Aaron Goddard Preamble- 2002 What
is more important to you, safety or Salvation? Who
do you really think has your “best interests” in mind?
Your country, or your God? There
is no question that America has been blessed with material wealth.
Is this a good thing? It
depends upon how it is used, whether or not it comes between us and God,
and whether or not it is God that is currently giving it to us.
Jesus said “Ye cannot serve God and mammon”. Is America still the “bastion of freedom”,
the “light to the world”, like it once was, and how people think of
it as being? Or has a
sinister force undermined the core of its spiritual integrity?
Have its “traditional roots” been plucked up and thrown away
by greedy men who have turned it into something totally different than
how it is perceived, which the Bible prophesied about?
The sad answer is yes, confirmed by the cold hard facts. Was
God too stupid or forgot to include America in the Bible- the
greatest nation in the history of the world? “For
the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted
after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through
with many sorrows.” Money is power.
The love of money is the love of power, and the love of power is greed. A
selection of quotes- Baron Mayer Amschel
de Rothschild- “Give me control of a nation’s currency,
and I care not who makes its laws”. Thomas Jefferson- "I believe that banking institutions are
more dangerous than standing armies." Andrew Jackson- "If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking system, there
would be a revolution before morning." Adolf Hitler- “The great masses of the people will more
easily fall victim to a big lie than a small one”. Winston Churchhill- "Most people, sometime in their lives,
stumble across truth. Most jump up, brush themselves off, and hurry on
about their business as if nothing had happened." Unknown- “The capacity of the human mind to resist
the intrusion of new knowledge is infinite”. Delamer Duverus- One
basic truth can be used as a foundation for a mountain of lies, and
if we dig down deep enough in the mountain of lies, and bring out that
truth, to set it on top of the mountain of lies; the entire mountain of
lies will crumble under the weight of that one truth, and there is
nothing more devastating to a structure of lies than the revelation of
the truth upon which the structure of lies was built, because the shock
waves of the revelation of the truth reverberate, and continue to
reverberate throughout the Earth for generations to follow, awakening
even those people who had no desire to be awakened to the truth. La Rochefoucauld- “One of the tragedies of life is the murder
of a beautiful theory by a brutal gang of facts”. George Orwell- "In a time of universal deceit, telling
the truth is a revolutionary act." Herbert Spencer- “There is a principle which is a bar
against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which
cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance – that principle is
contempt prior to investigation.” Henry Louis Mencken (1880-1956) - "I
feel sorry for the man who, after reading the daily newspaper, goes to
bed believing he knows something of what's going on in the world." Bob Jones Sr.- “Every bad thing is a good thing
twisted”. Aaron Goddard- “You cannot love good if you don’t hate evil. You cannot hate evil if you don’t know it exists or what its true nature is”. DISCLAIMER
# 1 - All of the evil going on and that has gone on is NOT God’s will, contrary to what some people may think. America is fulfilling prophecy, but that in no way excuses what America is doing. Prophesy is just history of future events. God knew what was going to happen in these last days and what diabolical men would accomplish, and, though he didn’t like or approve of it in any way whatsoever, He wove it into His overall plan, since it was going to happen anyway. This shows how powerful the Lord really is. The world is in the shape its in because we have made it that way. God has given us what we have chosen. God endowed mankind with a free will, and if mankind chooses to sin, then it has to receive the consequences that go along with it, because sin always carries a consequence. Sinning always backfires upon the sinner (not immediately though, for God will allow the person time for repentance). The universal law of “cause and effect” says that “For every action, there is a reaction”. The Bible says in Galatians 6:7- “…For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” “As ye sow, so shall ye reap”. This is the karmic law of “just deserts”. There is a saying- “Honi soit qui mal y pense”, or “Evil be to him who thinks it”. It is not God’s fault that this world is like it is- it is our fault. He has already given us the solution for all the world’s problems (His Son); we just need to accept it. The answers for everything can be found in God’s word, the Bible. DISCLAIMER # 2- Nothing in this document is meant to
glorify Satan or give him more respect than what he is due.
It is only meant to EXPOSE him so he can be CAST DOWN.
My intentions are not to glorify evil, but to show how abundant
it is so we can- a.
Know the truth. b. Feel
the need to be more circumspect, vigilant, and wise.
c. Know
who our enemy is. d. Desire true freedom. e.
Hate evil and despise lies
f. Want it
gone and thus have more motivation to fight it. DISCLAIMER # 3- Don’t assume what isn’t true. I am not “anti-American”, in the sense that I’m some bitter recluse who had a bad childhood or was wronged in the past, and is now full of hatred and slander for my country. I am not “anti-America” or “un-patriotic” in the sense that I have a “chip on my shoulder” or an “axe to grind”. I have walked up inside through the Statue of Liberty and I’ve toured the White House. I am in the Air Force. I’ve been in Boy Scouts and I like apple pie and I shoot off fireworks on the fourth of July. I’ve seen the faces at Mount Rushmore and I’ve been in the Library of Congress. I’ve been in Carlsbad Caverns and Yellowstone National Park. However, I’ve also been by Area 51. I am not “anti-government” in the sense that I have an agenda, or belong to a militia, or am a cult member, or am just rebellious. I AM against a lawless government that’s opposed to God. I am not a so-called “conspiracy theorist” either, just a seeker of truth. I don’t hate authority; only evil. I don’t hate my country; only what it is doing and what it’s become. DISCLAIMER # 4- This document is not “politically
correct”. It is not
soccer game/golf club/pizza hut/santa claus/potato chip/happy meal/folgers
coffee/sunday comic/church steeple/easter egg/paul harvey/popcorn/movie
theater/chevy pickup/fourth of july/ correct” either.
It might offend you, but that’s your problem, not mine.
If you are a stubborn person who would rather die than change
your mind about what you believe, then you don’t deserve to know the
truth. Important background info-
You will often hear mention of the “Illuminati” in this document. They are a group of extremely evil and powerful men who control the entire world. They practice Hegelian conflict/resolution. Their motto is “Ordo Ab Chao” or “Order out of Chaos”. They create chaos so as to bring about their own order. They wage wars, pit nation against nation, and plan and oversee most of the world’s major events. Since the Bible says that Satan is the god of this world, it would make sense that there would be people under him who rule the world and do his bidding. And there are, and have been, for thousands of years. They are from certain satanic bloodlines (like the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Merovingians, Astors, Windsors, the Bush family, etc.) which are very prone to demonic and “reptilian” possession. They descended from Cain, Esau (Edom), and Nimrod, respectively, and are the Edomites that the book of Obadiah pronounces judgment upon. They fulfill Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 in that many of them claim to be Jews. They compose many famous names in the government, media, and entertainment world. They are known as the “Illuminati” or “Illumined Ones” since they are full of inspiration and “light” from Lucifer. They call themselves the “Guardians of the Secrets of the Ages” and have been responsible for keeping the human race in slavery by controlling our minds though the limiting and suppression of real news, real history, and real knowledge. They are the ones who “hold the truth in unrighteousness” (Romans 1:18). Romans 1:18-32 describes them. The Illuminati are the “Priests of Baal” and belong to the “European Black Nobility”. They are the adepts of the mystery religions, as well as high-ranking Jesuits and Masons which have proceeded beyond the “final” 33rd degree. Their philosophy is that of the mystery schools, which they founded, of people like the Babylonians and Chaldeans. They control a variety of different secret societies (like Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism or the Order of the Rosy Cross, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Yale’s Skull and Bones, Harvard’s Scroll and Key, Ordo Templi Orientis, Thule Society, KKK, Order of the Golden Dawn, Rhodes Scholars, etc.) which are made to appear to oppose each other on the surface, and from which new Illuminati initiates are recruited from. The
Illuminati are also known as the Cult of the Serpent and the Brotherhood
of the Snake. The major Masonic temples are filled with carvings and
artwork of serpents on their walls.
Serpent and dragon worship is common to all countries and peoples
of the world. The
Illuminati worship Satan, who is known as “Leviathan”, the
“Serpent”, and a “Great Red Dragon”.
They themselves are part of the “serpent-race”
that the Bible describes in many places.
Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees (the “Illuminati” of his
time) “Ye
serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of
hell?” This is found in Matthew 23:33, which is significant,
since the numbers 23 and 33 are important
to the Illuminati, who are obsessed with symbolism.
Relevant quotes- President Woodrow
Wilson- "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly
had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the
United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of
something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized,
so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that
they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in
condemnation of it." U.S. Senator Barry
Goldwater, in his l964 book "With No Apologies"- "The great strength of our
Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in any place in its
own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation. By
establishing reading societies, and subscription libraries, and taking
these under our direction, and supplying them through our labours, we
may turn the public mind which way we will...". James
Paul Warburg (major player of the Federal Reserve System and member of the
Council on Foreign Relations) stated on February 17, 1950 before the U.S.
Senate- "We
shall have World Government, whether or not you like it …by conquest or
consent. David Spangler, Director of Planetary
Initiative, “United Nations”- "No one will enter the New World Order
unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will
enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." Arthur
Schlesinger, Jr., in the CFR magazine “Foreign Affairs” (July/August
1995)- "We are not going to achieve a new
world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and
money." President
George Bush, speaking of Saddam Hussein (January 1991)- "If we do not follow the dictates of our inner moral compass and
stand up for human life, then his lawlessness will threaten the peace and
democracy of the emerging new world order we now see, this long
dreamed-of vision we've all worked toward for so long." President George Bush, September 11, 1990 (exactly 11 years
before the W.T.C. attacks)- We
stand today at a unique and extraordinary moment. The crisis in the
Persian Gulf, as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move
toward a historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times,
our fifth objective-a new world order can emerge;
a new era-freer from the threat of terror, stronger in the pursuit of
justice, and more secure in the quest for peace, an era in which the
nations of the world, East and West, North and South, can prosper and live
in harmony… Today,
that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite
different from the one we have known, a world where the rule of law
supplants the rule of the jungle…
events have surely proven that there is no substitute for American
leadership. In the face of tyranny, let no one doubt American credibility
and reliability. Let no one
doubt our staying power. We will stand by you… President
George W. Bush (September, 2001)- “You’re
either with us, or you’re with the terrorists”.
(Oh, really? I’m with neither) President
Bill Clinton- "We
can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary
Americans". Introduction- Who is Babylon? It is described in the Old Testament as being a powerful end-time nation with great riches and wealth. Babylon is none other than America. I’m sure you disagree, but at least take the time to read and keep in mind the information set forth in this document, while prayerfully considering the truth. Read Jeremiah chapters 50 and 51. What about Rome? America has provided much of the funding and support for the Vatican. Many Christians incorrectly believe the Roman Catholic church to be Babylon, or the “whore” of Revelation. While it is certainly conceivable to think that Rome is Babylon (all my life I believed the same way myself), most of the prophecies in the Old Testament, as well as in Revelation, do not make complete sense this way. However, they ALL fit America to a “T”. Revelation 17:9 says that the woman, or “whore”, sits on seven mountains. It is commonly and understandably thought that this is describing Rome, since Rome is built on seven hills. However, a “hill” is not a “mountain”, as there is a considerable size difference between the two. Some may say that the seven hills used to be mountains; however, mountains do not get worn down to hills over time. The truth of the matter is that, in the Bible, “mountain” is a code word for “kingdom”, as can be seen in many places throughout the Old Testament (as in “Mount Zion”, etc.). So the woman (America) sits on, or rules over, seven kingdoms, each of which are probably ruled by the “seven kings” of Revelation 17:10. Isn’t Babylon a city? The book of Revelation describes Babylon as a "city", figuratively, as well as literally, in regard to New York City. Read Revelation 18:17 while taking into account the fact that New York is by the sea and is the nation’s premier city for world trade and is the hub of world commerce. Ronald Reagan once referred to America as "a shining city upon a hill". (He took the quote from John Winthrop who spoke that about the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1630). Since Babylon is called a nation in various places in the Old Testament (including prophesies about the last days, and no, they haven’t been fulfilled yet), but Revelation calls it a city, it follows that Babylon must be both a nation and a city. Since “Babylon”, though, is singular, then the nation and the city must be connected and related. It would greatly affect America if NYC were destroyed. The judgments pronounced upon the “city” of Revelation will happen to America as well, since Babylon is a city and a nation. Since a nation is more important than a city, that’s why there’s more verses concerning Babylon as a nation than there are about it as a city. In the Bible, Egypt is symbolic of the world. In modern times, America is symbolic of the world. Just like God brought all of the plagues upon Egypt, so he will do to America. New York City represents America. When people look at the Statue of Liberty, they think of America. Almost all of this document will discuss Babylon America, not Babylon New York City. When most people look at the Statue of Liberty, they see a symbol of freedom. In fact they are looking at an Illuminati structure which symbolizes anything but freedom. It was sculptured by Frederic Bartholdi, a member of the Masonic Lodge of Alsace-Lorraine in Paris, France, and was a gift of a Masonic Order. It really represents Semiramis (the beautiful, evil wife and mother of Nimrod, who came to symbolize Baal and Horus) or the Egyptian goddess Isis, who is the mother of Horus (who symbolizes the sun, and is the son of the “god behind the sun”, Osiris). Isis is also known as Ishtar (or “Easter”, which is a pagan holiday that Herod observed- Acts 12:4), Ashtaroth (Judges 2:13), Astarte, Diana (Acts 19:27), and the “queen of heaven” (Jer. 44:17), and is the “Mary” that the Catholics worship. The torch that “Lady Liberty” is holding is an ancient symbol for “Prometheus”, which is intellect or wisdom from the “gods” (Lucifer actually), and symbolized by fire. The Statue of “Liberty”, one of the foremost symbols of our nation, shows just how far into idolatry this country is. Jeremiah 51:47- Therefore, behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.
Confirming evidence- All of America’s major cities are like
the wicked city of Nineveh that book of Jonah talks about, whose
inhabitants were unable to “discern between their right hand and their
left hand”, or discern good from evil.
A good example is Las Vegas, the “sin city of the world”. America’s Sodom and Gomorrah,
state-wise, is California and New York.
Florida ranks third. Those
states contain the most homosexuals in the nation.
America’s Sodom and Gomorrah, city-wise, is San Francisco and New
York City. Just like God utterly destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah with fire, so He will
do to America. America, the greatest country in the
world, is the "melting-pot" of the world's people (like Babel,
babble), and it officially speaks one language (English), as does
the world, just as it was "in the days of Noah", in the time of
the tower of Babel (read Luke 17:26-27).
The United Nations, a tool partly responsible for the fast
development of America into a fascist police state, is located in New York
City. NYC symbolizes
the USA, which symbolizes the OWO (One World Order).
Incidentally, New York City has roughly 72,000 cops. There are 33 sections that form the inner circle of the UN logo. There are also 13 leaves on each side of it.
The number 33 is a
very significant number. Jesus
died when he was 33 years old. There
are 66 books in the Bible, or 33 times two.
All the world’s “hot-spots” are at the 33rd
parallel of latitude, like the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the Bermuda
Triangle, the “Devil’s Triangle” off the coast of Japan, Atlantis,
Roswell, the Kennedy assassination, etc.
There are also 33 official degrees in Freemasonry.
Later on in this document you will learn the real meaning behind
the number 13. With only six percent of the world’s population, the US consumes about 50 percent of its resources. America has stolen the world’s wealth, and then it makes a big pretense of “foreign aid”. People in America are fat while people in other countries are starving. “God bless America”, indeed. What an awful thing to say. Think about it- what reason would God possibly have to bless America? There are tons of reasons existing for Him to judge America, though. If you can’t come up with any, you will after reading this document. America is full of pride, arrogance,
lust, greed, fornication, and is the hold of every unclean and hateful
bird. She hates the truth,
embraces debauchery, and loves to have it so.
She covets her technology and wasteful material possessions
and doesn’t realize that it’s corrupted her.
People in America think their country is the greatest and that
nothing or nobody can break its power.
The statement was actually made, concerning the H.R.M.S. Titanic,
"God himself couldn't sink this ship".
Even while the Titanic was sinking, the people on it didn't know
until the last moment and they were busy partying, drinking, dancing, and
having a good time. This is exactly how it is in America today.
"Let's eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die" (slightly
adapted from 1 Cor. 15:32). Said
in jest, but oh how true. America
dances in the vomit of its pride, and pride goeth before a fall.
Jeremiah 51:64- ..."Thus shall Babylon sink, and shall
not rise from the evil that I will bring upon her..."
SHIP IS SINKING! For proof that America is Babylon, just watch the
TV. Not only does scripture prove in hundreds of places that Babylon is America (because the characteristics attributed to it in the Bible cannot logically match any other nation), but the research that I and others have done confirms that it and only it is worthy of all the severe judgments God pronounces upon it. Why? It would take a stack of books to explain, but suffice it to say that Amerika is controlled behind the scenes by a group of evil men and agencies (CIA, NSA, NRO, CFR, MJ-12, FBI, FEMA, NATO, IMF, IRS, etc.) who are totally committed to enslaving and controlling everybody, not only in Amerika but the whole world, through the use of electromagnetic, spiritual, psycho-social, biological, and chemical mind-control, with the help of their demonic masters the "reptilians", in order to pave the way for the One World Order, which has its control centers, research and testing facilities, and prison camps (for anyone the government deems a “dissident” or “terrorist”), in Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS), of which just in the United States there are over 140 of them, and which would blow your mind if you saw one. Right now the control center for the western sector of the New World Order is underneath the Denver Airport, which is a very strange place. “. “UFO's” are top-secret military technology (utilizing advanced anti-gravity drives) that the government officially denies exist, even though over 10 millions Americans say they have seen them. Movies are full of flying saucers and aliens and they want us to associate the two and think that they come from other worlds, which they do not. You can see UFO’s yourself, as well as other strange things, if you take Highway 375 out to the little town of Rachel, Nevada (about 120 miles north of Las Vegas) and stop at the famous “black mailbox” or 29.5 mile-marker (currently a white mailbox owned by Steve Medlin). This is 29 and a half miles south of Rachel and is where tens of thousands of people have come to watch UFO’s. Rachel has 70 people in it and they are all government workers, by the way. You can drive past the mailbox on the gravel road, if you want to get closer to where Area 51 is, but you will be followed by unmarked security vehicles the whole time, and they might harass you. If you look in the right place you will see an observation tower located on top of one of the small mountains. It can see for a radius of 80 miles. There are also hidden sensors and mics in the bushes and at different places beside the road. The whole time you are there, you are under constant surveillance. The security is incredible. Unlike other military installations, you cannot drive out to the guard shack; if that happened, you would be arrested already. Since 1998 the government hasn’t even denied the existence of Area 51 anymore. Area 51 has a huge array of surface facilities, including a 50,000-foot long runway, which is the world’s longest. However, most of the facilities are underground. Area 51 is known as “Groom Dry Lake”, since it’s built on the lake bed with that name. It’s also commonly known as DREAMLAND, but not many people know that that stands for Data Repository Establishment And Management land; this is because the idea is to control all of the world’s data and information so every person can be brought under subjection to the New World Order and the Beast. Area 51, aside from testing flying saucers and other craft (like the top-secret Aurora) conducts all sorts of weird experiments, the most insidious perhaps being biological and genetical experimentation on abducted human test subjects. Area 51 is also a leading Illuminati trauma-based mind-control programming center, utilizing the “alien theme”. America, the strongest and wealthiest nation on earth, is the instigator and KEY PLAYER of the conspiracy for the “global takeover” and all of its needed preparatory work. Everything has already been done- they are just waiting for the right time to make the One World Order OFFICIAL. That’s when they will enforce it publicly, and that’s when the Antichrist, or False Messiah, arises. To unite the peoples and nations of the world right before that, there will probably be a fake extraterrestrial event that will produce enough panic in everybody so as to make way for global unity- the only viable “solution”. This would be an artificial alien threat, a staged invasion (this doesn’t mean that “aliens” don’t exist – they would be in on it too, but I digress). It’s already planned, and is called PROJECT BLUEBEAM, and also Project Panic. Advanced holographic projectors will probably beam aliens and flying saucers into the sky all over the world. Then they might show a “saviour in the sky”, who would kill the “aliens” and instantly become a worldwide super-hero. This might be the “image of the beast”, a HOLOGRAM most likely, which the False Prophet makes people worship. Interestingly enough, we have a huge supercomputer in the sky, like a satellite, which operates as the linking station for all the world’s computer networks. It is called the BEAST (Battle Engagement Area Simulator Tracker). There is also the BEAST computer in Brussels, Belgium, which has a file on every person. ![]() “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.” – President Ronald Reagan, in a speech made to the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations, Sept. 21, 1987. Henry Kissinger, in a speech at the 1992 Bilderberg
meeting at Evian-Les-Bains, in France, said- “Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” God’s word has
been corrupted- It is America from which has come the new bible per-versions (not their corrupt source texts, which come from Alexandria, Egypt – Egypt is a type of the world, and God called His Son out of Egypt, His people out of Egypt, Jacob’s bones out of Egypt, and Joseph’s bones out of Egypt, so why would He have His Bible come from there?), that, after the replacing of the Authorized King James Version, have been responsible for this country’s decline, beginning with the Church. “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”- Psalm 11:3. It is this country that has marketed them to the whole world. The Authorized King James Version is the Final Authority for the English-speaking world in this age, and it can be proven that it has NO errors in it. It has produced more FRUITS than any other version and it’s the only reliable translation we have today, even to the extent of being superior to the “original” Greek and Hebrew texts. Its language isn’t that archaic either, contrary to what the new versions tout for their major selling point. Anybody who has memorized large portions of scripture has memorized them in the King James Version, which is much easier to memorize than the new versions. People aren’t memorizing their Bible anymore, and this is because they are using Satanic bible versions that inhibit it. God said in Psalm 12:6-7 that he would preserve His word forever, but this passage is changed in versions like the NIV and NASV. Do you honestly think an all-powerful God would allow puny man to destroy His Bible truth? God’s word can never be abolished, so what Satan has done is make many subtil COUNTERFEITS of it. The true scriptures have culminated in the 1611 Authorized Version, which the new versions do not agree with, but instead contradict in thousands of places, such as taking away key words that prove the deity of Christ (like in 1 Tim. 3:16) and often omitting entire verses (like 1 John 5:7, which proves the concept of a Triune God). Jesus said in Revelation 22:18-19- “For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.” Not surprisingly, this passage is changed in the new versions. They substitute “tree of life” for “book of life”. All the new versions omit the word “study” in 2 Timothy 2:15. “Study” is an extremely important admonition in this day of deception, and something Satan does not want us to do. The NIV completely omits these verses- Matthew 17:21, Matthew 18:11, Matthew 23:14, Mark 7:16, Mark 9:44, Mark 9:46, Mark 11:26, Mark 15:28, Mark 16:9-20, Luke 17:36, Luke 23:17, John 5:4, Acts 8:37, Acts 15:34, Acts 24:7, Acts 28:29, Romans 16:24, I John 5:7. It also takes the word “God” out of the Bible 468 times. Did you know that five people on different translating committees for the new versions have lost their ability to speak? An example is Kenneth Taylor, who, halfway though his paraphrase of the Holy Scriptures that he named the “Living Bible” (which takes away “Lord” 2368 times), mysteriously lost his power of speech, and now can only speak in a hoarse whisper. Psalm 31:18a says “Let the lying lips be put to silence”. Another example is Phillip Schaff, who was the director for the American Standard Version, which formed the foundation for the NASB. He lost his ability to speak after working with Wescott and Hort on the Revised Version and the ASV. Jesus said in Luke 1:20, "And, behold, thou shalt be dumb, and not able to speak... because thou believest not my words..." Westcott
and Hort were unsaved occultists. They played a huge
role in bringing about the new bible versions by working with Origen
and Jerome's Roman Catholic
The King James Version is taken from God's line of texts, the "Textus Receptus".
is what Rev. Timothy Tow said in a message he preached at Perth,
Australia, on June 2000- “There is a saying, "Truth Will Out." We have now widespread evidence that both Westcott and Hort were Necromancers. They were founders of the Hermes Club which was infested with homosexuality, which developed into a Ghost Club, nicknamed the “Bogey Club” (Bogey means Devil). Westcott and Hort were friends of Charles Darwin and Sigmund Freud (which The Straits Times called a Fraud). They were secret worshippers of Mary. They ridiculed Evangelical Christians. They denied every fundamental of the Faith, and called the Temptation and Fall a myth.” Reverend Tow knew what he was talking about. In another message two years later (May 5, 2002), he gave some of the same information, although worded differently-
is another reason why Westcott and Hort must be rejected and that is the
character of these men. It has lately been revealed these two men were
friends of Darwin and Freud (called a Fraud in The Straits Times). They
were modernists and liberals of the deepest dye. They
called the Genesis account of the Fall a myth, and rejected the
fundamentals of the Faith, such as the Virgin Birth, the Blood
Atonement, the infallibility and inerrancy of the Scriptures, the miracles
and resurrection of our Lord. They were secret worshippers of Mary.
Westcott founded a Hermes Club in Cambridge which became infested with
homosexuals. Later it became a Ghost Club for the study of spirits of the
This is what “Harpers' Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience” has to say, on page 594- "Symbols are important to all esoteric teachings, for they contain secret wisdom accessible only to the initiated."
The NIV and the NASV equate Jesus with Satan. In Isaiah 14:12, they blasphemously refer to Lucifer as the “morning star”. That title belongs to Jesus, as He is called the “morning star” in Revelation 22:16. The NIV, ASV,
and NASV omit the ending for the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6:13- “For
thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” Why? "I must under God denounce every attachment to the
New American Standard Version. I'm afraid I'm in trouble with the
Lord...We laid the groundwork; I wrote the format; I helped interview some
of the translators; I sat with the translator; I wrote the preface. When
you see the preface to the New American Standard, those are my
words...it's wrong, it's terribly wrong; it's frightfully wrong...I'm in
trouble;...I can no longer ignore these criticisms I am hearing and I
can't refute them. The deletions are absolutely frightening...there are so
many. The finest leaders that we have today haven't gone into it [new
versions of Wescott and Hort’s corrupted Greek text] just as I
hadn't gone into it...that's how easily one can be deceived...Are we so
naive that we do not suspect Satanic deception in all of this?" Jeremiah
23:36- With the advent and use of the new versions, America’s churches have fast been spiraling towards the black hole of apostasy. This is part of the great “falling away” of 2 Thess. 2:3. America is full of seminaries and Bible colleges whose “blind guides” (of Matt. 23:24) strain at a gnat (make a lot of fuss about little things) and swallow a camel (think nothing about big things). They lead the sheep astray and cause them to doubt God’s words (Yea, hath God said?). The faculty of most Bible colleges promote and use more than one bible version. When you set up two or more conflicting authorities, you establish YOURSELF as the final authority. America’s vast array of religious institutions, denominational or otherwise, are ignorant of the truth and teach false doctrine, and produce in those that come to them to find out the truth, the feeling that the truth is boring. The spirit of oppression reigns where the Holy Spirit doesn’t. For the second part of this article, CLICK HERE
at 10-9-02 revision