penis of Osiris (a major recurring theme in the Egyptian “mysteries”). A sickening, idolatrous abomination of immense proportions was committed on October 4, 1997, in Washington D.C., when the leaders of the “Christian” ecumenical organization “Promise Keepers”, had their attending group of 500,000+ men kneel down and pray several times towards the Washington Monument. Washington D.C. has the highest murder rate in the
nation. Did you
know that many of our Founding Fathers were Deists (not Christians) as
well as Masons? Did you know that the streets in our nation’s
capitol are laid out in a satanic inverted pentagram? Below, for your convenience, are three different pictures of the street layouts.
confirming evidence- Further proof that America is Babylon is shown by its
music. There are more evil
spirits at work through this nation’s music than anywhere’s else.
Many people don’t realize just how satanic some recent music is
and how popular it has become with America’s youth.
I, as a “youth” (18 yrs. old), am in a position to know what
I’m talking about. I’ve
heard most of the music that’s popular with my generation (and a lot of
it that isn’t). Examples of
some demonic, depraved bands include Marilyn Manson, Korn, Slipknot,
Mudvein, Limp Biskit, Rob Zombie, Project 86 ( a “Christian” band),
ICP, and there are dozens more. Rock
music has produced a wide rift between kids and their parents.
However, more adults these days are listening to the same music
that the youth do. An
exception is the “Christian” community, the “elders” of whom
don’t know how bad and sick modern “music”, video games, movies,
concerts and parties are getting. Hollywood and the entertainment industries have been used by Satan to fill the minds of millions of innocent children with so much depravity, filth, garbage, and sin, that there is NO hope for America’s future. Concerning America’s young people, the age of innocence is over. They are doing, enjoying, and reveling in things that their parents would never even have thought of when they were children. I believe that Jesus said “Woe to them that are with child… in those days” because of the iniquity abounding on the earth right now, along with the soon-to-come traumatic Tribulation events. This is why I am not going to have kids.
I don’t want to bring them up in this evil world.
Reality demands that they cannot be secluded from society, so the
only alternative is to follow Christ’s “hint” to not have kids, in
Mark 13:17. Proof that America is Babylon and that we are in the End
Times right before the Tribulation can be seen by walking into a video
store and looking at the movies. “I
have principles, and I don’t take my kids into the movie store”,
someone might say. Well what
about Wal-Mart? Unless you
blindfold them, they are going to see pictures of mostly naked ladies in
Wal-Mart (a highly “American”-type store which sells vain products,
to rich Americans, that are made from foreign slave labour) and most
any other place they go in this nation.
This is disgraceful. 1 John 2:15-17- Love not the world, neither the things that are in the
world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 16For
all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the
world. 17And
the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will
of God abideth for ever. The things that the world offers (especially in
America in these last days) are producing a generation of ignorant,
confused zombies, who are full of darkness, destitute of the truth,
without hope and without God. The minds of the “innocents” have been taken over and corrupted, but America’s official cry is “tolerance”. America tolerates, enjoys, and is addicted to TV, which stands for Teaching Vanity, Total Vexation, and Tunnel Vision, because in ignoring the real side of the news it makes you narrow-mind-dead. TV is the idle Christian’s idol. America tolerates all religions (which are all bad), such as Satan-worship, Allah worship, Pope worship, entertainment-world “Star” worship, etc. E Pluribus Unum- “out of many, one”- out of many religions, a New World Religion. Worship of the one and only true God, JEHOVAH, can only be done through His Son Jesus (John 14:6), and this has NOTHING to do with religion and “church” as we know it. If you don’t come to Yahshua Ha’Mashiah (Jesus the Christ) and worship God in spirit and in truth (John 4:24), then you are either worshipping your Self, or Satan, or both. Satan and Self are linked, and religion offers a convenient way for people to pretend that they’re not sinners and that they’re not BAD. America makes for “justified homicide” by calling it “freedom of choice”. God calls homosexuality an abomination (Lev. 18:22), but America calls it an “orientation”. America supports “women’s rights” and “minority rights” at the expense of the “lawful ruler” (1 Cor. 11:3, 8,9, 1 Tim. 2:12) and “majority” rights. America sends its
children to hell by telling them to trust their heart (read Jer. 17:9, Genesis 8:21, Matthew
15:19-20, Mark 7:21-23, Jer. 7:24, Jer. 11:8, Jer. 18:12, Jer. 23:26,
Ezekiel 11:21, and Psalm 14:1-3). America says that the only “truth” is whatever is
right in our own eyes and that we all worship the same God, contrary to
John 14:6 and Matthew 7:13-14. “Religious
tolerance” is really tolerance of lies and is abomination
tolerance (I am not advocating “jihad”- God gave us all a free
will, and everyone has the right to choose what they want to believe, but
that doesn’t mean it’s right or that it should be agreed with
or condoned). America calls evil good, and good evil. It is perverse, which means “backward”. Isaiah 5:20-24- Woe unto them that call evil
good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;
that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and
prudent in their own sight! 22Woe
unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle
strong drink: 23Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away
the righteousness of the righteous from him! 24Therefore
as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so
their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust:
because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and
despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
Conclusion- Things have “progressed” way too far for America
to be “reformed”. Jeremiah
51:9- “We
would have healed Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let
us go every one into his own country: for her judgment reacheth unto
heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies.”
Nation-wise, it is not possible to prevent the Bible has prophesied
about. We need to be
concerned, as individuals, about preparation.
We need to spiritually come out of Babylon, so we won’t receive
the judgments coming to it (Rev. 18:4).
We need to realize that we are living in an evil nation whose
stubbornness prescribes that its only remedy is destruction.
Just like a pile of rotting flesh, the only way America can be
purified is by fire. Man’s laws are futile and are no substitute for God’s laws, which are found in the Torah (the first five books of the Bible). America has made countless laws which aren’t doing any good. It has forsook God’s law, much to its own ruin. The Constitution does not outline God’s perfect system of government (a theocracy), but it does seem to have been inspired by biblical principles, which is probably why it has worked rather well, at least during its lifetime. “Conservative”
political activists and concerned citizens need to realize that the United
States Constitution has been essentially obsolete since the 50’s.
It is time to replace idealistic dreams with common
sense, reason, and wisdom. It
is time to get rid of our American pride and start fearing Yahweh God,
Creator of heaven and earth. To
inherit the Kingdom of God you must lose your attachments to this nation
and this world. Leave your sentiments behind- don’t be like Lot’s wife
who looked back. If you lose
your life you will find it (Matt. 10:38-39, Matt. 16:24-26, Mark 8:34-37,
Luke 9:23-25). Deny your
“self” in this life to receive eternal reward in the next. Many of the bases have in no way been covered in this
document, some of which I don’t know about, some of which I forgot, some
of which are too “graphic” in nature, and some of which, although
true, are too “hard-to-believe” or “far-out” to include here. Nevertheless, it is undeniable that America is the
wickedest nation on earth. Whatever
you may think about it one way or the other won’t change the facts. It is the homosexual capitol of the world.
It aborts millions of babies per year.
Its pulpits spew forth false doctrine, false prophecy, and false
comfort. Its schools teach
toleration of sin. Its air is
full of electromagnetic radiation and smog. America thanks God for the food, and then practices gluttony.
It relishes its luxurious conveniences and vain materialism, at
the expense of the poor and needy. It truly does fulfill Revelation 17:5
in being-
title) It will surely reap what it has sown. The
anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have executed, and till he
have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall
consider it perfectly. -Jeremiah 23:20 Scriptural
proof of identity- WHAT
below list was compiled by Stewart Best- Babylon would
be an END TIME GREAT NATION (Rev 17,18; Isa 13:6).2. Babylon would have a
huge seaport city within its borders (Rev 18:17).3. The Great City Babylon
is the home of a world government attempt (Rev 17:18).4. The Great City
Babylon would be the economic nerve center of the world (Rev 18:3).5.
Babylon would be the center of a one world Luciferian religious movement (Jer
51:44).6. Babylon would be the center for the move to a global economic
order (Rev 13:16).BABYLON THE NATION 1. Babylon would be the youngest and greatest of the end
time nations (Jer 50:12).2. Babylon would the QUEEN AMONG THE NATIONS (Isa 47:5,7; Rev 18:7).3. Babylon would be the most
powerful nation in the world (Isa 47, Jer
50, 51, Rev 18).4. Babylon would be the HAMMER OF THE WHOLE EARTH (Jer 50:23; Rev 18:23).5. Babylon is called a lady, and has
the symbol of the Lady (Isa 47:7-9).6. Babylon would be the praise of the
WHOLE EARTH (Jer 51:41).7. Babylon is center of world trade (Jer 51:44;
Rev 17:18; 18:19).8. Babylon would grow to be the richest nation in the
world (Rev 18:3, 7, 19, 23).9. All nations that traded with Babylon would
grow rich (Rev 18:3).10. The merchants of Babylon were the GREAT MEN OF
THE EARTH (Rev 18:23).11. Babylon is a huge nation, with lands, cities,
and great wealth (implied throughout).12. Babylon is nation
"peeled", or timbered, a land of open fields (Isa 18:2).13.
Babylon is land quartered by mighty rivers (Isa 18:2).14. Babylon is a
land that is measured out, and populated throughout (Isa 18:2).15. Babylon
destroys her own land, with pollution and waste (Isa 14:20, 18:2, 7).16.
Babylon is a land rich in mineral wealth (Jer 51:13).17. Babylon is a the
leading agricultural nation of the world (Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).18. Babylon
is the leading exporting nation in the world (Jer 51:13; Rev 18).19.
Babylon is the leading importing nation of the entire world.(Jer 50, 51;
Rev 18).20. Babylon is a nation filled with warehouses and granaries (Jer
50:26).21. Babylon is the leading INDUSTRIAL NATION OF THE WORLD (Isa 13,
47, Jer 50, 51; Rev 18).22. Babylon is noted for her horses (Jer
50:37).23. Babylon is noted for her cattle, sheep and other livestock (Jer
50:26, 27; Rev 18:13).24. Babylon is noted for her fine flour and mill
operations (Rev 18:13).25. Babylon is a nation of farmers and harvests
huge crops (Jer 50:16, 26, 27).26. Babylon is a huge exporter of MUSIC
(Rev 18:22).27. Babylon's musicians are known around the world (Rev
18:22)28. Babylon has a huge aviation program (Isa 14:13-14; Jer 51:53;
Hab 1:6-10).29. Babylon's skies are filled with the whisper of aircraft
wings (Isa 18:1; Jer 51:53).30. Babylon has a huge space industry, has
"mounted up to the heavens" (Jer 51:53).31. Babylon fortifies
her skies with a huge military aviation program (Jer 51:53).32. Babylon is portrayed as a leading in high tech weapons and abilities (Jer 51:53; Hab 1:6-10; implied throughout).33. Babylon is a
nation filled with warm water seaports (Rev 18:17-19).34. Babylon is a
coastal nation and sits upon MANY WATERS (Jer 51:13).35. Babylon trades
with all who have ships in the sea year round (Rev 18:17-18).36. Babylon
is nation filled with a "mingled" people (Jer 50:37).37. Babylon
is a SINGULAR NATION founded upon OUT OF MANY, ONE (Isa 13, 47, Jer 50,
51, Hab 1).38. Babylon is a REPUBLIC or a DEMOCRACY, it is ruled by many
counsels (Isa 47:13).39. Babylon's governmental system breaks down (Isa
47:13).40. Babylon is bogged down with deliberations and cannot govern
properly (Isa 47:13).41. Babylon's leaders use astrology, seers and
mystics for guidance (Isa 47:13; Rev 18:2).42. Babylon labored in the
occult from her very inception (Isa 47:12).43. Babylon falls to the occult
just before her end by nuclear fire (Rev 18:2)44. Babylon was born as a
CHRISTIAN NATION (Jer 50:12).45. Babylon turns upon its heritage and
destroys it all in the end (Jer 50:11).46. Babylon's
Christian leaders lead their flock astray in prophecy and salvation (Jer 50:6; implied Rev 18:2).47. Babylon's Christian
leaders are "strangers" in the Lord Houses of Worship (Jer
51:51).48. The people of Babylon are deep into astrology and spiritism (Isa
47:12; Rev 18:2).49. Babylon becomes the home of all antichrist religions
in the world (Rev 18:2).50. Babylon is a nation of religious confusion (Isa 47:12-13).51. Babylon turns upon its own people and
imprisons and slays them by millions (Jer 50:7,33; 51:35; 39; Dan 7:25;
Rev 13:7; 17:6; 18:24).52. Babylon sets of detention centers for Jews and
Christians and rounds them up for extermination (Jer 50:7, 33; 51:35, 49;
Rev 17:6; 18:24).53. Babylon has a mother nation that remains in existence
from her birth to death (Jer 50: 12).54. The mother of Babylon has the
symbol of the LION (Dan7:4; Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38; Psalms 17:12).55. The
mother of Babylon will rule over her daughter her entire life (Dan 7:4;
Jer 50:12).56. The mother of Babylon will be a state of major decline as
the end nears (Jer 50:12). 57. Babylon is considered to be a lion's whelp
(Eze 38:13; Jer 51:38).58. Babylon will have the symbol of the EAGLE and
builds her nest in the stars (Dan 7:4 EAGLE WINGS; Isa 14:13-14; Jer
51:53).59. Babylon turns totally antichrist and is the leading antichrist
power at the end (Rev 18:2; Isa 14:4-6).60. THE KING OF BABYLON is called
LUCIFER, the ANTICHRIST (Isa 14:4-6).61. The King of Babylon will rule
from THE GREAT CITY BABYLON (Isa 14:4-6; Rev 17: 18).62. A world
government entity will rise up to rule the world from BABYLON THE CITY (Isa
14; Hab 2, Rev 13, 17, 18).63. This world entity will be a diverse entity,
different than all other ruling bodies of the world (Dan 7:7, 23).64. This
entity will be a TREATY POWER ENTITY (Dan 7:7, 23 DIVERSE).65. This entity
will rise up and use the military power of Babylon the nation to RULE THE
WORLD (Isa 14:4-6; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13, 17).66. Babylon is a huge
producer and exporter of automobiles (Jer 50:37; Rev 18:13).67. Babylon is a nation of
CRAFTSMEN, experts in their trade (Jer 50, 51,
Rev 18:22).68. Babylon is noted for her jewelry of gold and silver (Rev
18:22).69. Babylon is a huge importer and exporter of spices (Rev
18:13).70. Babylon is a huge exporter of fine marble products (Rev
18:22).71. Babylon is noted for her iron and steel production (Rev
18:12).72. Babylon has huge corporations that have bases around the world
(Rev 18:23, implied throughout)73. Babylon is a nation of higher education
and learning (Isa 47:10, implied throughout).74. Babylon is a nation with
a GREAT VOICE in world affairs (Jer 51:55)75. Babylon is a VIRGIN NATION,
untouched by major war
(Isa 47:1).76. Babylon has a vast military machine (Jer
50:36; 51:30; Hab 1 & 2, Rev 13:4).77. Babylon will be instrumental in
the setting up of Israel in the Middle East, and is the home of God's
people (Jer 50:47; 51:45).78. Babylon will have a major enemy to her north (Jer 50:3, 9, 41).79. Babylon's enemy will lie on the
opposite side of the world, over the poles (Isa 13:5)80. The enemy of
Babylon will be a FEDERAL OF NATIONS (Jer 50:9).81. The enemy of Babylon
will be largely Moslem in make-up (Jer 50:17; Rev 17:16; Psalms
83:5-12).82. The
enemy of Babylon will have nuclear missiles capable of reaching Babylon (Jer 50:9, 14,; Rev 18:8, 18).83. The enemy of Babylon will
be noted for her cruelty (Isa 13, 14, Jer 50, 51, Rev 17, 18).84. The
enemy of Babylon will also have a huge aviation military machine (Jer
50:9, 14, Rev 18:8, 18 implied throughout).85. The enemy of Babylon will
come into Babylon unnoticed (Isa 47:11, Jer 50:24; 51:2, 14).86. Babylon
will be filled with her enemies brought in under the guise of peace (Dan
11:21).87. Babylon will have all of her borders cut off, and there will be
no way of escape (Jer 50:28; 51:32).88. Babylon will be destroyed by nuclear fire (Implied throughout)89. Babylon is land vast land with huge
cities, towns and villages throughout (Implied throughout).90. Babylon
will have been a huge missionary nation for Jesus Christ (Jer 50:11;
51:7).91. Babylon would be a home to multitudes of Jews who leave (Jer
50:4-6, 8; 51:6, 45)92. The people of Babylon would not know their true
identity (Jer 50:6, implied throughout).93. The people of Babylon would
think they are God's elect and eternal (Isa 47:7-8, Rev 18:7).94. The people of Babylon would
enjoy the highest standard of living in the world (Rev 18:7).95. The people of Babylon would grow
mad upon their idols (Jer 50:2, 38; Hab 2:18).96. The
people of Babylon would go into deep sins of all kinds (Rev 18:5).97. The
nation Babylon dwells carelessly before the Lord (Isa 47:8).98. Babylon
becomes proud, haughty, and does not consider her end (Isa 47:7-8).99. Babylon deals in the occult, in
sorceries and drugs (Isa 47:9, 12; Rev 18:23) “These are but a few of the many parameters listed to help
us identify this last great nation that the Lord calls BABYLON THE GREAT.
America does now, or is in the process of fulfilling each and every one of
them. No other nation upon the face of the earth can fulfill such
parameters. AMERICA IS BABYLON THE GREAT.” Revelation 18:1-24 with explanations- ![]() she
saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and
shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death,
and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for
strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication
and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when
they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10 Standing afar off for the fear
of her torment, (because of the nuclear
radiation) saying, Alas, alas, that
great city
Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come. 11 And the merchants of the earth shall
weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their
merchandise any more:
12 The
merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and
fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and
all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood,
and of brass, and iron, and marble,
13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense,
and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and
horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
14 And
the fruits that thy soul lusted after are departed from thee, and all
things which were dainty and goodly are departed from thee, and thou shalt
find them no more at all. 15 The merchants of these things,
which were made rich by her, shall stand afar off for the fear of her
torment, (fear of the remaining nuclear
radiation) weeping and
wailing, 16 And saying, Alas, alas, that great city, that was clothed in
fine linen, and purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and precious
stones, and pearls! 17 For in one hour so great riches is come to nought. And
every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many
as trade by sea, stood afar off, 18 And cried when they
saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto
this great city! 19 And they cast dust on their heads, and cried,
weeping and wailing, saying, Alas, alas, that great city, wherein
were made rich all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness!
for in one hour is she made desolate. 20 Rejoice over her, thou
heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you
on her. 21 And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and
cast it into the sea, saying, Thus
with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be
found no more at all. 22 And the voice of harpers, and musicians,
and of pipers, and trumpeters, shall be heard no more at all in thee; and
no craftsman, of whatsoever craft he be, shall be found any more in
thee; and the sound of a millstone shall be heard no more at
all in thee; 23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in
thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no
more at all in thee: for thy
merchants were the great men of the earth; (the
Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and other Illuminati bankers and wealthy
members of the European Black Nobility) for by thy sorceries (mind-control)
were all
24 And in her was
found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of
all that were slain upon the earth.
(Wars, UN or American
“peace-keeping”, abortion (Jer. 2:34), genocide, AIDS, Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, military experiments, failed test subjects, CIA assassinations,
and what the below document mentions ) Shocked
and Horrified
Larry Mosqueda, Ph.D. September
15, 2001 Like all Americans, on
Tuesday, 9-11, I was shocked and horrified to watch the WTC Twin Towers be
attacked by hijacked planes and collapse, resulting in the deaths of
perhaps up to 10,000 innocent people. I had not been that shocked and horrified since January 16, 1991, when then President Bush attacked Baghdad, and the rest of Iraq and began killing 200,000 people during that "war" (slaughter). This includes the infamous "highway of death" in the last days of the slaughter when U.S. pilots literally shot in the back retreating Iraqi civilians and soldiers. I continue to be horrified by the sanctions on Iraq, which have resulted in the death of over 1,000,000 Iraqis, including over 500,000 children, about whom former Secretary of State Madeline Allbright has stated that their deaths "are worth the cost". Over the course of my life I have been shocked and horrified by a variety of U.S. governmental actions, such as the U.S. sponsored coup against democracy in Guatemala in 1954 which resulted in the deaths of over 120,000 Guatemalan peasants by U.S. installed dictatorships over the course of four decades. Last Tuesday's events reminded me of the horror I felt when the U.S. overthrew the governments of the Dominican Republic in 1965 and helped to murder 3,000 people. And it reminded me of the shock I felt in 1973, when the U.S. sponsored a coup in Chile against the democratic government of Salvador Allende and helped to murder another 30,000 people, including U.S. citizens. Last Tuesday's events reminded me of the shock and horror I felt in 1965 when the U.S. sponsored a coup in Indonesia that resulted in the murder of over 800,000 people, and the subsequent slaughter in 1975 of over 250,000 innocent people in East Timor by the Indonesian regime with the direct complicity of President Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. I was reminded of the shock and horror I felt during the U.S. sponsored terrorist contra war (the World Court declared the U.S. government a war criminal in 1984 for the mining of the harbors) against Nicaragua in the 1980s which resulted in the deaths of over 30,000 innocent people (or as the U.S. government used to call them before the term "collateral damage" was invented--"soft targets"). I was reminded of being horrified by the U. S. war against the people of El Salvador in the 1980s, which resulted in the brutal deaths of over 80,000 people, or "soft targets". I was reminded of the shock and horror I felt during the U.S. sponsored terror war against the peoples of southern Africa (especially Angola) that began in the 1970's and continues to this day and has resulted in the deaths and mutilations of over 1,000,000. I was reminded of the shock and horror I felt as the U.S. invaded Panama over the Christmas season of 1989 and killed over 8,000 in an attempt to capture George H. Bush's CIA partner, now turned enemy, Manual Noriega. I was reminded of the horror I felt when I learned about how the Shah of Iran was installed in a U.S. sponsored brutal coup that resulted in the deaths of over 70,000 Iranians from 1952-1979. And the continuing shock as I learned that the Ayatollah Khomani, who overthrew the Shah in 1979, and who was the U.S. public enemy for decade of the 1980s, was also on the CIA payroll, while he was in exile in Paris in the 1970s. I was reminded of the shock and horror that I felt as I learned about the how the U.S. has "manufactured consent" since 1948 for its support of Israel, to the exclusion of virtually any rights for the Palestinians in their native lands resulting in ever worsening day-to-day conditions for the people of Palestine. I was shocked as I learned about the hundreds of towns and villages that were literally wiped off the face of the earth in the early days of Israeli colonization. I was horrified in 1982 as the villagers of Sabra and Shatila were massacred by Israeli allies with direct Israeli complicity and direction. The untold thousands who died on that day match the scene of horror that we saw last Tuesday. But those scenes were not repeated over and over again on the national media to inflame the American public. The events and images of last Tuesday have been appropriately compared to the horrific events and images of Lebanon in the 1980s with resulted in the deaths of tens of thousand of people, with no reference to the fact that the country that inflicted the terror on Lebanon was Israel, with U.S. backing. I still continue to be shocked at how mainstream commentators refer to "Israeli settlers" in the "occupied territories" with no sense of irony as they report on who are the aggressors in the region. Of course, the largest and most shocking war crime of the second half of the 20th century was the U.S. assault on Indochina from 1954-1975, especially Vietnam, where over 4,000,000 people were bombed, napalmed, crushed, shot and individually "hands on" murdered in the "Phoenix Program" (this is where Oliver North got his start). Many U.S. Vietnam veterans were also victimized by this war and had the best of intentions, but the policy makers themselves knew the criminality of their actions and policies as revealed in their own words in "The Pentagon Papers," released by Daniel Ellsberg of the RAND Corporation. In 1974 Ellsberg noted that our Presidents from Truman to Nixon continually lied to the U.S. public about the purpose and conduct of the war. He has stated that, "It is a tribute to the American people that our leaders perceived that they had to lie to us, it is not a tribute to us that we were so easily misled." I was continually shocked and horrified as the U.S. attacked and bombed with impunity the nation of Libya in the 1980s, including killing the infant daughter of Khadafi. I was shocked as the U.S. bombed and invaded Grenada in 1983. I was horrified by U.S. military and CIA actions in Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan, Sudan, Brazil, Argentina, and Yugoslavia. The deaths in these actions ran into the hundreds of thousands. The above list is by no means complete or comprehensive. It is merely a list that is easily accessible and not unknown, especially to the economic and intellectual elites. It has just been conveniently eliminated from the public discourse and public consciousness. And for the most part, the analysis that the U.S. actions have resulted in the deaths of primarily civilians (over 90%) is not unknown to these elites and policy makers. A conservative number for those who have been killed by U.S. terror and military action since World War II is 8,000,000 people. (This figure is a gross understatement. I’d put the true number around 50 million, at the very least, and this is not including the tremendous amount of AIDS, cancer, and mind-control victims, as well as the missing children -Aaron). Repeat--8,000,000 people. This does not include the wounded, the imprisoned, the displaced, the refugees, etc. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated in 1967, during the Vietnam War, "My government is the world's leading purveyor of violence." Shocking and horrifying. (Small
wonder that other countries refer to us as “The Great Satan”
– Aaron) Nothing that I have
written is meant to disparage or disrespect those who were victims and
those who suffered death or the loss of a loved one during this week's
events. It is not meant to "justify" any action by those
who bombed the Twin Towers or the Pentagon. It is meant to put it in
a context. If we believe that the actions were those of
"madmen", they are "madmen" who are able to keep a
secret for 2 years or more among over 100 people, as they trained to
execute a complex plan. While not the acts of madmen, they are
apparently the acts of "fanatics" who, depending on who they
really are, can find real grievances, but whose actions are illegitimate.
(They were not the acts of “fanatics”, either.
Did you know that suicide is against the Muslim religion?
If the “suicide bombers” were Islamic fundamentalists then they
wouldn’t commit suicide. The
truth is, there were no “hijackers”.
I have some documents
which offer a lot of evidence that points to the theory that the planes
were remote-controlled using military aviation guidance technology like
our “Global Hawk” system. -Aaron). Osama Bin Laden at this point has been accused by the media and the government of being the mastermind of Tuesday's bombings. Given the government's track record on lying to the America people, that should not be accepted as fact at this time. If indeed Bin Laden is the mastermind of this action, he is responsible for the deaths of perhaps 10,000 people-a shocking and horrible crime. Ed Herman in his book The Real Terror Network: Terrorism in Fact and Propaganda does not justify any terrorism but points out that states often engage in "wholesale" terror, while those whom governments define as "terrorist" engage is "retail" terrorism. While qualitatively the results are the same for the individual victims of terrorism, there is a clear quantitative difference. And as Herman and others point out, the seeds, the roots, of much of the "retail" terror are in fact found in the "wholesale" terror of states. Again this is not to justify, in any way, the actions of last Tuesday, but to put them in a context and suggest an explanation. Perhaps most shocking and horrific, if indeed Bin Laden is the mastermind of Tuesday's actions; he has clearly had significant training in logistics, armaments, and military training, etc. by competent and expert military personnel. And indeed he has. During the 1980s, he was recruited, trained and funded by the CIA in Afghanistan to fight against the Russians. As long as he visited his terror on Russians and his enemies in Afghanistan, he was "our man" in that country. The same is true of Saddam Hussein of Iraq, who was a CIA asset in Iraq during the 1980s. Hussein could gas his own people, repress the population, and invade his neighbor (Iran) as long as he did it with U.S. approval. The same was true of Manuel Noriega of Panama, who was a contemporary and CIA partner of George H. Bush in the 1980s. Noriega's main crime for Bush, the father, was not that he dealt drugs (he did, but the U.S. and Bush knew this before 1989), but that Noriega was no longer going to cooperate in the ongoing U.S. terrorist contra war against Nicaragua. This information is not unknown or really controversial among elite policy makers. To repeat, this not to justify any of the actions of last Tuesday, but to put it in its horrifying context. As shocking as the events of last Tuesday were, they are likely to generate even more horrific actions by the U.S. government that will add significantly to the 8,000,000 figure stated above. This response may well be qualitatively and quantitatively worst than the events of Tuesday. The New York Times headline of 9/14/01 states that, "Bush And Top Aides Proclaim Policy Of Ending States That Back Terror" as if that was a rationale, measured, or even sane option. States that have been identified for possible elimination are "a number of Asian and African countries, like Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, and even Pakistan." This is beyond shocking and horrific-it is just as potentially suicidal, homicidal, and more insane than the hijackers themselves. Also, qualitatively, these actions will be even worse than the original bombers if one accepts the mainstream premise that those involved are "madmen", "religious fanatics", or a "terrorist group." If so, they are acting as either individuals or as a small group. The U.S. actions may continue the homicidal policies of a few thousand elites for the past 50 years, involving both political parties. The retail terror is that of desperate and sometime fanatical small groups and individuals who often have legitimate grievances, but engage in individual criminal and illegitimate activities; the wholesale terror is that of "rational" educated men where the pain, suffering, and deaths of millions of people are contemplated, planned, and too often, executed, for the purpose of furthering a nebulous concept called the "national interest". Space does not allow a full explanation of the elites Orwellian concept of the "national interest", but it can be summarized as the protection and expansion of hegemony and an imperial empire. The American public is
being prepared for war while being fed a continuous stream of shocking and
horrific repeated images of Tuesday's events and heartfelt stories from
the survivors and the loved ones of those who lost family members.
These stories are real and should not be diminished. In fact, those
who lost family members can be considered a representative sample of
humanity of the 8,000,000 who have been lost previously. If we
multiply by 800-1000 times the amount of pain, angst, and anger being
currently felt by the American public, we might begin to understand how
much of the rest of the world feels as they are continually victimized.
Some particularly poignant images are the heart wrenching public stories that we are seeing and hearing of family members with pictures and flyers searching for their loved ones. These images are virtually the same as those of the "Mothers of the Disappeared" who searched for their (primarily) adult children in places such as Argentina, where over 11,000 were "disappeared" in 1976-1982, again with U.S. approval. Just as the mothers of Argentina deserved our respect and compassion, so do the relatives of those who are searching for their relatives now. However we should not allow ourselves to be manipulated by the media and U.S. government into turning real grief and anger into a national policy of wholesale terror and genocide against innocent civilians in Asia and Africa. What we are seeing in military terms is called "softening the target." The target here is the American public and we are being ideologically and emotionally prepared for the slaughter that may commence soon. None of the previously identified Asian and African countries are democracies, which means that the people of these countries have virtually no impact on developing the policies of their governments, even if we assume that these governments are complicit in Tuesday's actions. When one examines the recent history of these countries, one will find that the American government had direct and indirect influences on creating the conditions for the existence of some of these governments. This is especially true of the Taliban government of Afghanistan itself. The New York Metropolitan Area has about 21,000,000 people or about 8 % of the U.S. population. Almost everyone in America knows someone who has been killed, injured or traumatized by the events of Tuesday. I know that I do. Many people are calling for "revenge" or "vengeance" and comments such as "kill them all" have been circulated on the TV, radio, and email. A few more potentially benign comments have called for "justice." This is only potentially benign since that term may be defined by people such as Bush and Colin Powell. Powell is an unrepentant participant in the Vietnam War, the terrorist contra war against Nicaragua, and the Gulf war, at each level becoming more responsible for the planning and execution of the policies. Those affected, all of us, must do everything in our power to prevent a wider war and even greater atrocity, do everything possible to stop the genocide if it starts, and hold those responsible for their potential war crimes during and after the war. If there is a great war in 2001 and it is not catastrophic (a real possibility), the crimes of that war will be revisited upon the U.S. over the next generation. That is not some kind of religious prophecy or threat, it is merely a straightforward political analysis. If indeed it is Bin Laden, the world must not deal only with him as an individual criminal, but eliminate the conditions that create the injustices and war crimes that will inevitably lead to more of these types of attacks in the future. The phrase "No
Justice, No Peace" is more than a slogan used in a march, it is an
observable historical fact. It is time to end the
GOD JUDGE AMERICA And The LORD Bless His servants
Yahshua said in Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two
masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and
Are you an American or a Christian?
You cannot be both.
you this day whom ye will serve”
Joshua 24:15
would like to thank the following people.
They are truth-tellers and researchers, whose invaluable writings
and presentations have made this document possible: Milton
William Cooper (murdered
by the government on November 6, 2001) Philip
Schneider (murdered
by the government on January, 1996) Alfred
Bielek Thomas
E. Bearden Bruce
Alan Walton Fritz
Springmeier Norio
Hayakawa Peter
S. Ruckman Gail
Riplinger Larry
G. Meguiar Jeff
Forrester Above
all, I would like to thank God for pulling me free from the “matrix”.